I got my cat declawed for a justifiable reason.

all three of my cats ate declawed, because I was diagnosed with a very weak immune system due to type one diabetes. I had my cats before the diagnoses, but they ate the only beings that I have in this world that sincerely love me. I couldn't give that up. it wasn't until my lil kitten named Stacy accidentally scratched me that I got them declawed. I aquired a life threatening staph infection from the wound, and I spent 18 days in the hospital, near death. my cats are in a loving home and I will never leave them or rehome them. I am a loyal cat owner. but I couldn't be a loyal cat owner if I was near death all the time due to infections. I had to get them all declawed so I wouldn't have to take them to a shelter, possibly to their deaths. I believe there are justifiable reasons to declaw a cat. I don't care if you guys think it is cruel, I love my cats and they clearly love me and sleep with me every night and follow me everyday.

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Comments ( 94 )
  • Avant-Garde

    That's incredibly selfish. You made all of your cats go through a inhumane and torturous amputation all because of you and your lack of understanding/intelligence that some things are more important than you.

    How would you like it if someone chopped of your toes and fingers and expected you to make a quick and fully functional recovery. You'd have to learn how walk all over again and get a prosthetic and possibly put on disability. Let's say you had kids, and they broke your stuff and injured you. Would you take them to a doctor to have their limbs chopped off?

    http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Onychectomy (go down to "declawing practices".)

    You've caused an act of cruelty towards your animals. You don't deserve their love. If you really cared about them you would have done the mature thing and giving them to a loving home. You make me sick.

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    • westoptic

      ^This x10.

      OP: If you need to mutilate an animal in order for it to fit your life circumstances, maybe you should consider a different pet. Or no pets altogether.

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      • mviglianese

        and it is your business whether i do it or not. this is why I'm not friends with people, it's so rare nowadays to find someone with sympathy. it's notmutilation, they had the procedure, THEIR KNUCKLES ARE INTACT and they healed. the had a week of recovery time, and they were back to normal. stop exaggerating about everything.

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        • westoptic

          Also, you asked this question to this entire website, so yes, it is my business because you specifically made it so.

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          • mviglianese

            not to people that are going to be assholes about it.

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            • westoptic

              You didn't make that distinction. And that's just your opinion anyway, maybe we think you're the one being the asshole. Maybe we're not wrong.

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            • nouwillbeembarrased

              So, when someone gives their opinion about you're asked question and you don't agree with them it makes them ''assholes'' wtf? Lmao you knew you were going to get answers and opinions that you didn't like..

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            • Indemand

              Clearly, you are the only asshole here. Certainly with that attitude.

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        • westoptic

          Stop mutilating your animals for your own selfish reasons and maybe people who actually love animals wouldn't be so pissy with you.

          Here is the Humane Societies stance on declawing, it says it all for me, and trust me, an organization that works for the welfare of animals knows a lot more about declawing than you do.


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          • mviglianese

            omg stop exaggerating. it's not mutilation and it wasn't a selfish reason. just get the hell off of my post if you're going to harass me about this.

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            • Indemand

              Not mutilation?

              Let's chop of your fingers, give it a week until it doesn't hurt no more, then tell me you're fine with it.

              It's not just about the pain, it's about the instincts cats have and how frustrating it must be for these cats not being able to do the things normal cats can do.

              I understand and respect your decision, and I'm not saying whether it was the correct thing to do or not. I'm honestly not even sure myself what the right thing to do was in your circumstance.

              But don't you dare be so rude when you're the one who posted this question in the first place. You can't just do that, and then get angry when you get opposing views. How ignorant and self centered of you.

              Whether you like it or not- whether it was the right decision or not- Declawing IS mutilation, it IS inhumane, and there's simply no denying these facts.

              And for you to post this hear, simply dismissing and getting angry when people say something you don't want to here, well that's just down right mindless and selfish.

              You just want reassurance that's what it is, and can't handle accepting and fully considering the facts of the situation; convinced with what you WANT to believe, purely for your own sense of disillusioned morality.

              Grow up.

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            • catwhisperer88

              Idiot yes it is mutilation ! In order to declaw a cat they have to cut of the first knuckle!

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    • MissesAnonymous23

      I grew up with cats in my life, and we sometimes had them declawed because they were violent if we tried to trim their nails, and they would always get stuck in things like the carpet or the couch; I hated seeing that :(

      I'm not trying to be ignorant at all, because that's how I grew up; I thought everyone did it; but is it really inhumane to declaw a cat? (Serious question, not trying to start anything).

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      • (s)aint

        Your cats wont get stuck in things if you cut their claws properly, and they wont get violent if you do this regularly and from a very young age.

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        • MissesAnonymous23

          We couldn't from a young age because they were always older rescues. And I was young so I didn't know how to cut their claws.

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          • (s)aint

            Understandable, I made mistakes too when I was younger. Just to clarify, are you from the states?
            Because I spoke to a girl from the states about cats once, and she thought of it as very common and not bad at all whilst it is VERY, VERY rare and mostly looked down upon in Sweden.

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            • MissesAnonymous23

              Oh, I didn't even think to tie in where people come from. Yes I'm from the states.

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      • Smackdatho

        dont feel too bad. i dont know why everyone is being so fucking mean to you. but de-clawing a cat is cutting off part of their fingers leading to further issues.

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        • MissesAnonymous23

          I had no idea it was so awful. I've literally had declawed kitties since I was 3; I thought everyone did it :(

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      • Avant-Garde

        Don't feel bad, you didn't know any better. And yes, it is inhumane. This is why there is such strict ruling on the practice in many countries.

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  • thegypsysailor

    So what will your solution be when one of the cats bites you? You know accidentally, when you are feeding it or playing around, or in my case when I accidentally stepped on her tail while she was watching some otters teasing her in the cockpit (no shit, this really happened), and I got a bad infection.
    "Hello, is this the dentist? I have three cats and....."

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    • mviglianese

      bites are less common than scratches, my cats have never bitten me. even myy eight year old

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      • mviglianese

        all my cats are spayed so they really don't tussle around and bite like they did when they were younger, so it's not as big of an issue. plus, their teeth really aren't as sharp as their claws, at least in my cats. either way, in eight years,I haven't been bitten.

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  • Karmasbitch

    Declawing your damn cats?! They need their little claws.

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    • RoseIsabella

      My cat is so sweet he needs his claws for protection and so do all kitty cats. But he almost never uses his claws not even when he's smacking my Auntie's crazy shih tzu.

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    • mviglianese

      they are indoor cats. they don't set foot outside, actually they are quite afraid of outside. I think they need a stable loving, permanent home more than their claws if they they are completely indoor cats

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      • nouwillbeembarrased

        You and your agrument don't make any sense at all, why were they given claws anyway?
        Because they use their claws for almost everything and they get the bones removes of the claws too, it's a painfull and cruel thing to do, think about it's like losing all of your fingers!
        My cat's have scratched me sometimes but I'd never to that too them it's just cruel!

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  • Put down the cake.

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    • RoseIsabella

      ...and pick up tha pie and ice cream, mmm mmm.

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      • No not that either.

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        • RoseIsabella

          Oh hell to the yeah!!! Amen, brother Kitty-cat!

          Hallelujah, praise tha Lord!

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          • Why do so many people like icecream anyway? It really is overrated.

            There is no lord.

            But say it anyway.

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            • RoseIsabella

              I love cream because of it's creamy goodness like milk from an angel cow's titties! Yummy yummy.

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            • RoseIsabella

              Testify, Brother Kitty-cat!

              Brothers and Sisters, ya got ta put DOWN that cake! Don't cha touch them pies, those sweet sugah cookies, they full of the Devil's sugah!

              Can I get an Amen?

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    • mviglianese

      type one diabetes. not type two. type one is genetic lol I'm 150lbs

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  • dom180

    I think the best solution would be not to own any more animals after your cats have passed away.

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  • lolol555

    Why the fuck not use SoftPaws nail caps? Once successfully attached, your cat can't scratch you anymore and it doesn't have to have its claws removed.

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    • mviglianese

      if you read the whole thread, I answered that question already.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I would never declaw my best friend. I trim his nails whenever he needs it and he takes it like a champ. I also give him baths. I think the secret to easy grooming is starting young. My only regret is that I never started with brushing his teeth.

    I guess I'm blessed to have the awesome cat that I do! As far as OP is concerned I'm very sorry that he or she has such bad diabetes but I will probably never understand the decision to declaw for any reason. I hope someday they find a way to cure or reverse diabetes. In my humble opinion a very gentle dog would make a more suitable companion for someone in such a delicate condition.

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    • robbieforgotpw

      I thought cats hated baths Rosie?

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      • RoseIsabella

        Mine doesn't. I started giving him baths when he was a baby after I brought him home at nine weeks old. We get in the tub together and I wash him like an infant. For sanitary reasons I wear a bathing suit but otherwise everything works out fine. I blow dry him with my hair dryer and brush and comb him out afterwards. Andrew is the best Kitty! I guess he's kinda dog like but that's the beauty of the Siamese breed.

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        • robbieforgotpw

          Where did u get him?
          Do u have to coax him into the tub or do u hold him when u get in?
          Will he jump in if you're already in the tub?

          What happened to your gold? I thought someone gifted it to u

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          • RoseIsabella

            Actually, how I got him is complicated.

            I just get in the tub with him mostly. Sometimes I get in first and when I'm ready I pick him up and put him in because a lot of the time he's just outside of tub chillin like a villain. But my little man isn't perfect. Every morning around 5 or 6am he gets the zooms and runs around the house like a lunatic. Also when he wants attention or if he wants me to get up off my ass he gives me little bites on my hands. If I act like it hurts he stops and stares at me with my hand still in his mouth. It's so cute!

            He's sleeping in my lap now as I write this. Do you have any pets?

            Oh, I probably need to take my message about the Gold down, sorry about that.

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            • robbieforgotpw

              I have a pet rock. Did the cat in the link I sent recently look like he's in a cat bed on his back OR just sitting with face on his paws underneath? Hmmm? Pic is inconclusive but it almost looks like he's tucked in the sheets lol?

              Here's the link again, it's a mystery to me


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  • mviglianese

    I will only look into adopting cats that have been declawed by previous owners. it really did make me feel bad to do it, but I promised them I would never part with them and I would give them a loving home. so it was my belief that I couldn't go back on that promise. but I was also getting infections from them, every few months and I had to wear oven mitts to handle them, or risk getting a fatal infection from a scratch. this made me feel worst of all, I couldn't even pick up my babies that I love dearly. like I said, I will not adopt cats with claws, but I will look into adopting cats that have been declawed by a previous owner, which would be good for the declawed cat, because I am very careful with declawed cats, never letting them go outside. and any cats I adopt in the future will be spayed out neutered, to keep them from running away, and also so I won't have to risk getting an infection from cleaning up their spraying. lol I already have to wear tons of protective gear when I change their litter box

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    • noid

      I understand. I wouldnt give my cats away either. Some probably adjust ok but mine are very shy and would be trauamatized if suddenly abandoned in a new home with strangers. Declawing is less common than it used to be but there are still plenty of cats that get declawed, and yes they do end up in shelters. I see no reason you couldnt adopt them someday when you want more cats. Also some of them seem to do just fine minus their claws, so dont let someone convince you they are all in horrible pain forever afterward or whatever.

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      • mviglianese

        thank you:) and it's not like I wanted to get it done, but I wasn't going to give them to a shelter. they were a part of my life for too long and I had them much longer than I've had my illness. they were in pain for maybe a week then they were back to their normal varsity track star selves lol. and yes, any future adoptions I makewill only be pre declawed cats.

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  • mviglianese

    my babies are incredibly special:) in thefuture I ever need to adopt I would look at cats already declawed. I'm sure they have aa hard time finding a forever home

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  • Short4Words

    I think that's perfectly justifiable. When or if you decide to adopt a new cat or animal into your home though, you have to take into consideration what you might have to do. Declawing them was necessary of course but it should not have to happen again.

    I do hope you find someone that loves you the way you want to be loved.

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  • mviglianese

    for this to happen again the circumstances would have to be extreme. I would seriously question whether I should have a cat, and hope my judgement isn't impaired enough to make the right decision. luckily that would be after much thought an consideration, and I hope there will be factors in the equation that will still let me be an open home, whether they are already declawed or not.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    Why the hell are so many of you being assholes to the OP? She declawed her cats. She didn't kill them. She didn't chop of their limbs. She declawed them. And she did it for a justifiable reason. She felt that was the right thing to do. Nothing wrong with that. She's taking care of them. She's making sure they have a safe home. That's what matters. I'm pretty damn positive they're not in anymore pain. They lived to tell the tale and moved on with their lives. God, I swear this whole site is filled with a bunch of PETA hugging, oversensitive hippies?!

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    • (s)aint

      The thing is that to me, and probably everyone that has ever been around cats for a longer amount of time, cats are VERY dependant on their claws. So in MY book it IS kind of amputation.

      BUT, I know that I'd probably do the same thing if that had been the only way for me to keep my pets ... But I'd still not deny that it WOULD have been a selfish action.

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      • mviglianese

        I wasnt bieng selfish, but I'm not sending my cats to a shelter, not knowing if they will be put down or not. I don't have many people friends,but declawing seemed like the only way to GUARANTEE them a loving home

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        • nouwillbeembarrased


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        • (s)aint

          Isn't there other options for cats? Around here MANY organisations works day and night to rescue cats, many with a "no kill" policy, meaning that they would never put down a healthy individual.

          I can otherwise relate to your way of thinking, currently trying to find a new home for one of my cats due to the fact that she has been pissing indoors for almost a year now and the situation is getting far too stressful for both her and me. If I can't find her a good home that seems promising and life lasting she is to be put down ... I wont risk giving her to someone who just throws her out on the streets or having her move from temporarily homes due to her being very shy.

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          • mviglianese

            ohhhh don't put her down:(((( and believe me I tried looking for any other solution, with no luck. it was very stressful

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            • (s)aint

              I'd hate for it to come to that too :/ Currently trying to have her in one room unsupervised ( With a window open so that she can run outside too if she wants too) and then she is allowed to be indoors with me and the other cat only when I'm awake and home to supervise her.

              I'm just so stressed out at the moment and wihtout a clue about who the hell would adopt an easily stressed cat that rather lives alone with her human/s and without a dog.

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      • KeddersPrincess

        That's a reasonable answer and it makes sense. But for all these people getting pissed off at this girl and treating her like shit she because she made the decision to declaw her cat. I'm sorry, but they're in the wrong.

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        • (s)aint

          I'm as said torn. I would most likely do the same thing if i had been in her shoes. I know how strong your love is for an animal. But it still doesn't make it right you know?

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    • nouwillbeembarrased

      You sound like those damn trolls that like to torture any animal! And don't swear you B****!

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      • KeddersPrincess

        Oh. People still reply to this?

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  • mviglianese

    I'm not going to let my illness get in the way of giving a cat or two a good forever home.

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  • ThatCreepyWhiteGuy

    Bezekiras, KILL HIM!!!

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    • ThatCreepyWhiteGuy

      For those who don't know what a bezekira is, google it.

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  • catwhisperer88

    That's his way of pushing his problem onto someone else

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  • macaroniheyo

    woah. i honestly didnt know it wasnt normal to declaw your cat. although, i would never declaw any future cats. the cat i had when i was younger, my mom got declawed(she later then made me give him away because he bit people, and thought i was ridiculously for wanted to visit him:( ) Most cats ive seen were declawed. i thought most people did that.

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    • mviglianese

      it was a common practice but was ruled as a cruel procedure when people found out the vet would remove a whole knuckle to get the claw out, which in today's veterinary medicine, is not necessary. just like a human's fingernails are not a part of the knuckles, cats claws are a whole seperate structure from the knuckle. knowing this, vets now can easily remove just the claw, leaving the entirepaw intact. also, there is a lot less pain and recovery time for the cat because less bone is bieng removed.

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      • macaroniheyo

        Aww, that's sad. Are there any vets who only remove the claw?

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        • mviglianese

          yeah most vets today only remove the claw. it's considered standard practice. remember I say most*

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  • mviglianese

    thank you for understanding kedders, Its nice to know someone understands :)

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  • mviglianese

    might I add that I also tried those claw caps before I made the decision to declaw, but they are unreliable. my cats have boundless energy and they run around the house so they fall off quick. I got the infection because I picked up Stacy not knowing a couple of the claw caps popped off. believe me I tried everything within my financial, physical, and emotional power not to have to declaw, but there was no other way. and no I won't give my babies to " someone else who isn't so cruel"

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