I hate babies- really, really hate them.
The title says it all- I hate babies. So many people say "oh! they are so cute!" but I think they are hideous, ugly, drooling poop factories! They are not cute to me at all. They look like hairless rats. I know there are others that don't like them either but I take it a little further than mere dislike. When I see stories on the news about people killing or torturing babies I think "they deserve it". They are just so whiney and aggrivating with their shreiking and screaming that I feel like they are just asking to get the crap beat out of them. When my cousin's ugly, illegitamante freak of a baby got his finger bit off by a bird I actually found it quite funny. When I'm at a restaurant and I hear one screaming I fantasize about slapping it across its ugly face. The odd thing is that I like kids. When a kid gets hurt I feel pretty bad. Does anyone hate babies as much as me or am I alone on this one?