I hate animal obsessed people

People can love pets, sure, but don’t put a pet before another human being, especially a loved one. I read a thread recently here about a guy with allergies getting divorced because of a cat and it gave me a flashback of how my own brother mourned for weeks over his dog, while not even turning up for our granny’s funeral. To the fuckers out there who prioritize pets higher than people: grow the fuck up or people will care as little about you as you care about them. A lowlife like my brother is owned by his dog instead of the other way round. Meanwhile, he didn’t give a flying fuck to turn up for our gran’s funeral. People like my brother should get their pets put down to get a damn grip over reality.

pets matter more than people (family) 18
people (family) matter more than pets 18
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Comments ( 37 )
  • bbrown95

    I strongly disagree that anyone should have their pets put down to "get a grip on reality". Why do the pets deserve to die for that? Not to mention that nobody deserves for someone they love to die, animal or not.

    There are a lot of good answers here already. Some people simply have different priorities and may not be as close to family as their pets. Every situation is different.

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    • SkullsNRoses

      It’s also worth noting that when you live with a pet, synchronise together and hug them multiple times a day there is an immediate void in your life when they die, whereas a relative you don’t live with or frequently contact will leave a less obvious hole.

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      • bbrown95

        Yes, very true!

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  • BleedingPain

    Not everyone has a stellar relationship with their family, nor does everyone with pets.

    To be honest, that divorce was warranted as both people were clearly not compatible. You never bring a pet into a relationship when one person is allergic. Its not fair to ask someone to suffer, nor is it fair to make the other give up their pet.

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  • SwickDinging

    I don't think it's that simple.

    In the example you give about your grandmother's funeral, we don't know how your brother felt about that. He may have had his own reasons for not going.

    I believe that humans are more important than animals in the sense that I would always save a human over an animal in an emergency situation, because I think it's the right thing to do, but on a personal level someone may build a close relationship with an animal (even if you believe it to be one sided, it is still very much real to the person). In these cases the animal becomes very important to that person.

    For example, I spend a lot of money and time on my cat. I love her. I don't love her anywhere near as much as I love my children, but I do still love her. My cat means more to me than a stranger. My cat means significantly more to me than my college ex boyfriend who was abusive etc.

    Sorry if that's all come out a bit garbled, it's very early over here and I haven't had my coffee yet. I hope that makes sense.

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  • Lusty-Argonian

    Animals will always be valued above humans in my eyes.

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  • Grunewald

    *Grabs popcorn while waiting for RoseIsabella to turn up*

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  • Rocketrain

    I think both should treated fairly not equally.
    I had the same issue. I dated a bit older women for a while who had two dogs. One dog used to sleep on her bed everyday. I'm allergic to dog fur. You can't blame the dog for coming on the bed, that's what it's used to do. Without asking or telling her I got her dog, a dog bed because she knows I'm allergic, and the bed was expensive than I expected lol. So dog can sleep down stairs with the other dog when I'm therr. She kicked me out because of that. I wasn't bad towards the dog. I fed it when she is busy but never pet or gave it a bath because every time that dog touches my skin I had to see a doctor because I had red burning itchy skin.
    When I told my mother what happened she said
    I'm not blaming for her to do that, I'm blaming for you to date a idiot like that.
    Btw dog died after few months later, feel sorry for the dog but not for her.

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  • Vvaas

    i would save my pet chickens over a human including a human baby my chickens are epic

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    The neighbors at my moms house hate her because she steals everyones dogs. All of a sudden the dog starts sleeping at her house and she takes it to the vet and shit. But last time I went to jail for only 1 week I had my wife take my dog to her house because i got evicted from my house and my mom got rid of my dog the 2nd day and then went out by the end of the month and bought the same kind of dog for herself. Shes a dick can take care of every dog indefinitely but if its my dog shes gonna get rid of it. Cant wait a week. Ill never forgive her for that thats a cunt move

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    • miss_jass06

      Damn, I'm sorry for you. The dog must be really confused and miss you, is there any way to get it back? Your mom doesn't sound like a nice person at all.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Shes totally nuts. Thats where I get my crazy from I guess. But I was beyond pissed. She gave me the number to the girl she gave the dog to. Which turned out to be some farmer lady from kentucky. And I called the girl and asked if I could see him sometimes, I was thinking about just stealing him out of her hands and tell her tough shit hes mine, but she knew something was up I think and she quit answering.

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  • Animals are better than humans.

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  • miss_jass06

    I disagree with your statement while not justifying your brother not turning up for your grandma's funeral, because it was quite shitty of him. I love animals and in fact I do value them more than people, or at least equally. People are animals too and some humans have a strong sense of superiority and lack of respect for other living beings, which really pisses me off. Of course I love my close ones a lot and respect them, but I love my dog pretty much equally, as she is a part of my family too. When it comes to people vs other animals on the planet, humans did way more harm to it and we're destroying our own "home" even though we're supposed to be the smartest animals. It's not necessarily good.

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    Simply put, some people just have different priorities. Personally, I value both human lives and animal lives equally. Sometimes you just have to consider that maybe, just maybe, some people don't value family.

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  • idolomantis

    Ehh, I’ve honestly skipped out on funerals before simply because they were too difficult for me to attend. I love my cat more than most people honestly, though I still ultimately prioritize the people in my life more. But yeah, OP’s post sounds a liiiitle bit judgey to me, but I wasn’t there so I will withhold my judgement. I’m sorry about your grandma, I hope you’re doing better now…😕

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  • GuvnorsOtherWoman

    Apart from family and a certain person I hold very dear in my heart, I couldn't give the proverbial toss about people, especially children.

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  • Billy24

    If it's my mom and my siblings it's equal. Otherwise, my pet matters more than anything.

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  • Why would you say that? Pets are apart of family just as much as human members. Your brother was obviously closer to his dog more than his grandmother, and that is why he didn't show up. Perhaps it is you who needs to grow up.

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    • Sanara

      I agree with you. Even though thinking human lives in general are worth more (I can understand disagreement on that too), on a personal level its about who you were actually closest to. People can be really close with pets, especially dogs that bond with us mutually. And what we feel aren't a choice most of the time either way

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    • You can always buy a new dog, but you can never get a new gran.

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      • And nothing will ever replace said dog. They are apart of the family with emotions and feelings and not just some object. You need to understand that we are animals too.

        Although one thing is for sure... He really should have showed up at her funeral. No excuses for that.

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  • Sanara

    Neither in this case. Its a personal choice if family or pet matters more to someone. But when it comes to choosing who gets to live (if you have to rescue someone and cant say all) I think humans are generally worth more.

    The death of my dog is actually the only death I have truly mourned so far and have had two grandparents die (did cry in funeral, but there was no long term mourning) that I actually liked. But on a personal level I was closer to the dog (actually spent lots of time together and felt I had a deep bonding with them). And death of really old people becomes only to expect soon and a deliverance for them. You just do not choose how sad you get and the latest death did not even feel real. I only met them like a few times annually due to living far away and think the sadness is waiting until I actually visit where they uses to live, only then you feel like they are actually missing. Feelings are strange, that's how it is.

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  • Inkmaster

    If the post you read is the one I'm thinking of, the guy didn't get divorced, his girlfriend just broke up with him.

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    • It was the post where a dude with deadly allergies got dumped for refusing to take meds. The fucking SO of his should get a grip over reality and realize the world doesn’t gravitate around her. Just like my brother who mourned more over a fucking dog than our gran

      Family > Pets, always.

      Now someone’s surely gonna fucking quote me and say that the pet is family too… Yes, it is, but it should always be on lower priority than the people in your family. Animals are replaceable, people are not. I can always get a new fucking dog, but I can’t get a new gran

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  • Belladda6

    What’s so good about humans? My family is emotionally and physically neglectful, they treat my sisters better than me by not dismissing them and actually listening to their emotional needs, and I’ve been neglected for my scoliosis and dental treatment. My mother still denies that I have scoliosis even though I showed her my back, if it were severe scoliosis, she would have no doubt at all which is fucking stupid. They never take me seriously.

    When I’m depressed or extremely upset, my cat is far more emotionally attuned than my parents and siblings. They don’t give a shit about talking to me so close myself off and am stop trying to talk to them. My cat is way better than them with giving my attention to my sadness and even anger by chilling with me.

    I’ve been mistreated by humans countless times. They use me, judge me, ridicule me, make fun of me since I was four years old. Why would I hold humans to a higher standard?

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  • devclied

    I think it's only bad if pets are treated better than significant others.

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  • KholatKhult

    “I’ve been raised on the internet and haven’t left my computer for the past 16 years and I don’t know what kind of tree is in my front yard” moment

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  • Somenormie

    I hate ones who are extremely obsessed especially and I reserve my hatred towards them.

    Like what is so cute about them?

    They're nothing really that special.

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    • Spot on mate. I don’t dislike animal lovers, but I dislike lowlives who put animals before people. No one will give a flying fuck about them because they don’t give a flying fuck about others. Meanwhile they aren’t able to comprehend why they end up alone.

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      • GuvnorsOtherWoman

        I prefer animals to people and I am alone. But that is how I prefer to be. The less contact I have with people the better.

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      • Somenormie

        If we take a look it at another perspective, we can see that people should matter a bit more than a pet and that pets should matter much later in life.

        In conclusion I believe more important matters such as family members and the death of family members and etc etc should be more important than having a pet.

        I have nothing against people who have one ( such as myself ), the only problem I have with are people being selfish and only caring about the pet.

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        • Spot on again. There are people that we don’t give a fuck about, but those are often acquaintances. The people I dislike are those who mourn more for a dog than their gran (like my brother), or people who throw out their SO for a pet like the recent thread I saw about a dude with allergies getting divorced over a cat. These are the people who should get a grip over reality and grow the fuck up and realize that the world doesn’t gravitate around them.

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  • newnormal

    I think pets are nothing just animals. You should not keep pets and if you have them it's just an animal.

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  • my_life_my_way

    I agree. Most people don’t realise that animals can’t feel emotions. Your pet doesn’t “love you” it just loves that you bring it food.

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    • Vvaas

      many animals can feel emotions, most can't feel complex human emotions like guilt but many can feel happy, loving, sad, fear, etc. a raven literally has the intelligence and emotions of a human toddler and is incredibly smart

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      maybe youll get your way and someone will feed you to their pet

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