I hate all religions but im not athiest

Its true, it pisses me off like a lot of people I know.

When people tell me they are religious it used to not bother me, even though I'm often argued with and yelled at for not being religious.

Then it finally hit a boiling point and im tired of the ignorance that religious peoples' have towards other people.

I now hate them for it, its not just christians, all of them

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Comments ( 10 )
  • roxeedoodle

    Being spiritual and religious are so different to me... Religious people just look like another brainwashed person who don't want to think over their own ideas. Spiritual people (I'm going by stereotypes here) seem to believe in a greater force but have actually sat down and thought about things other than what the Bible or whatever the religion uses says! Don't be stupid when you say something is your opinion. Search your options. Blah. Yeah, it's normal. LOL

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  • zOMGyouramazing

    Well, I believe in God, but the way all religions act like theirs is right makes me mad. It's a belief. No one knows if theirs is right and no one should try to force their religion on someone else. No one should be persecuted for having a certain faith. I think we should learn to live and let live.

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  • Trent-the-Fallen

    I'm right there with you. I can't stand religion or more specifically religious people, but I also do believe in God. That is why I consider myself agnostic.
    I'm pretty sure God exists, but I'm absolutely sure no religion represents him. This reminds me of two relevant jokes about this sorta thing that I think explains my point.

    Joke1: On Sunday the Church executed all the heretics. On Monday God hung himself because there was no one left who would listen to him.
    Point1: My major problem with all religions is Dogma. Not ever religion calls it Dogma but all of them use something similar. That whole absolutism about everything that they claim god says even when it flys in the faces logic and decency. To explain the joke a bit better, you see a Heretic is anyone who defies the Church
    and the Church claims to speak for God and therefore the Churchs word is absolute. Of Course only God can do that therefore opposing the Religion is not the same as opposing God in fact you might just be closer to cosmic truth than any priest.

    Joke2: A man died and goes to Heaven and is greeted by an Angel. The Angel ask his faith. The Man says he didn't have one in life. The Angel nods and says your paradise is down the hall fourth door on the left, but be quiet until you enter your paradise. The man follows the instructions and finds a paradise filed with atheists and agnostics and an Angel checking to see if he needed anything. The man said he had a few questions mainly "why must I be silent in the Hall and whats with all the other doors?" The Angel smiled and answered "All the doors are for different religions and you must be silent in the hall because they all think they're the only ones up here."
    Point2: God doesn't care about what weird rules and guide lines humans have made up. Understanding what god wants is simple, Don't be a Prick. That's it short, sweet, and simple. If you succeed I don't think any sort of just God cares about what religion you follow.

    In conclusion, be a good person and don't let religious pricks try to define how your relationship with god should work.

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  • Me too, people always try and press their religions on you like an advertisement. I'm pissed at most religions except for Buddhists (I'm Buddhist) because we don't make you be us. I'm especially pissed at Christians, Mormons, and J.W.s because they constantly go to your door. CAN'T YOU RETARDS TAKE A HINT! I'M NOT CHRISTIAN, I'M NOT MORMON, I'M NOT A J.W. I'M A MOTHER F*CKING BUDDHIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • Hohenstaufen

    There are a lot of people who believe in God but don't follow a religion. It's called Faith.

    Whereas there are people out there that are 100% certain that theirs is the true religion. That's fine, we all have our beliefs. Do not, however, shove it in my face.

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  • mandypandy92


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  • mousieroo

    You could be agnostic.

    Or you could just hate religion. That doesn't mean you don't believe, it's just that anything manmade is gonna be full of hypocrits and stuff. You can believe the spiritual stuff though.

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  • Schythl

    Way to go, brother. Down with religion!

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  • tmtd669

    I am personally religious but have struggled with my religion. I have also been frustrated when people blindly take the side of a religion without personally exploring the concept or when a person preaches a religion but doesn't act that way. I do think that you can be a good person or have faith in something without having a specific religion. If you are happy with the way you live then that is great. Don't waste your time worrying or hating others because of their beliefs. Sometimes people get lost in life. Religion is a way of coming to terms with things that are beyond our control. Surely you can relate to that.

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  • Trismegistus

    Maybe you all didn't get the point of the guy here.He hates your guts.(Am I right?)(Yeah)
    He said he hates you!Not just:I don't believe in those religions but I am willing to tolerate them.
    (Right?)(Hell yeah!)If he wanted to have a little chat with you about how being spiritual is different and how all life is sacred and blahblah,he would ask you for it!(Right?)(Right on!Mate)"Don't be stupid".Is that a threat or something?Don't be dumb stop hating me or else?
    Don't listen to those people!Every chance is a good chance to fill you with their lies!
    You are all liars!Liars and hypocrites!
    We don't conform to the rules of the establishment!You stupid posers.
    Fuck your bullshit!See what I do with your bible?(Torns off pages and burns them)
    This is what I wanna do to you.
    Yeah!Walk away!
    Oh my Darwin!You did... good!I mean,it wasn't good.It was just cool.So HardXcore!

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