I get shivers over scratchy stuff and start crying

So: If I am near Cheap-Quality paper, Chalk, Blackboards, Aluminium, or anything like that, I start scratching it and I don't like the feel of it, then I start shaking and getting goosebumps and start crying.

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20% Normal
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Comments ( 3 )
  • thegypsysailor

    I doubt it's normal, but it seems the solution to this problem would be not to scratch them.

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    • LukeJames

      I know, but its really tempting.

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      • thegypsysailor

        I had a friend who went to the doctor, complaining that his are hurt terribly when he lifted it in a certain way. After a thorough examination the doctor told him, "If your arm hurts terribly when you lift it just that way, I would suggest that you don't do it."

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