I hate babies- really, really hate them.

The title says it all- I hate babies. So many people say "oh! they are so cute!" but I think they are hideous, ugly, drooling poop factories! They are not cute to me at all. They look like hairless rats. I know there are others that don't like them either but I take it a little further than mere dislike. When I see stories on the news about people killing or torturing babies I think "they deserve it". They are just so whiney and aggrivating with their shreiking and screaming that I feel like they are just asking to get the crap beat out of them. When my cousin's ugly, illegitamante freak of a baby got his finger bit off by a bird I actually found it quite funny. When I'm at a restaurant and I hear one screaming I fantasize about slapping it across its ugly face. The odd thing is that I like kids. When a kid gets hurt I feel pretty bad. Does anyone hate babies as much as me or am I alone on this one?

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Comments ( 110 )
  • greenapplegirl

    I don't like babies either and I'm not sorry. I've seen babies right out of the womb and they look like little aliens. Babies cause tension, fights and break up relationships. Also, I've noticed people that have children are some of the biggest show offs around. Typical parent - LOOK AT MY BABY. LOOK AT HOW AMAZING AND SMART AND CUTE MY BABY IS. MY BABY IS PERFECT AND CAN NEVER DO ANYTHING WRONG. I AM AWESOME AND MY BABY IS TOO. A couple with a baby - LOOK AT OUR BABY. LOOK AT HOW HAPPY WE ARE. WE ARE SO AMAZING AND SPECIAL BECAUSE WE HAD SEX AND MADE A BABY. A single parent - LOOK AT ME AND MY BABY. I AM SINGLE AND WORK AND RAISE A BABY TOO. I AM BETTER THAN YOU BECAUSE I AM RAISING A CHILD AND HAVE NO ONE TO HELP. MY BABY IS MY WHOLE WORLD. MY BABY IS BETTER THAN GOD.

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    • Sweeve


      I fucking hate parents like that. Who thinks their child is everything, and those who dont think their child is the most amazing thing in the world can go die.

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    • BoozeWooze

      But they are so CUTE!! more special than your life!

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      • The_Scourge

        Are you saying a blob of flesh with a face is more special than my life? You need rehab

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    • Cindamatass


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  • Bobert

    I have similar feelings. Babies are annoying, needy, smelly, little parasites and they only get worse when they stop being babies and start being adults and then go on to spawn more of themselves.

    I fail to see why people view them as cute. They are still humans, just smaller and more stupid. If Verne Troyer stopped talking, started shitting himself, and crying all the time I doubt we'd feel the same for him as we do for babies.

    I also hate when people change their voice and talk in that "cute" way to children. It's annoying and it's pointless; they aren't going to understand you just because you've started talking like moron. It's the equivalent of people who go to France speaking English but end up speaking slower and louder in an attempt to be understood.

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    • Real_anon1

      Yup, same here.. I'm currently 14 and I look at babies like disgusting rabid dogs! You know, they way they giggle, laugh and cry makes me wanna hang my head into a wall!
      And when my parents forced me to attend their friend's baby's christening party, just hearing the mom praising the DISGUSTING baby makes me wanna just grab the baby, throw it to the wall, smash its face.. and what not! And even worse, after the party I WAS MADE O BABYSIT THE BABY ALONE FOR 5 HOURS! IT FRIGGIN PEED ON MY LAP! I WANTED TO STOMP ITS FACE RIGHT THEN! But sadly, couldn't. But what I did? I left the baby to cry itself to sleep and went on to hang out with my friends (after changing my pants). When they were about to arrive, I just stuffed all of its milk in its mouth and luckily, that LITTLE WRETCH stopped crying. And what did I get in return? A nice cargo pants soaked in urine, and a day wasted. At least, they got me a new game for my Xbox One when they returned..

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      • roseqloss

        I'm a year older than you, and while I understand and do agree to some extent that little kids and babies can be aggravating and exhausting to put up with, you should never hurt them. Sorry, but you have incredibly morbid, unhealthy and violent thoughts. Don't like babies? Don't babysit. I fear for the wellbeing of kids around you.

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        • Lozzybunny

          I agree I'm in my 30s and I HATE babies,pregnancy anything to do with the ungrateful parasites really, but even tho thair behavior is appalling hiting or hurting them IS a Step to far! And if you feel that strongly about it don't get pushed into babysitting and walk away. Infact don't attend the event. For exp I have been asked to go to a christening by my mum and after I stopped laughing I politely declined and ask her to drop the subject. Seriously I prefer a cute animal anyday :3.

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        • Owldude980ti

          If you think what he said was bad then you should hope to never see what I've got in store for the little vermin.

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      • Ena

        Well, I can understand how you felt. Next time, perhaps let the baby cry itself to sleep, but please don't leave it alone. OMG! Something happens while you are responsible for it: that's a LIFETIME of trouble (YOUR lifetime). Also: while I understand your frustration: PLEASE don't stuff milk in its mouth, because that could cause babies to CHOKE. I am not saying that for the baby: I am saying it FOR YOU. Don't ruin your own life, they are NOT worth it.

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  • destroytradition

    thank you! I'm so glad someone else hates them as much as I do xD I can not stand babies, at all. They are all just completely spoiled and self conceited. Willing to just cry the entire night, careless of how annoying they are. They're basically just useless and dumb and I never want one ^^

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  • RainbowDash01

    YES, YES, and YES!!!! Babies are freakish little ugly maggots that only burden us women. I know we were ones once, but we didn't like it. And I am perfectly aware that we need them to keep our species alive, but why do people have to sappily say, "Ohhh, they are so cuuuuuuuuuute! I wanna huggle their wittle ickle faces!" When I hear one crying I feel like storming over to the child and slapping it silly. And they are just plain UGLY. It's a fact. You all know it.

    So there you have it. It's normal to hate babies. I know I do.

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    • RandomlyHiccupingBallads

      I'm not big on babies either, but it isn't a "fact" that they're all ugly. I only say that because what one person thinks is ugly, someone else will think they're beautiful or adorable. This is based on personal opinion, perception and interpretation. Sure, it's fact based for you, but your opinion doesn't meet the criteria needed to be "fact based."

      I find that a lot, probably even most, babies are physially "cute", but that is about the extent of it. As an adult, I know that babies have not developed any virtues or the skills needed to be compassionate and thoughtful towards others. Yet even though I know this, I still find myself irritated and frustrated with babies & the first thing that comes to my mind in my frustration is "You selfish little shit!" Wrong, I know. That actually speaks more volumes about myself than the baby. It is a true testament to how little patience I have. This lack of patience can applied to just about anything in my life and is not exclusive to just babies. I have tried quite a few different exercises in hopes of extending my patience or at least being able to manage and cope with my lack of patience and apply it as needed.

      I do not advocate or condone any form of abuse of a baby or child in any capacity and I find it to be abhorrent behavior and loathe anyone who does abuse children and thinks that can justify the abuse, or justify the abuse by others.

      For me, just the sound of a baby crying can trigger the thought in me of "Shut that damn baby up!" when logically and realisticly, I know that the baby is crying for a reason and isn't crying just to screw with my nerves. I always feel pretty damn guilty when that thought enters my mind too. Because like I've stated, I'm an adult of sound mind and I know that the baby only has one way of communicating how it feels which is by crying. I know that the baby has every right to cry and is doing what babies do. So why I get this temporary twinge of a thought where I think its aimed at me, just to irritate me is not only absurd, but wrong. It's so wrong. In fact, I feel guilty even writing that.

      Babies HAVE to be "selfish" so to speak. They have to sort of "bully" adults into doing whatever it wants, or needs, for the adult to do. It has no clue that it is demonstrating bullying tactics. The frustration, or I'll go as far as to say "contempt" I feel for the baby is also so wrong as well. I would prefer NOT to babysit a baby, or child, but I have before and may do so again in the future but will of course keep these feelings to myself. I would never ever let the poor baby know that I temporarily am irritated by it and hope that the baby would not sense it. They're not stupid so no matter how nurturing I would be, and I would be sincere as well, there would still be that twinge of resentment within me that the child may sense. I'm pretty ashamed of these feelings actually.

      Children between the ages of, let's say, four to eight, who have clearly been spoiled are the worst for me. Again, it's at no fault of the child and it's actually a parental problem, not the child. Children who then take this behavior into their preteen or even teenage years I find to be almost unbearable. I hate the behavior, not the child itself. However, in that moment of balled up nerves, it seems as if I do hate that child. I dont though.

      If I were unable to sort through these feelings and know I am actually the one at fault here and not logically and responsibly, that would mean I am by far worse than any child or baby I could temporarily blame simply because I AM the adult in the matter! If you find yourself unable to navigate through these emotions and place the blame squarely on the baby or childs head, then you're by far worse than ANY child or baby for which you hold contempt for.

      I digress.

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    • nohatingplz

      Rainbow Dash, however, is beyond cute, right? You are sickeningly self-centered. It's this exact thinking that's causing kids to be abused and neglected and grow up to be self-centered assholes. Nice going.

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  • fralanasko

    Here's a more effective way to deal with a baby that's crying:

    Figure out why it's crying.

    Fix it.

    When they're not sick or brain damaged they're really easy to settle.

    Babies are wierd, and before 3-4 months (before they start smiling, which is great fun!) they are pretty fucking useless. Also they are not aware they exist in any meaningful way. Crying is the only way they can communicate.

    At this developmental stage they are establishing a sense of trust that will impact them for the rest of their lives. A baby needs to be nurtured, it cries and if sombody comes and helps it out it develops that sence of trust.

    They are not selfish little adults, they are incapable of meeting their own needs in any other way than to cry. Thank GOD most of them grow out of this in a few years. Everybody needs to lighten the fuck up about that.

    I agree not all babies are cute and not being able to have a decent conversation because a baby is so distracting is really annoying. So are people who think they know more about life because they've had kids. There are lots of ways to live your life that are just as valid as starting a family!

    Everybody who wants to abuse babies... stay the fuck away from them so they don't become fucked up adults.

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    • Taydug88

      Yea I feel you and these babies didn't ask to be here either but they are fucking annoying, everything about babies are unattractive, they shitty,noisey,and it's actually bullshit that they have no idea they exist becuz they know when their hungry, they know when they want to be held and shit so I can't agree on that part, I just hate everything about them period

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    • nohatingplz

      Agree bigtime

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  • sparrowfeed

    babies are annoying because when they come over for a dinner party, its ALL everyone looks at and talks about the ENTIRE time.. and you can't really decently converse with anyone when there's a baby around.


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    • Ladylou007

      OMG! That is so true. I just went out to dinner with my husband, daughter and husband's boss, wife and one year old daughter. Most of the time- attention on the baby. They wanted me to hold it. I was repulsed by the idea and I have two grandchildren. I do not know why my attitude toward babies has changed; but, whenever my friend says oh! look at how cute! I go what is cute about it?! I quess when you get to a certain age (66)the burn-out with kids is apparent with a lot of seniors. I almost feel ashamed. I just can't help myself.

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  • neopythagorean

    Well, it's true that babies are vile and disgusting and I've heard a lot of people say that they hate babies so I'd say it's normal.

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    • BoozeWooze


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      • slapherhard

        Only time they're cute is when they get slapped hard. LOL

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      • The_Scourge

        They are cute when they are out of sight and sound. They are cute when they're 6 feet below the ground.

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  • Ruffgaws

    My girlfriend's mum is fostering a baby. The "father" realized that he wasn't the real dad (DNA test confirmed that) and the mother ran away with another man. Nobody wants this baby and he has to wind up here. When I see him I see a repulsive lump of meat. When he smiles it makes me angrier. And people keep saying he's so cute when he is so ugly. Like seriously people, are you guys blind? What's worse is he screams his little fuckface off nonstop everyday.

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  • ferretchaos

    I don't like babies either. I wouldn't hurt them but I dont want to go over to them and say Hi.... My Mom is the same, she hates other peoples kids even today. She only liked her own. There is nothing wrong with not liking babies.<BR>I know for a fact I never want one, it makes me laugh when woman say "your body will change" What I am going to grow and extra leg?? Its stupid.<BR>I know who I am and what I want and babies are not part of the plan.. Nor relationships atm, I am totally happy being me persuing my life as an Adult nurse for Elderly!! Ah I love elderly!!<BR><BR>When I see a baby my stomach starts itching like Go away I dont want you near me. I hate the thought of getting pregnant and having a ruined body and what for? Probably to be divorced for a younger woman one day when the kid is older and doesnt give two sh**s about me. And even if it did it couldn't be there as it would have its own life.<BR>Then what, when we all grow old they bung us in old peoples homes.... nice.<BR>No babies are not for me. I want to have a happy fufilling life.<BR>I do not condone hurting anything, not babies, animals, adults whatever. <BR>I would save anything inc babies if it needed it but that does and will never ever change my resolve on deciding not to have one.

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  • OsamaBinDick

    Heck yes this is normal! I could not agree more with you, my friend. I am glad there are others who feel the same way.

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  • lifeisdisgusting

    I love all you baby haters! I can't stand babies they are the devil and i wish people would stop creating them. Fuck the world it's a horrible place full of suffering we don't need to keep human life going. Babies are the worst!

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  • Babies are annoying, crying, screaming, noise polluting, crap making, money wasting, attention stealing, fuck ups who are always right even when they are wrong. Sometimes they are just so cute I want to kill them. But your patience will pay off one day when all of them grow up and old enough to boss around.

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  • Sillydoggo

    Reasons why i hate babies/yound children (especially my sisters children)
    - They always make huge fucking messes, leave toys around the house for me to step on them.
    - They are inconsiderate of how much noise they should be making 7 am when half of the house is still sleeping.
    - My sister gets mad when i don't smile at the baby or respond to her nonsense.
    - They fucking smell like shit every other hour.
    - They are loud.
    - Everyone that loves babies use arguments against people who don't like "you once were a baby" "you don't even know how annoying you were as a baby", believe me i do and i hate the fact that i have been an annoying screaming fuck for many years.
    - When the baby sleeps you have to be quiet as shit and not make a sound or everyone kills you.
    - I had a dog when i was a child, really cute and loved and friendly dog, people talked to the dog like she was a baby for many many years, when the baby came around they of course spoke to the damn devil with the stupid childish voice and whad'ya know the dog likes that tone of voice, they fucking push the dog away and sometimes go as far as kicking the dog for coming around when they speak with that tone because "she'd ruin a picture" or be too needy. What the fuck...
    - Baby hits the dog, pulls hair or anything, and makes a loud noise cause of that. My mom punished my dog for scaring the baby. (keep in mind this is the most sweetest most loving dog i have ever seen)
    - Did i mention they are loud as shit?
    - How parents act.
    - Every christmas we had the tradition to play monopoly, cluedo or any fun board game as a family we were loud, drunk and it was the reason why christmas was super fun. Then after my sister got the baby and how inconsiderate is it to be there when she knows our tradition of being loud having fun, now its not loud, not drunk and we have to whisper. Because she fucking thinks she's not doing anything wrong.
    Apologies for my bad grammar and i had more stuff in mind but im going to keep this "short" so maybe someone reads this.

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    • LogicalChild

      Even though I am still considered a young child (11) I have to agree. My ex-best friend had a sister that had a child. I hated having to stay quiet for him. He got me sick, so sick that it was the worst fever I had in my entire life. So yes, someone did see your comment.

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  • Ihatethings

    My dumb baby ruined me. I'm a teen, I have to take care of the dumb baby (my girlfriend is too busy getting laid by other women). So I was doing homework. Doing what a normal teen would do. Then I go to the bathroom and take a shower. I was almost done, but I heard the baby cry. I put on a towel and run into the living room. Guess what? The baby was sitting on the (school) laptop. And he starts pissing and cries louder. I heard a snap. Yup. That's right. The ass face broke it. And it had piss on it. I returned the favor and broke his ass. I smacked it with my hand at first, then I threw the asshole down. I went outside. I came back with a whip (9 ft) and a long hickory stick. I smacked his ass until it was blood red. Then I gave all my might and smacked him unconscious so he would shut the fuck up. I was fined 900$ (it was a mac book). If that story wasn't enough, he pissed all over my backpack. He broke my personal computer (I wasn't as mad because it was lower model). He wakes me up every night, and he's not even 3 months old. One night I'll lose it. I'll stab that baby in his head. My girlfriend said she doesn't care if I did (she even suggested killing it). Hope this makes a really, really good point. Eugghh!!!

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    • Ena

      Ihatethings: Though I totally understand your feelings (that's why I am here).....PLEASE seek help (if you haven't already). Please do not hurt this baby: that would only make your life harder.

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    • RoxyRosana

      God damn. Baby's are annoying as hell but give it up. They're not that bad.

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    • Ohkei

      Your fucking insane i hope you get your ass beat, get some fucking help

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    • Shyluu

      well said... you have just started your life n its really awful to look after a babby n u cant focus on your own life

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  • aimblv

    lmfao if you havent already you need to check out the comedian doug stanhope get on limewire look up (acid bootleg doug stanhope )download it you will feel better and you will laugh your ass off when i have a shitty day and i feel all alone thinking that im the only one that hates people and their ugly inbred spawn i turn on doug and meltaway

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  • I hate babies so much that when one throws up I start crying. Everyone says that it's because I'm the youngest but it's because some babies just rnt cute. Now on the other hand check out the shaytards baby, Rocktard, on YouTube. It makes you feel better bout babies to see him.

    I had a dream that I killed my cousin for crying and I woke up and he had peed himself. I was thrilled.

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  • LogicalChild

    It is absolutely normal. I am a young adolescent and have been told things like,"you'll change your mind."
    Or,"you were a baby once!"

    Yes, I know, sadly I have been a baby. I doubt I'll change my mind because I have opinions that are my own. You will not control me.

    I do not harm babies, yes I have hit a younger sister. But thankfully I don't have any memories of her while she was a baby. So hitting a younger sister that is of 9 years old is normal.

    This world does not need more humans, as we are straining the Earth of it's resources!

    I do not need to talk to a psychiatrist, I do not have mental issues, and I am a rational person. Most of my hate towards babies is fueled by disgust, but I have more reasons. I have alreadt told you them, in fact.

    Please don't respond with, "I hope you start a happy family!"

    I have no wish too take care of a child, as I am selfish, rude, arrogant,and lazy.

    But I still have opinions, whether they matter to you or not is none of my concern. Have a good day.

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  • bashathegreat

    It's absolutely normal to hate babies. I remember disliking them since I was very young. I even hated the look of pregnant women and could tell if they were pregnant or just fat. I don't think babies are cute. I don't want to hold them and I certainly don't want to take care of any. Every time I see a baby on a tv commercial I want to smack it. And yes, they are ugly. I'd rather kiss a dog.

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  • mauwie

    I voted 'no'.

    I agree babies are repulsive, ugly, annoying and so on. I can relate to your feelings, I have the same opinion, and I honestly think hormones explain the way we react towards our OWN offspring for the most part.

    I am also not going to tell you to shut up about it if you just wanted to bitch about your feelings. However, I think that if you really want to hurt them, your problems are beyond just being a devout child-free and having anti-baby sentiments. A baby is actually just a young [albeit disgusting] little animal, just like a puppy or a kitty. Would you want to burn a puppy or kitty to death? Would you want to rip their testicles off? No? Then why would you want to hurt a baby so much? Periods. I have to agree with the poster who says you want to take out all the hurt and frustration on the baby rather than your spouse.

    Take a deep breath and ask yourself this. Do you love this guy? Do you forgive his mistake? Do you picture yourself with him within the next ten years or so? If you answered yes thrice, then don't let another human being (that ATM prolly doesn't even know where its own two feet are), ruin everything. The child did not initiate its own creation, your BF did. I understand why you are hurt over this, but you need to work on the resentment you feel towards your BF. Maybe you feel like you are expected to 'omg adoooorrre' this little miracle of nature. Guess what. You don't have to. Especially not if it's someone else's mistake.

    However, there are always bright sides to every crappy situation. For one, you don't EVER have to deal with the 'but honey I want to ADOPT cute little bebes!' bullshit. Secondly, I assume this kid does not live in your house. Third of all, I assume your BF is 'done' when it comes to having kids and not interested in girls (apart from hiring their uterus, maybe). It might have been a selfish, callous and ignorant thing to do. But hey. It's not your baby and that's a blessing, right? ;]


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  • Hussainthemvp

    Get help

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  • RaNdOmPoPcOrN33467890754213456

    i hate babies but now that i think about it,i hated myself when i was a baby (probably did)

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  • ILuv2Hoop

    I feel the same way! &its not ignorant...i know i was a baby once ..doesnt mean i have to like babies! thats like saying its ignorant for you to not like other people because youre a person too! smh..even when i see my old baby pictures i get just as disgusted as i would by any other baby. its normal, its just your opinion! i cant help that i feel this way and neither can you. i dont have anything against people who think they are cute and stuff though... to each their own!

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  • MahBoi24

    I hate babies just as much. I thank God when I hear of a woman having a miscarriage, and it makes me happy when a baby is hurt.

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  • hornsby123

    Don't have kids. Problem solved.

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  • roseqloss

    I'm not a people person, I prefer to be alone most of the time and I do agree that little kids and babies can be extremely annoying. However, that's not an excuse to act out any violence on babies, they can barely fucking defend themselves. I seriously think that anyone who has thoughts of killing babies and genuinely feels happy when one gets hurt needs to see a specialist. Sorry, but that's fucking disgusting.

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    • LogicalChild

      Well.. don't worry, I have no intention to hurt babies. Mostly because I doubt ill ever be around one long enough,besides.. just because somebody gets hurts doesn't mean it's funny all the time.

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  • 2023zhanl38

    I know I was young, we all were, we were all babies...we all screamed and shouted and made a mess at one point. But so what?

    I wouldn't wish harm on babies, but only because it would hurt the parents and I hate hurting people. If parents weren't so fucking emotional and upset over a baby just getting a scratch, I'd actually be quite content seeing a baby like that.

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  • oldboy27323

    whenever i hear a baby screaming or crying , i feel like not only beating the parents up who created this little parasite, but smacking some sense into the baby so it learns quickly not to be so loud and intruding to everyone. of course, i would never carry this out, but i rage on the inside. stop creating babies people, the world has enough humans.

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    • LogicalChild

      YES! I get that SO much! I mean, not only that, but irresponsible teenagers who don't want them. They just bring more humans to destory the Earth. People are saying, "Oh but they keep our race living."

      Not when destorying all resources! Us humans have over-populated way too much.

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  • California_Cobra

    While I don't think it's normal to feel that an innocent, helpless, defenseless baby deserves to be murdered by an incompetent parent that has no patience (which they should have known and gotten an abortion if they knew they were a terribly impatient person), it is normal to be annoyed/disgusted/freaked out by babies in general. Instead of hating on the babies, I hate on the parents that don't have the fucking sense to take their child out of an establishment if it is shrieking and making a God damned scene. Personally, I've never really wanted children, but there was one boyfriend I had that had changed my mind because I knew he would be a good father. Unfortunately, things didn't work out for us and I am now at the stage being unsure whether I want to have a kid or not and I certainly do not want one if I have to raise it all by myself because I sure as hell wouldn't have created it all by myself! I always tell my mom I wouldn't mind having a kid if they were born at 2 years old already because babies are so fragile. Right after my best friend's son was born (he is her 2nd child) I was not exactly fawning over him, but he was a cutie at times. She never forced her kids on me and never asked if I wanted to hold him. She and her husband did 99% of all the work with other friends sometimes pitching in to help because they WANTED to. Now their son is 4 and will be 5 this fall and he is just the most adorable little ginger ever! Like I told my mom, you kinda have to force yourself to do or be around these uncomfortable situations so that you can look back when the years have passed in order to have that appreciation and when that happens you'll wonder where the time has gone. I have a new appreciation for both mothers and babies!

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  • Winter34

    I can see why people dislike Babies but, Hate them, that's weird. Youd have to be an extremely selfish person. You have to give to a Baby unconditionally.

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    • LogicalChild

      Not extremely, but yes, I am very selfish. I have learned to accept that fact.

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  • Ventarama

    Ok, I dont hate hate babies, but I kinda find them gross! Its actually quite upsetting for me as I wouldnt mind having one in a few years, and I really hope I can get over this! The thing I hate about them is the messiness, poop dosent bother me, neither does pee (I have a kitten and his poop is baaaad) its the vomit, snot and messy food habits! I think baby vomit is literally the grossest thing in the world, the fact that I have a serious phobia of milk dosent help! I think the powdered milk they drink is gross, the fact that its kinda yellowish, the fact that its powder to begin with (im hoping I can breastfeed- no judgement here about which is best- its just I find the powder gross). Then baby food, oh my god its just vile, those jars of horrible smelling mush that looks like its been vomited back up before jarring! The fact that some of it is downright disgusting looking, porridge, custard, yogurt!! and the fact that I will have to feed a child while it spews it back out (im retching even typing this). I feel totally bizzare about feeling this way, I mean its a baby, it dosent mean to be messy, its not the baby's fault (I feel the same way about food on adults faces btw). Im really hoping I just find it disgusting with other peoples kids and that I'll be ok with my own, I would be devastated if I still felt the same...............

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  • FunkyHuskyCoolGirlYuki

    I hate babies, I hate children that think they know every fucking thing. My friend has a little brother like this and every day I want to strangle him and murder him, possibly stretch him once when we went to a museum. I hate children.

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  • fralanasko

    I used to feel this way about babies (minus the abuse part). That was before I understood them.

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  • nana85

    hey , i have same feelings toward babies ,bt i will never hurt any baby!

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  • BoozeWooze

    They are SOOOO cute!!

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    • SkinnyNinja77

      Booze, get the hell off your phone, 'cause you're obviously drunk.

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    • Ladylou007

      You are cut-off with the booze thing!!!

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    • tldraco

      Babies are not "SOOO cute!!". Newborn humans (especially the males and NO I'm not trying to be sexist, I AM a male) are uglier than newborn horses, puppies, and hell, even rabbits O_O

      I agree with most people here too. Just the sight of their ugly, fat, chubby faces makes me wanna slap them. I hate seeing them open their eyes and everyone going AWWW LOOK AT IT. Makes me wanna poke their fucking eyes right out. I also hate looking at them cry. Their appalling, toothless screaming makes me want to sew their pacifier to their mouth and watch the tears stream down their face as they attempt to scream, watching their faces turn beet red.

      I hate their chubby arms, they make me want to break them. I want to bend their tiny, fat little fingers until they break. I also fantasize tearing off little infant boys' penises and castrating them and just hearing them attempt to scream would be music to my ear.

      Yeah? I don't really give two shits if I was a baby or if you think I'm evil. Hating babies is natural, happens with daddy animals all the time, TO THEIR OWN FRICKEN CHILDREN!

      A baby is what is dragging my boyfriend away from me (yeah, we're kinda gay n stuff :P ) But one night he got wasted, laid a girl, and now she just had his son (who looks just like him.) This only magnified my hate towards babies. I certainly wish the worst for that baby hopefully one night some lead paint chips fall in his crib <3 Too bad she didn't get that little fucker aborted.

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      • The_Scourge

        Babies are mere objects. They are accessories, property, and decorations.

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  • moomus

    I think the best part of the OP ran down his/ her mothers leg.....

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  • simba1

    Babies only cry as its the only communication skill they have. And once they are fed, changed, warm comfortable and dont have wind in their tummy, they will smile, and be a total delight to be around. You were a baby once, too!

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    • MahBoi24

      "You were a baby once too" is the most bullshit excuse for breeders to tell people that they are wrong for not liking babies. Please do the world a favour and go hang yourself, and your babies if you have any.

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    • Monogamy_Sucks

      little assholes have to fart on top of everything!what gives them the right?

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    • Ena

      Some babies just cry nonstop and for nothing.

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    • slapherhard

      Who's asking them to communicate. Babies and children should be seen not heard. That's why pacifiers were made shove it in its mouth problem solved

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  • mew

    Would it have been ok for someone to torture you when you were a baby?? Just remember the reason you are still alive is because someone was decent enough to look after you when you were just a baby.

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  • Mando

    Ha ha look at how the sensible comments are voted down and the whiny little pissers who are intimidated and upset by babies are voted up. What a bunch of weirdos and losers.

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  • SaintPhoeniix

    It's the parents that let them cry for hours when it obviously wants something that annoy me more.

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  • DervishDiva

    "have you ever been too told,
    to make holy of an infants tongue?
    Let it go."
    Elizabeth by Rose Polenzani

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  • greenowl88

    Hey!! You used to be one!!!! Hello!!! Anyway, I used to kind of dislike babies too, and kids, until I had one. It's highly unlikely that you would find your own baby ugly, unless you're a really sick person. Good luck with that!! And I honestly hope you'd never really slap a baby!!!

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  • nikhil.cybertron

    I like kids.They are good to spend time with. I like their innocence the most.

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  • wonderland

    aww i love babies...
    my only problem with them is that i hate doing that goo goo gaga crap because i feel fake..i dont really talk like that and i think ppl can see through my bullshit

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  • abcdefg333

    We were all babies once.. And that is how we reproduce.. if there were no more babies, the human race would go extinct. You should really check yourself, and go like see a psychiatrist or something.. It is definitely not normal to hate the most beautiful thing in the world a little baby or a child in general...

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    • MahBoi24

      A child/baby is the most beautiful thing in this world? I think YOU are the one who needs to go see a psychiatrist. Babies are ugly and children are obnoxious. And the worst part is that they grow into people, and I hate people.

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      • DemmiWatson12

        haha babies arnt the most beautiful thing in the world I am 25 and have always despised over babies they are tatty horrific little swats that deserve to die! I really hate when pretty celebrities have babies im like eww how could they have that dustgusting vile creature! They think cos they are cute they can get lots of attention and love they are horrible creatures that should be aborted and tortured!

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      • nohatingplz

        They are beautiful because they are innocent, and you are ugly because you hate. A baby hates nothing. It's not their lovely drool and poop that makes them beautiful, it's their innocence. They are the last pure thing we have, and it's dying out. Whether they are obnoxious or not, they need to be appreciated.

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        • NocturnePonyFan

          No. No, they don't.

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        • redberrylemon

          You can't be innocent if you can't make your own choices; it doesn't count. But i agree with some part, don't rant ugly words about a non sentient being.

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        • hamsterlover123

          Seriously?! Babies are like the worst things ever!! They are not beautiful! Seriously?! How can anyone like babies? In my world, there would be none!

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      • Anniewwut996

        Totally it makes me vomit a child is so cute so precious and stupid parents call them peanut pumpkin come on they only exist to destroy parents life i work w babies and hate it. Always had.and always will. Stupid little rats.

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    • redberrylemon

      Maybe I don't like them or care about them because they aren't even sentient. I am not obligated to like them even if they lead to something important for our existence. If you look at it logically, our consciousness doesn't even need to have a life,. If you never lived, you'll never miss it.

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  • The_Scourge

    When babies are born, parents are like "Oh my gosh! It looks just like your dad/mom/whoever the fuck!" No. babies all look like Winston Churchill (No offence to him, by the way). They all look like blobs of flesh.

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  • LondonCZE

    I hate babies, too!!! Babies are not human!!! Babies are sticky Monsters!!!

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  • -Storm-

    Babies are cute but sometimes i hate then =v

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  • LittleMissMuffet4

    I detest most babies. I say "most" because, for reasons I cannot explain, there ARE babies I like. It's weird, I know. *shrug*
    But, 98% of the time, I hate babies. I think they're ugly, needy, annoying, and stupid.
    Unfortunately I am of the age where other women are *CONSTANTLY* popping out babies like its going out of style, and thus posting photos of their detestable, hideous off-spring. Ugh. Day in and day out, picture after picture of one ugly baby after another. I've "unfollowed" so many of my own friends on FB because of that crap. I just couldn't take it anymore! I feel complete and utter contempt and disgust for most babies, and the last thing I want is to SEE them REPEATEDLY every single day.

    For people with kids: No one, NO ONE, gives a sh*t about your kid. We don't care that it said its first word, took its first step, farted, made a funny face, got a new outfit, just took a bath or is still IN the bath, played with its new toy, is sucking your tit, is sleeping, or anything ELSE. **STOP** posting dozens of photos and videos of your damn baby every single day! FREAKIN' A!!! You're just as annoying as that little twit you call your child! NO ONE CAAAAAAAARES! >.<

    /endrant lol

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  • FailingAtPE

    I hate babies so much, they are nothing but trouble.

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  • Diggz

    I think babies crying is super annoying, and it should be. this is because when a child cries, it is suppose to set a immediate emergency response in our nature to seek out what the problem is to ensure our offspring's protection. (like ur alarm clock going off when you don't want to get up for work).
    Talking about smacking babies is totally fucked up and u should be hit in the head over and over again with a bald point hammer till u shit ur dumb fucken stupid waste of existence has been eliminated you cunt fuckker.
    REMEMBER you was a baby too at one time, so do you hate what u was and how do u think u grow from were from. Then slap ur self cause you were that annoying baby to someone when u was a little boy bitch fuck ass NAAIER! POES!!!

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    • LogicalChild

      And you think that calling me, and young 11 year old female, many cuss words.. is going to help? What makes you better than us if you want to kill us too? Of course we hate that we were babies! To even think that we were once on the same ground that they are in.. repulsive!

      Babies aren't going to grow up to be perfect angels, they could end up murdering someone. So why don't you stop throwing that hammer and listen to a mature adolescent?

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  • They maybe didnt like you too when you were a baby

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  • shank

    You sadistic piece of shit.

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  • kmoreey8

    I moved into a house with a six month old baby. I told my girlfriend over and over that I hate babies that I don't want to end up like my bipolar father who tried to kill his son at six months. I hate it when she crys for no reason. I can't stand it. I need help but I don't know what to do.

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  • Sweeve

    I hate both babies and kids, a lot of kids cry as much as a baby when they dont get what they want. Or if they are not allowed to do what they want to do. Plus they scream and yell.

    I want to punch them as much as babies.

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    • LogicalChild

      That's sort of offensive, but I get what you mean. I have grown more out of the "cry because I didn't get that toy" state. Yet I do hate myself for having weak tear ducts.

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  • hairyfairy

    I don`t like babies at all, they are just not pretty, or appealing in any way, & I don`t think that people with baby faces are attractive as I`m supposed to be biologically programmed to think. I hate the way they stare at me in that vacant way that they have, drooling all the time. Having said that, I wouldn`t want to harm them,I`m just repulsed by them.

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  • coolio75650932

    ../( . )\
    nakid man agrees that some babies are stupid (not all some are well behaved and stuff but the ones that never behavebare stupid)

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  • sassiecassie

    Oh my gosh! Did I really just read that? Whatever! You don't like babies! That's fine but to be happy when one gets hurt or you want to hurt them is so sick and wrong. For reals. You might want to think about going to a therapist so you don't actually harm one.

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  • highdimension

    You are probably a young teen or young adult who obviously has never had kids. It's normal to not like babies or children when you are selfish and emotionally immature and don't have any of your own. I was the same way in my teens and in my early 20's. However, when I had my daughter, my whole perspective changed on babies and kids. I now LOVE babies and children.

    So not liking babies is normal, but thinking the vile thoughts you do is not normal. Babies are innocent and don't know any better than how to survive. Obviously they cannot take care of themselves, so they need their parents.

    Anyway, I hope that one day you have children. You're whole perspective will completely change. If it does not, you have some mental problems and need to go to a psychiatrist.

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    • MahBoi24

      You are a pretentious asshole. You think that once you have a baby of your own, you will love babies? Well, if that were the case, there wouldn't be any abuse now would there? You breeders are all the same, seriously. You think that babies solve all the world's problems and can change even the coldest of hearts. I hope your baby dies of some horrible disease that you will catch after your little worthless piece of shit has gone.
      Fuck you and fuck your offspring.

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      • LisaM

        You have life worked out perfectly.

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      • redberrylemon

        Don't say that, that's very offensive, and highdimension loves eir/his/pers/her/hir/their/vis/zir kid/s, though highdimension was condescending when writing on the topic of baby disliking/hating.

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    • LogicalChild

      It's called opinions. Just because we grow older and still wish to not have children does not mean we need to talk to a psychiatrist. It's like the "is it bad to be gay" thing. Just because you think that way, does not mean we will ever agree.

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  • LiveLaughLove73

    Are u freaking kidding me! U my friend, need to get a life u were a baby! Seriously I can't believe that there are people in this world that think like that. Woow...

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  • Wow you people are fuckin twisted and get beaten to death by a million parents! Are you forgetting your dumb asses were babies also, so you despise yourself too? Very immature and ignorant comments specially laughing when a baby gets hurt? Well I hope u don't last very long in this world and shoot straight down to hell asap dipshit :)

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    • Shootfhfhf

      Just because I was a baby dosent mean I should like me,and to be honest,I hate people in general because we are already leading ourselves to our destruction but it dumbasses like you who can't see that,I don't wish harm on a kid(well unless their pissing me off)but I don't like them either,and hell?see again,heaven and hell don't exist,and if your a Christian or whatever I doubt you'll make it to "heaven" with your lovely little comment now will you? Have a nice day

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  • lalala19

    What the hell is wrong with you! Reading your story made me want to punch you in the mouth!! You can think what you want opinions are fine, but seriously saying all that...go see a specialist

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    • LisaM

      You can get raped by the rapos kids then you will need the specialist.

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