I forget a lot! help me!

When I was little I forgot so many times! One day when I was 11 my little sister was dressing up she said dont come I am dressing but then I forgot so I came to eat something from the room she was in then suddenly she screamed at me then she never forgave me! Just help me some I forget a lot I even forget my easy password!

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Comments ( 4 )
  • dirtybirdy

    Was she dressing a salad in the kitchen?

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  • Avant-Garde

    Why was this categorised in "fears". It would have been better suited for "health". Anyway, I think you should go see a doctor about this, like perhaps a specialist.

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  • ygrowup

    People remember what is most important to them, and often some just have a mind that has many things going on in it at the same time. Don't fret though, for intelligent people with lots on their mind, they use there phone for all important reminders and then let there minds go for other things

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  • handsignals

    You have probably forgotten you posted this.

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