I get lint in the top of my butt crack
is it normal to get lint in the top of your butt crack? i noticed that i have that sometimes.
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is it normal to get lint in the top of your butt crack? i noticed that i have that sometimes.
You probably run around a lot and sweat. Leave this person alone, you guys are all arseholes. they're asking if it's normal and you just bash them. you're normal hun.
I really wash myself very well when i shower, which is everyday, and I have the same problem as you do. I think it comes from when your underwear rubs against ur butt, and that rubs fibers off the underwear and it gets stuck in your crack.
obviously. where else would the lint come from? the top of the but crack s just an awkward place. it cant quite decide on whether it wants to be part of your back or your ass. its an oddball body part. nothing quite like it. except for dimples on your cheeks... pun intended
That must be a result of the material of your underwear. That's never happened to me, not that I've noticed, anyway. If it doesn't bother you, just get it out in the shower everyday. If it does, try wearing a different fabric.
Sometimes I get a hair stuck there and when I pull it out it tickles. Seriously. The mystery lint is probably TP and furrballs from your undies.
Yeah I think it's normal.
I think it's toilet paper residue.
That's why I prefer to take a dump just before showering.
Change the kind of underwear your using dont use 100%% cotton thats what its from and shve ur crack to that will help
Had to look up what that meant. how the fuck are you from illinois and use british slang to be homophobic, despite the conversation not having anything to do with gay people, while simultaniously saying things that would RUIN your life if they went public. Just a tip from one human to another, no employer wants someone on their team that encourages others to kill themself, and in case you aren't caught up with the times, homophobia is harshly looked down upon in the modern day. It also just so happens to be than your comment has absolutely nothing to do with the question at hand.