I get stuck in lucid dreams

I have dreams where I am aware that I am in a dream frequently. They seem normal to me and sometimes fun. But there are times where I will be in my dream experiencing something terrifying and I will try so hard to wake up even reaching the point where I will open my eyes and see my room for a split second and then the dream will literally pull me back in over and over. It is so much effort to pull myself out of these dreams and I wake up sweating and tired from struggling. What could be causing this? And what helps?

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Comments ( 8 )
  • bittermayonnaise

    Put something next to your bed that will protect you, sounds crazy but it works.

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  • Philia

    I used to sleep in a closet because of those kinds of dreams.

    I haven't found a way to get rid of them, but marijuana helps me sleep without dreaming sometimes.

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    • Tempest-au

      How the hell does sleeping in a closet help? you're still going to dream!

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      • Philia

        As nonsensical as it is, it did help sometimes. Everything's all in your head, after all. It doesn't always make sense.

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        • Tempest-au

          Fair enough - I guess if it works, it works.

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  • Klobez

    This has happened to me so many times... the more terrifying a dream becomes the more difficult it is to get out. Sometimes it is pure evil. Keep a knife or scissors under your pillow or on a table beside the bed - it keeps away the evil spirits. I don't really believe in such stuff but it seems to work. You must have seen Constantine. The actress says she doesn't believe in Satan and the existence of such things but John says, "You should because He(Satan) believes in you!" There are evil spirits in every culture/religion on earth - i.e. until we get a good scientific explanation.

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  • Sprutta

    It is normal, but please be carfull as this is almost sleep paralisis, or it may be considerated as such, but some sleep paralizis incident are absolutely terrufying, yet harmless. Sleep paralizis is when your mind is wajing up but your body is still stuck in the sleep and it takes a certain time before you can find back you motricity, at the same time you are awake, you can see everything but can't move, and most of the time poeple exeriencing this also experience alucinations such as someone or something wanting to kill them if they don't waje up now. It is normaly rare but it happens a lot more often when lucid dreaming. So just be carefull to not panic if you try to wake up and it doesn't work, your body is probably just not ready yet and it may take a minute.

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  • Missfiftyshades

    Like what? Just something I think would lol

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