I forgot to flush the toilet at work when i took a shit

So, I work in retail and we were preparing our store to reopen up.(in case you are reading this in the future then this occurred during lockdown in the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic)

I was putting some stock out until I needed to take a dump so I went upstairs to the staff toilet in the back and took a dump and I think, by mistake, I've forgotten to flush the toilet?

Apparently one of the other workers made a huge deal about it and everyone had to stay behind (past our scheduled time, unpaid, to be briefed by the manager about how this is not acceptable). This was in a group, not like a one to one with the manager.

In the end, everyone was just discussing this saying that this was disgusting blah blah (you get it) between all of us. After maybe 20-30 minutes the manager told us all "tomorrows a new day, as much as I would like someone to own up - that's not gonna happen. Clock out and go home"

Obviously, you can only imagine the embarrassment that I "forgot" to flush. My question is, has this ever happened to you? And should I be worried?

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Comments ( 17 )
  • litelander8

    I think them seeking out the “shitter” is invasive as fuck. Dude, shit happens. People get bubble-guts.

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    • Scherfal

      Yah that's true... I just can't believe I forgot to flush thou ;/ Not sure if its because I never take a shit when I'm not home? Like I would never take a shit when I'm out in public unless I really have to.

      But its also the comments that other people have said that its disgusting whoever did that. Ofc I feel disgusted in myself but its like hearing those conversations but then also joining in.

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      • litelander8

        I honestly would be discussed with them. I’m sorry that people are making for feel guilty for doing a bodily function.

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        • Scherfal

          Well, good thing no one really knew it was me (some might have some suspicions) after managers making it a big deal but no one really commented on it in the last few days coming in to work.

          Yesterday somebody lost their radio (the walkie-talkie we use to communicate with the other staff) and everyone stayed behind (unpaid) to look for that lost radio. I did make an angry comment "great! Someone does a shit, we all gotta stay behind, someone lost their radio, we all gotta stay behind. What next?" lol.

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    Lol I'd love to know why your manager thought someone would just own up to it. It's not like someone forgot to turn the computer off, it's literally whose shit is this?

    Lmao imagine raising your hand "yeah Bob it was me, I shit that big one out around 6:20"

    It's normal, shit happens. Move on from it and just check next time.

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    • Scherfal

      I mean, that's literally what happened... He even said the exact time that someone noticed it.

      I've learned my lesson, I should really check next time before leaving the toilet stall, but man, couldn't someone just flush it and/or make put it forward to management and then management would just tell us that "oh look, someone forgot to flush please can we just remember to flush so it's clean for the next person" Instead of just making it a big deal?

      Of course, if its an ongoing issue then everyone staying behind to be brified would be understandable.

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  • XYXY

    Are you sure it was you and not someone else who went in after you. You could just be being paranoid because you’re not used to preforming that particular bodily function at work.

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    • Scherfal

      I could be paranoid but I'm sure it was me. Good thing everyone moved on and no one commented about it in these last few days. Guess everyone forgot. But making it a big deal was not necessary.

      Maybe if we all stayed behind for two minutes just for the managers to say "look, someone here went and took a shit and forgot to flush - don't care who it was but just please be careful next time and make sure to flush"

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  • Tommythecaty

    Good, nice to see it makes them “shitty” 🤭

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  • SmokeEverything

    You absolutely have to continue to do it. Think how annoyed your manager will be finding a poop in the toilet literally every day.

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  • Lyonsfarm

    You end your post by saying "Should I be worried ? "
    Well the answer to that is clearly YES!!
    I assume that as you are of working age, you are an adult?
    That being the case you should be acting and behaving like one.
    Did you not receive toilet training as a child? How can any adult forget to flush? I can only hope you remembered to wash your hands after using the toilet, but somehow I even doubt that.
    You say that other workers made a big thing of this incident. Well, who can blame them? Why should someone else have to deal with the filthy mess that you left behind? Would you like it if the same thing had happened to you? And lets not forget the inconvenience that you caused to your fellow workers by them having to stay behind after their working day had ended to be given an unpaid briefing by your manager.
    Grow up, behave in a more mature way, and show proper respect to your colleagues and those around you.

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  • BlackButler

    I flush immediately. Then wipe, then flush again.

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  • McSorley

    You disgusting dumbfuck!

    I kid, I kid. You're human, you forgot. It happens. Now forget that you forgot and just forget about it.

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  • raisinbran

    This is like an episode of IASIP... leave another one on the floor this time (keep the mystery and intrigue going).

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    • Scherfal

      Hmm, never watched that. Tell me more?

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      • raisinbran

        It's a show about a newlywed couple each with three kids from a previous marriage. The children are constantly lying and backstabbing each other.

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  • Mammal-lover

    I've done that on occasion. Ots stupid easy to do

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