I hate babies.
I have to get this off my chest. All of my life, ever since I was young, I have hated babies with a passion. I NEVER played with baby dolls, I NEVER showed any interest at all in babies or motherhood. Why? Because they freak me out. They freaked me out back then, they freak me out today. The tought alone of having to take care of one or just interact with one, scares the heck out of me.
Why do I feel like this?
+++1. I think they look utterly repulsive.+++
I honestly think human babies are, untill they reach the age of HAIR, among the most vile-looking creatures in nature. The chubby factor doesn't work for me. Newborn babies make me want to vomit. I really believe anyone who calls a newborn baby 'precious', 'sweet' or 'beautiful' is in fact a hypocrite and in reality comforting its parents.
+++2. The way they cry for something makes my skin crawl.+++
The newborns look like squirmy little maggots with their bald heads, shut eyes and toothless mouths. They totally. Freak me out. The older ones are just plain annoying and aggravating. Whenever they cry, I feel like punching them in the face. Ever looked a needy baby in the face while he is wailing? You know what that expression means? "I WANT! WANT! WANT! GIVE ME MY BOTTLE. GIVE ME MY DIAPER. GIVE ME MY TOYS. NOOOOOOOW!!!"
+++3. They're very effective in showing you what they DON'T want, but they are never able to show you what they WANT.+++
They are spoiled even when they're just in the crib. They manipulate us because they are used to getting what they want, ALL the time. And people think it's strange I call them annoying? They cry, whine, fuss and moan CONSTANTLY even when NOTHING IS WRONG WITH THEM! Most older babies just cry for attention, to get what they want. They have no patience, no empathy or regard for anyone but themselves. Yes, they love you. Would't you love the single idiot willing enough to wipe the shiat off your butt and bring you milk?
+++4. They stay little too long.+++
They progress frustratingly slowly. They're incontinent for what? Three whole years? They spill their food all over the place and projectile vomit for about... Two entire years? You have GOT. To be kidding me. Kids don't grow up too fast when it comes to the gross stuff. They are plain nasty when it comes to bodily fluids.
+++5. They're dumb. There, I said it.+++
I see babies hanging from their buggies that look like they are retarded, in a coma or drugged. How anyone can interact with such a child, is beyond me. There ARE some older babies that actually act like a small human being, but most of them have an expression on their faces that show they are not really there. They should just stay asleep for the next two years if they can not do anything... Interesting.
Those are my reasons for hating them. I can tolerate older children, but babies? They make me run for the nearest exit. Sorry.