I hate babies.

I have to get this off my chest. All of my life, ever since I was young, I have hated babies with a passion. I NEVER played with baby dolls, I NEVER showed any interest at all in babies or motherhood. Why? Because they freak me out. They freaked me out back then, they freak me out today. The tought alone of having to take care of one or just interact with one, scares the heck out of me.

Why do I feel like this?

+++1. I think they look utterly repulsive.+++

I honestly think human babies are, untill they reach the age of HAIR, among the most vile-looking creatures in nature. The chubby factor doesn't work for me. Newborn babies make me want to vomit. I really believe anyone who calls a newborn baby 'precious', 'sweet' or 'beautiful' is in fact a hypocrite and in reality comforting its parents.

+++2. The way they cry for something makes my skin crawl.+++

The newborns look like squirmy little maggots with their bald heads, shut eyes and toothless mouths. They totally. Freak me out. The older ones are just plain annoying and aggravating. Whenever they cry, I feel like punching them in the face. Ever looked a needy baby in the face while he is wailing? You know what that expression means? "I WANT! WANT! WANT! GIVE ME MY BOTTLE. GIVE ME MY DIAPER. GIVE ME MY TOYS. NOOOOOOOW!!!"

+++3. They're very effective in showing you what they DON'T want, but they are never able to show you what they WANT.+++

They are spoiled even when they're just in the crib. They manipulate us because they are used to getting what they want, ALL the time. And people think it's strange I call them annoying? They cry, whine, fuss and moan CONSTANTLY even when NOTHING IS WRONG WITH THEM! Most older babies just cry for attention, to get what they want. They have no patience, no empathy or regard for anyone but themselves. Yes, they love you. Would't you love the single idiot willing enough to wipe the shiat off your butt and bring you milk?

+++4. They stay little too long.+++

They progress frustratingly slowly. They're incontinent for what? Three whole years? They spill their food all over the place and projectile vomit for about... Two entire years? You have GOT. To be kidding me. Kids don't grow up too fast when it comes to the gross stuff. They are plain nasty when it comes to bodily fluids.

+++5. They're dumb. There, I said it.+++

I see babies hanging from their buggies that look like they are retarded, in a coma or drugged. How anyone can interact with such a child, is beyond me. There ARE some older babies that actually act like a small human being, but most of them have an expression on their faces that show they are not really there. They should just stay asleep for the next two years if they can not do anything... Interesting.

Those are my reasons for hating them. I can tolerate older children, but babies? They make me run for the nearest exit. Sorry.

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Comments ( 328 )
  • sleeplesss

    Don't worry, I'm the same way. Motherhood isn't for everyone! I like kids and I'm a Big Sister to a 10-year-old girl, but I don't want my own. I too hated playing with dolls and I can't seem to have any connection with babies, though it gets better when they can walk and say a few words. I never want to hold them, I never want to coochy-coo them, and I can't stand the smell. Don't let the motherhood myth that you're not really a woman unless you have a baby fool you. It's just not true.

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  • k_s79

    I can sympathize with the original poster. I for one do not like to be around babies. I'm not saying that no one should have babies, but I'm saying that if you do you should be considerate of people who aren't as "child-friendly"

    I don't think those of us who are irritated by babies should be looked down on. My family is a fertile bunch and it seems like my cousins are popping out a new addition to the litter every other month and since I was a child I've had my relatives pushing these babies in my face. I think if you want to have a child that's fine but it shouldn't affect my life. If you're baby is screaming and crying out in public you need to figure out what it needs and get it to stop or you need to go home. I work retail and have had to listen to screaming kids for as long as 30 minutes while the parents shopped like nothing was wrong. The sound of your child crying may not bother you but be considerate of the rest of the world.

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    • slowbutsure51

      I swear to goodness, I love each and every one of you. My friends are having grandchildren left and right. Gross! I don't want to see their pictures, touch them, hold them, be anywhere near them. Yuck.
      My daughter and SIL are considering having childre. The thought of it gives me chills. I will be expected to do grandmotherly things. NO!!!
      People who know how I feel think I am a freak. I try to keep this disgust of babies to myself.
      Happily, I found this site and a group of people who feel the same as I do. I love you all! Thank you, than you, my new best friends (in spirit).

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  • PurplePeopleEater

    LMAO! That is hilarious. What makes it even more funny is all the idiots that freak out and get offended by it.
    I cant stand how the community/society expects everyone to like babies and animals and if you don't conform you are deemed as weird and unacceptable.
    Im never having a fricking baby because I cant stand the little sh*ts either. I hate the ones that scream constantly and the parents just sort of get used to it and do nothing. It should be outlawed like dogs barking. Why the hell should I have to put up with your brats screaming and creating noise pollution? People with kids should be forced to build noise proof rooms to put their babies in when they scream.
    Babies/kids are hideous little parasites that will suck the life out of you, drain you of every penny and basically wreck your life.
    Take a look around at people with children. They are generally overweight, overstressed , haggard and much older looking than people with no kids. The womens breasts resemble a couple of old balloons left behind the lounge for a week after a birthday party and the men end up looking permanently pregnant with moobs. No thank you very much.
    Parents also tend to get this air of self importance about them which is really annoying. You see them with their unnecessarily oversized baby buggies blocking the pavements and supermarket aisles. They never move out of the way because they think that just cause they were stupid enough to have a baby that they are more important than you and have right of way not to mention all the other fringe benefits they get from the government that you will never get because you arent dumb enough to ruin your life like them.
    They would have you believe that the rewards of parenthood far outweigh the down side- thats because they are jealous that you are still free , cashed up , fresh looking and having a ball travelling, socialising and doing all the other things they can no longer do. Even when their kids grow up the hell never ends for them because these days many kids dont leave home until they are well into their thirties. Your parents and grandparents will do their best to make you feel you have somehow failed and will never be fulfilled unless you become a parent. Don't fall for it. They've been brainwashed like everyone else in order to perpetuate the species.
    Perpetuation of the species is of course important however we live in
    an extremely overpopulated world. Resources are running out fast. Two thirds of humans are living below the poverty line and we are now drowning in our own crap(figuratively speaking). Therefore we do not need every single human to keep adding to the problem by pumping out more babies.

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    • PurplePeopleEater

      The whole concept of even having a baby is gross.Pregnant women look revolting parading their swollen bodies and breasts around as though they think they look beautiful- NOT!! The ones that actually have the stomach exposed are the worst. When I see one I nearly spew. I feel like saying "oh please cover that disgusting thing up already". But thats nothing compared to the abhorrent act of actually giving birth when the vulva becomes like a big baggy old inner tube covered in blood, gunk and faeces etc
      Its never the same again after that and the husband/boyfriend never looks at it the same way. A friend of mine tells me that sexual intercourse feels like dipping it in a bowl of porridge after child birth.
      Nope parenthoods definitely not for moi!

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    • Wagina

      Hahaha. It feels so good to hear you "say" everything that I feel about pregnancy/babies/people with babies. Amen, amen, AMEN!

      I have a serious urge to slap the shit out of its face when I'm forced to look at one, so I always avoid it.

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    • ReaperAJ

      Well, you're part of the over population problem, so be a martyr and go kill yourself in a public square so you can set a good example for the rest of us to follow.

      I am a parent and I can promise you right now that I do not at all feel jealous of couples without kids. Sure, sometimes I miss my freedom and some days I could strangle my kids because they rile me up, but I'm still glad I had them.

      Something actually happened on Sunday, we were at a park, having a picnic and having fun and I was watching a young couple also having a picnic. They didn't have kids and were sitting around looking utterly bored, whereas we were watching our kids and having a good laugh at their antics and just enjoying watching them explore in the river and so on. I actually felt sorry for the couple without kids in a way because their lives seemed so empty, and I was really grateful for the fact that we were able to sit there as a family and just enjoy each others company. Sure, there are times when parenthood has it's downside, but all in all, it most definately is rewarding. Incidentally, if my kids misbehave, I deal with them, I do not leave them to continue being a nuisance because I myself hate it when other kids make a noise and throw tantrums. Not all parents are as you say. But then again maybe it's because where I live we still believe in giving the kids a darn good spanking if they are naughty, so they tend to be better behaved for the most part. I have noticed that since corporal punishment has been abolished in our schools the kids are getting more difficult to deal with.

      Anyway, I agree that if someone doesn't want to have kids because they don't enjoy them, that's fine and it's their right, but for goodness sake, don't go about hating and projecting your own hideous hatred on others. We as parents don't share the feelings you think we have and we as mothers don't hate the fact that our breasts have hit our knees either. In fact, I know quite a few sexy moms with perfect figures and the dads are very fit and healthy too. Whether you're a parent or not, you can become sedentary and fat. So don't stereotype because you just make yourself look stupid.

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      • PurplePeopleEater

        Oh God that is just so typical of people with babies and the exact smug slef important attitude Im talking about. Feeling sorry for people without them. You see the world through a filter. A filter that says anyone without kids is sadly lacking and must be bored just cause they arent being loud and annoying like your family. Please keep your sympathy we dont want it or need it. Its like couples that seem to think that if youre not coupled up that you are somehow only half a person. Get over it.

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  • dinosauRAWR546282

    OMG OMG OMG I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY PERSON IN THE WORLD WHO HATED BABIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know that we were all babies once and honestly that disgusts me even to see a picture of a babie makes my skin crawl and everytime i am forced to hold they always take a dump in there diapers and its just gross!
    But yeah i think we all secretly hate babies some of us are just afraid to tell people that.
    Normal =]

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  • PricklyApple

    I'd have to agree with you on the babies looking ugly bit. I don't really see it when people say a newborn baby is adorable or cute. I just don't see it. I see a shriveled little thing that just came out of a vagina.

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  • gaelicwolf

    Hate is a strong word. I agree with most of the points this poster is making; I personally can't stand being around babies. They are noisy, unsanitary, kind of ugly, and there are too many of them. But generally, when I hate something, I want it to go into a dark place and die. I would not say that about babies, because they are future individuals. But I never want to have one, and I do hate being around them. So, I would say that I can't stand babies, but I wouldn't say I absolutely hate them.

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  • TanchoSanke1

    I found this story so funny, it really made me laugh and can agree completely (perhaps even if with a tad less gusto).
    As a young child I would not play with dolls and instinctively hated babies. I was told I would grow out of this but am now 27 years old and still feel as disgusted by them as ever.
    I always feel like a bad friend because now friends of mine have had kids I quite honestly go out of my way to avoid them and avoid meeting up with them. This isn't because I don't want to spend time with them, I just don't want to spend time with their screaming "things" that ensure that no reasonable sensible adult conversation can be had. They also actually EXPECT you to fawn over it and i'm not the kind of person to lie to people so hence I avoid the situation. People who have kids or are real "kiddie" orientated just refuse to understand or except that people out there just don't like them!!!
    I just can't helpt it - I wouldn't wish them harm but I just think babies are disgusting things that ruin your life and end it until they finally grow up and leave home. All the fun things you used to be able to do are gone.
    I particularly hate it when we go out to a nice restuarant and it's ruined by some child wailing and screeching and running around. If your kid is going to be doing that please don't ruin every one elses night and stay at home with it!!! Funnily enough most of us aren't interested in listening to it screaming while we try to have a nice night out!

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  • BratHater

    I, too, hate babies with a fiery passion. So many relationships and marriages end because of a sprog. I hate this shit that people say "Oh you were a baby once". Whatever douchebags, I am not a retard, I know I was a baby. But I'm not anymore, and I absolutely can't stand babies. They're not cute, they're not a "miracle." and I hate the double standard that it's such an evil thing when someone hurts a baby, but when someone hurts an innocent elderly person or an animal, nobody really cares.

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    • mr0807

      I just came across this site because I was sitting her thinking just how much I do NOT miss babies in my life, and I am well over 30 years old! I rolled when I saw your "oh, you were a baby once", because I heard that all the time! I also heard "Jesus was a baby", and "how would you feel if your mother felt that way about you?" Well, I guess I wouldn't be here to worry about it now, would I?
      I absolutely have hated babied since I was very young. My mother could not have any more than me, so anytime a relative came around with a new baby, my mother would go nutz over it and wouldn't put it down. I have to say I never felt so left out during those times.
      I've never held a baby, never changed a diaper, (oh, God, no), and NEVER once changed my mind through all the years when everyone said I'd feel different with I grew up ... WRONG!!
      Then I get people who say, 'when you're old, you'll miss grandkids coming around to see you'....I DON'T THINK SO! If I want company, I'll get a dog, which are a hell of a lot less hassle, especially when those babies grow up and weedle you out of every cent you have.

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    • MSisty

      Definitely NOT miracles. They're simple biological equations. WE NEED a miracle to tolerate them. I once could stand them but not anymore and it's parents who let them writhe around screeeching like rabid bloated drugged out bat monkeys with glassy eyed stares that make them so "hateable".

      Countries other than North America do NOT, for some reason, make same.

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  • christine

    I agree with you 100%%. Babies are ok with me if they are sitting quietly, not drooling, pooping or smelling but this is hardly ever the case. Overall they are little monsters that are dumb as a stump. The first time I discovered that I hated babies was when I was 6 and I heard a news story about a 1 year old flushing a kitten down the toilet! Anything that would flush an innocent kitten is pure evil. If I were that kid's parents I would introduce him to the foster care system ASAP ;)

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    • Wagina

      I feel the same, christine! I hate toddler boys. My friend's cousin flushed a kitten down the toilet. I hate them all. They're evil by nature.

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  • frito616

    I am the exact same way. I absolutely hate babies. My sister has had five children. newborn, 1, 2, 3, and 9 and every time she's had a baby everyone won't shut up about how cute it is, whenever i put my two sense in about it i get the dirtiest of looks. sometimes I just feel like punching a baby (although i would never actually do that). So don't feel weird

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  • Shaun

    I don't hate babies. I hate the stupid parents that think just because they were able to rub their pathetic genitals together and create a child, that now we're suppose to bend over and accomodate them. Guess what? Any two morons can create a kid. Get over yourselves.

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    • anormalperson


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  • jellokatt

    i concur. i hate babies. i can't stand hearing them cry, or seeing them. even older kids until they're about 5 or so freak me out. i actually cringe if i'm out in public and hear a crying baby, and i physically freeze when i notice one close to me. the weird thing is, i have a lot of maternal instincts towards my friends and pets.... just not children. i'm in my early 30'2 and female, and i think i might be a mutant or something because there is no "biological clock" feeling yet. the idea of getting pregnant is utterly revolting to me as well.

    for all of you parents out there, i'm sorry, but i don't think your kid is precious or cute (the same way a lot of people don't think my big, slobbery mastiff is cute). i realize you do, and that's fine. i just don't like them anywhere near me.

    also, i don't understand how not liking babies is offensive. i don't get offended when someone doesn't like my cat or my dog (some people just aren't dog or cat people... i get that), and i love them and spoil them more than most people love their children.

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    • jellokatt

      oh, and reaper, it's funny that you should say that about feeling sorry for childless people. i actually feel sorry for the people who feel that their life isn't meaningful unless they get married and have kids. i have a partner, and i'm very happy with him, but i was quite happy even before that, and i didn't WANT a relationship. you know why? because i am a complete person in and of myself. i'm not saying that all parents are like this, but there are a lot out there who feel like the main purpose in life is to have children.... like they have nothing else to offer the world, and that they aren't a valid person until they breed. THAT is sad.

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  • crimson_mamba

    AHAHAHHAHAHAHA the part where you call them little squirmy maggots is so true!!

    Ill see you in hell:P

    hahah jk its pretty normal alot of people secretly hate babies but just dont say it cuz its not "appropriate"

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  • itsmytime

    im sorta the same.
    like, i dont hate them, but they're really annoying.
    i don't plan on ever having my own kid.
    i wouldn't be able to take care of him/her without going insane.

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  • HowardMoon

    babies are hideously disgusting, I cant stand the little shits.

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  • babyhater

    I'm so pleased I'm not alone in hating kids the way I do!! When I was 18 my nephew was born. He was forcibly plonked on my lap. He shat his nappy. I was so revolted, I pushed him off my lap and was violently sick in the toilet. I hate babies. They turn my stomach and make me feel nauseous. I feel really uncomfortable when near one. I would rather cut off my own testicles with a blunt knife than have one of my own. I know I will never be a parent or grandparent but I'm ok with that!!

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    • girl4u

      I feel the same way. I'd rather do an abortion operation on my own body myself just watching a how to do it youtube video tutorial than go through a pregnancy.

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  • rikkitikki

    ... I was delighted to find this website and this story! I have hated babies all my life as well and feel exactly like the person who wrote this story. I am happy to see that many others also feel this way. There is absolutely nothing appealing about a baby. And, it irks me that most people think everyone is supposed to like them. I am female and in my sixties. Being ignorant back then, I married and had babies. I naturally loved my own kids but did not enjoy their babyhood. The older they got the better. Having kids did not change my feelings about babies and kids in general. I have never liked them and still don't. As a grandmother, it was difficult to be around my grandkids. I loved them but didn't like them. Thankfully, I have always lived far away from them. Just because I am female does not make me the 'motherly' or 'grandmotherly' type. If I had grown up in today's society and knew I had a choice, I definitely would not have had children. Some people are just not suited for it and don't want to reproduce. That is perfectly normal for those people. I find it hilarious and so true to read this person's and the other commentors' feelings about babies (the ones that don't like them). Babies.... UGH!!!!!!!

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  • arrowhead

    man, this post just re-convince me not to have kids. i don't like kids. i don't wanna have one either. imagine how much money you can spend/save not having kids. and, babies look ugly too. if i give birth to an ugly baby, i'm afraid i'm gonna give it away. but, i wanna be a neonatal intensive care unit nurse, just because i don't have to lift morbidly obese patients and injure my back. newborns are usually about 6-8 lbs. so, yeah as long as i get paid no worries. ooh, i can't be pediatric nurse though. too much crazy stuff with kids running away from needles, hiding under the table, biting you. a little suggestion, get your self sterilized, don't have to bother with contraception.

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  • KanbiTakai

    omg i feel the exact same way x.x
    i hated kids under the age of 6 yrs, i just hate them i guess its cuz they just cry for everything they dont get. everytime i hear a 5yr old like that @ the store i feel like telling the mother 2 make the kid shut the fuck up x.x

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  • brahzilla

    oh wow, i totally agree, i have hated babies forever, everything you wrote is what i have been saying for years, almost down to the t. for those of you out there who can't understand, don't try, you never will, there isn't some unwritten law that says everyone has to like babies. but seriously they are gross little parasites.

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  • CountessEveL

    Agreed. And I don't give a toss if it's "normal" or not. Fight conformity! Better that I know where I stand, rather than wind-up as an unwed mother with an unwanted child sucking on the teat of society as the result of a mistake.

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  • lolwhut

    Sometimes little kids/babies annoy me. Honestly, babies are overrated. Just look at all the YouTube videos of the little babies doing weird things.

    Um.... Why babies?

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  • GTara

    Kids are like farts.

    You only like them when they're your own.

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    • anormalperson

      lmfao so true

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  • treeometree

    Wow, I do agree. I actually think a lot of people don't like them, but society has brought us up to think that we are supposed to have babies. I think a lot of people's lives have been ruined because of that notion and that if more people were honest about it that our society would be better. There will always be people who do want kids and they will have them, so it's not like our population is going to suffer just because some of us have the sense to stand up against the family institution. Let those who love babies have them. The rest of us can still be responsible, useful human beings without producing life. Thank you for being honest.

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  • gbrown0341

    Dude, I have a 6 day old boy, and i feel the same way, but on the flip side, i also love him ridiculously. That's a little odd i suppose. but anyhow, all of you "i have a child so I'm offended" types, seriously, learn to accept other peoples ways and idiosyncrasies. so what if dude hates babies? Everyone hates something, or let me rephrase, everyone has a pet-peeve. I personally hate it when someone chews with their mouth open and smacks their food....i swear if I could get away with it I would snatch their souls from them...but I cant and so i go about my day anyhow. well....thats it I suppose

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  • The_Truth_Hurts_Doesnt_It

    Don't let anyone tell you that your feelings are wrong.

    You have the right to your emotions and anyone who robs you of them are the ones who aren't "normal". Don't let anyone invalidate your feelings, it can cause you some psychological damage later.

    Don't let anyone (including yourself) judge your feelings as "right" or "wrong". Believe in yourself and your decisions.

    If your mate tries to make you feel bad for your feelings, he/she is setting you up for a toxic relationship and it's best to avoid toxic people. You should weigh out the pros and cons of your relationship and find out from there what the correct choice to do is.

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  • Swejetahi

    I hate babies, i think they're little shits....they are so fucking disgusting

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  • RainbowWarrior

    I'm so stoked to hear another person say this!!!
    I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE babies and small children and always have!!
    They're irritating, you have to watch them like a hawk 24/7, they scream and cry, honestly they all look the same to me, and I don't understand AT ALL what is so damn cute about them! Top it off with, they pee their pants, they pee in the pool, snot noses, and even when they're clean they still tend to smell like the inside of a hamster cage.

    I used to think something was wrong with me... like aren't I supposed to have some kind of great mothering instinct or something?

    But I know now that I'm older that there are PLENTY of other things in life to nurture besides babies.

    That's why I'm a career woman.

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  • zeppelingirl

    I don't like babies either. As a matter of fact I don't like most humans... lol. But babies are seriously overrated.

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    • Zar

      I Agree honestly they really are over-rated

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  • HickorySticks

    Yeah I'm with you there, Im nineteen and going for a vasectomy for most of those reasons. When a baby cries in public, I just want to shut it up by ANY means possible.

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  • Brenda626

    theres this bitch at my school who slapped me once cuz i said i hated babies!

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    • Zar

      I Feel so sorry for you because that girl who slapped you needs her head examined because there`s too many people who like babies in this world all ready i want it to end.

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  • cgirl123456

    Your post made me laugh. I feel the same way. Babies suck, and their parents are OBSESSED with them! I have a sister-in-law and she's about to have a baby, and my sister-in-law is obsessed with how important the whole process is. I want to tell her that taking care of a baby is no more important than taking care of grown-ups. From the way she's acting, it seems like she's carrying the baby Jesus in her womb.

    Babies suck. Parents who think their babies are better than anyone else's deserve to be punched.

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  • ezra_morgan

    Do parents realize that their kids look like a mashed-up chunk of Goobers with small mutant-like appendages when they're first born?

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  • fluffycloud

    dont like babies,never did&never will!
    but the problem is that Im in serious relationship and every time I mention my opinion(that Im not melting myself when Im around babies and hate playing with them or simply dont picture myself having one..Im also disgusted of the act itself of giving birth!!)and he becomes angry of my "cranky and stupid behavior"
    and says what the hell is he doing with me then?!..its like Im being forced to do something that its expected from me,just because Im a femmale..damn..Im not a reproducing animal:)))

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    • Stabby

      Don't cave for him. Having a child for someone else when you clearly don't like or want them will not work. You will just end up resenting him for forcing you into a lifelong situation you didn't want. Living the life that will make you happy is not worth giving up so he can have a mini me. If he wants them that bad he can get a job working with kids or go find a woman who doesn't mind having babies for him.

      Given his 'cranky and stupid' comment, I honestly don't think you'd be giving up much. That's pretty arrogant and insulting to say to someone you claim to care about, simply because they have a different opinion than yours. As for 'what the hell is he doing with you then', I would basically say because you love me and want to be with me, not because you want babies? If the only reason you see for being in a relationship with someone is to have kids, you need to re-evaluate why you bother being with someone at all. If being with JUST YOU is not enough for him, he doesn't deserve to be with you at all.

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  • I HATE BABIES they are the most annoying
    In the world

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  • b00ze

    I think my lack of urge to have children is based on the idea, that there is very little hope for our species anyway. No point wasting time.

    Call it fear of responsibility. I for my part have a clearly defined sense for responsibility and my fears, and don't need to lie to others or myself.
    I don't want to be responsible for my potential child to grow up in this world as it currently is. I fear it would be unhappy. I am not sure. I am however, considering simple facts, quite positive it would.
    I've noticed people here accidentally confusing this with a theological discussion by mentioning SOUL and GOD to underline statements like WE ARE NO ANIMALS.
    Yes we are.
    Especially those of you who have chosen to breed.
    And no, god or soul has nothing to do with it.
    Neither has Superman and his heat vision.

    You people who don't want children, and don't like children and seem to experience a NATURAL repulsion to children, are the most normal, honest and by far most advanced humans there are.
    You, by listening to your minds and bodies, realize that you see no need in spawning offspring. I hereby thank you for putting thought in your action. The future is yours.

    -You, oh so caring assholes, better adopt and stop being bigots if you want to love and be loved and give somebody a future.
    -If you want a child as product of your love to somebody (your wife/husband), then you are a liar and asshole, and your kid deserves to die at birth, together with you.
    -If you are scared of racial shit, OOOOH A WHITE COUPLE AND BLACK/ASIAN/INDIAN/(INSERT ETHNICITY), then you are an egoist and don't deserve a child. Neither adopted or of your own. Go fuck you.
    -So you say a child will always be as good as the loving and caring parents make it? Then why do you insist on your GENES to be part of the child? Because you know you're full of shit? Or because you want somebody to continue some kind of shitty legacy? Like what? Carry on your forefather's last name for reasons you can't explain (false pride - but you can't admit it to yourself)?
    I've met a lot of people during the course of my life, and this argument was usually stated by unemployed people who missed most of their teeth and often some of their fingers - in some cases due to congenital reason on which there is no need to elaborate.

    Risking to sound a bit negative here, I'm just honest and realistic.


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  • Starsong21

    I agree. I hate babies with every ounce of my being. I hate being around them, I hate looking at them, and more importantly, I hate the people that poop them out! Every moo out there keeps talking nonstop about how amazing their little 9 month turd is. Have you seen the episode of Family Guy where that guy keeps hitting the other guy in the face with the picture of the result of his broken condom? Every parent seems to do that. I for one don't care that a baby cries because they are helpless, and don't care that they are completely "defenseless and innocent." I hate children, I hate my life being catered to the little crotch droppings. I wish there was an area on earth where all the moos would just take their piglets and live away from those who don't like them. I can deal with alot of obnoxious people. But I cannot deal with babies, children, or parents of young kids.

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  • It's so taboo to admit this stuff. It's stupid. We have to conform and make it okay for people that love babies. We can't share our own ideas.

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  • claudette

    I loathe babies. I never liked dolls as a child and never wanted a child of my own until the wretched body clock started ticking in my mid thirties and my husband wanted kids, and so I dutifully became pregnant and, what do your know, I hated every minute of being a mother. My son is now nearly 16 and, what do you know, although I do love him I still cannot fathom out as to how I became entrapped in this alien situation. Oh god please help me!

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  • Revoltage

    For all you people bringing God into this, I don't think that's necessary with the topic of reproduction. The last time I checked, I'm pretty sure the creators of our kind are simply a penis and a vagina.

    You are entitled to your own opinion, with confidence. Sure, others disagree and are telling you to go to hell. Whatever. Personally, I don't hate babies, but I dislike them. As a child, I thought they were disgusting. Pregnant people scared the crap out of me. I guess when you get older your thoughts change and maybe that will change for you. Maybe not.

    I don't have problems with babies; the only thing I disagree with is having so many. Our population is big enough and if you want so many babies, go out and adopt. I believe some people who want many babies are selfish because they don't even consider adoption. I think it's rather selfish, there are thousands of babies with no homes already, why not offer yours?

    I understand people want to create a child with someone they love but if you want a bundle of babies, might as well be a loving person and you say you are and give another life a chance. This also ties in with abortion. Abortion must be legal, no woman should be forced to have a child, especially if not responsible. I believe if you don't think abortion is fair, I think that's selfish. Why have thousands of babies born that end up in foster cares or have horrid lives because they were unwanted?

    P.S. : We are animals.
    We are all mad here.

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  • mimifox88

    Wow. I am freaked out by babies too! I don't hate them, but they're hideous things.

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  • fawn

    I hate babies too. I have never wanted to be a mother and feel sorry for people that have kids. I saw how miserable we made my mother and I swore I would never be that unhappy. So now I hate babies and kids.

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  • undertow25

    Just because someone doesn't like babies doesn't mean they're mean spirited. Some people are just so close minded.

    I don't see them as repulsive as this person does, but I don't like being around them. Yes, they can be cute but I find a baby kitten much cuter. I would never, EVER harm a child or a baby, just no, but I don't like being around them either, I have no patience. I just hate how smug parents can be, just because we don't want kids.

    Not everyone wants to have kids like you did, God knows we don't need anymore in this world, this world is a shitty place to live in.

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  • StarTeddy

    I don't like babies either. I don't want to hurt them, but I'll avoid them any time I can. They're just so ugly and gross and dumb. I have no idea how to interact with one. Whatever I do, they either stare blankly or throw up. Once they start talking and walking at the age of 3 or so, they're acceptable.

    But a nice, roasted baby with some sauce....mmmm, delicious.

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  • Toxin

    I agree with you. For me, it's probably linked to my Aspergers. I'm not good at acting like an idiot, and sometimes just not good at interacting with people, even if I don't have to act like a complete retard like I do with babies. So, when someone's baby starts crying and everyone else is busy or away, I hate the awkward situation, and associate that situation with the baby ; The result being, I hate the baby.

    I can probably also link it to how my sister, younger than me, was always spoiled when she was little, and I was stuck with the leftovers ; I was always told it's because she's younger than me [only by 3 years], and that I can cope with not having as much attention or things [which in my language, translates to "You're more mature so as a reward we can just forget you exist"].

    Now, everything they do annoys me. Especially when they reach the toddler stage & are capable of being a big pain in the ass. It seems they actually TRY to annoy you at that stage, because no matter what they do, it's always what you don't want them to do. I have 2 cousins who are toddlers ; I'll admit sometimes I find them cute, like when one of them was talking about how mummies do kung-fu, but most of the time they just annoy me.

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  • HowardMoon

    all parents love babies but normal people dont...we just pretend to, so stupid parents dont hate us lol

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  • S&S

    omg i absolutly 100% agree! babies are revolting in every way. i would rather die than become pregnant, and then have to deal with a screaming, selfish, smelly baby. the sound of a baby crying is just the most disgusting, vile, repulsive, infuriating sound in the god damn world. i feel really cruel when im saying this but i cant help it:(.

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  • proabortion


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  • Scully

    THANK YOU SO MUCH, I am a woman and I think infants are repulsive and NEVER want to get pregnant. My partner wants to have kids and it's bullshit that I'm pressured to have kids, because it blatantly ruins your life and when the kids grow up all they want is your money!!

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  • Remember that you were a baby once.

    Hahaha but I laughed my ass off. I love when people say "oh the baby has his eyes and her nose!". Like no you don't know that! All babies look the same to me.

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    • Zar

      Everybody has been a baby before but some people did NOT!!! like being a baby before, even me because they hate babies

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  • gakwildcat

    I have that same feeling. I just don't like how if you have a kid like EVERYTHING can go wrong. If it is fine there is still that spot on their head and the fact that in their sleep they could stop breathing.
    I just can't stand that kinda pressure. I wouldn't mind being a mom if I could have the kid and they could be older faster so I didn't have to keep dealing with catering to their every need.
    I have seen how my mom acts and I just can't stand it. I don't even like the fact that you could accidentally have one of those drooly scary big eyed creatures. It's just so...ugh.

    so I think your normal. Don't know about everyone else but whatever.

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  • MangaMaaad

    I hate babies too. Toddlers as well. When they come to my house with parents, I lock myself in my room. I get no sleep because they cry all fricking night. Argh! I don't understand why people think they look cute espicially at the "encrusted stage" when they are covered in food, snot, poop, spit, vomit and everything under the sun. I hope I will grow to like them because I adore children, and hope to have some kids one day. My mum doesn't like babies either so yes it's normal :D

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    • Zar

      I feel so sorry for you.

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  • Junk-Food-Night

    Well at least he doesn't eat them like I do, I can gobble up the annoying parasites in one gulp.

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  • DcMithra

    thats wen comdoms come in handy XD

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  • itzmenow

    Babys suck

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  • calivargas13

    i think babies are more tolerable than toddlers or like little kids. but yeah they can be annoying. VERY. I really cant tolerate little kids though. I think my problem with babies is that im DEATHLY afraid of being a mom. :/ maybe one day that will change. MAYBE. but i get annoyed very easily

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  • christine

    I agree totally! Well ok, there are a few babies who have hair and are quiet and cute but not too many. Most of them are nasty!

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  • GreenxBlack

    When a baby constantly cries. . .I want to punch it. .When a spoiled toddler DEMANDS things..I wanna punch it. . I think babies are cute but I hate when they cry and fron 5-13 I usually dislike them cause they are spoiled. . .

    I can't agree with you on the selfish part though, thier helpless and can't do anything so thats why they cry and they don't know enough to thank you or anything so :P It's about 50/50 some people just hate babies but you have a HUGE hatred for them lol

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  • WhiteWave

    i think the same, the look and idea of being pregnant is hideous.
    when i think about having kids when i'm older it scares me, i know i'm selfish to say i don't want to look after someone else for the rest of my life.
    but hey, when i'm older i'll probably have all the maternal hormones and all that kick in and end up having my own.

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  • KrisChris

    I use to think kids were from God, but after seeing so many trashy losers procreate with anyone who has a penis/vagina I think kids can very much be random mistakes that screw up the lives of not only the idiots who don't think about having them, but the lives of the people who have tried their whole lives to do things the right way and wait until marriage...or the people who end up having to take responsibility for these unplanned babies.

    I used to want kids, but now I just see this world as too messed up to live in. When I see a baby/young child I get a pit in my stomach.

    Having children with people besides a person you marry ruins everything...including this world we live in. People need to learn to live with integrity and responsibility and stop living in the moment and only caring about getting off...if not for themselves, then for the kid's sake.

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  • thecynic

    'But that's where the maternal instinct kicks in. (...) You just lack the maternal instinct that woman are supposed to have to help the natural cycle of reproduction.
    You're broken.'

    Sorry, but who are you to tell a woman, ANY woman, that they are SUPPOSED to have a maternal instincts? Have you ever studied apes, because I can tell you didn't. We are apes, no matter if we like it or not and a lot of female apes actually don't know what to do with their children. As many as 1 in 4 females leave their young too die. We are an intelligent species. Bringing up babies is a choice. You can't spin all of this on hormones. What are you suggesting? That you are not woman enough if you haven't?

    Do I or ANY other woman in this thread that openly admit they dislike children, sound broken to you, LOL? May I suggest you to spend a little bit more time in this world and widen your views a bit? Because, MooiePop, beautifull dollie or not, I have seen your profile and your age. I am not going to ef you over that, but seriously. People who have traumas, are broken. People don't have to go through sh*t in order to wake up one day and realize they don't like children. Two different things. It's kinda off to just say that to someone that doesn't like babies.

    Oh an by the way. Your comparison with the kitten is completely off. I am the same with cats and kittens and A LOT of childfree people are genuine moms or dads when it comes to our 'fuzzy babies' of the animal kingdom.

    Don't know why, just saying.

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  • pringlehopper

    I hate babies too.

    For those of you that know me, don't you think thats pretty fucking ironic?

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  • proabortion

    I love all you people that hate babies, I love abortions and abortion saves lives.

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  • ugh, thank you for felling the same way! i don't care what anyone says about me, but seriously: F*** BABIES! they're little pieces of s*** that need to shut their mouths and only be able to speak when they reach the age of 7. i hate babies with a passion, if it isn't obvious enough from my comment.

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  • FlowerOfHope

    It's OK to hate babies, I also know somebody who hates them (although she hates children entirely). But please keep in mind that babies aren't that intelligent yet. They are not able to say stuff like: "Mum, I wet my diaper!", let alone that they can solve the problem theirselves. The best solution for you is to just avoid them and never have kids. And when you see a baby on the streets, just pretend it isn't there. That's best for both parties.

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  • darkmay7

    wowo im not alone i hate babyes too, my mom just had a baby n hes soo ugly, he does look like a paratire sucking off my mom, its disgusting.
    i dont want to have kids no way, i been a parent since i was small raising my 4 younger siblings gosh wat a hasle, i mean being 10 yrs old and waking up in the middle of the night to feed my siblings or getting woken up by their cries, gosh im tired now i just want to live my life child-free :)
    i like kids when their in middleschool no toddlers and lower. no way their such babies!

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  • i hate them too ;)

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  • mechi1223

    I have come to conclusion i'm just not ready to have one of my own. I can handle baby sitting once in a while but I could NOT handle one ALL the time. Maybe someday your hate for babies goes away...who knows, or maybe kids are just not for you and thats okay too.

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  • enki

    Perfectly normal, me and my girlfriend feel the exact same way. Shitty thing is, most of your "mommy" or "daddy" friends, once the realize how miseranle they are, will abandon you out of jealousy, at least thats been my experience.

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  • EvilVillain

    Thank goodness I'm not alone. I find them much too sticky, disgusting, and creepy for my tastes. I know that I'm a bit of a misanthrope, but I just can't stand the thought of the human maggots that so often metamorphosize into mindless and apathetic adults.

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  • liz342

    I hate those little monsters too! I think women are crazy that they wnt to give birth to nasty little bitches! Also they suffer from having them pop out of their privates. Which is discusting! Plus how they vomit white stuff on you proudly. Nasty fuckers!

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  • Bengali007

    I don't care for babies, children or teens!!!! babies are noisy, needy and smell bad. Children are always whining and crying and scream at the top of their lings when they don't get their way. Teens do the same thing as children, but they are also extremely rude and disrespectful. all in all anyone under the age of 18 to me is just plane awful to be around. I don't want them hurt I just want them to not be anywhere I am, but that can't happen with the fact that everywhere you go there is one if not all three groups of them there so I just grin and bare it. I have seen Dr. Phil as my wife watches him once in a blue moon and I don't understand why he says they are such a precious thing, I see them as gremlins and don't think they are cute or precious as he or others see them. I did not like myself as a child or teen, and I have not met any of them I have ever liked I was a typical rude and obnoxious child and I was a disrespectful teen as my parents recalled so I do know that all of them are, the reason is that teens are going through their awkward phase and don't know who they are suppose to be and they are easily frustrated from that thus they get rude and disrespectful towards any and all authority figures as they don't want to be told how to be. so I say that is is just fine to not like any kids even the ones that the parents say that "mine are good kids" everyone thinks that their child is the good one, my kids were and are misbehaved and I didn't care for and distane them until they reach adulthood. there I said it and I don't care if you think it's horrible, I am sick of everyones opinions that you are a horrible person because you don't like children and that you must be a bad person because of it. You are not a bad person for how you feel and you don't need therapy for it either, you are entitled to your own opinion, and don't let anyone tell you differently. you are perfectly normal and deserve your sanity and should enjoy it to the fullest, lucky you and you don't need to conform to others opinions because they think they are normal for liking "Babies" or "Kids"!!!

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  • buriedalive

    I don't blame you. I feel the same. I wouldn't ever hurt one, but I really don't like them (mind you, I feel the same about most people under about 15 too :L)
    One thing you forgot about them, they're nearly always sticky. i always used to look after my little cousins, and any time you touched them your hand came away covered in gunk. Not nice.
    however, instincts will probably kick in if you have your own and you'll love it to death : )

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  • Babies piss me off when they cry, and pregnant women freak me the fuck out when they walk towards me...


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  • AdamDuh


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  • Sisco

    I agree with a lot of what your are saying. Most of the time, babies are putrid and disgusting. I want nothing to do with them. I would add toddlers and younger children too, they are the same.

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  • Lillian63

    Um...excuse me. Not to be rude or anything but what the hell are you baby worshippers and parents doing on a "i hate babies" site? What's the point? Are you all trolls? If that's the case, get out and go troll somewhere else please. . By the way, if people hate babies and don't want them let them have their peace from their opinions. Live and Let Live. Don't make jackasses out of yourselves. Thanks.

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  • demonspirit17

    same here dude (or gal) just makes me think "I was one of those!?"

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  • luckyboy55

    I don't really hate babies per say
    however i do hate it when teenagers have them.

    i think it's careless and cruel to the child to have inexperienced teenagers for parents.

    as bad as it might sound there are already too
    many people in this world and it's destroying the planet
    which is why i'll never have a child
    i do have a stepson who was stupid enough to drop out of high school before finishing 10th grade and get his teenage
    girlfriend pregnant i don't get it! these geniuses are "ready" to have a baby but they are not ready for to get married ?
    and i really don't think babies are that cute
    at least not untill they get there poop and what not under control.
    but like i said this planet already has too many humans on it yet people still keep having more babies it makes no sense to me....

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  • buttintoit

    I agree with star Teddy. Babies are definately an aquired taste, but with a nice marinade and they can be quite tasty.

    To all who disagree - please start sitting next to the creepy little squealers and their deaf and blind parents who think it's ok for them to crawl all over you the next time you get in a plane or movie theatre. You can help to create a barrier between the ill-mannered little beasts and All of the civilized humans that are choaking back their barf & disgust trying to pretend they don't mind.

    Or just leave them at home where they belong.

    Roasting on a spit in the backyard...mmmmmm

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  • thejazzismine

    Thank god, I thought I was the only one who despise babies. Their so nasty and needy with too big of heads. I don't mind toddlers and older, but I am NOT having a brat of my own!

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  • mimifox88

    Someone that feels the same...

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  • Poots

    I thought I was the only one! I hate babies with a passion. I would never babysit one again for fear of what I might do to it. I just have a deep urge to pick up any baby I see and smash it into the sidewalk.

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  • rmactastic728

    I don't like babies either. scares the hell out of me. never having kids come out of me

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  • warshipfan

    I've never liked babies and children for as long as i can remember. I feel physically sick and feel my heart in my mouth if i get 2 close 2 one. Having said that I ain't gonn b a dad anyway. I feel the same way about babies as what someone might feel about dogs or cats. They annoy me when i'm shopping and they won't stop crying. It's also disgusting when parents have their infant at the table, trying 2 feed it and the food everywhere but its mouth. yuk!! Good luck to parents but it ain't 4 me!!

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  • fluffycloud

    find it hilariously stupid when people expecting you to smile and hold their babies..
    WTF??!get a fuckin away from me stupid parents..dont push your drooling slimy baby in my face!!!

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  • Valetion

    I recently gave birth to my son and you know what? I'll be honest. Pregnancy suck, every time I looked in the mirror I was absolutely disgusted in myself. I looked and felt like a bloated pig and yearned to just make everything stop. Ever since I was little I have hated children, no questions asked. I never planned on having children but unfortunately for me I was one of the "lucky ones" who's birth controll had failed. And here's a little hint: no matter WHAT women tell you about child birth being a joyful, loving experience is a LIE. It kills, I'm surprised that I survived. Once it was all over I couldn't stand to even look at my son. I heard his first scream and it sent ice cold chills down my spine. It made me want to gritt my teeth. It's been a month now and he's still living with my sister. I felt no motherly bond with him and I still don't. Having kids isn't for everyone. I still think new-borns are flabby, wrinkled, meat sacks and I feel no compassion towards them. So cheers to all the people who agree. I have nothing against children, I just hate what they do.

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  • StrawberryFairy

    I hate babies too. It's no different than when people claim they "hate cats." It's a matter of personal preference. I'm never squirting out a crotch dropping, I'll keep my fabulous life thankyouverymuch. Breeders - what the hell are you doing trolling here. Googling "I hate babies", huh? You were looking for trouble. Leave us alone and get back to changing shitty diapers.

    Anyone who has babies should be thrown in jail for adding to the overpopulation, pollution, and destruction of the Earth.

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  • importedgoods

    HAHA UR HILARious! I agree.

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  • Cashjames

    i don't like them 2 but killing them is perhaps going too far. i think simply avoid babies . and that means don't eat the jelly babies or per-centa for that matter. i do think babies can tear people apart just don't have one . what they done 2u don't slag um off. you can't expect nothing more from them. they are dumb

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  • XxgemdinxX

    I can't tell you why you feel like this, but it's okay though. Everybody has an opinion. If you decide not to have a child, so be it. Try to avoid any contact babies, atleast. There are a lot of people that feel the way you do. Babies, maybe in your opinion are dumb, but babies can not reach the age of understanding until they are atleast 7. Do I think it's normal? Yeah, it's normal to hate babies. I feel like that sometimes too. Just don't let your anger of babies get the best of you though.

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  • carrie

    just make sure you don't have a kid of your own

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  • jennagirl21

    I honestly don't like anybody under 18 years old. But that's just how I feel.

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    • Zar

      Me too (even though i`m one of them)most of the six graders at my school look like 5 year olds

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  • i never want kids eiather

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  • freebee

    I hate making babies, I love fucking but you can keep the babies. Everything changes after babies. No more fucking. No more romance. Fat depressed mothers who do nothing but fucking eat sleep shit & complain like a baby.

    I hate babies they only ever come alone when you don't want one just like the cops.

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    • Wagina

      Hahahaha. ...like the cops!

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  • erocablok

    Haha too funny bro!

    I totally agree, this baby shit makes me sick.

    The comment about them being dumb is crazy funny!

    Read my story about "guys getting married"

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  • BreezyOne0608

    to each their own

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  • NorisBboris

    My boyfriend doesn't hate babies..hes AFRAID of them. But people these days always associate fear with hate. So..I can kind of understand.

    Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion. I'm not here to judge!

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  • wonderful360

    U were a baby once

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  • NeonLighterz

    I hate babies.

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  • Lillian63

    How would yall babyworshippers feel if the baby haters went on your sites to be cruel cyberbullies to you? It wouldn't feel good now would it? I didn't think so. If you don't want them being mean to you I suggest you treat them the way you want to be treated: with kindness and respect. That's all i'm going to say about that. Peace.

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  • crimson1211

    I don't know how people call them cute either... They are ugly as hell.

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  • lifeisdisgusting

    Babies are helpless monsters just waiting develop into evil life ruining people. If the human race was kind I could look past how fucking ugly and evil looking/sounding they are.

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  • likalaruku

    There's a lot of contributing factors to why I don't like babies. But I can tell you ahead of time that I am one of the most abnormal people you could ever meet.

    1)I had below average interested in dolls as a little girl, I liked stuffed animals, stuff like kinnex & legos, art supplies, sticker collections, video games, comic books, & things typically targeted at boys.

    2)I did not grow up around people who had babies & never developed a tolerances for them.

    3)I've parented many kittens, which are cuter, self-cleaning, easier to bribe, less noisy, less smelly, & don't cry. When a baby wakes you up in the middle of the night, you can't just put it in the hall & tell it to shut up. Babies don't hold a candle to cats & they require more responsibility than I'm willing to give.

    4)There were no men in our family. I was never taught gender roles, & until highschool I was rather chauvinistic toward men, having grown up with only poor role models to reflect men as a whole. These days I get along better with men than with women, in fact, I can't even relate to women unless they're tomboys because I have no stereotypicaly feminine interests.

    5)I am horrendous with things like commitment, deadlines, & responsibility, meaning I'd make a shitty parent if I did have kids.

    6)Even when babies aren't ugly & shitting their pants, they are obstinate & have annoying high-pitched voices.

    7)My mom regretted having me until I was in my teens. Admittedly, I was a horrible unruly sociopath of a problem child. I have dyslexia, dyscalculia, ADHD that turned into lazy AADD, obsessive compulsive disorder, hypochondria, & I USED to have anger management problems & Turrets (as a side effect from ADD medication that also made all of my hair fall out & grow back another color), & used to initiate fights for no reason at all. If I had a kid, it would probably be even more fucked up than I was.

    8)I can't tell babies apart from eachother. I once mistook a woman for my mother because she had the same hair style. I mistook a couple of coworkers from India & Mexico for brothers, & the only way I knew if I had the right math class was to see if there was anyone in class who wasn't caucasian, which I am. If I lost my kid in a mall, I probably wouldn't be able to recognize it in a police lineup.

    9)I have no libido, despite considering myself bicurious-asexual, & am a germophobe. The idea of touching a naked person makes me feel ill. If someone bumps into me accidentally, I wash whatever they touched with soap. Sex isn't going to happen. Since sex causes babies to exist, that adds to their grossness.

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  • Koda

    The word "coo" associated with babies makes ME wanna projectile vomit...

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  • idkblah1212

    Wow seriously you baby lovers need to SHUT THE HELL UP its HER opinion!! And im pretty sure SHE AND EVERYONE knows EVERYONE STARTED OUT AS A FREAKIN BABY!!!!! GOD DAMN YOU PEOPLE ARE STUPID IF YOU DONT LIKE IT WALK AWAY!!!

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  • idkblah1212

    By the way any pro-choice people out there like my comment! :)

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  • clocks48

    So people say "you were a baby once"...well of course all people were. All the same if my adult self could travel back in time and see my baby self...I would likely dislike what I was back then...whether the baby is yourself (in the past) or your next door neighbours kid...it's still a baby and they are annoying.
    I realize this may offend and anger some people, and those who adore babies that's your opinion and we are all entitled to it, nobody is a "freak" for voicing something they feel inside.
    Some people hate dogs for an example, but a dog is a living being that we bring home that depends on us to care for and provide for it's needs...yet if a person dislikes a dog there is no uproar or heads shaken or down cast looks...they are living and innoncent too. Just using that as an example.

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  • peachfuzz


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  • insertcreativeusername

    >>Don't have a child.... Anyways they cry to let us know what they want as they cannot do things themselves yet, simple as that.

    What are you talking about? They continue to cry to let people know what they want even as a teenager and adult. Why? Because parents DON'T teach children how to do things for themselves.

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  • oskilover18

    I think this post is the funniest I've ever read! The comments too. Oh, and while I love babies, I really don't think they can be considered full people until they can actually think. Plus, I totally agree with that Mark
    Twain quote about sending all teenagers out to die on a raft. Granted, I can joke about this cuz I don't have kids yet. So when I was in Madrid there was this sign on the fence of a preschool that I passed every day that said (in Spanish): we are people too! If I hadn't been in a foreign country I might have committed my first ever act of vandalism and taken a pen to the sign to change it to personitas. OK, so this isn't entertaining to anyone but me, but oh well. It was such a trial on my self control to not do that... and I sort of wish I had.

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  • This is stupid. I can agree with the crying and the bodily functions, because both repulse me, but the intelligence factor and the crying is all for a reason.

    When we're born, we're born too early, because we're still fetuses. But we're too big to stay in the womb, so we have to be born at nine months. In actuality, we should stay in for much longer if we are to be less helpless.

    Babies cannot communicate any other way but to cry. That's the only way they get what they need. They have no ego, or pride, and they can't judge. So, when they "want" as jealously as you put it, they actually need the things they're getting. And crying is the only way they can tell you they need it.

    Babies are not dumb. They're mind is open for learning the necessary skills for survival, but they actually know a lot more than you can; for instance, they cry in their native language's dialect, can differentiate between languages and understand basically what each word means, understands mathematical skills, et cetera.

    Also, your spelling is crap, and I just can't take anyone who types like that seriously. you sound like douchebag with a copper tan.

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  • himmelkind

    Okay...I am asking this because I am extremely uncomfortable asking anyone I know. If I'm repeating one of the posts, I'm sorry.
    I read somewhere that sometimes people who have a strong reaction against children have been subject to abuse. I loathe babies. I hate their mental institution drooling and shitting and resent them getting credit for being cute. I really like to see bad kids not get what they want. Sometimes I feel jealous that they are so loved and protected.
    I resent the attention mothers get for bringing another child into an overpopulated world and expecting their ass to get kissed for it. I resent having to be polite to a newborn and mom when presenting a new baby into the family.
    what is wrong with me?

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  • singlecent

    I don't care how many people vote that this is normal. It is not normal . I just hope that you all are very young and just to selfish to understand how important it is to be compassionate to all living creatures

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    • Fagitron5000

      Not everyone wants kids and it’s okay. It’s not a difficult concept to understand and this person’s opinion doesn’t affect you :)

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  • Blacksheep07

    I hate babies too, but not enough to think they are repulsive. kids are really annoying too

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  • yeah babies are annoying but they grow up to be functional humans so you just have to feed them until they grow up it's the sacrifice you have to make

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  • emms1981

    I love my kids but I hate the little fuckers who hang arround town every saturday dropping fucking stink bombs and getting in my way

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  • tommy81

    Hatred of a baby is pretty harsh. A preference to not have children is fine. Yes, babies can be annoying and messy. However, in comparison to teenagers, they're actually pretty easy to take care of with a little patience. Teens are far more stressful not to mention expensive to deal with. While your teen is cursing your name, throwing shit, defying you just to piss you off, drinking, experimenting with drugs, getting the neighbor girl knocked up, and burglarizing cars at 3 in morning...Your new born is crying for milk or sleeping. It's adults that make all the bad decisions in the world and fuck everything up. Children under the age of 10 and animals are just about the only life forms on earth that have not been corrupted. I could actually live with them in peace. I have never once been fucked over by an infant, but can't even count how many times and ways I've been fucked over by the adults in society. When I see a new born, I think to myself...Look, a fresh new human. He/she doesn't judge, doesn't hate, is non-biased, and accepting. This one has a chance. I hope this one doesn't grow up to become just another earth parasite dreaming up ways to hate and destroy their fellow man. Hating infants is irrational. Hate in general is irrational.

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    • GTara

      That was the closest you can come to internet poetry.

      When you look at the face of a baby, you see an untouched, unpressurized, uncensored form of a human. I agree; hating them is irrational and hate in general is irrational.

      The reason I dislike babies is after the postman rolls up with a handful of bills, the dog shits on the carpet, Im falling asleep next to my coffee, its Monday morning and I have to be at work in half an hour, The wife is bitching in my ear about how all I want is sex and how I never clean the house, my stomach hurts, I had no sleep last nite, Im hungover, then my 2 yr old looks at me from his mountain of blocks and gives me a drooly smile.

      If I could just have one day where I could play with blocks and drool.... and get breast-fed....

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      • GTara

        Here's another thing to.... the wife will smile and coo and baby-talk our baby, yet she turns around and slaps me, comes to me with her hand out, argue with me, etc.....

        Yet that baby has not paid ONE bill, made her orgasm (at least I HOPE not), and those pair of jeans she wears? Yeah, not her money.

        Yet I dont know what to do get her to play peek-a-boo with me.

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  • chunkybongo

    LOFL!!! I love it! That was the greatest...well, if you hate babies, then don't have any!

    That was absolutely hilarious. You've absolutely GOT to watch ERASERHEAD, a film by David Lynch. You'll LOVE it...

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  • Isolated

    I think people who don't like children have a reason not to like them. Is it because they need attention? Is it because of their appearance? I suppose those who have children will have the benefit of having their children caring for them at old age and so on. I guess it's normal for someone to hate babies, but not to the extent of hurting one.

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  • TerriAngel

    So, don't have kids.
    I'm not going to judge.

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  • FortniteDude

    Are you my soul mate? Omg lmao I literally couldn't have said it better and agree with you entirely!

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  • Sunflower22

    FINALLY theres other people who feel how I do about this. I have NEVER wanted children. Never. When I was 4 or 5 I was playing with my baby dolls and asked my mom if because I'm a girl does that mean I HAVE TO have babies or can I decide not to? And she of course said I can decide, and I said "good! Cause I don't want any!" And now at 23 I feel the same way still. Pregnancy is revolting to me. The way it completely takes over your body and makes it stretche and scar and swell and lose muscle tone and jacks up your lady bits and how your body never goes back to exactly how it was before and that you spend 9 WHOLE MONTHS WITH A LIVING THING INSIDE YOU SUCKING THE LIFE OUT OF YOU AND MAKING YOU FEEL LIKE SHIT ugh it grosses me out beyond belief. I'm sorry but I will admit it without feeling bad at all - I am WAY too vain to go thru that. I value my body and appearance TOO MUCH to ruin my body like that. And then commit to over 18 years of not being able to focus on it spend any real money on myself because a kid will be using it all up. Ugh. And don't even get me started on the nightmare that babies are. All they do is shit, piss, puke, and SCREAM CONSTANTLY. they can't do ANYTHING ELSE for SO LONG. I can't imagine handling that 24/7. They need u to do EVERYTHING. and if you don't do it fast enough or can't tell what they want - THEY JUST SCREAM. god that sound makes me want to smash my head against a wall. I cant stand it. Needless to say I will NEVER BE A PARENT. I know kids arent all bad and they can't help that they're useless screaming nuicances BUT I cant handle them. Nope no way. They're loud, they shit and piss on everything, they cost too much, and they are constantly making messes and ruining things. I do NOT know how parents do it. Or WHY they choose to have the little nightmares to begin with. Like I cannot fathom looking at a baby and being like "wow what a joy it is to have this baby" like no. Never. No thanks. Not for me.

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  • Rainbowbubbles

    Perhaps you have an anger problem.

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  • mia_streeter

    U know u did all that stuff to before!! So u are saying u hate everyone and you cause u were a baby too!!!

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    • Fagitron5000

      That argument is kind of stupid because we aren’t babies anymore, and none of us have the choice not to have been one.

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  • ilovelampWHAT

    I know excally what you mean, I myself hate people of all shapes and sizes.

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  • BLAh81

    "I really believe anyone who calls a newborn baby 'precious', 'sweet' or 'beautiful' is in fact a hypocrite and in reality comforting its parents."

    100% utter horseshit.

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    • Fagitron5000

      They’re just not cute though,,, like when people show me their babies I just say they’re cute so they aren’t offended, even though I don’t really like babies at all.

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  • sheilarae1987

    1. when they're first born, I agree..they look like lizards..only lizards can change color 3 times and still be o.k.

    2. Babies may cry a lot, but it's usually for a reason, collicy, hungry, in need of a change, loneliness, seperation anxiety, thirsty ect ect. They only cry because they cannot speak, people who are mute/deaf use sign language, babies cry to let you know something's up, they cannot talk like we adults have grown to be able to do.

    3. I agree a lot of them do look like they're not all there, I assume that's usually the parents fault, a mother who drinks when she's pregnant or just plain poor genes, you know how the "geniuses" love to breed.

    4. Most babies are ugly and the way people spin their webs of bullshit about cute they are, I believe are primarily doing so to not be looked down upon socially or to keep their friend/parent from having to come to the realization that their child is grotesque looking and that's all there is to it..although like 2% *the children you see in SOME commercials (not the local ads where the owner of a mattress company decides to have his ugly as fuck children pose near couches and table lamps) and the carboard stands outside professional photo studios have cute baby pictures...but that is the exception...NOT...the rule.

    & the rule is simple...babies look like trolls...strange.

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  • DuRieschtSoGut

    I hate all kids, the only babies I like are the ones that are In the blender. It's called a Gerber smoothie.

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  • Portal-Kid

    Babies are pure evil....

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  • whatsnormalanyways

    They fuck you up, your mum and dad.
    They may not mean to, but they do.
    They fill you with the faults they had
    And add some extra, just for you.

    But they were fucked up in their turn
    By fools in old-style hats and coats,
    Who half the time were soppy-stern
    And half at one another’s throats.

    Man hands on misery to man.
    It deepens like a coastal shelf.
    Get out as early as you can,
    And don’t have any kids yourself

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  • DrHotdog

    Babies are stupid.

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  • blewvelvet

    ...also..let me add..kids are fuckin expensive!...but anyone who has kids because of their insecurity or income level about it. They think they are going to get all this love an attention and an baby is going to fill that..until they start seeing the food, diaper and doctor bills to go along with it and have to wake up every morning at 5am....Go ahead..make your next decade really fun!! I dare you!

    It's really an 18 year sentence...the ball and chain is really here.

    Married with no children is a DREAM LIFE that I intend on enjoying for a LONG time!

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  • lilah1

    For me, its how others expect you to want to hold or spend time with their kids. I get so tired of people acting like there is something wrong with me because I don't like babies or children. When I hear a them crying, I get so angry and disgusted. They are repellant. I don't want to be around them or to pick them up. I just want them to go away.

    My husband feels the same. My mom wants us to have kids and keeps saying it is "different" when its your own. As someone who has worked in law enforcement and as an EMT, I know that is not true. There are so many abused children out there from parents who should never have kids. I think its better to admit that you don't like or want them then to have children because it is expected of you. And, I especially dislike fat babies and fat kids. All the rolls and the fat faces make me cringe. Its not cute. When I see fat babies crawling around in commercials, and people are complaining about commercials about sex, I wonder why its ok to force some of us to watch babies, and kids talking about poo.

    My mom also tries to tell us that all kids are "good." She volunteers with slow and problem kids at school. This is false! I have met some kids who obviously have psychological problems or who are just jerks. They like to hurt animals and other kids and they smile about it. I can't stand this knee jerk reaction that some people have - that all kids are beautiful. No, they are not.

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  • Wildchild97

    Omg I totally agree. Kids just get under my skin. Mainly 3 & 4 year olds. They just annoy me so badly I just wanna punch them in the face. They scream, cry, & do the stupidest things. & people think it's cute when they do. & I'm just like "Wtf is wrong with you?" how do people find that cute? Like seriously.

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  • trollbaby

    babies are the pits

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  • idkblah1212

    by the way i dont HATE babies im just phobic of them and pregnancy in general XP

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  • IrishSwifty

    I do not like babies--I think they're disgusting. So is childbirth. What is even more disgusting to me is breast feeding. It's gross and, yes, you should have to hide it when you're in public.

    If someone actually left me alone with her baby, this is what I would do. I would put the baby in the crib and wait until it was asleep. Then I would put in really good earplugs, and start playing, I don't know, Van Halen, really loud until it started to cry. Then I would leave the room until it was asleep again. Then I would go in with pots and lids and crash them together over the crib until it starts crying again. And repeat.

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  • clocks48

    People claim that having a baby in your life makes it better...in what paralell universe is that the case? How can a person who screams their heads off 90% of the time constitute making somebodies life better...I'm sorry but in my opinion it just makes your life more stressful and makes getting out of bed each day a dreaded thing...I am speaking from experience and maybe it is monsterous to say but it is my opinion. Just to address those who may be shocked and offended by the content of this article and it's responses if those people are pro-baby how did they even stumble onto an article that states in the title "I hate babies?" hmmmm....

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  • odin0511

    This is really quite easy to answer.
    The human personality is basically formed by the time a person is 5 years old. About 60 percent of the way a human being turns out has to do with the child's mother. If the mother is sensitive then the baby will have less social issues. There is a hormone that is released in unhealthy amounts when a young child is under stress. This is why it is important that a human being have a sensitive mother who caters to the child's needs at the young ages before 5. These children with sensitive mothers simply don't learn negativity. They learn how to control their emotions and manage their feelings.
    So anyone who hates babies or hates anything or anyone for that matter never learned these crucial social and level headed clear minded thinking from their mother at a young age (before 5 years of age).
    Of course these children must have loving and parents who demonstrate this behavior for life because being a parent means being a parent for life.
    People who like to pick on people, make fun of people, hate people or feel jealous of people, simply did not get the attention and support they needed as a young child. They were never given the feeling of support and never learned to feel confident and secure in themselves as children.

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  • Stabby

    Scary how much anger and hatred people spew because you don't like something they do. I love cats and one of my good friends hates them. I don't think she's a 'freak', I don't think she needs therapy and I don't think she's a cold-hearted, stupid, evil human being. I think she has a different opinion than I do and I don't understand it, but she's entitled to think however she wants. I know she would never hurt a cat, she just dislikes them and avoids being around them. People who don't like babies and kids are the same way.

    You can claim to be all about love and innocence you want, but the amount of hatred and malice in the comments toward people who don't like babies speaks for itself. Maybe you folks should try looking in a mirror some time.

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  • Ibelievethis

    My maternal insticts are completly non existant my own child excluded of course, but I would never go as far as to say I hate babies. Babies are innocent full of wonder and untainted by the evils of this world and totally incapable of doing any harm to anyone xx

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  • bloop_69

    I must admit I am kinda ashamed of saying this but I agree with u lol............ so funny :-)

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  • iSneezeMoneyy

    Ok so this made me laugh really hard on how you described things lol I started crying :P. But I'd have to say I don't like babies either...probably because I grew up in an in home daycare (my mom is the daycare provider) and I've never liked the kids that she watches or other peoples babies except a few. I hate saying it and I feel bad but it's true

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  • BSmith

    Everyone was a baby at some point.. And the only smug jerks I see are all you people thinking people with kids care what you think or care if you like their babies. They didn't have kids so you could like them they did it because they made a choice to have a family.

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  • pop123

    how could you...i love babies

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  • rosemayy

    Babies are not stupid they were just born a cupple years/months ago so they won't know eneything

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  • IcyHaminator

    I personally don't care for the little fuckers.

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  • PoisonFlowers

    I'm personally quite certain that I don't want to have kids of my own, but I don't hate babies. It's like having a pet lol. You gotta provide for the baby's every need. You have to potty train it, feed it, teach it words, teach it the way of the world. It's tough, but hey, you shouldn't get one if you're not up to it.

    Sure, the older kids can make me feel annoyed at times, but so can every other human.

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  • xEllysiax

    I agree they can be pretty disgusting and very demanding, I don't think I'll ever get my own child but I find them so incredibly cute in many ways. It's a mixed feeling I guess. The big problem with me is that I am a huge klutz and babies are so fragile, I'm always scared I'm going to drop them or something so I stay away from any baby I see. In the end, I don't hate them, I'm just not comfortable around them. You can hate babies all you want, just as long as you don't hurt someone in the process.

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  • gogo

    I to do not like babies but I don't hate them but u should adopt a little kid that way u can just skip that baby part lol

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  • Divx99



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  • Kittenna

    All you sad lowlifes that hate babies? You lot really don't deserve to be on this planet. Grow the fuck up and stop complaining. You were all once a baby yourselfs.

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    • Fagitron5000


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  • clocks48

    I have to concur, people act like people who dislike babies are some cruel,heartless and diabolic person. Whatever happened to the fact that we are all entitled to our own opinions. Some people just can't handle a person who isn't afraid to speak their minds about otherwise taboo subjects.
    Newborn babies are not cute,not in my opinion anyway I have always thought them to be like aliens, all red and shriveled with black looking eyes...so cute. I also agree on the demanding bit, they want,want,want...and while I realize it's their way of expressing themselves...it's annoying the sound of their cries and the whole "gimme now or I will make you go deaf with my shrill, piercing screams"
    Another thing, babies freak out too much, they scream as if they are being tortured and for what? a little bit of pee in their diaper? or because they are hungry after only eating two hours ago? They scream bloody murder if you don't give them what they want right when they want it. They have gas, and they scream out like they are being tortued...imagine if we all screamed like that when we got a little heart burn!
    People all oooh and awe, but do they really know what that precious little bundle is like behind closed doors, one of the most frustrating things to have to deal with.
    All I know is that it is such a relief to be able to express my disdain with babies among people who won't act like I am satan incarnate or like I have three heads...cudos to the person who created this for having the courage to express yourself on such a potentially sensitive subject!!!

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  • ThePudgyOne

    Don't have children. End of discussion. If you have a partner then make sure your partner is ok with not having children at all but you guys can still have the same satisfaction with your sex lives and other stuff. Depends if you both are comitted to that.

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  • briebrie

    Ok wtf is up with u!
    Don't you forget you were once a baby!
    Babies are precious human beings, I'm horribly offended by this because I want more than anything to be a mother and I also was just gifted with my new 10 day old niece who is just adorable for your information. You are a horrible horrible sick minded screwed up fuck if you say such horrible things about children and especially BABIES! If you think u can say things like that nd get away with it u r very very very wrong! No it's not normal it's sick and horrible and mean! Go to hell you undeserving fucked up mother fucker.

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    • Fagitron5000

      Nobody chose to be a baby… now that I’m conscious and older, i found that I really dislike babies and I think they’re ugly. Babies don’t need to really be treated like “pure little angels” and all this shit people like you say, they’re simply a product of reproduction and overpopulation.

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    • MSisty

      I don't find human beings precious in the LEAST!

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  • BSmith

    Another thing I don't parade my kid around... I go about my life as would anyone else.. Just like your parents did. I actually hate when strangers come over to say how cute my kid is..nim minding my own business and I wish they would.

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  • elowen

    The only reason people are afraid of babies is because we're forced to take care of them. If I had it my way I'd be drop kicking those annoying things off a cliff Spartan style.

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  • Noodleflower

    Uhemmm... Don't want to sound like a bitch but I'm about to... Okay you were once a baby and a retarted 5 year old too. Besides they will grow up and figure out they were also once babies and they were "stupid" as so you put it. That's really twisted and wrong of you to say this... In a way I understand but how would you like if you shit in your pants and no one was around to change you. That's why babies cry. Oh an your hungry right babies can't do everything themselves ... Well until they turn 2 or 3 and throw and kick that's when you put your foot down and say NO! Wack in the butt and there...okay this was odd

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  • SweetAdeline

    I hate puppies! Now, that'll upset all these bleeding hearts more than your hating babies!

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  • LaurenLive

    Well you used to be a baby...

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    • Zar

      Everybody has been a baby before but some people did NOT!!! like being a baby before, even me because they hate babies

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    • Stabby

      What's your point? You implying that the OP would have liked him/herself as a baby? Because I've got news for you ...

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  • combatgal856

    Lol.Some of what you say has some truth but babies are cuutee.They are not when they are first born though. Babies can not live on their own so tey are obviously trying to survive and the only way they can is by saying what they want and need.

    The though of motherhood freaks me out, imagine someone growing up annoying you and always asking for stuff, sound slike a giant headach, but I guess its all part of life.

    We all have our own opinions, your one on babies is very strong though. Wow

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  • ProudMamma

    OMG WTF IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE??? If you hate babies, then you must hate yourselves because news flash: EVERYONE STARTS OUT AS A BABY!!!! I bet you were all very ugly babies! With rolls everywhere, drool dripping from your chins, etc. and guess what? That's NORMAL! But you people think its ugly??? You're disgusting!!!

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    • Fagitron5000

      I do hate myself too babes <3 they’re just ugly. I bet I was ugly as a baby too.

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  • thegirlknows

    okay so basically you all are calling yourselves the most ugliest things there will ever be in the planet and that you were disgusting and your mothers were the ugliest ladies ever and that you were all looking retarded in your cribs and strollers cause if you have not realized yet you too were also ugly little babies so wtf? yall dont make no sense whatsoever children are blessings to the world if you all cant appreciate that then just hide in a hole cause you all are bitter retarded people and you guys are retarded for not realizing your calling yourselfs retarded when you were kids1 hahaha you all CRACK ME UP!

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    • MSisty

      NOT "blessings". HOW are they "blessings"?

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  • Luvz2fuk

    I love babies <3 they are so tasty and baeutiful

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  • heartbrokenbutterfly

    then dont have any.

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  • bwenduh

    I'm pretty shocked at all the baby haters.

    You should hate your parents for raising you. They obviously did something wrong. You'll never have lasting friendships. Most all of them will have families of their own and you'll be too repulsed to go near them.

    This is ridiculous.

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  • Solarith

    Abort abort abort

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  • madmaxx83

    That's got to be the most hilarious thing that I couldn't say better myself. You completely read my mind. I have an 8 year old. I dont know how I made it through his first 3 years of I WANT! I WANT! I WANT! Makes me want to punch them in the face myself or suffocate them and rid myself of the neverending selfishness. They ruin your lives. Want to know the most annoying sound in the world? A baby sucking on a bottle or teet. That incessant slurping choking and gasping makes your skin crawl. True fact? A puppy can walk, feed itself and find its way in the dark (because it's blind and deaf for the first few weeks) but not a human. We are soft weak creatures crying for our mommy and I WANTS! at the very beginning...UGH!

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  • nesig93

    Not loving something completely innocent and cute is a serious sign of the lack of empathy and human connection. Seek serious help for sociopathy or some other psychological disorder because it may bounce back later in life.

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    • Fagitron5000

      It’s an opinion based thing and it’s not a mental condition or lack of empathy. Do your research <3

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  • keanusneeze

    Babies and children are not my cup of tea. I'm relieved to see so many people think the same.

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  • nikanik

    You said exactly word by word what I think about babies.

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  • creepercast888

    I get creeped out when a baby looks at me

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  • Blahblah48

    Omg thank you!!! I’ve recently developed a strong disgust toward babies. Especially fat babaies, they’re utterly repulsive. It baffles me how people can stand to look at their ugly toothless fat faces. Why do humans consider a bald 40+lb INFANT with no neck, so fat it can’t even pull it's self up to stand so it can actually hit a milestone, smothered in disgusting dirty skin rolls, cute?!?!!... Parents parading it around as if they’ve accomplished something? The only thing they've done is produce an obese spoiled unhealthy disgusting grease ball.

    Germ breeding grounds that are always wet all over their nasty bodies from whatever function they’re having.... The non stop shreaking they make for whatever reason their needy black souls want this time.

    Whenever I see videos or photos of babies it instantly makes me want to punch it in the face (I’d never actually do it, just a strange urge)...so yea, I’m totally on board and relate to everything in this post haha

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  • Giovanni03

    Honestly I love babies

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    • Fagitron5000

      Even though I don’t like babies, i just want to say I appreciate you for saying that in a nice way without putting the OP down. Your opinion is valid even if I don’t agree. Thank you for being a nice person even though you disagree <3

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  • Speciosa

    My husband doesn't like babies either, he thinks they look very strange (big old bald head, big eyes, vacant expression). I don't blame him. And newborn babies look like squished up aliens. Yes, everyone expects you to fawn over their children. I get it, people love their own children above all else, but don't expect anyone else to feel that way about YOUR spawn.

    I don't want children; I worked in the foster care system for 6 years and I enjoyed being around children, but I definitely enjoyed going home to a child-free domicile after work and being able to do exactly as I pleased with my evenings and weekends.

    I think far too many people just get married and start having kids because that's what they think they are supposed to do. They don't put much thought into it, they just do it.

    A lot of times, when I see someone with a baby, I wonder "am I paying for that baby or not?" because so many people have children when they can't afford them and then the rest of us have to foot the bill. That drives me crazy!!!

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  • RainbowCupcake

    I completely and wholeheartedly agree. And before anyone says, "You were a baby once too!" I was a horrible baby, worse than average. Even now, as an adult, I can't stand children in general. Whenever I happen to be around one, it nearly sends me into a panic attack. Everything about them bothers me. But I'm forced to deal with several of them because my friends are having babies, my cousins are having babies, EVERYONE is having a goddamn baby. And every time I'm around them and their kids, I'm told I'm wasting my life not mothering a child. I can't fucking stand it; so yes, in my opinion, you're perfectly normal. And for all of those people calling her sick, she's not. She just so happens not to view herself as a baby launcher.

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  • KillerWombat

    Eugh. Babies are a nightmare. The screaming, the pooping, the vomiting, the screaming, the boogers, the stench, the screaming, the smearing of half-digested food and bodily excretions all over every surface, and DEAR GOD, THE FUCKING SCREAMING. It's an assault on my senses! I'm a highly-sensitive person [HSP] and a musician, and so all of my senses are heightened to the point that I find babies unbearable to be around. Sound especially has so much power over me; it always has. Beautiful music can leave me feeling elated for days; horrible sounds can terrify me, make me extremely paranoid, and just generally put me in a really pissy and irritable mood for a long time. And sorry to say, but the piercing siren-shriek of a spit-drenched human maggot is not quite the same as a Ralph Vaughan Williams symphony.

    It's weird.. as I think about it more, I kind of feel sorry for the creatures, knowing that they're trapped in such a putrid larval state. But it doesn't make me want one any more just because I feel sad for it. I got myself fixed at the age of 24 and haven't looked back since. Pregnancy creeps me out, babies gross me out, little kids make me murderous with their whining and screaming and fit-throwing.. hey, this is the place to vent all these things, now, isn't it? :)

    No, I am not the sort of person who looks down on someone if they want a child and decide to have one. That's really awesome for them.. I know it's a big deal to some people, and so if they're happy, so am I. What I do NOT like is when people assume that there's something wrong with me because I don't want any kids. Does everybody have to have the same interests? If we did, the world would be a terribly boring place - which would be yet another reason not to bring a kid into it, haha. xD Having a child is not a mandatory part of life for every single individual. That's like saying that everybody has to play a team sport and love it, or something's wrong with them. Sports are not something I'm interested in, and I'm not 'missing out' on anything by not playing one; same goes for giving birth and raising a child. It's just another inclination that you either have or you don't, and whether you possess it or not is completely neutral and doesn't affect your status as a human being.

    I have found the love of my life, and we share the same stance on this. Just music, writing, travelling, and kitty-cats for us, and that's just exactly how we like it! <3

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  • AwkwardlyMe

    OMG that was like the MOST hilarious thing i've ever read!
    I'm like wiping my eyes and struggling to breathe. I can also see what you mean. i guess it's just never been explained to me this way. the parasites' do seem disgusting. i still want them though (just two mind you, i don't want to be a breeder). But honestly if babies were explained to me like this in school, i'd only want to breed for survival of our race. they'll probably less teen mums too lololol

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  • Alphareign

    If you brought your baby, babies don't watch this. Take the seed outside and leave them in the streets and run them over after the show.

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  • johnjohnsonisweird

    normal. i kinda hate them too, but the one scariest is kids around 5 or 6 i hate they way they stare at people especially when they stare at me. i prefer my crush who does that than them. it's just awkward as hell

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    You know at one time we were all babies.

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  • CKE1575

    You have NO. IDEA. how relieved I am to read this. I feel like singing "I am not a monster and I am not alone!!!" I have never liked babies, or any age children for that matter. I cant stand them. I will deliberatly avoid situations where they will be involved. Its not as if I dislike them on an induvidual basis, Its ALL of them. Just, how they are. So needy and LOOK AT MEEEEEE!!!! Well guess what kid, Im looking and theres not much there but snot and some funky ass smells. So heres the problem. In a month I will be my one year wedding aniversary. I have never lied to or shaded the truth from my husband regarding how I feel about having children. He has ALWAYS said he is ok with it. It was actually a huge discussion before the wedding. I felt like, hey, I may be alot of things but some kind of trixter in not one of them and I really wanted him to know I am serious and what he was getting into. So, the other day were at lunch and I am tellin him how my sister would like to take the skirt from my wedding dress and incorperate it into her wedding dress. I follow this us with "I told her, ok, becuause hey, its not like were ever going to have kids" He busts out with "WHAT?!?!?!" Like he was surprised or something. I gave his the WTF look and reminded him that is a hard and fast life style decision we made a loooooong time ago and where is this surprised reaction coming from? To sum that nights argument up, he assumed I'd 'get over it' So.... what do I do? What do we do? He says once agian that he's cool with not having children but now I suspect he's just saying that, still believing I will miraculously change my mind after 27 years of being disgueted by the idea. I think not... anybody else ever been in a similar situation? What did you do?

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  • NeonLighterz

    Very normal. At work, a lot of parents bring in their kids, and they cry for no reason. It makes me want to go get a knife from the kitchen and stab but.
    We were all babies once, but I do get your point. Just wait until you get married, you'll have a baby of your own. Just don't hurt it!

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  • positive1#2

    You are crazy and babies are adorable!:P No seriously, I guess it's cool as long as you're using protection like ALWAYS!

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  • tea.with.milk

    I find babies to be disgusting as well. I like children when they are older. I'm even a teacher. But I don't understand why everyone thinks babies are so cute. My sister and I were at this public event the other day, and this lady was letting her little kid (probably under 3 years old) stumble all over us and was acting like it was so funny and cute that he liked us and wanted to drop is sticky bottle in our laps and fall all over us. I was so incredibly annoyed, but I didn't say anything because I didn't want to be rude. People need to realize that their baby is beautiful to them, but not necessarily to everyone else.

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  • danikamadrid

    Its normal. I can only be around a crying baby for so long before I move tables ect.

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  • FrownyGoHappy

    Hah! The part where you described what they look like to you had me in tears, and yes I agree with you 100%. In my opinion the absolute WORST thing about an infant are the bodily fluids, I simply canNOT stand the sight of a baby slobbering...

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  • Sillygoose

    Babies fucking suck dude.

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  • blewvelvet

    YES. I am a woman..42 yr old. I also gravitated toward animals (toy and living) while babies repulsed me.

    I feel that waiting as long as possible to know more about how this friggin world works and being able to pass that information on to the next generation should be what we ALL DO.

    I believe in making QUALITY people and having kids when the WOMAN is ready to have one will result in quality people...versus quantity. Lets face it..most of us don't have farms where we need extra hands for survival and we don't live in the wild west....

    We also just don't want to admit it for fear of being ostracized or disappointing other members of your family's "general consensus".

    ...and not just do it because of what your parents or your community wants you to do..or what some story or fantasy book imprinted into you.

    ..until then..I will enjoy my dog..my cat and two guinea pigs!
    At least they let me sleep all night long!

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  • Snow_Kitty

    Ah! Oh my god I hate babies too! No one has ever understood my hatred of infantile humans! I feel so much better knowing this. I agree with all your points, but numbers 2 and 3 about the crying and wanting things are sooooooooo true.

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  • jondoerandom

    Good, keep it up! Damn babies are repulsive..

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  • greasything

    I am really happy that there are so many people who think the same :) It makes me feel so much better... Being a 26 is a little hell, because everyone around me is getting married and gets pregnant. Then there are the endless Facebook photo sessions and my "favorite" - ABSOLUTELY NO FREAKING WAY to get to know how the friends in question are...It's ALWAYS about the baby... THEY didn't sleep well last night, THEY had a poop just now... arghh

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  • himmelkind

    I don't like the fact that I hate babies. I vented some of the superficial reasons, realizing my big problem was with the people that put them on this pedastle.
    I was wondering if anyone has heard of the abuse angle that I had heard. I was reading a book about a woman that had an abnormally high aversion to babies. It turned out she had repressed memories to being abused.

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  • RaNdOmPoPcOrN

    Babies SUCK

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  • duckmoopoo

    I don't thing there's a psychobabble reason for it as some have suggested. Maybe it's just evolutionary. We're getting overpopulated-maybe on an Darwinian level we are beginning to dislike children more and more. I'm a freak here I suppose, I love my kids. I've always loved babysitting and nurturing children-I grew up babysitting. But I know how to, I like to help people, and I see more than a child, I see a future adult. You're born with it or your not, nothing wrong with either side. I don't think we should judge each other for that; It's just as important for some to hate children as it is for some to love them. Given the trend of our race right now...I'm not suprized that there is a growing amount of people who dislike children.

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  • idkblah1212

    Hey don't worry if you've been attacked by "baby lovers," prego women, and "pro-life" people I agree with everything your saying! :) babies are little bundles of living hell!! XP

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  • pussinboots1173

    I agree! Babies are extremely annoying! There messy, smelly, and the screaming gives me a headache! Besides kittens are cuter and grow up faster. So I'd rather have a kittie!

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  • Karyyk

    Oddly enough I was searching for "people who hate babies." Obviously I found the right place. I honestly don't have an issue with disliking the crying, not wanting them, or even how they look, but wishing harm on them? Stupid (you need to learn a thing or two about human development, folks)? Basically feeling as if "breeders" have no rights if it means infringing on yours (anyone complaining about noise pollution only needs to sit next to a table of self-important hipster douchebags to experience things more nauseating than anything babies shit out) can shove it. I mean that in the nicest way possibe...shove it...hard.

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  • cassparilla

    I'm relieved to have found this site. I went out of my way when I was younger to avoid babies--they cried, smelled funny, and made you skin feel sticky like dried juice and slobbery crackers. Whenever someone would bring a baby into the room, I'd get as far away as possible because I was terrified someone would try to make me hold it. I have an 18-month-old and love him to death. He's so cool. Even strangers say so :) I thought that since I have a kid and love him, maybe I was magically transformed into a baby person. Not the case at all. I can't stand other people's kids (their crying is like knives in my brain and they all smell bad) and after a traumatic week of trying to watch other people's kids, I'm going to permanently take myself off of the babysitting market, for their sake and mine. I guess I'm still super anti-baby/anti-kid, except for my own. I don't even really like holding my own nieces and nephews :( They're noisy, weird, and slobbery and make me feel dirty. I've been Googling like crazy to see if it's normal to hate other people's kids because I feel like like a dysfunctional woman. I'm even more freaked out of my mind because I'm pregnant with the second (planned) and raging with hormones, and feeling like maybe I should just give it up for adoption since I hate babies. But, I love my son, so there's hope. Some people just don't like kids, and that's fine. It is different with your own, though :)

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  • nogirliegirl

    I'm glad to see there are other people that feel the way I do. I've always hated babies. When I was a small child I hated babies and couldn't stand the way pregnant women looked. When I see the stupid videos that people post about their baby on youtube I want to scream. They think it's cute. I think it's stupid and want to smack the stupid baby in the head. Give me a terrible two year old anytime - really I can deal with it. It looks like a person at least. I never liked playing with dolls either - boring as far as I was concerned. I used to take off the doll clothes, cut their hair and throw it in the junk toy box. My brother's truck was much more interesting than the stupid doll.

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    • IrishSwifty

      I had baby dolls as a child, but I always whacked them on walls, doors, floors, whatever I could find.

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  • neofeudalism

    Many of the posters here have a general idea that the world is already overpopulated and they are right...more awareness is needed, however, when it comes to the critical situation of dwindling non-renewable resources: especially oil. Social chaos and massive starvation might occur soon as a lack of oil also means a lack of fertilizers to grow crops and a lack of fuel to plant, harvest and transport them. Given the current situation having babies just because "they are cute" and "a blessing" is uneducated, short sighted and irresponsible. The Chinese have it right, limiting by law the population to one child per couple max. They are smart people, I think it's no coincidence that they are already the world leaders in renewable "green" energy technological implementation.

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    • julabug55

      Right, but they are also the world leaders in infanticide. Google "The Dying Rooms" to learn more about population control and murder.

      And, oh, did you know that we can get oil here in the USA? That the president is financially backed by people who invest in oil companies from other countries. Yes, this is a fact, meaning that Obama refuses to let us use our own oil. So don't talk about what you don't fully understand.

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  • cipotaxloca

    i agree completely, i've never liked babies EVER -.-

    i find them completely annoying, all they do is cry and vomit and ugh! my best guy friend has two babies and he's only 19 UGH (and he's not even involved with the girl anymore they basically just live together only for the sake of the kids) idk why but whenever he mentions his kids or when i see them in pictures or up front i completely loose interest

    even his ex girlfriend annoys me all she does everyday is post statuses on fb saying "omg my babies this and my babies that" they don't do much i don't understand why everyone goes crazy about them

    just my opinion

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  • creeepxo

    Uhh this was entirely way overdramatic. Everyone starts out as a baby. Why don't you just not hang around them? How bout that?

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  • MapleSyrup

    Don't have a child.... Anyways they cry to let us know what they want as they cannot do things themselves yet, simple as that.

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  • Rumpranger39

    Wow, I guess then that asking you to baby sit is out? Sorry had to get that one off my chest. Your feelings are your feelings your not wrong, your just diffrent. Quite diffrent for the most part. Get help if you feel you need to other wise just go on with your life. Many of your friends will or may already have children they will want to show them off to you. If you value your frindship I suggest you learn to lie a bit. Or drop the friend as soon as they have a baby on the way.

    Good luck

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  • loviex102

    You sound uneducated and it's not tought, it's THOUGHT. Grow a brain stupid one.

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  • phazeylxx

    You all are fuckin crazy ass people

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  • orchidz20

    Well, just keep your legs closed, because God help your poor child if you become pregnant...poor thing will probably be murdered before he/she even has a chance to live.
    Oh, and baby's are baby's for a reason...they aren't supposed to function like adults. They are helpless and depend on adults to take care of them.

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  • whiteshirt

    the solution is you can adopted a child not a baby, if you want to have a child. If not, just find a partner who doesn't want baby too.

    Or ask someone to taking care your baby until getting older and capable to talk and walk so you won't get a fuss from baby.

    Whatever suit for you :)

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  • Ibelievethis

    Not all women yearn to be a mum. However,you would probably and feel very different towards your own child, I know I did I have never had a maternal bone in the whole of my body, but O.M.G I can't get enough of my own (she was planned) but other people's babies just don't interest me at all (and why should they) x

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  • thecynic

    Correction: "Did you believe that too, when you I wonder?"

    has to be:

    "Did you believe that when you were giving birth to your son I wonder?"

    Grrr, no edit button! ;(

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  • drizzyFTW

    Actully i like this .
    People who don`t like babies, don`t need to make them either . It`s simple . People who don`t want a baby and accidently have a baby put them up for adoption and give them THE WORST LIFE THEY COULD GET . so i think its good that people have opinions like this . make shure you tell everyone about it . So just incase you have a baby in the future , everyone can call you a hypocrite . plus ; what happens if your parents thought like this too ? would you be here ? think about it before you start saying " I HATE BABIES " this is just my opinion .

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    • gakwildcat

      my mom has told me that I was an accident and that until I was born she never wanted kids. lol. So yeah I don't think it counts as being a hypocrit if even parents have that feeling.

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      • Zar

        Well that`s just your opinion

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  • dollpartz

    Wow, ya, it is a totally competent thing to hate a baby. Are you daft? "Babies are stupid"....do you read? Do you know anything about childhood development? Did you honestly really say that? I just joined this group, site, whatever. And so far...I am ASTONISHED at the stupidity. Just absolutely stunned. I get the whole not being a fan of kids. And that is ok. It is not for all. But just the things you say, comparing them to maggots, calling them retarded, and every other just vile thing you had to write....ugh. What a piece of crap you must be. A true gem I bet. Wow.

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  • combatgal856

    You are only focusing on the negatives of babies. All those things are a way of survival for them and plus its the only way you can learn and develop

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  • dee87

    Uh........you were a baby once so...get over it and stfu

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  • tofimixy

    You were once a baby dumbshit.

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  • ProudMamma

    Someone should punch you in the face and then some, for saying you want to punch a poor innocent baby in the face! *spits on your grave* you disgust me!

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  • HAAHAHAHHAHA!! You made me see babies in a new way! Even after aaaaaaaaall that hate I still love. :p

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  • mew

    It's a good thing you don't want kids, we don't need anymore people like you.

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  • mkaidd

    i guess some people are baby-phobic, whatever. but you're rationalizing your statements like they should do something differently- should they grow up faster, or communicate differently? you're holding their baby-ness against them, and it seems a little pointless. it seems like you can probably avoid the "having to" interact with one so best wishes living with that hatred.

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  • ReaperAJ

    I shudder to think what kind of parents brought up all these baby haters! Jesus. Maybe they were hated and ill treated by their parents? I used to be uncomfortable around babies right up until I gave birth to my first, I still held him in my arms that very night and wondered what to do next. I wasn't sure I could be everything that was expected of me as a mother. Babies and young children used to frighten me, but I grew up an only child and had no experience with babies up until I had my own. Thankfully, after a few days of bonding with my child, I overcome those fears and phobia's and fell completely in love - the purest love one could ever experience. There are still times when I'm a little nervous around kids, but I have figured out that it's mostly when they're raised to be obnoxious and bratty. When they're well behaved and well mannered in an age appropriate way, it's a different ball game.

    I understand people choosing to not want to have kids, I was almost one of them myself, but to hate a baby in such a profound way is really sad. They have done nothing wrong to anybody, they are incapable of wrong doing. Yes they are needy, and yes they are demanding. So would you be if you had no means of mobility or speech.

    People that have kids don't have them to annoy their childless friends either, that is a selfish way of thinking. Most people have babies by choice because they feel a need to continue their bloodline and extend their family. The reason they leave their childless friends behind is because they don't need to be treated like second rate citizens for their choice and they certainly don't need to put up with the sneers and derision or lack of tolerance their childess friends may extend to them. It is afterall the natural order of things to have babies. It is what we were intended to do - what all nature does. As for the person who said some shit about apes, no we are not apes, that is not a proven fact. And besides which, just because an ape sometimes doesn't know what to do with their child, doesn't mean it's not a natural process to have them.

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    • Stabby

      "Maybe they were hated and ill treated by their parents?"

      No, they weren't, and that right there proves that you do not understand.

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    • ReaperAJ

      Anyway, I just think that the reason the human race is in such a sad state is because of hatred and intolerance - and what is worse than hating a defenseless human being - be they babies, old and infirm or just invalids. Behind all this baby hatred is a mound of issues and a total lack of empathy, and just because there are so many of you, don't fool yourselves for one minute by thinking it's normal. You're outnumbered by ridiculous figures evidently - just look how many babies are around you. There are a long list of serial killers too, but they're definately not normal. Neither are all you haters, you're sick and selfish individuals.

      I can fully understand it if someone says "I can't relate to children and babies" or "I don't want children because I don't feel maternal" or for whatever reason. Quite acceptable, but such a level of hatred towards your own race is unacceptable and I vote that since you are all so full of hatred that you immediately do the world a favour and commit suicide or build a craft and take the nearest exist off our planet because YOU do not fit in with the natural order of things.

      Don't even try to compare us to animals, no matter whether we are mammals or not - or technically animals if you will - we are a higher life form, capable of much more than any other animal form on earth, THAT is the difference between their behaviour and ours.

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  • kether

    why hate babies they are as much fucked as we are !!were here in this world like they are were all damned as long as we have to cope with the trials of life,so please go easy on them they didnt ask to be here!!lol

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  • Geezzzzz woman! As if they were Satan's minions for something! You were one once, and personally, I think they're adorable!

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  • rainmay

    i love babies. :) even if they cry and scream, its worth it when you finally get them to smile.

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  • curiouskiddo

    I had no clue there were so many hateful people out there. Who hates babies?!?! they're so cute and fun and funny.

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  • You were a baby at one point in time. If your parents had been like you, you would not be here. Baby's can't take care of themselves. If you really don't like them don't have kids, but stop being such a bitch about it. People like you make me sick.

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  • princessx3

    You people who say you "hate" babies, you are all fucking JOKES. Yes, your entitled to your own opinion BLAH BLAH BLAH. But these babies that your saying do so much wrong, did not ask to be born. So for you to bash on babies, or children, that do not know anything AT ALL, and cannot defend themselves in anyway, just makes you look like an idiot. Thank god none of you would have kids because I would sure hate to have you as a mother/father. Learn some respect.

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  • ifbaptist

    anyone who agrees with what ever that morbid person thinks isnt normal either and the movie earaserhead is not a movie to laugh at it is a movie that sholdnt have been released and if ya watch it for the reason
    -you hate babies
    -you want to punch them
    -you want to see them in pain you are.....

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  • i-swam-from-africa

    I PERSONALLY LOVE BABIES! But some peeps may feel differently....But to say you HATE babies..... well thats pretty mucked up.
    So yes, they cry all the time and can sometimes smell of poop but at one point in your life you were exactly the same.
    And don't bother asking your momma if you were an annoying and loud child as well because you probably were. Wait..... you still are annoying.
    The way you dislike small lil' babies is unhealthy. Get that checked. :(

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  • Babies are beautiful little human beings. You are a negative mean spirited little cretin. Just don't have children - problem solved.

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  • You were once one

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    • Quad

      And Im sure I was hated back then...

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  • Ginger400

    Your sick! Like seriously u cab have an opinion but don't call them retarded! WTF

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  • stephy07

    aww i think babys are cute :)

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  • sheepsheep

    since you hate babies so much, you won't reproduce and then there won't be any more of you. so that will solve the problem of cold-hearted people such as you existing.

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    • Stabby

      You don't 'pass on' not liking children. If that were the case NO ONE ALIVE RIGHT NOW would dislike babies. My mom and dad love babies and I hate them. It's not genetic.

      And I've never seen so many people assume thousands of strangers they have never met to be cold-hearted and 'evil' because they don't like something you do. I could just as easily claim all of you are cold-hearted for being so mean and hateful to people who don't like babies. Not liking something does NOT make someone cold-hearted. I know people who dislike babies who work at animal shelters and hospitals. Try thinking with logic instead of emotion.

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  • lilmamatank

    i can only start with "wow". what you are feeling is only 'maybe' normal for someone who has never had a child. Babies can be disgusting. Adults can be even more disgusting...we burp, fart, throw up, have diarrhea, etc. babies are helpless. they can't help it when their body functions take over. they cry because they don't literally have the language to tell you how they feel. I would cry too if i was hungry and noone fed me and i couldn't tell them...same concept for having wet or dirtied myself and couldn't express it in words. your issues are so far past what is normal... get help

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  • haleyxbailey

    babies are precious. and INNOCENT. they are not spoiled they cry when something is wrong because they are HELPLESS. they may be annoying and not the cutest when they are first born but they are precious.

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    • RedAvarice

      Nothing is innocent, admit it. You may not like it but it's true. Babies are revolting vile creatures and children in general are until about 12 when some of them realize the world does not revolve around them.

      I never plan on having a baby or marriage, I'm fine with this and I'm glad for it.

      Agreed with the...question asker entirely and do not think it odd to dislike babies.

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  • yadayada

    Think about this, you are coming into a whole new world, and you don't know how to speak, walk, or do anything on your own. What are you going to do, just sit there and whither away??? They have no sense of right or wrong, they don't know that they are being selfish. When they get older, parents teach them that (Or at least some parents do), but they aren't instilled with it when they are born. They are born with their only mechanism to get what they want, cry.
    Also, I kinda agree/kinda disagree on the cute thing.
    I don't like the chub thing (but that's just me), I don't like fatness, but other than that, they are cute.
    Ecspecially when their eyes first get color, big and round, they are beautiful. Also, their skin is so soft.
    I agree that changing diapers are annoying, but what do you want them to do? Get up ad change them themselves???
    Think about the last time you had to learn a completely new skill.
    You had to rely on other people, right?
    (I am a very self-reliant persone, but even I must give in sometimes and let others teach/help).
    Sure, you talk and ask, but that part of the baby is not developed for a long time.
    Oh, and I do agree that when they come out, they look kinda nasty, but that lasts for a short time.

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  • gnome

    woah ur kinda mean no offence

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  • babies are cute and so innocent..and loveable.how could u hate them?are u even human?

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    • Kimbalito

      I hate babies, mostly because there are too many people. But you made a lot of good points, they smell, their stupid, and they vomit constantly. I LOVE other animals young, I just hate humans babies, and people who like babies are wierd. Babies are extreemly ugly.

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    • Stabby

      'Are you even human'.

      Yes, and the fact that you would even think to say that about another person because their opinion about something differs from yours is pretty sickening.

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  • mimah

    I hope next time you annoy the shit out of somebody they punch you in the face you sick person, how can you call a baby selfish they don't know anything yet you dumb arse and where would you be if your mother had felt the same way maybe it would have been better if she had and drowned you not long after birth because you are a sick person thinking that way about a helpless little baby why don't you go kill yourself and do the world a favor

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    this is great very entertaining but you come off like a spastic so I will have to give you a few demerits.

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  • chucktownbluv

    Wow...you're a fucking idiot. They're babies, dumbass. How do you think you were at that age?

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  • MooiePop

    No. You're not normal.
    It's not like you have to love babies.
    Yeah, they get annoying... but have you actually spent time with a baby?
    They smile, they giggle, they play with you, they understand. Toddlers help you do things and they are very nice. Not all the time, because they%%u2019re children%%u2026 and they are still learning how to behave themselves. But they aren%%u2019t brats 24/7 unless they are raised wrong.
    Sure, babies whine and cry, but if you were this tiny little thing that isn't able to even walk yet or explain anything, you'd be fussy too.
    And yes, babies poop. And babies vomit. And babies make messes...
    But that's where the maternal instinct kicks in.
    Cleaning up other people's messing makes me want to puke, I don't do dishes because my family%%u2019s dirty dishes with their spaghetti sauce is gross.
    But I got 2 kittens and I instantly became loving, or "maternal" if you will, over them. I cleaned their shit off their foot when they stepped in it and it didn't gross me out one bit. You just lack the maternal instinct that woman are supposed to have to help the natural cycle of reproduction.
    You're broken.

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  • candid

    I don't honestly think that it's normal to hate babies, even though it seems to be becoming increasingly common, either that or more people are admitting it.

    I think babies are innocent and pure and not weird at all.

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  • billabongsport

    Do you hate yourself?
    Cause you were once a baby.

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    • hollytimmons

      Thank god s/he doesn't remember. I feel dizzy when I see my baby pictures. Babies are horrible.

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  • TisNormalindeed

    not normal!!!!!!!!!!! babies are beautiful, cute, and amazing.

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  • dorothymantooth

    I'm confident that you need therapy. Go now.

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  • amazing

    i dont want to judge you but i think babies are adorable,they are a gift from GOD and i find it hard to believe you just hate babies.i luv babies and wud like to have one.i think u were once a baby.

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  • tofimixy

    How about you keep posting these things n y u hate babies,You were one of these ugly things as you say, You were a baby, and people took care of you , if everyone is like you doesnt wanna get babies, humanity will be over, You were once a baby so dont hate urself, simple as that, and yes they r cute n beautiful and they keep crying cause theyre minds arent STILL well developed.You were crying like that for 4 whole years till u grew up, Freak

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  • toodleoo

    The fact that you say you made it through motherhood with that mentality scares the shit out of me. I feel sorry for your child. You know why the baby looks DUMB now and then people interact with it? TO TEACH IT, TO LOVE IT. Babies with die without. If everybody on this planet had the same mentality as you, we would be extinct.

    So, no, you're fucking weird. Sociopath.

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  • xRiceBunnyy

    LOL hey u have noticed that u have been a baby once rite? ur long list of reasons made me make a face like WTF?! O_O

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  • Caladhiel

    Good grief. If this will annoy you please don't read or just ignore, but I seriously disagree.

    Okay, they can't help what they look like. I think they're pretty cute most of the time myself, but the parent will most likely love them (unless they're one of those horrid people), and thus they will be beloved and beautiful in their eyes.

    At first crying is the only thing they can do, so if they want something the instinctive thing to do is to cry, and make loads of noise to get the attention. I'm sure they'd rather ask for it. I know it's sometimes annoying.
    P.S. I have African family, and a cousin from that side, and she never cries. She's lovely XD!

    I think babies grow up too fast. Childhood is a thing to treasure, I think, though when I was younger I couldn't wait for it to be over. Now I miss the days when everything was so simple and carefree.

    Dumb? They're only young. You can't expect babies to learn straight away.

    Deal with it!

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  • fiendish

    Wow I'm not 100%% on this but I'm pretty sure ur going striaght to hell. . . . Seriously for you to not only feel the way you do but actually take the time to fill out a list and pretend to defend ur idiotic feelings towards new beings just goes to show what kind of stuck up personality you have. . . Seriously lady u need to just let it go. . . Everyone has something they don't like. . . But if your one of those people that gets sick from babies then its you who needs to do some growing up. . . Get over it. . . . Everyone in this world started out as one of those things you dumb vagina god damn I would like to punch you straight in the jaw

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  • unsunghero113

    You have problems.

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  • Embyr

    I suggest you don't have children then. Simple as that.

    And calling a baby spoiled is ridiculous. Spoiled is a child that is old enough to know better and behave correctly. Babies can't move on their own, care for themselves or even speak. Crying is their only way to communicate, whether they actually need something or just want your attention.

    So you think babies are ugly and obnoxious. Fine. Others find them adorable. Everyone has their own opinions.

    Having a baby isn't about having fun at your convenience. It's rather selfish to think otherwise.

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  • xholliebx

    you are sick!
    im sorry but no normal person would think that about an innocent baby!!

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    • NightmaresLover

      It's called having different points of view.

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    • babies_suck

      "who could think that about an innocent baby" ?? WTF, who would use that line? are you serious? have you ever looked at a baby? with their beady little eyes and flapping heads... theyre pure concentrated evil, the more milk you add, the more evil they become. dont fool yourself, if given the chance, that baby would eat you and everyone you know.

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    • BuddahllahNatas

      Your very strange. I'm a 35 year old baby, and very cute and I don't cry all the time. Why are you such an Infantaphobe?

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      • xholliebx

        someone sent me a reply saying im an infantaphobe... i like babies!! what are you on about?

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  • abnormalfreak

    wut! wen i saw that someone on iin hates babys, i rushed to comment.

    babys are awesome and you kno it!

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    • Stabby

      Coming from someone calling themselves 'abnormalfreak'.

      And you have no right to tell people what they 'know', because you obviously do not.

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  • littlegeorge14

    Do you by chance, have any younger siblings? Maybe you felt ignored as a child when your younger sibling was born, and you are forever jealous of babies. People tend to hate things that they are jealous of.

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  • Be01Bravo

    IMO I think you're foolish. You're pretty hypocritical because you where like that once too. Also you contridicted yourself a few times in your little rant and you used hypocrite in the wrong contex. Not all baby's are the same and I genrally like children and when they annoy me I just think "I was like that too." because we all where at one point.

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  • LMAO. I believe animals do not have souls. I don't know it's just it reminds me of that part of the song "Flagpole Sitter" by Harver Danger that goes "That only stupid people are breeding The cretins cloning and feeding And I don't even own a tv" LOL. I like that song but still people who hate children and don't like to see parents going gaga over their babies makes me wonder if there is hope for society and family since women in the US and some other countries are having kids at a much later age or not at all now.

    Plus to me if you hate babies and think that they don't offer anything for society and are ungrateful then it's almost like what people say about euthanasia when it comes to old people. This country could one day make abortion legal up to two years of age and frankly that scares the hell out of me.

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    • pringlehopper

      u shuldnt euthanize old people just for being old. If they want to die then they can kill themselves if they want to live then we should let them. So there is no point in usin euthonization on them

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  • mluker

    Wow. You are disturbed. You went way too far in-depth. What the he'll do in life? When you have a baby- you'll fall in love. So figure out how to not be so stupid

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  • Senken

    Your a bitch. A baby is helpless, it CAN'T get it's bottle, it CAN'T feed it's self, it CAN'T wipe it's ass!

    you make it sound like it's an annoyance and that we shouldn't take care of babies, they should take care of themselves.

    they lack the knowledge and the ability to do things for themselves.

    your a really stupid bitch.

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  • Allison898

    yur so crul>:( just 2 maKE YOU GUYS MAD I,M GONNA HAVE 69 TWINS @ND END UP ON TLC LOL JK 0-0

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  • Divine.Infekt

    has it ever occured to you that YOU were a baby before? xD

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  • kia106


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    • Starsong21

      1) See that little button that says "caps lock"? You might wanna press that.

      2) Punctuation is your friend.

      3) Weeds, bacteria, and killer bees are also gifts from God.

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  • ifbaptist

    i dont care who you are if you think like that you need to be commited! you absolutely discust me.you know what if you think like that then your personality is disgusting and makes me want to VOMIT!
    you were a baby to i hope you never become a parent because that baby would be so mistreated.
    chidren are a gift from god and deserve love and compassion.

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  • thundercat

    well, to begin with , you sound much like a flammer more than a legit poster.
    But even so, if that was the case, you really mean what you said. You tried hard to rationalize your opinions. So, there's something real to it anyway.
    Definitely and clearly it is a case of aggression by fear. You hate them because you are so afraid of the responsibility of caring for them. You say so much, openly, in different parts of your post.
    Then, whichever if you posted it bona fide or not, you really should try to deal with what seems a particular case of hypengyophobia (i.e. irrational fear of responsibilities).
    Maybe, when you were a child, were made less by the arrival of a baby? And or were you harshly or persistently scolded for doing something wrong about a baby, or weren't you allowed around one and was told you were too clumsy or incapable to take care of it or be careful about it?
    Are you too stressed by any other responsibilities you have to take in your life?
    If any of that, in effect you could have hypengyophobia which would be the substrate of your acute disliking of babies.

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  • First of all how old are you? 15? Seriously I have never heard of anyone loathing babies as much as you do. I think it is very callow and yea I'll say it completely unnatural.

    Babies can be very beautiful. I'll give you an example of my son when he was born, but I don't want to see comments with anyone bad mouthing my kid. For starters when he was born and I first layed my eyes on him I started crying I had never seen anything like him before. I would always stare at my baby and I thought "Wow he actually came out of my body" I would take a bath with him when he was weeks old and we would just stare at each other. It was like he knew who I was and that I would never let anything bad happen to him.

    Oh yes and FYI sometimes we parents get annoyed when people come up to us and say "what a cute baby" or "how old is she/he"?

    You will feel differently when you get older, and when you have a baby or are a father to a baby. The whole process of childbirth I think is a miracle, and a blessing. Human life is precious no matter how old a PERSON is.

    I think it is very foolish for you to judge a baby when they have no concept of what being impatient or selfish is. They have no control over their body fluids, because most people feed their kid the wrong milk (baby formula) and it makes them spit up, and also because they don't understand how to control it yet. Kids do not grow up too slow. You have no idea what you are talking about because you are not a parent, and I hope to God in heaven you never become one either. Best Wishes! and all that shit.

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    • tehfoxfire

      Seriously no one cares about your personal experience and how "great and beautiful" your kid(s) are, anyone can pop kids into this world, its no special "miracle." if you dont want "bad" comments, then dont openly share personal information to begin with.

      And secondly you sound completely arrogant to confidently assure that s/he will "feel different when they get older"
      How presumptious, mother goose.
      There are many single persons who live their whole lives childless.

      And YOU ARE AN ANIMAL, despite whatever personal emotional philosophies you cling with persistence; humans are simply higher evolved animals (even so some animals have sharper senses than us, such as sight and smell) However, as animals we all show complex social and emotional behaviors.

      I find it a good thing that people do not wish to have children, otherwise MILLIONS more would overpopulate the earth and thus scarcity of resources would lead to poverty and many other ripple effect issues.

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    • italy81292

      I think it's people like the ones going 'how could you say that about an innocent baby' who make people like us hate babies. You obsess over this lump that just demands constantly (i.e crying until it gets what it wants then stops the tears instantly), cries, sleeps, eats, vomits, poops and so on. It isn't cute. Babies are ugly, not beautiful. They all look the same. They're born and then thats about it for what, 3 years. I can't remember when I was born and I dont think anybody else can. Please, it's not like they think "oh, I can't speak so I must cry until I get my own way".
      Parents of babies are even worse - they parade up and down with their buggies pushing this squirming brat, taking up all the space on the pavement with no thanks and then smiling and looking innocent passers-by in the eyes, almost willing us to come over and swoon over their stinking lumps.
      Why would you take a baby on holiday? It wont remember it and FYI, it just pisses everyone else off whether it be on the plane or in the hotel or basically where ever you take it. I can't stand how people go on like "how could anybody say that about a baby" like a baby is a piece of gold, yet really innocent creatures such as animals get killed and tortured every day and nobody really cares - people would rather talk about the unfair treatment of babies and other rubbish like that

      So that's my view. Yes, I know we were all babies once etc, but I'm not one now and to be honest, I'm fed up of looking at their ugly faces and listening to their constant whining. Just stay at home. Don't take them out and show them off, your baby looks like every other bugger's baby and even you know that deep down. It's nothing special.
      Oh, and by the way - you pregnant women look disgusting, not beautiful. There's nothing 'glowing' about a women having her stomach streched, gaining unnecessary weight and her breasts becoming veiny and saggy. It's gross. Like your baby.

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      • Wagina

        Amen, Italy, to everything!!

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    • Blahblah48

      It’s actually not unnatural at all, it’s quite normal to not like babies or to not even want to be around them. They’re annoying and quite frankly, they’re gross. I’m a parent and I do not like other people’s children. So there’s your theory shot down to sh*t :)

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    • cpg123

      i love u

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