I get irritated when people misuse words to appeal to emotion

I really get irritated when ignorant people use words inaccurately, especially if they are loaded words, for the purpose of stirring up controversy. For example, someone who inflicts pain is automatically regarded as a "sadist", even when the perpetrator did not derive pleasure from the pain inflicted. People use the word "pedophile" even when both have fully hit puberty. People use the word "lie" even when there's no intent to deceive or hide the truth from others. People use the word "squid" and "octopus" interchangeably.

I'm not talking about when people use words as expressions and already know what the real definition is (ex. when people use the word "literally" to emphasize but most people know what literally really means). I'm talking about when people misuse words as an appeal to emotion and the public eats it up. This really irritates me.

Is this normal?

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71% Normal
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Comments ( 13 )
  • Im going to start calling octopus, squid, just to piss people off.

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  • thegypsysailor

    In what way are "squid" and "octopus" loaded words, used for the purpose of stirring up controversy?

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    • reminiscent

      I was concerned about this as well lol

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    • VirgilManly

      Don't say those words, you'll get them upset.

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    • On videos with squids, people start calling them "Octillery" or "Squidward".

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      • slings_and_arrows


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        • thegypsysailor

          I do believe this op could use a few q-tips before watching nature videos. They actually have intelligent dialog, unlike porn videos, so I'm told anyway.
          Perhaps the word he heard was octopi. However, Squidward Tentacles is a fictional character, so maybe he wasn't watching nature videos after all. Did Squidward Tentacles make a porn video? lol

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          • slings_and_arrows

            I looked it up, octillery is from Pokemon. I thought this was a serious post, but OP is nuts. Actually maybe he has seen people use those words on youtube videos of squids and octopuses and he didn't understand.

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            • It's a serious post, all right. However, I added the "squid and octopus" example because I was running out of ideas on how people misuse words. That misuse actually doesn't irritate me that much, as it's usually a joke.

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  • Jeaneathean

    It's a tabloid newspaper mentality many people are brought up with. Look at the headlines in the shit newspapers. There is no mild annoyance, it's always 'fury'. Things are not objected to, they are 'slammed'. Something a bit unusual is a 'shock'. Slight annoyances are 'chaos' and cause 'untold misery'. Prices don't go up by 2%, they 'soar'.

    I could continue but I'm starting to irritate myself.

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    • MrQuirky2015

      Yeah, those headlines always annoy me, like when the Duck Dynasty guy, who, if people watched their show, and knew who they were, they would know that they are Christian, when he was asked about his opinion on gay marriage, which was obviously that he did not approve of it, the headline said that "Phil Robertson makes anti-gay remarks" or whatever. It was not "anti-gay"! It was the truth; being gay is a sin. But that doesn't mean that he hates gay people; he just doesn't approve of their lifestyle

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  • The one word that comes to mind and is a perfect example of this: "Misogyny".

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  • slings_and_arrows

    I feel like the OP. I hate 'about' sections on people's profiles where they say things like: "I'm addicted to rice crispies," "I'm obsessed with rain " etc. coz they never really are. It's just inflated language and they all use it, so it's not fun anymore. If they had an aspergic obsession with rain, that might actually be interesting. I've never come across the squid/octopus thing though.

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