I got the stress pee blues........

I am a younger nursing home resident with a small problem. Strong emotion seems to make me incontinent. Even a sad song can set it off (which is a bit of a problem as I grew up with blues & murder ballads, which I still love today).
One of the other residents parked his own wheelchair in front of mine when he knew I was dying to relieve myself, & seemed to find the resulting fallout really funny. Staff are, by & large, good, & prompt but there's always the odd nurse who finds someone's trips to the smallest room far too frequent, & that someone usually tends to be me. I've an en-suite bathroom too, there's a stack of books there (I take THAT LONG)

Grew up with various pets & I know they can be incontinent when stressed but never heard of that happening to a human. Certain clothes make it worse too. I'm on Sanctura but all it does is give me headaches & make my mouth feel like someone's laid a carpet in it. Anyone got any natural remedies to suggest??

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Comments ( 3 )
  • KingTermite

    Avoid stress? Push harder? Look up, not sure why but that sometimes helps some guys.

    You could just not worry about it at all and just pee on yourself and let it be someone else's problem. From what I hear, a lot of people in nursing homes seem use the "pee on themselves" strategy... there must be a reason.

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    • SandyGun5555

      You are a fucking idiot.

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      • KingTermite

        This would seem to be your prevailing opinion.

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