I had an embarrassing situation involving genophobia
If you've read my last is it normal post, you know why I have this fear. If you wish to know, you can go read it.
Anyways, I have a fear of being touched on the back, but it used to be a lot worst. I had severe genophobia, which is the phobia of sexual situations. This developed a long time ago. To deal with this phobia, my therapist had asked me to start doing exercises where I stress the observation of sexual actions, which basically means to watch porn as to get used to the idea of sex. It actually helped a lot when it was combined with a series of exercises.
I still keep to these exercises even today, especially whenever that fear is triggered. A few days ago, my friend was trying to be funny, and stole my phone.
He got onto the app I use for this exercise (I don't use safari, because I don't like the idea of them tracking my history logs) and found the porn I had on there. He's been awkward around me ever since he found it and I have no idea how to tell him why I had that. I'd rather he not think I was some kind of pervert, but I'm too nervous as to tell a male about my past fear.
Does anyone have any advice?