I hate america and americans. is this normal.

I've always been irritated by their audacity.. but lately this has turned into a deep hatred for Americans. T've met several of them. They are so f**king stupid and they think they rule the world... what a piece of sh*t country..

For the record, I hate Muslims too (perhaps even more).

ok the reason I hate US of f**king A is because they've been responsible for making my favorite herb illegal.. I love weed and because of those f**king retards, the whole f**king world has to make it illegal.

Voting Results
66% Normal
Based on 780 votes (513 yes)
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Comments ( 176 )
  • lovingrisks

    I dont hate America. But I surely hate American Foreign Policies. It's not the American people who are at fault. It's their government who has been misleading them in every direction.

    And dear.....To earn respect for yourself...you should start respecting others first. That's the only way you can win hearts and let people value your opinion.

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  • Flumeghost

    lol, not all Americans are like that, I mean, I know some people who are self-centered, but seriously. You should go to my tiny Minnesotan town, almost everyone's nice there, except a few...

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    • Cardiopatia

      I know some lovely minnesotans! althoug... some of them support wars.. anyways they are lovely!

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  • BurntheOcean

    This is stupid. Way to focus on one country and everyone in it. It's geography man, wtf? The GOVERNMENT, I could at least understand. I mean, I hate the same things you do, and more. But something I've learned, is that humans are humans. I hate our nature, and do not select a single country. That's just...stupid. You are pathetic, go get high.

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  • while we are at it, lets also make coffee illegal. It induces violent murderous tendencies in me.. If a fucking dangerous drug.

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    • yeah, first i never understood why people shouldnt have the right to take any drugs they want if they are over 18. it you commit a crime on that drug, that's a different story.

      and the drug laws make no sense either, you are completely right. murder someone and you can be out in 10 years or less, but sell some weed and they throw away the key. pisses me off too. one of the great injustices of our times bar none.

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      • I don't think it's fair that marijuana is not legal, because I feel the United States Government makes a profit off people who get caught with weed and those who sell it. If you think about it though, I don't think I would want people who were high driving around in our streets. It's bad enough alcohol has made such a huge impact on our society with all the DUI's and alcohol-related deaths and car accidents.

        By the way I really think you should come up with a better reason to hate Americans, we can't help what our government does anymore than you can in wherever the hell you live.

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        • how'd you like the way i defended your vagina though?

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          • LOL. um great job!!!

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      • megamikkila

        Yeah well we de criminalized it in Mass. I have friends who are actually growing pot legally in Massachusetts. So we are getting there, thats worth voting on. I love the cheeba...lol

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    • megamikkila

      This country is great. The government makes it a pile of shit. They love to take your money but when they owe it back to you...its like pulling teeth out of a dinosaur. I paid $380 for my son to go on a field trip payable to the Town...now they say he cannot go because of his grades. Now I am waiting to get my money back, I am a laid off single father and I am pissed. It is like impossible to get it back from them. I hate government so bad I really hope someone bombs the shit out of the congress and White House...I would jump for joy. Lived in this country my whole life...but they are such crooks and thiefs! Totally Outraged at the Town.

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    • megamikkila

      If I can give anyone any advice #1 Never ever vote for any reason. #2 Never ever work for government #3 stock pile as many weapons as you can while you have the chance. #4 Never ever trust the Government.
      One day you will understand what I am talking about...To much to explain to peons at the moment. Either Trust me a real American or the so called "Government".

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    • robbieforgotpw

      If you hate America, just leave and see if you find it better where? Europe? Its being taken over by the 7th century throwbacks with shariah law vying for equal recognition.

      Can you say goodbye to freedom?

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      • Cardiopatia

        Are you kidding? That bullshit about freedom is a 18th century fashion. Most countries are free nowadays, a lot of them a lot more free than the United States of (). And better, haaaaa, there are so many better places. Brazil comes to mind first. Austria, Scotland is lovely, oh, Portugal, so delicious. Turkey is a happy place. Peru, oh, beautiful apartments at the beach and so cheap! and there's so much work to do there and people is willing! Madagascar...Finland... the USA have the money, but it doesn't have the charm. The money runs out, let me tell you ;)

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  • Juche1

    Yes It is normal and right to hate the fascist, imperialist, warmongering tyrants of Amerikkka.

    The U$ is country that is controlled by religions fundamentalist pigs and upholds a Reich wing doctrine to stop revolutionary social changes and scientific progress.

    U$ is also still quite sexist and racist.

    List of atrocities committed by Amerikkka.

    War of 1812 with Canada
    1830's Trail of Tears
    1830s Indian Removal Act
    1846-1848 Mexican-American war
    Native American wars in the west - usage of "scorched earth policy"
    1898 Phillipines, Hawaii and Puerto Rico invasions
    Philippine-American War 1899-1902
    1902 Cuba takeover
    1915-1934 Military occupation of Haiti
    1942-1945 Firebombing of Japan
    1945 - Hiroshima and Nakasaki
    China, 1945-49
    Italy, 1947-48
    Greece, 1947-49
    Philippines, 1945-53
    Korea, 1945-53
    Albania, 1949-53
    Germany, 1950s
    Iran, 1953
    Guatemala, 1953-1990s
    Middle East, 1956-58
    Indonesia, 1957-58
    British Guiana/Guyana, 1953-64
    Vietnam, 1959-75
    Cambodia, 1955-73
    The Congo/Zaire, 1960-65
    Brazil, 1961-64
    Dominican Republic, 1963-66
    Cuba, 1959 to present
    Indonesia, 1965
    Chile, 1964-73
    Greece, 1964-74
    East Timor, 1975 to present
    Nicaragua, 1978-89
    Grenada, 1979-84
    Libya, 1981-89
    Panama, 1989
    Iraq, 1990s
    Afghanistan, 1979-92
    El Salvador, 1980-92
    Haiti, 1987-94
    Yugoslavia, 1999
    Afghanistan occupation 2001-
    Iraq occupation 2003-
    Who's next?

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    • freddy944

      I love america because we do whatever the fu** we want, i hate america because it does to us whatever the fu** it wants. Its a love hate relationship.

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    • Hey, I'm american and I agree with you all the way. I hate this shitty ass county and I'm moving to Germany the moment I get out of college. Just remember, it's not all of us. Just those damned fools in the seats of power, I know that there's a sliver of the population that wants this place to burn. But remember who helped everyone in their time of need!

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      • Cardiopatia

        can I meet you?

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    • MyTwoCentsNJ

      Typical American liberal doouchebag (I am assuming) who gets orgasms from trashing his own country in front of foreigners

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    • commoner

      who's next ??

      Add me to the list.

      Yes it is normal to hate american government. It's worthy of hatred.

      The most corrupt government on the planet....and has been for over 200 years.

      What is not normal is being in denial of the truth about the condition and state of american government

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    • You. YOUR next.

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  • catoman4000

    normal yes...
    but you could state it better
    don't blame the us as for weed blame doctors

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  • shinyspecs

    you're from Canada, aren't you?

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  • BushMonkey

    7 Americans = the whole population of America

    making weed illegal = hating America


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  • brad015

    it is only normal from were you are from. i am from Canada and i hate America cause steven Harper can only suck George bushes fat cock or obama's cock or lick Hillery Clinton pussy. america is going down and it has to bring the rest of the world with it. because of the so called recession going on. that is just f***ed up.

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    • Outsider21

      How the hell did your comment get 3 likes? This site is fucked up

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  • AverageTMcFlannigan

    Normal? No.
    Moral? No.

    Lazy and fashionable? Absolutely.

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    • Dnile13chik

      Well said.
      Stupid to hate anyone because of a stereotype or a few encounters.

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    • nAt2017

      Yay! I like you.

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    • hey nearly is that u?

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  • nkwacky

    I don't hate America, but I hate the superior attitude of almost all Americans. They think they're better than the rest of the world.

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  • BaLLaPlaYa

    Hey buddy u can go fuck urself u stupid mexican just cause u try to smuggle shit over our border - ya americans are fat - but im not the guy who eats mc donalds everyday so fuck off

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  • KokoroComplex

    Hey, not all Americans all not like this. I love the foreign culture and all the Americans you hate are all the ignorant assholes. Yes, I hate them, too and I want to kick them in the cunt. I don't hate you just because you're foreign (I love foreigns), but I can't really agree with you all the way...

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  • TheLogicalJew

    Well, right now it is kind of a worldwide trend to hate America... So, and I am feeling internal conflict about it, I voted yes on this one. But hating america due to laws against weed? Thats just a bad reason. I am an American, and I would honestly be lying if I said I was proud of it. This country has made a lot of poor decisions, and I don't like that one bit. I... I wouldn't say that I hate this country, though I am sure that I have probably said that once or twice, I just disagree with it. The United States needs to leave people alone more often. We barge into other lands and say that we will help them, but only if they then will adopt our flawed system of government. Its absurd.

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  • waxjob

    Are you one of those poor souls that failed to get in on the Age of Aquarius and Enlightenment? Well don’t dwell on the past. Convert now to Islam and help usher in the New Dark Ages! Why should you miss out on all the fun when you can join in on street corner executions, medieval punishments, whippings, weekly be-headings, and spontaneous stoning parties. And here's a big plus for all you guys...relationship problems will be a thing of the past. Muslim women love beatings and quickly learn to keep you happy at all costs.
    Remember those embarrassing court ordered anger management courses; well worry no more because under sharia law anything goes!
    Get angry at anything and everything, even imaginary slights. You can blow up at the slightest provocation, figuratively or literally, your choice and what other religion trains you in handling explosives and building detonators from everyday objects like cell phones. Sign up now or just drop by our next bomb workshop and meet some of the boys.
    Get in on the ground floor of this zany cult before all the good targets are destroyed. Boom, boom, boom, let's go back to my room! Ooops, too late! Act now and call your local asylum, I mean mosque, for more information.

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    • TheLogicalJew

      You do realize that this guy said that he hates Islam? I guess that kinda just slipped your mind.

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      • Bigbrother92

        And? Muslims hate jews. do some research on there false prophet.

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  • tbones337

    I agree with the person who asked the question is thier normal. Yall just gave him the example with your comments by the way.

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  • Clovis5119

    I'm not American by birth but after 8 years in the country I finally gained citizenship and I LOVE this country :)

    Don't be hating man. You don't really know what you're talking about either.

    As for making pot illegal, there's good reason for that. You know China once made heroin legal after the British f*cked with them?

    They still haven't totally recovered.

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  • A democracy still has to have law and order in society to survive!

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    • would legalizing weed really threaten the survival of the US? lol.

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      • I think so I couldn't imagine people smoking pot all day and you not expect twice as many car accidents and accidents at work. Marijuana affects people differently, but then again I guess it would be better than having alcohol legal.

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  • About the hatred... its a passing thing so don't worry too much about it .. I actually have many american friends. but my point stands..
    And what ticked me off is that US puts all sorts of sanctions on countries who refuse to take steps to stop their weed production. So whatever your dick government does effects us all.

    Don't say its nothing to do with you, its our government. Thats total crap... you are responsible for what your country's government does, especially a "democracy" like USA.

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    • "you are responsible for what your country's government does"

      well then so are you, dillrod. why don't you get YOUR government to keep weed legal in YOUR country? then we can all get together for a big hug and your anger and hatred are gone.

      btw, next week the state of massachusetts votes on whether to legalize weed. and weed is already limitedly legal in California.

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  • people123

    Not normal whatsoever. Not all Americans are like this.

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  • kman99

    I am an American who hates America and I think that you are all being retarded. There are so many reasons to hate America (trust me I think it was a curse that I was born into this stupid country and don't call myself an American by choice) but you are all just bitching about making weed illegal. What about destroying the world economy or killing off half the world in the so called "War Against Terror"? By fixating on weed you are being just as shallow and stupid as the retards I have to see on the streets every day. And by the way, I am not a teenager who doesn't care about school, I hold two masters degrees. But why don't we talk about how American teenagers are falling far behind every other nation in the world academically, even though we have a "widely, expanding technologically-prone society" and access to information and resources vastly superior to the third world countries who are laughing at how stupid most of us are.

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    • MyTwoCentsNJ

      Who was the country that had the novel idea of "hey let's try to run things by consensus and call it democracy"-America. Who is the country to first lend a hand whenever there is a national disaster-America. Who was the country along with the British and Russians who prevented us from having to shine German boots with our tongues each morning- America. Who was the country that treated their former hate filled enemies with offers of aid instead of vindictiveness-America. ( our magnamity was unprecedented...niothimg in history came close to it. I could go on and on but my fingers are tired. To all you foreigners and self hating Americans...I am damn fucking proud to be an American and will wear a flag on my shirt just to fucking piss you off. If you don't like it go the hell and fuck yourself. You bloody bastards just better hope America stays the world power. Believe me, If you are not happy now I can only imagine what you will feel with Russia, China or those cruel insane Islamists will be. Have There is a part of me that almost wishes it happens to make you fucking ungrateful cunts cry your eyes out. But of course it will be too late for a change.

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  • CGFE3

    Allot of Americans are nice, but when it comes to talking about their country they are ALL annoying shit heads!

    They go on and on about wars they were in, they join wars for no reason JUST so they have something to brag about. They think they rule the world, I dont know why, their country is like the centre of the earth for different reasons, like pollution and garbage anybody?

    I'm sick of their arrogance, I lived in America for 1 year when I was 10 and it was horrible, the kids were horrible, the adults were dumber than a sandwich and all in all its just a bad place to go for some decent living.

    I've only ever met 3 Americans that wern't like that.

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  • Kozeni

    I hate americans too, when lumped into one category. There are nice americans, like me, and it bothers me that America is hated becasue of the arrogance of a lot of american people. But I can't agree on the weed thing. I don't think there's any reason for people do do drugs no matter how harmful they may seem.

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    • Don't like American drug policy? Move to Britain or Sweden.

      I don't agree with it myself, though I don't smoke often.

      Still, the benefits of living in a free society and having indoor plubing outweigh a lot of other issues.

      Tobra - being soft spoken about USa for once. :)

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  • hey violent and anyone.. I didn't mean to be fking rude..I'm just xtremely pissed off after doing some research on why weed is not legal. It really pisses some people off. You guys got to realize that.
    Some ppl have been in fucking jail for like 50 years for growing weed... how the fuck do you justify that?

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    • zenofsky4

      You're throwing a huge fit because weed is illegal in America? Seriously?

      Walk down any street, in almost any area of America, and you can get some weed. Its widely available, tax free and not denatured to adhere to any specific standards that, if legal, the government here would be sure to impliment.

      Also, I'm assuming you dont live in America, so honestly....why the childish spazz-attack?

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    • Lettuce12345

      I am American and I am very defended by this. I am not rude. I open the door for everyone at places and I dont yell or walk down the street acting like I own it. PS I am not fat either. People always assume we are. So sorry that you feel this way. You prob didnt meet too many good ones but dont generalize all of us. But if thats your opinion you certainly have a right to it. Just maybe open your mind a little. Peace.

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    • KM23

      W-O-W... does weed make you angry perhaps??? SCARY.
      Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of nanny states (that is not a reference to America) but weed makes some people crazy emotionally, and I think that may be you.

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  • G005E3gg

    Go America! Our concept is...get with it, or get ran over. Your goverment knows this, that's why they are getting assfucked by us. Score one for North America...excluding the Canadians. Fucking neutral bastards.

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  • HellsRanger023

    F**K YOU we dont think we rule the world. the american people are good people its just that our gov. just like every other gov. is greedy and wonts more money. and for Pot go to F**KING go F**k your self

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    • Jeshua

      Kudos for standing up for your country first person to say "fuck you" respect lol

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  • I don't get what the hate is for. You're just mad because we make drugs illegal? BTW- what country are you from? I'm willing to bet that your country has made weed illegal. It's all a guess though.

    Anyways, don't you think you're making a crass generalization about ALL Americans? I just don't get wh ya lot of countries hate the USA today? I'm sure our current president has something to do with that!

    Go Obama! lol

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    • Kassidy363

      Hell yes! Obama is a beast :D

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  • russellnb

    We Americans do rule the world you insignificant little piss ant.

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  • Dude get a fucking clue the worst thing thats happened in the past month where im from in US is an attempt of a teen trying to mug a guy.. The dude knocked the teen out and called the cops..... Yep we're the most stupid country ever.... get a life bitch. Do you think my good grammer came from the toilet or so some people from accross the pond say "the loo" just change the last letter and its a name! Who'd want the name that similar to a toilet?

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  • alexisfreak

    I agree. Three things American guys care about: Girls, TV, popularity. American girls: looks, popularity, guys. They are so dumb. They do not give a sh*t about school. They don't give a sh*t about their future. They are not concerned about their country. They are selfish pigs. And they do not know anything about their own country. THAT IS SAD! I think a villager in Korea knows more about America than an American teenager. YOU ARE 100000000000%% normal if you think this. You guys up top, maybe if you could proove that he is not right then he would believe you.

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  • bioboy

    A penny for your thoughts, 20 bucks to see you actually do something!

    I hate Americans too, at times, and I am one and proud of it!

    However, you complain about how we have made your favorite herb illegal and how you resent it. I will tell you that you, my friend, are yourself the worst that America has to offer unless you can tell me what steps YOU PERSONALLY have done to change this policy that you are so pissed off about!

    So, tell me what you have done to make the world as you see it a better place, or shut the HELL up and join the mindless throngs that do not think, do not act, and simply complain.

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  • I've finally reached a conclusion that its perfectly normal (and even right!) to hate anyone or anything that had something to do with making weed illegal.

    I will continue this fight against US oppression (and anyone else's) of my freedom to smoke my favorite medication.

    Any of you who feel that weed must be illegal are fucking parasitic retards who don't have a fucking brain to think for themselves and depend on their governments to do so.

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  • ishkabibble17

    I'm an American, and we DO rule the world. We have to because no one else can do anything right. But hey, when your country has a problem who is going to help you? Ignorant Americans. MMM I love hamburgers and country music and Nascar, ya'll.

    I have a little saying between me and my friends. Whenever something is good we call it 'American.' As in, "Ganking is so American!" Or, when someone is being annoying they are Un-American-"Your incessant humming is very un-American of you."

    Get use to it, we're better than you.

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  • bieber123

    I hate blacks and mexicans


    you should know why

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  • Divx99

    i agre with you friend i hate america and american's for there stupid culture and way of living ........

    Ohhhh it is disgusting

    they think they r king of the world but they forgot that each and every country is working for them to keep them high.

    don't forget anyone who works for you but america forgets everyone after it's work is over

    stupid country and stupid culture

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  • pleasurehunter67

    You hate America...you hate Americans..


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  • Not all americans are stupid dont blame everyone just from a few people

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  • CatsEyes

    Well I agree with you on hating America. I mean I totally understand with the stupid people; as like the low life's you see around who work at cheap places taking money away from the government because they are to lazy to get off their ass. But you should always consider you haven't met every American (yes surprisingly smart ones do exist) If you were to say the government that is also very true as they are going to far and won't have any allies....

    Anyways with the weed part ... Well
    I don't know if your Trolling about this whole thing or if you High right now.

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  • Outsider21

    I have traveled and here in America there are not any more irritating or audacious people than anywhere else in the world. I can guarantee there are irritating and ignorant people in your country as well, wherever that is. I am honestly shocked that this is being tolerated on IIN when so many posts do not get approved. Being American, I am very offended by your extreme ignorance and I can only hope that you eventually get banned for this or at least the management deletes this posting.

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  • Outsider21

    Being from America, I have to say that this post is extremely offensive. I cannot believe that this is being accepted on this site. Sure, there are people who are irritating here, but I'm sure that there are irritating people in your country too. There's assholes everywhere on Earth. Maybe you met a few bad apples, but trust me most people in this country ARE NOT irritating, audacious, or stupid. I bet if I went to your country (wherever that is), I would find people who I didn't like but I'm not going on the internet saying that any country is bad. I have traveled a bit and I can say that there aren't any more irritating people here than anywhere else in the world.

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  • zackattack

    Ah yes you know what 5 out of 300, 000,000 Americans? If you want to disagree with our foreign policy, be my guest. However, the vast majority of Americans want peace in the world and aren't that racist. I'm an American, and I don't like Russia's foreign policy. Doesn't mean that I'll randomly hate on Russians, because I can accept the fact that they were brought up with a different view than mine. As long the individual is hurting anybody, than I don't think you have the right to hate Americans. You seem pretty narrow-minded to me.

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  • beaver_monster

    you've never lived in Russia this horrible bottom, for $ 100 you can live two months, horrible living conditions. and the state , I am surprised at you,We live in concrete boxes, you live in the cottage we have low pensions, salaries, scholarships,you are lucky, and you are complaining about.У вас даже история страны интересней.

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  • Jazplamondon

    Your such a fucking Ignorant Moron, America is the best Country & we walk around like we own the world because we Basically do every other country in the world idolizes us Singers all around the world sing like Americans because they wanna be us .....this country is Amazing we can basically do watever it is we want & we won't have the cops up are asses for it like fucking London. If your in America your one Lucky Motherfucker. i LOVE America ive been to London and its a Over priced Shit Hole.-American

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  • sega31098

    I find it a bit funny how on the internet attacking another race is considered a crime against humanity yet attacking Americans seems to be perfectly normal and accepted.
    What a double standard.

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  • GreyVeins

    Anarchy for the USA!

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  • BW1733

    the people in middle east doesn't hate american people
    , but they are hate the american goverment , Because america support Israel and israel kills the Palestinians

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  • I bet you're even more stupid than me. Look at the word I've, you spelled it with a T dumbass. And yes, I'm American thank you very much.

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  • Yes It is normal and right to be fascist, imperialist, and a warmongering tyrant.

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  • blurch

    Haha. This was kinda funny to read because I was tending to agree with you until I realized I hate pot heads. :D

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  • @stuametra what book did you read to get that from? Lemme guess the book of What Stereotype Will Never Be True because nobody In my family has been arrested! You have major issues you dont think we are all meat eaters you dont think we all have a gun handy well we dont and only the screwed up people can be bought or paid to kill you dont think that bruno mars has ever shot a passing by stander do you i think not at least visit a
    Place in america like sea grove in florida
    Or fishers indiana good places the only place where tere is just a smidge of crime is in like the capitals not even there really and some facts for the future: NEVER EVER judge a book by its cover never say that we are all killers because everyone is different, dont call us stupid because more than 80% of the people are intellegent and look at you guys your not free your ruled by a bunch of stupid people and when i went to britain everyone there was a bitch k thx bye
    And btw u call us idiots why tge fuck do you say bloody before things and bum

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  • Hey, hey LOSER maybe ur not approaching the right anericans maybe ur approaching the people on parol lol i graduated with a masters degree all a's since forst grade every test homework assignment a, a, A! Try visiting indiana because for the mostpart we arent retarded idiots and for all og you stereotypical people im not a hobo living in a barn

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  • Bigbrother92

    I'll fucking kill you OP. Fuck you, fuck everyone who hates America for no good reason. No country is Perfect at least we try!! I hope when your rights get more encroached on you cry to us for help. I'd shoot you dead. Bitch.

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  • PandaShifter

    Truth is when America first started as its own country the founding fathers wrote our constitution to insure the power in the hands of the people and that the government would remain small and NOT rule over people's private lives. It was with this structure of freedom and a capitalist system, something entirely new to the world at the time, that we were able to rise to the powerful and wealthy position we got to. But now it's apparent that the government has become corrupt, and more controlling and a bigger part in our everyday lives. I agree that the government should have no say in the matter of banning crops or other substances. That matter should be left to the free-market, and allow the American people and the consumer decided whether they want it or not. If no one buys if, no one sells it. If it is as big a product as gum, then they'll sell for cheap in a mass production to meet demand. But there are people in America who are fighting to restore our once more successful small government run nation. You obviously have not met enough good honest American's and I'm sorry about what bad experience you've had with them. If you really want to change things here in America then endorse lazefair. You're problem lies with the American government and the lying politians who snaked their way into power, not with the general American people. Most people I know here in America are good, hard working people. Sure some of them are fat, rude, lazy, but could you honestly say there aren't people like that in any other nation? Here in America a lot people think that the French are rude and don't bathe and that the English and Canadians are all weak pansies. But I doubt all of them are like that.

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  • WE DO RULE THE WORLD! when are economy crashed the whole world did to.

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  • Thatguy777

    Damn man. Calm down and smoke a blunt. Don't hate America. I'm American and love weed, even though it's illegal. I hate our government though. They're a bunch of selfish greedy assholes.

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  • Noobunderground2

    oh ya and Jeuch1, whats your countries history?

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  • Noobunderground2

    America is not retarted. we have more nukes than a fat dude has more chins than a chinese phone book,(kinda racist sry), but the point here is that when you weaker countries get attacked, were gonna bail you out. Were gonna fight in that war to help YOU. So quit your bitchin and dont piss of america or everey one if gonna get fucked up. Dont mess with china either. And im not saying america is better nor worse than any other country, but what i am saying is that you all need to just chill out, or the world wont exist pass the year 2080, because everey one will die after a nuclear war. So tAke that into consideration

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  • hellboy333

    well yea that is normal but actually you know herb is legal in austria I think

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  • yea i think alot of them are annoying, they think they are important and they are way too dramatic and emotional like seriously just get over it lol but not all of them are like that just certain people x

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  • anddrei

    hate will do you no good. keep smoking that weed

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  • tori

    Move to Mexico.

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  • now you cant have your weed :)

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  • loviex102

    I'm an American and I am not stupid. Also, I don't like America at all...so yeah.

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  • BOYracer88

    fuck america
    flag waving
    crap eating
    war loving
    caddilac driving

    im only joking, you guys rule
    fuck the world

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  • nkosi

    Individual Americans are too lovely people. But Some how Ameriacan Government always and I mean ALWAYS think they RULE the World. Recently, Uganda, a country in Africa enact a law that prohibites Gay/Lesbian in that country, and United State of American Government have the Arrogance to tell them to reverse such laws.

    As long as it passed through due process of the Legislative process to become a Law, then its the wish of that country to make it a law.

    WHO IS AMERICA THEN TO SAY STOP IT? You can do all those nonsense with the Arab world in Asia, but don't dare try it in Africa. You WILL get the WORST, SHOCKING, RUDE SURPRISE FROM AFRICA.

    You have the arrongance to dictate an independent country what to PASS into law or not. Enough is Enough.

    It is American government that is attracting the hatred for their people and its hard time, the ordinary American starts protesting against it OR


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    • nkosi

      Until the United States Government stop impossing their style or fashion to other nations, they will keep attracting hatred from all over the world.

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  • cubinsc

    Stop being a pothead and get a sense of responsibility. Sure America sucks even for Americans, and our government borders on fascism at times, but most of us are pretty good people.

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  • leahquestions

    move to canada then it's legalthere and if that's your life's goal go for it

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    Not an American, but have an admiration for the people and country.

    Is it because I am British, who knows. Do we quietly think of them as the little brother that grew up? I dont know.

    Perhaps its because the average Brit admires them for their ability to achieve something so quickly that Britain took ages to achieve.

    It took Britain 250 years to be hated throughout the globe, its only took our American cousins 50 years. Now that is progress and an achievement.

    I say hats off to America and long may we all sleep safely in our beds. Seriously.

    Pax Americana!

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  • RedVelvetCupcake

    I'm not American nor do I live in America.
    But I've been there before and I love it. The people and their accents are amazing.

    But if you hate it, you hate it I guess.
    I don't like a lot of other countries.

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  • Eccentric

    Americans are dumb. They mock each other for how they look, talk, and act.
    I understand taboo, but, this is rediculous.
    Most care about themselfs, yes.
    They are self indulged. I know from expreiance, seeing the girls in the school bathroom putting makeup on and laughing at me for not giving **** what I think about my face.

    I hate those filty, lustful people.
    And guess what?

    I'm American too.

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    • UnintentionallyIgnorant

      First off dude i think you need to clarify your hate. you dont hate americans you even contradicted that when you said you have american friends. and shit bro ill be one of them. i agree fuck alcohol. weed is better. ive proved it to myself and so should everyone else. no one ever beat any wives fought or got disruptive by smokin some pot. and i fucking hate our government. and for the record theres no such thing as a democracy anymore. just bureaucracy. our votes dont even count man. weve been trying forever trust me. what you hate is what i hate the truly evilpeople who rule the world. the rich capitolist who keep themselves rich and enchain everyone in there hypocrosy. peace. get at me id love to debate this.

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  • Wutth

    hahaha i'm american born and raised...i can see how you can think that this country sucks.... i mean its a great country and has alot of great potential and all...but the liberal democrats are making it what it is, and in the process, turning everyone into stupid, uneducated, mindless drones that are hated by the rest of humanity =) peace out

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  • Gabriell

    At first when I read the title I thought yea there are some reasons for someone to hate Americans.

    Maybe because they live in their own little world where violence is normal(ie common), drug abuse is normal, fanaticism brainless-nationalism or brainless-Christianship are normal, weapon-owning is normal, making war to other countries is considered just and an act that actually benefits freedom(regardless of the profits made underground and the political facts) and their being as a people pretty submissive to whatever their governments sell them about and democracy etc but... weed???

    I mean.. I just gave you a 100 reasons to criticize them and what you care about is not the children and families they've killed(and still kill) in their wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yugoslav (etc) and being fascistic upon various other nations but you care about.. weed!? I mean that's just.. lame!? I agree about their being a little arrogant(which presents it self in them believing to be "all-knowing" for one) but weed?? weed?? Uh..

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  • IuKITyphoon

    Well I visited America once and I must say the people therre pissed me off to no end. Everytime I tried to ask for directions they blatently ignored me! Fucking bastards!

    And everytime I try to correct someone they are so self-righteous and judgemental it pisses me off SO SO SO SO much!!!

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    • What part of my country did you go to? Yes, we have some really shitty areas but we also have places of great beauty and kindness.

      However, even I hate the south/eastern part of my country and truly wish the people would think with logic and kindness and drop the whole religious act.

      We are not all bad people and I personally would bend over backwards to help you if you needed help.

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      • Jen118584

        I'm from Virginia and I agree with you, Bud! Too many Jesus freaks in a lot of areas and I'm really sorry but I cannot stand Jesus freaks. I'm sure they're good people for the most part but I cannot respect someone that has no mind of his own. Most people have it in them to be kind, loving, and forgiving on their own without having religion around to narrow their mind and make them hate anyone who doesn't fit into their cookie cutter mold. I'm much happier up here in the Northeast without all the bible thumpers telling me they can't wait for Sarah Palin to be president in 2012. Now THAT'S scary.

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        • alexisfreak

          SARAH PALIN IN 2012? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!! That is hilarious. I hate people who freak out about Christianity and how god controls everything. Science proved you wrong 20 years ago!! Or more!!

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          • nkosi

            you are a moving corpes. A Living dead. write your burial wishes now

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          • UnintentionallyIgnorant

            wheres this proof? have you died? i really dont believe in religous bs either i mean it doesnt make any sense that an all knowing being pulled himself out of his ass and started waving his magic wand and go bib itty bopitty boo an poof theres earth. but you never know what you may find in the after life.

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        • One last thing, Sarah Palin for vice president. In parts of Oregon, my conservative friend who DOES go to church stopped going because the paster was trying to convince the congregation that Obama will bring the end of "..." and how McCain was "Gods Choice"

          I'm so tired of stupid people. If your stupid by nature, that is fine and I respect you. However if your stupid becuse you are too lazy to advance your brain or base everything on bullshit ideology instead of logic, then seriously, whatgs wrong with you.

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          • UnintentionallyIgnorant


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        • Neither can I. Jesus freaks in general assume they know the answer to life, everything and beyond but the answer of faith isn't a good enough answer to explain anythign to me.

          Please excuse the grammar, I am typing on an almost dead laptop battery and I wanted to stop by and say moving was truly aweful. Long storry, I will write about it later but lets just say even my EXTREMELY passive girlfriend wanted to kill my mom at the end. Will talk about all this later, sorry for the fragmented sentances.

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  • Lastly, I have Multiple Sclerosis so I can legally smoke it. I DO NOT, but I CAN legally do it.

    Doesn't it just suck that I can smoke weed with a cop IN PUBLIC if I want to and choose not to while you are crying because you can't. Do something with your life worth meaning and leave the marijuana at the dealers. You don't need it to be happy with your life, I'm proof of that.

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  • I'm an American and honestly, I SORTA agree with you but I do not agree with you. I am a hard working, white male who believes in honestly and positive committment toward a good cause. My fiance is overweight and yes it bothers me but I am faithful toward her and won't cheat.

    I agree with how a lot of Americans are, I have seen while living here: laziness, self-centered behavior, arrogance, a common intolerance toward others, lack of respect toward those who try, and a great round of a lack of trying to become better.

    HOWEVER, I and those I am around bust our asses to get a better life for ourselves through our decisions to do so. We do not harm or take from others and love being clean and caring people. My fiance likes to VOLUNTEER (Work for FREE) to help others and her job requires her to help those who cannot help themselves.

    I am becoming a tax preparer not to make more but so I can help out others more. And...I do this as an American. Yes, the United States in general have a lot of problems, like the Republican party in general, but we have a lot of good in us that makes us great people.

    America became strong through hard work and dedecation to a cause. We didn't come off a boat at the beginnign and moved into houses already built, we did this work from nothing. YEs, my country has done a lot of things to be ashamed of but we have also have done a lot of good things as well.

    Please, if you continue this Anti-American speech further, please come up with examples to back it up.

    Lastly, to the blacks, native americans, jews, Chinese, and all others (EXCEPT MEXICO AS YOU FUCKERS DESERVE everything we have done and you take way too much from us as it is.) I am sorry.

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  • arcadios91

    i agree with the weed thing. pretty dumb an i dont even smoke but im american but w/e everyone is entitled to thier opinion

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  • Jen118584

    Anyone who utters the words "I hate America" is ignorant, ungrateful, immature and entitled. Number one, to hate an entire country full of millions and millions of really good people based upon one stereotype is just asinine. Number two, if you think that if you moved to another country and wouldn't find greedy, selfish, arrogant people there too, you are SORELY mistaken. Greed, avarice, jealousy, ignorance....is not an AMERICAN condition. It is the HUMAN condition.

    America is beautiful. In what other country can you find tropics, deserts, temperate rain forests, beautiful mountains, rolling grasslands. All the different cultures we have here, people to meet, stories to hear. Come on. Have a little pride. I know we've made mistakes as a country, but who hasn't? Think about the liberties you do have, the luxuries you take for granted every day. Society as a whole will never be perfect. To hate every little nuance, to worry about every disagreement, to expect some modern day utopia....if you spend your life in anger or disappointment waiting for those things you will die a very unfulfilled and bitter person.

    You better let go of your completely unfounded hatred because living the way that you do is exhausting, and it will drain you and drain you until you have nothing left. You have to choose your own battles. Do you want to be happy with what you have an enjoy the short time that you have to spend living, breathing, and loving? Or do you want to waste it being bitter, resentful, and hateful. Your choice.

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  • villain

    Oh you hate Americans and Muslims? You sound like an ugly twat with no life and can't get a girl.

    The whole World didn't make weed illegal because of America you stupid retard, what a stupid comment. I didn't know morons like you existed.

    You're a good advert to stop kids from taking drugs.

    Kids: smoke too much weed and you%%u2019ll become a no life stupid loser like this guy.

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  • Malfoy

    I actually hate most people unless they are my friends. I think weed should be illegal just to piss people like you off, even though I like the drug. I have no idea what herb you're talking about, All I see is DRUG. Man-made chemicals. They inject weed with LSD and PCP these days. Horrible factory-made plant!

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  • aj89997

    i must say without american you guys over there where ever you are probably won't have half the the shit you have if it werent for the united states. i mean what the fuck have you done besides post hate on the internet

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  • Derrik

    Weed is nice, don't get me wrong. But if you feel that strongly about using it, then maybe you have a problem. The system wants you to feel this way...do you think the U.S. makes no money on drug trafficking? As long as weed is illegal, the prices will just keep going up, so of course your natural reaction is to promote its legalization. I'm ok with that, but think about what you're desire to legalize it is doing to the price of it when you are so obviously advertising demand. The whole system is designed to create people like you who will play right into "their" hands. Why don't you try hating something real...like stupidity or fascism? You don't like that...try hating your parents... YOu don't like that, I don't know...maybe spend a little time hating yourself. If you follow any of this advice about hating people, then you are dumber than I thought. Do something positive with that energy. Be a person, in the positive sense, that is. If you are merely the one that hates, then you are only related to reality negatively. If you like anything at all, then you are related to the world positively. IF you want to fight for the legalization of weed, THEN why don't you go to school for political science and actually learn something about the debate. Do you even know why weed was illegalized in the first place? I'm sure you'd like me to just hand you that information. Look it up. IF you already knew it, then you know that legalizing it is a matter of top level legislation and NOT a matter for people with no clout. Exist in a positive sense and contribute something. If you aren't going to do that, then your opinion, while valid, should remain out of the spotlight and unheard. Just a little friendly advice.

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  • The_Truth_Hurts_Doesnt_It

    As a psychologist with a degree, I must say that you're misplacing your anger on an entire group of people.

    As a realist, I do understand where you're coming from because I'm American and I've dealt with millions of Americans since I started. Other countries have their ignorant, useless people as well.

    Do you only hate America because the people are overly ignorant and your herbs are illegal, or is it more?

    Your hatred of Muslims wasn't explained. Was there a cause? Do you hate their beliefs? Their apparel? Their scent? Their language? Their aggressive violence? What do you hate about Muslims? I'm not saying it's wrong or not normal to hate a certain religion, I'm just wondering why you targeted them.

    I am payed to uphold the law but as a logical being who believes in freedom to live your life as you want. I do believe in your right as a human being to use whatever substances make you happy in life. Even if those substances are banned by a corrupt or illogical government. I believe you should do what you see fit to stay happy in life if it's not harming innocent people or animals.

    The fact is, we don't know what happens when we die (besides becoming decomposing biological material) so you don't want to live your life being unhappy and that's very understandable.

    I'm not saying to use illegal substances, I'm just saying I support your decisions to do so and I don't believe the government has a right to tell anyone what to do with THEIR body.

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  • Layla_nerd27

    yeh i always used to think i hated them too but i realised i just hate their goverment. I have met a few americans all were okay ppl , but just try not to judge them all theirs bad and good ppl in every country! my town in england is full of a bunch of chavs who act all hard and say their gonna get benefits and never work (yes someone actually said that!)

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  • cowboyup341990

    your ignorant...enough said. Dumbest reason to hate a country come back when you have a better reason than because they dont let you smoke weed.

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  • kitty_purrr

    hey, that's mean. don't be so stereotypical.

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  • awatcher

    Stand in line a lot of people do, but we are the worlds largest food donor and financial aid donor. Leave us alone

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  • Eew_Humans

    What I think is absolutely hilarious is the supposed link between hating a particular country and its citizens and the status of a plant that's been deemed a controlled substance by many world governments.

    Did I miss something here??

    Where, exactly, is the link between these two things??


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  • yanks0404

    out of all the great things that the usa has given the world you hate it all because of pot? wow get over youre fucking self...look around you, we gave you the computer, the internet, the tv shit youre using right now while hitting youre bong you piece of shit, get a job, stop smoking pot and maybe youd love the usa like well all do here for all the oppritunities she has

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    • ihateregistrations

      Do you realize that 90%% of the oxygen you are breathing was synthesized outside the USA?

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      • "Do you realize that 90%% of the oxygen you are breathing was synthesized outside the USA?"

        It is said that man evolved from apes.

        Some apparently evolved about 1/3 the way.

        Oxygen is now SYNTHESIZED?

        Gee, however did humans survive before we learned to do that.

        I feel your Jealousy poster, and I am not surprised you use pot to dull the pain of your existence.

        Toke up and remember that if wasn't for us (Spell that U.S.) you would probably be someone's slave right now.

        October Marie - Proud American

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      • You stated:

        Do you realize that 90%% of the oxygen you are breathing was synthesized outside the USA?

        Where the hell did that come from? Unless I am mistaken and it has been a long time (10 years) since I was in high school science class, but isn't most of the oxygen from Earth come from photosynthisis and from those plants, most of the oxygen comes from moss than the others? I'm not sure, but if this is true, I would think that the forest and moss in the ocean account for the oxygen levels and who gives a shit about this anyways since IT HAS NOTHING TO FUCKING DO WITH THIS TOPIC.

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    • drizzyFTW

      AHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA you americans gave us nothing . look in the books . . INDIA invented technology , granted china and alot of other places advanced it . we learn this sh*t in college . . and 9O%% of oxygen was out of USA btw: tv came from somewhere else . i dont remember exactly where but not from america go read some books .

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      • yanks0404

        Philo Farnsworth was an American engineer born in 1906 who researched television picture transmission. He developed the dissector tube, which is the basis of all current electronic televisions. In 1927, Philo Farnsworth became the first inventor to transmit a television image.
        suck it bitch, why don't you go research some more conspiracy theories, i bet you think that we never went to the moon and that tupac isnt dead, go sit the fuck down

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  • HalfMoonFlare

    Experts weigh in on both sides of the "weed" question. There is no doubt in my mind that many weed smokers have no business calling other people retards. Most weed advocates I've known are legends in their own minds, what's left of it. The word, "dementia" comes to mind.

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  • Zombiegamer

    I hate america to i dont really have a reason, i just generally hate america, and thats my opinion so yes i think you're normal

    And yes alot of them do think they are better then everyone and that they control everything whereas in reality they can barely control there own country not atleast anything else. the worst people in the world have come from america and alot of them are complete scum and pretty much every other nation on earth hates them and they dont evan realise it, as they will swear blindly that everyone loves them, lol.

    As 4 the drug thing thats just the world we live in im afraid

    And a question to the original poster are u from england?
    If so im gonna guess worcester?

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  • PrincessOfSushi

    Hmmm... Blatant racism and outdated prejudiced views on everything. Grow up and join the world of tolerance. I think everyone's great as long as they're great to other people, and I think Americans are one of the most open-minded, tolerant, and respectful people, along with the British. Although a bit of racism and stereotyping does occur, they try their best to cut it away.

    Or maybe I'm just moving with the right crowd. I'm not American, FYI, but I can tell you that they're definitely better humans than perhaps... you?

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  • EverythingsbetterintheUS

    I live in best country in the world, no introduction necessary and I don't know what got in this guys weed but he is seriously f'ed up because first off he or she couldn't even be crying right now if the us didn't invent the Internet second off we do kick a** because we simply are better than any other country in all aspects and finally are Americans black, white, Muslim, christian or any other do not have to apologize to any fucn country about anything because we fix your mistakes right your wrongs and do things to try to help you ungrateful bastards but you just keep crying, wah it's not perfect here so well just sit and wait for something to happen wah, I say it's not my job anymore, fucn do it yourselves if you think you can do it better do it. don't bitch and for your information we are better educated and more skilled than you'll ever be, naturally it's your go, take your best shot back at me. Foreign ashhole

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  • illogical_reason

    While it's normal to experience hatred for a particualar group you know little about, it may not be the most healthy thing our species does. Try to experience more american culture, or muslim culture for that matter.

    But I Effing HATE those jacka$$ Canadians!

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  • thejazzismine

    Yeah Americans are pretty annoying. Especially living in the south with their patriotic/natty ice drinking b.s. This country does nothing but screw us out of half of our rights anyways.

    I still do not understand why pot is illegal. Either way people will smoke it and if they do does NOT make them criminals! American gov. is just so effed up. We are so arrogant and try to run every other country while we cant handle our own crock-pot of s*** we have going on in our own country.

    Not to mention our washed up, lazy, "fat is the new curvy look" culture.

    & to 1234Fakestreet-the people of America can control the laws that congress creates. A simple phone call or e-mail to your congress men can sway their vote, if enough people contact them, they can VOTE AS THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WANT.

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  • thecynic


    I'm a European girl through and through and yes, I'm greatly annoyed with America from time to time as well as my OWN country and OTHER countries of this world.

    It's true Americans have a certain pride, but honestly you should meet Greek or Italian people. I LOVE Greece and Italy and I LOVE their people- but they are very, very proud and nationalistic. Turkish people are the same.

    Honestly, I think a lot of this has to do with prejudice. I travelled the world and I can tell you- Americans are pussycats. Countries like Turkey, Greece and Saoudi-Arabia are tigers compared to the USA.

    I love America.

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  • noodlemasterX

    LOL. You hate people and look what you get in return, a bunch of people hating you right back. Judging an entire nation of people just because their government passed a law that you don't agree with is, well, stupid...

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  • I think this is normal. I know a whole bunch of people in india and other countries who hate america and Americans. But I like them. I have american friends.

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  • kiddynamite

    Dude? Relax and don't generalize. It's normal to hate. Just don't hate everyone for and wrong reasons.

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  • rememberyourlimits

    Well my friend, normal no. You cannot stand how great the red white and blue is. If you want weed can still get it, I mean it is not like it is hard to procure, if you average high school drop out can figure out were to score some herb, well hopefully so can you. Otherwise, just take up a nice legal pastime, betting of horse races, drinking, one night stands, over the counter sleeping pills, chugging cough syrup,bar fights see I have presented you with several fun and legal alternatives. So learn to love America, find a reputable illegal dealer, smoke you weed, wave the red white and blue, and take vacations to Amsterdam.

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  • MokoMonster

    damn, relax. I'm american and while some of us are patriotic douche bags that doesn't mean ALL of us are. Have you met every single American that exists? I think not, so you can't really make blanket generalizations like that. But whatever, it's your right to hate us, so have fun with that.

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  • tintedcouture

    I am American! And I like you!

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  • Modesto

    I think this is halarious.
    Come on many Americans enjoy smoking up.
    We are people not the governtment. :)

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  • AnnaAgain

    Maybe you should get a hobby and stop sulking over the fact that a lame ass excuse for a drug is illegal. Or do something about it. But stop complaining, you ignorant fuck.

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  • unendingconfusion

    I love my country, but I hate the majority of our politicians.

    Oh, and your (and others') blind hatred of a country and its people they know nothing about always amuses me.

    There are only two things with no limits. The universe, and human stupidity.

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  • DancingInMyNuddyPants

    Its OK to hate America.. But not the people that live in it :| American citizens couldnt help the fact that they were born there, just as you couldnt help being born lame and retarded.
    Also, hating America because they made your 'favourite herb' illegal is ridiculous.. Atleast hate it for a proper reason.

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  • W8_4_It

    I'm an American and I have to agree that most of my nation does seem to be retarded but I think it says a lot for the rest of the world seeing how 99 percent of the inhabitants are immigrants or descended from immigrants and still have a lot of the same values. However I must point out that seeming retarded and being retarded are entirely different things. Many people here are intelligent people what messed it up was the generation that made this country great got old and handed their money to spoiled brats they called children. These children never had to work for anything and thus are complete idiots with an overabundance of money and can therefore dictate policy making the rest of the country seem stupider.
    Oh and as for the earlier comment of why the United States is called the most powerful and best country in the world. Well the power comes from our ability to keep up technologically in our military and having enough Weapons of mass destruction to completey screw over the world thousands of times over. We are also called the best country to live in because unlike many 3rd world country our Constitution makes it so that our government cannot become overly corrupt otherwise the people are charged to overthrow it and our military will most likely support the people over a completely corrupt government. Hope that clears a few things up for you guys. Cheers

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  • Teenageenglishandconfuzzled

    Well. Most of the world hate Americans now. Can't say I blame them. In my view the bush administration was more evil than al queda ever was.

    However, on a ground level. Average americans are friendly, warm people. Ignorant perhaps, of anything other than their own country.

    for example, my friends dad used to drive a bus near an airport. One day it broke down with lots of tourists, asian, american ect.
    He radioed the bus station and said "Can you get a bus over here quick? I've gotta load of foreigners"
    The Americans replied "we're not american, we're american"

    But anyway. As people. I like Americans.

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  • Noitsnotnormal

    I do agree that weed should be legal as well, but I don't hate America for it. In fact, it's got nothing to do with Federal law. It's left up to each individual state to decide whether it is legal or not. there are some states that have recently passed legislation to allow it's use in certain circumstances (i.e. medicinal purposes for cancer patient and such) or they have lessened the charge if a person is found with it on them. I live in New Hampshire and our neighboring state of Massachusetts just passed legislation making the charge a lot less against a person having an ounce or less of weed on them. It's a $100 fine and your weed gets confiscated. Hey, it's atleast moving in the right direction. Now cops can spend more time going after hard core criminals and less time f#*king with some joe shmoe that just likes to spark it up every once in a while. Dude, have fun while you're young, but don't go hating people and wasting your time with that b*llsh*t. Smoke your weed (but be smart about it), but make sure you find something that you want to do in life. If you end up having a family it may just curb or kill your weed smoking. Don't be so hateful dude, it takes up too much time and energy. Use your energy for something else, like doing something fun or positive in your life....Hell, save it up for good sex with your girlfriend too. Don't waste time on your hating.

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  • Weed must be legal (and alcohol must be illegal). Period.

    If you want me to change my mind you must take steps to legalize weed. I just cannot believe how narrow-minded and selfish you guys (Americans) can be. You forced every country to make it illegal. Now you must undo the damage.
    If you don't care what I think then you should not mind my feelings anyway.

    http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&channel=s&rls=org.mozilla%%3Aen-US%%3Aofficial&hs=qyj&q=why is weed illegal&btnG=Search

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    • bluezebra

      You do realize that Everyone can be narrow minded, i'm not saying i support the fact that weed is illegal, so don't thin i am.

      By the way, what race are you, just curious, not trying to be a "rude American"

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  • chunkybongo

    I'm an American and I'm not stupid, so f*ck you...and yes, we do rule the world

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    • yanks0404

      right on man! we fucking run this shit!

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      • TheLogicalJew

        I'm sorry to have to say this... America, as you say it (which is dumb, "America" is just a small part of actual america, being North and South American continents of a whole) does not rule the world. America is trillions in debt. If anybody rules the world, I would have to say its China. They have more man power than anybody else, an increase of more than 1100% of chinese speakers on the internet, and China is quite the economic power. I'm quite surprised that China doesn't have the U.S. properly by the balls at this point in time.

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  • @violent10dency,

    you fucking piece American vagina.. don't you fucking dare to insult me by calling me American.. I fucking hate your country.

    Who the fuck made your fucking country the drug sheriff of the world??

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    • xMasterGunZx

      So..you hate us because you think it is because of America the world is on lock-down of drugs? Dude you got major issues. Mass average population of Americans have done it but not anymore because of its affect. You are one uneducated retard. And they say americans are stupid...look at this fucker

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    • you're rude enough to be an american.

      violent is probably a DAMNED fine piece of vagina for anyone lucky enough to know. So shut your pie hole as you will never experience anything near it in your life time, you little fucking loser.

      but im with you on the drugs. i think weed should not only be legal, but should be a major US cash crop. Some of the finest weed in the world is grown in the US.

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    • NaniG


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  • True_American_Patriot

    NO, it's not normal! I fucking hate you and other foreigners! You are NOT an American!

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  • Ankoku

    I hate america for no reason...

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  • stuametra

    mericans are scum. They are sleazy, slimy, NO class (not low class) satanic garbage. The fact is that american trash does torture people (and they love to) but they do it in secret. They are consummate pathological liars and completely brain dead morons. They're a bunch of utterly depraved and immoral scuzzy twisted criminals. Google americas REAL favorite pastime: Organized Stalking. The american demons love to covertly torture, stalk, abuse and harass others. They truly are subhuman red, white and blue garbage. The united states of norman bates. These dirt bags idolize serial killers and mass murderers. They are fascinated with and love evil and they're always trying to glorify and whitewash cold blooded murder and abnormal states of mind. I know from many years of first hand experience what evil subhuman abuser loser devils these amerinazi pigs REALLY are. I wish the rest of the world knew. They know how retarded the ameriscums are but they have no idea how inhuman and evil and soulless they are. They want the world to think they are good but they are pure evil inhuman idiotic monsters. They can all be bought. They are all soulless scum that can be bought for peanuts and paid to knife ANYONE in the back. The americans are pure evil garbage. A bunch of rabid, senseless and moronic demoniac idiots who can ALL be bought. That's just no damn good. I hate americans like angels hate demons.

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    • Bigbrother92

      Your amazing you know that?? You don't even base your theory's on facts. My government has done nothing any forein power has done. I hope when you are dead you realize you were nothing but some 3rd world reject.

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  • 1234Fakestreet

    OP you are an idiot because you can't tell the difference between Americans and the people who make the laws that Americans have to live by.

    Take a class.

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  • xtchup423x

    well. i Don't know about anyone else here.
    but, i feel that living in MY GREAT COUNTRY OF AMAERICA is a hell of a lot better than living in some poverty stricken country. if you want to waste your life smoking weed, doing drugs and throwing away any of your chances to become a better person, well, i suppose its best you don't want to live in my country. hearing from people lie you goes to show that my country is smart in making weed illegal.

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    • ugleeones

      You hate America and Americans so much because you have no idea what you do have and what you would not have living in another country, and I don't mean for a week or two with assitance. I mean living as they do with their rules, laws, customs, likes and dislikes. I do not mean Canada either. The most patriotic people in this country or appreciative people, know this mostly because they were not born here knowing our homeless live better than the average individual in many countries. Just likes racism, ignorence breeds ignorence.

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  • I take my words back.. How could I forget how fucked up Singapore and Malaysia are ??!?? Singapore is the WORST country in the world with its draconian drug laws.

    -------- from http://stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle-old/347/singapore.shtml ------
    According to local news reports picked up by Deutsch Presse Agentur, authorities in Singapore executed a man Monday after he was convicted of storing 2.7 kilograms (slightly more than six pounds) of marijuana at his apartment. Raman Selvam Renganathan, 39, was hung at Changi Prison. He was found guilty of drug trafficking after an eight-day trial last September.


    The Singapore government defended its policy. "By protecting Singaporeans from drugs, we are protecting their human rights," Inderjit Singh, a member of parliament, told the Associated Press. "The rule breakers have to be dealt with -- it's the same in any part of the world," said Singh, who is also president of a chip-making company. "We just do it differently."

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    • UnintentionallyIgnorant

      all right dude i understand your drug law beef as i would have to agree. but thats never stopped anyone from tokin. but i belive your anger is misplaced. humans often forget we all share the same planet. we are all born the same, helpless. stop with your country this and your country that and try my world this and my world that. no one owns the earth but those who belong to it and by the laws of nature thats all of us. honestly i agree but i have a general disgust for humans not for a specific location. humans are selfish in nature and we are all just animals. survival of the fittest. and i think what your pissed off at along with most people is the cold caulous world we live in. the rich stay rich and keep the poor poor. And this has gone on since the beginning of civilization. i cannot be responsible for my forefathers actions and i cannot change the government so dont blame me. if everyone would just chill out and help one another we could make this world better.

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    • tintedcouture

      ACtually, China is worse.

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  • you are a moron go smoke a spliff and relax and chill on the hate,Because it wont get u anywhere u fukkin loser dooshbag

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