I had an embarrassing situation involving genophobia

If you've read my last is it normal post, you know why I have this fear. If you wish to know, you can go read it.

Anyways, I have a fear of being touched on the back, but it used to be a lot worst. I had severe genophobia, which is the phobia of sexual situations. This developed a long time ago. To deal with this phobia, my therapist had asked me to start doing exercises where I stress the observation of sexual actions, which basically means to watch porn as to get used to the idea of sex. It actually helped a lot when it was combined with a series of exercises.

I still keep to these exercises even today, especially whenever that fear is triggered. A few days ago, my friend was trying to be funny, and stole my phone.

He got onto the app I use for this exercise (I don't use safari, because I don't like the idea of them tracking my history logs) and found the porn I had on there. He's been awkward around me ever since he found it and I have no idea how to tell him why I had that. I'd rather he not think I was some kind of pervert, but I'm too nervous as to tell a male about my past fear.

Does anyone have any advice?

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Comments ( 8 )
  • seekelp

    Well, OP, the way I see it, you have three options:

    1.) Don't tell him and let him keep thinking about what he saw.

    2.) Explain your fear to him.

    3.) Slap him with your penis.

    Choose wisely. It's not an easy choice but that's sometimes how life shakes down.

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    • RozaEnora

      I want to explain it to him, but I honestly don't know how to. Even though I've had this fear for a long time, I'm still pretty uncomfortable talking about sex with the opposite gender seriously. I just don't want him to get the wrong idea and gossip about me.

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      • seekelp

        Well, as it stands, he does have the wrong idea about you. By explaining it he'll have a righter idea.

        Again, I'm not sure how much his opinion matters to you, so you don't really have to. However, if you do value his opinion, you'll have to have the uncomfortable conversation.

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  • Ellenna

    Show him this page!

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  • reminiscent

    I dont understand why he is awkward now...because he most likely has porn too...was your porn weird in some way?

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    • RozaEnora

      And no, the porn wasn't weird. I think it just surprised him since I'm female.

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      • reminiscent

        Girls watch porn too...im a girl and none of my guy friends or bf found it weird....I didnt ever watch a lot if porn as I prefer erotic novels because I like story lines....but still not weird at all.

        You could just tell him u noticed him acting weird and tell him why you have it.... nothing to be ashamed of

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  • TheYellowThang

    Sex is natural, sex is normal. Condemning somebody else for watching it is not normal.

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