I hate being black and wish i was white is it normal?

Well I hate being black being black sucks! 1) I hate that black people fellow black people are always saying "I'm proud to be black." they're just saying that because its permenent.

I grew up in the suburbs and white people surrounded me ,and were very nice. I love dating white men and will continue and I wish I could drain all the black blood from out of me but can't.

I'm on welfare and poor I realize I'm a bum but Its actually not my fault I was born into a indolent impoverished family and soon as I got old enough they made sure I joined the line.I know theres other races on welfare but everyone pretends like us blacks are the only one well ok honestly you white people pretend like us blacks are the only one if I was a american white I probably would be just as racist as I am now because most blacks and whites in america are ignorant racist SO they both have that in commen.

I wish I was white because I think white people are more atractive are the dominant race in America,have power,authority,better of monetarily.Also I would get to easily date who I want to date WHITE MEN! black men give me so much crap for it when those n*ggers date a bunch of nasty white girls every chance they get. I dislike most black people. Most of whom I'm come in contact with are walking stereotypes. Black people are notorious for being ghetto crime and living off the system. I mean sure we have that whole athletic myth and the whole black penis myth. However I'm a girl and these are mostly sexistly aimed towards the men.

Black people always insult fellow blacks so much division in my race black people are more racist then whites because we hate each other. Atleast most whites can come together most of the time without dividing trivial things. Black people are ignorant,troglodytes,animalistic,hideous,agressive,oversensitive,defensive,violent,vicious creatures.

Most black people do really resemble a monkey and I wish I could rip the black skin from off of me. Most black people have ghetto or black sounding names like leon,tyrone,shanaynay,latasha,dionne,jamal its not unique it sounds tacky. Also most black people are elitist and think superior to whites when their not. Most black people think whites are the only ones who are racist when we're the most racist + prejudice people around.

Nothing I can do but point is is it normal? If I even get a 5% on this I'll be amazed and pleased.

Yes 1932
No 673
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Comments ( 54 )
  • remmy11

    Hmmm, well I'm a black male and although I haven't seen nearly as much hatred as my grandparents/parents, I've seen my fair share. Even so, I don't hate anyone. I don't like ppl in general but there is no hate from me. It's easy to hate someone. It takes strength to, instead, get to know them before judging them. I, for one, like white girls, metal music, golf, art, intellectual debates regarding the universe's great mysteries, and my name is Aaron. My point is this; it's not easy being a minority but it isn't the end of the world. You can sit and hate and be miserable, or you can make something of yourself. I'm striving to be a professional golfer. What will you do?

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  • okami

    Stop feeling sorry for yourself because your black. It's not a handicap. If you use that as an excuse then you're no better than the people you dislike. If you want to date white men then date white men. If you want to stop sucking in somebody else's hard earned money that you don't deserve then get a halfway decent education and your black skin will start work to your advantage. Almost all companys are required to retain a certain percentage of black employees to avoid an inevitable lawsuit. When they find one who is educated and talks normal they will snatch you up.

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    • blackpplsuck

      Oh shut up I'm not feeling sorry for myself by saying I hate black people I really do hate them. Jeez if that's all you got from my msg. then sorry to say this but you're clueless. I'm entitled to welfare just as much as the next person since America didn't give a crap about what happen to blacks after slavery the least they could do is offer welfare.

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      • Yeetcrew

        Okay so I'm a black girl and I honestly don't like being black either like I just want blonde hair and blue eyes but I don't have that. But I realized that I can't change my race even though I want to I can't u will always be black okay. No matter how much u hate it. And even though I don't want to be black I'm not a racist bitch like u. I'm a nice person and I get along with everybody no matter what race they are I'm not saying I don't like black people I'm just saying that lm influenced by white people from like tv and my school and I surf and stuff so ya

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    • MetallicafordayZ

      You can't be serious... This post is clearly not from a black person. It screams a bigoted personality that doesn't come from the party it calls itself. Nothing about this was believable. Nothing about their description of blacks seems honest. Look at the username. Somethings a little off isn't there? Why would a racially insecure black try so hard to make blacks look like crap? I bet it's a white supremacist trying to make statements of black inferiority. Or... This kid has some personality disorder

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  • Sheep

    to be honest i used to bitch about the cards i was dealt... then i turned 14. even if you don't like it you should take pride in who you are, you can't change it and bitching gets you nowhere, take shit from no-one and go out and get what you want if it really is so important to you.

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  • Phosgene

    Dont worry about skin color so much lol. But seriously its not that abnormal. I come from a lower income white family and lived in primarily black areas all my life. I have seen black girls say the same thing you just said, just usually not in public, so its not like youre the only one. But to be honest (coming from a white guy) it really dosent matter that much, and im sure you can find someone who will care for you and like you the way you are.

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  • 1666sand

    I wish I could meet you- I'm mixed but I know how you feel

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  • thhickness

    This isn't normal and you should seek some sort of help. To be racist, whether it is against other races or your own is simply stupid. You dislike someone because of their genetic make-up? I'm sorry, but anyone that does this is an idiot. There are black people that are smarter than any Chinese or Whites or other races I have ever met. There are also some that are straight up stupid. The fact is, you haven't met all the black people in the world. And just like you can't tell what the inside of a house is like before you enter, you can't tell what a person will be like until you interact with them. The truth is, racism is illogical. All it does is make ignorant people comfortable in their ignorance. I understand that blacks generally have it harder than Whites and some other races...but, so? All my black friends are well respected and appreciated, they have worked hard to be where they are.

    If you have time to bitch about this, why not instead try to effect some positive chance, since you obviously know everything that's wrong about your race. But you probably won't...no...all you care about is being on the winning side, right?



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    • blackpplsuck

      I originally wrote that story a while back,and people like you are the reason why I hate black people,and your mean spirited comment just makes me hate them more. I know black people can't help that they were born black common sense. BUT the attitude that most of them have is uncivilized. Look how apathetic and dismissive you were to me. You are the idiot for putting me down for being blunt. Black people are rude as hell! Clean up your attitude because you represent everything I was talking about.

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      • m.a.s97

        You point the finger at other black people but you're the one who is really ignorant and uncivilized. Get over it you're black your ancestors we're black you're parents are black. You complain about being poor but maybe you should get a job and pay the bills instead of bitching about who you are. I laugh at pathetic ignorant people like you. You're parents are probably ashamed.

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      • Mazzie

        I am not rude. I have good grades.I do
        not live in poverty.I am not ghetto. I do not curse. I am black.

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      • Larai

        I can relate. You are right!!!!! Blacks are very nasty ignorant people.I hate to even be around them. They are very uncomfortable to be around. Blacks love picking on other blacks. Black men are violent. Black women are very ratchet. Black people don't know how to be civilized to each other. It is a shame that I hate my own damn skin color. I'm embarrassed to be black.

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      • splost

        Hi =(

        I am white but It hurt my spirit to hear you feel that way about yourself. I am so sorry you are going through this. I noticed that your post is over a year old and perhaps some things have changed, I don't know.

        I met a friend from my old church who is black and she shared some things with me that made me sad.

        I realize that being white, I cannot pretend to identify with your experiences and hurts and I do not want to pretend I understand how you feel. I will share with you though, that I had a friend invite me to a black church. I was looking forward to going, as soon as I hit the parking lot and recieved what I considered a "what are you doing here look" from one of the church attenders, that was all it took to put me on an insecure spiral downward.

        A few people were very warm to me, but I got that "feeling" that I was sort of "out of my league" and "not wanted" there. Whether I was imagining it or not, it was very real, affected me, and has given me extra empathy.

        I don't know if you are into church or praying, but I find that talking to my Heavenly Father really helps. Whether you believe it or not right now, you are made for a purpose, valuable and precious in God's eyes as well.

        It sounds like you need some healing in your spirit, as what you have observed and what has been said to you (whether from people or what has entered your psyche) has affected you.

        As far as the "ape" comment you made, this one makes me especially sad as my friend had this in her psyche to.

        I personally believe anyone who views you this way is definately NO friend and definately makes Satan happy because that "image" you feel is totally the opposite of how your Heavenly Father sees you. Anything he can put in your psyche to take away the feeling that you are precious and dearly loved is what he is after.

        One of my two favorite stories is You Are Special, by Max Lucado and The Way Home, a Princess Story, by Max Lucado.

        While the characters are white, the lessons are timeless. You can actually watch You are Special on youtube, although I prefer siliently reading myself.

        Hang in there.

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        • Jeffersonian

          White people who claim to be so hurt...and yearn to show everyone else how much they care are only trying make themselves feel better about themselves....Truth is we all must accept who we are and make the best of it....

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        • mykelej

          To Splost,

          I probably should address this reply to "blackpplsuck" but I felt more like responding to you.

          In regards to your response to "blackpplsuck", you replied in a loving, warm, and truthful manner. One in which I would most likely have responded to her pain. I'm a 46 year old black male who has been feeling sorry for myself lately, well actually, for the longest time becuase of this very issue...race in America. I don't like to feel as if I am viewed as one of "them" - stereotyped as ignorant, low-class, and dangerous just because of the color of my skin...moderate brown. I have had, in my younger years, friends from all races and backgrounds - whites, blacks, native Americans, Latins, etc. but lately I've been a complete hermit. In my safe, comfortable shell I live day after day after day with very little social contact, other than family (I'm single), work, and occasional doctor's visits.

          I will, most likely give a separate response to "blackpplsuck" if I can think of a way to make her feel better. Anyway, about your "black church" experience, what town were you in? Were you there, perhaps, with an interracial date - the friend who invited you there? Even then it was no excuse for some of their coldness. Frankly, I'm ashamed that those black people would treat anyone like that, especially in a CHURCH - how hypocritical. I hope it didn't discourage you from further attendance if you otherwise found the church enjoyable. They would have warmed up to you eventually. By the way, I'm 150% for interracial dating, marriage, friends, lovers, etc. as all races and people will live in harmony one day - probably after we reach heaven, at this rate.

          Sorry for the long-winded response but I had to get that out, uhhmm, 7 months later.



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    • Jeffersonian

      Do you now feel better about yourself?

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  • ladyluck31

    If you white to be white, just act like you are, but you can't change your skin color unless you go bleach yourself. Yeah.. im proud of being black, wouldn't have it any other way.

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  • strawberrybanana

    omg u dont wish u were white, u wish u ppl would treat u better. Take charge of ur life!

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  • beautifulMiracle

    I wanna be black

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    • feysal

      thank you <3

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  • jmac5977

    I was thinking that blackpplsuck was posting a hoax from the very start. There's too much inconsistent grammar usage, like they're trying to write the same way that black people stereotypically talk in one post. But then in another post, the grammar is much improved. Nice try, but I don't believe it.

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  • Thexoutcast

    I'm a black female and have damn near had the same view as you before. I still don't appreciate people of my race who keep the black stereotypes alive by their actions. It tends to make me feel ashamed and then angry. I've been called beautiful all my life but its really not about how other people see me if I'm still uncomfortable. Its about being beautiful to myself. I no longer have a hatred for black people or being black. I talk proper, have long natural hair, and have interests in things that most other black people don't and I get criticized for it, but I have adopted a "don't give a f*ck" attitude. What has helped me is dressing and acting how I want, not labeling myself, and not caring about what other people are doing or thinking. It has made my self-esteem skyrocket and I'm a lot more content with life.

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  • TWord

    No....your problem is you. Not your skin.

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  • I am SO GRATEFUL I'm not Black! On the other hand, I can'tr play the Race Card to get whatever I want.

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    • mrs.eder

      your ignorant this site is to help people ont tare them down..do un to others asshole

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  • Aleks85

    Who doesn't want to be white?

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  • imacomputer

    you are normal to me because i know others like you.
    You still gotta hold your head high though.
    Confidence is a good thing.
    Study your fucking ass off....and okami (51106) hit the nail on the head.

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  • Anonyman

    Of course this is normal.
    Being black, you're the scourge of the Earth. Those who proclaim "I'm proud to be black" take on the same attitude as a thief among thieves, criminals among criminals, and idiots who are proud to be stupid.
    Don't be fooled.

    The best you can do is know that you're black and, if you wish to turn everything around, be strategic in your approach to people. Among blacks, you're an enemy as the "crab" mentality prevents others from wishing you well (except if you're dragging them with you]. Among other races, you're "one of them" and will cast under a cloud of low expectations. There are pro's and con's in both situations: blacks you associate with offer support. "Others" offer personal and professional advancement. But if you're not careful, you can end up on the wrong end of this duel-edged sword.
    It sucks, but do your best to stay tough (another positive of being black).

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  • Noonesperfect

    What about being brown.

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    • Mazzie


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  • Elegy

    I really can understand you cause the way you hate being black I hate my nationality but if i can hide what country i come from you cant hide your skin colour first I am white and dont see any differences between black and white and second if you dont want to be unhappy all your life then try to look from different side.See how many famous and talented people there are out there and also never show anyone that you are ashamed of being black even if you are.Good luck

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  • House

    you are normal! I'm white THANK GOD FOR THAT SHIT!i'M not saying i'm better,i'm just saying being white is better, i mean who can even argue?!

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  • LoveMyCottonShirt

    In the current climate of open hatred of white people on all levels of televised media and social media, it is clearly far better to be black. Blacks are enjoying a period of the complete infallibility of their anti-white anti-American ideals. It's not even a contest, it is far better to be black in America than white. All white people have to look forward to is the racist statement that all of our accomplishments can be distilled to a single phrase, "white priviledge". Blacks are racist as fuck.

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    It is not normal to dislike your own kind, they are an extension of your family and nation. It IS normal to loathe anyone who puts you in a negative light or defiles your culture. In the medical field I have had a chance to meet many African immigrants. Many of them absolutley despise American blacks for the same reasons you mentioned. Possibly you could find your soul and like minded people in the motherland. Stay true to your heritage and leave the white boys alone.

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  • mykelej

    For just two examples of the many well documented cases of black achievements being suppressed, Google, if you haven't already, Vivian Thomas (medicine) and also watch the well-acclaimed movie "Something the Lord Made". Very enlightening. Also research Marlon Dewitt Green and David Harris(airline transportation), who both deserve our recognition. Then many of you will see what many blacks were up against for pretty much most of our country's history up until maybe 25 - 30 years ago. I know there are many more opportunities now days but during those struggles, not to mention the vicious Jim Crow laws, perhaps many blacks became discouraged, disenfranchised, and ultimately may have given up all hope in achieving success in society. Those heartbreaks may have led to the broken families and communities we now see in many inner cities. I know other races have also struggled but I personally feel that no other race has been so uniformly and perpetually deterred from achieving success like blacks have been in the U.S.

    One cannot say, however that blacks lack the brains or the abilities to achieve great success in American society in the 21st century.

    Be proud of who you are regardless of whether or not the original poster of this thread was really black or not... it doesn't matter except to show possibly that some people are hateful and relentless in their evil pursuits to spread propaganda.

    Look forward to tomorrow even though we are ALL in a world of trouble now. The religious battles, if you know what I refer to are what we really should be worried about in the upcoming years. Keep your eyes open. We hopefully will stand together as the HUMAN race to triumph in the end.

    I love ALL of you!

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  • Newguydeeds

    Hi there colored people. All I have to say is be nicer to white people. They are the product of your "self hate" it sucks to see all of your close relatives struggle there whole life against time as we age faster than any other race. It sucks to see all colored excel in sports, prevalence, and relevance. There is nothing we can do accept live a short quite life and then die. If you all believe you have been given a "shitty" hand then you are more out of touch then the whitest blondest skinniest of us all. I work on a farm in the sun all day during the summer and turn a slightly darker version of my natural self. Every day in doing so gives me a reflection of my true potential and identity. The grocery store is full of colored people and I have to walk my aging white mother around through colored crowds to buy common groceries. Blacks in America aren't slaves anymore.. So please get over it. You are the majority in the cities that were built and founded on the backs of European settlers. Just be happy that you out fucked the whites and stop complaining. If you want to be white then do what Michael jackson did, maybe you'll end up like him (very unhappy). For those black girls that don't like black men, I promise you there are plenty of lonely white guys in the world and of other races as well. Color is who we are as a people, we all just need to accept it and stop messing with destiny.

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  • sjrose

    You need serious help! Do not loop all black people together. I was born in my skin and I love it! Just because you have issues with your skin and the few black people you know take that up with them. It's your fault if you are poor and on welfare you control your activities. Seek help for your disease!

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  • splost


    Moses's wife was black, there are blacks in the Bible. You have NOTHING to be ashamed of. Your Heavenly Father is pleased with what he made. I realize you may not be religious but this post is meant to encourage and uplift you, not to lecture you.

    Know you are loved by your creator. meditate on the fact that you are a loved creation.

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  • rhondayes

    The original poster isn't Black. That is patently obvious. Read that fantastical bullsh!t again. Stop validating an obvious racist spreading more and more prejudice.

    You are a sad person that is only capable of disgusting propanda to feel good about yourself. You're sad and pathetic and those that fell for this letter are those that are exactly like you and want to desperately for all the disparaging comments and wishies to be true, in order to feel special.

    Your skin color defines you, because you have no personal successes that define you as special.

    What a small world you live in.

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  • harrylbrownjr

    This is 100% normal.

    It's not in your imagination that being black sucks. It does. Most of society hates us. We have less of everything positive (money, property, self-sustaining culture) than any other race.

    It's hard enough to just be different.. a minority usually wishes to be one of the majority... "normal." But even harder to be one of the hated... the looked down on... the spat upon... the ugly ones.

    HOWEVER... at my ripe old age, I've learned to accept the reality of the situation... and if I have to work 10 times harder to be paid a fair price, then I will. If I have to be 10 times kinder, to be considered a decent human, then I will.

    Yes, we've been dealt a very shitty hand. And we cant change that. And we could rightfully and justifiably spend many years crying about it. But life is very fuckin short. We get a brief moment to enjoy this earth and world. And I'm strong and wise enough to do what it takes to make sure this life is a rich and beautiful party full of love and laughter.

    What many people dont know is that we got unique powers... hidden talents... untapped magical potential! It's time to show the world our power. It's time to win as ourselves.

    Black people are rich in emotion... maybe more so than any other race. Pungent in art; rich in creativity... I believe if the world was comprised only of white people, they would greedily fight and destroy the whole world to get more... to have more... to take and absorb everything without really "feeling" the universe within them. WE feel that... because we are so rich in feeling. They think they feel it... but they're too coldly calculating to feel the way we do. Their cold calculations build their successful societies... but our rich black creative souls are the true hearts of humanity. Souls, broken... but strong and rich in feeling.

    Barack Obama has shown us how the beauty and richness of our dark hearts can triumph over the cold, powerful white ones.
    Losing or hating yourself lets THEM win.

    THEY would be happy to see you broken in the mud... crying and wallowing is self hate. Seeing that makes them feel better about themselves... superior... and they have happier lives from your misery. Dont let them win. Take a good look at the shitty hand we've been dealt and figure out what you gotta do to win.

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    • Nanette

      I'm white, I've worked in higher education a long time. I wish I could get through to black parents. If they would move heaven and earth to keep their child in school, help with their homework each night, show an interest, then their child has a bigger advantage as far as the job market goes. If you have an educated well- spoken black person, they can move up the job chain fast. Especially all and any city, state or federal institutions......these employers are always looking for educated black ppl. I work for the state and I'd say close to half of our upper administration is comprised of black ppl. But it's all up to the parent. My sister is a high school teacher in a predominately black school. She tells me she gave up calling or sending notes home to parents years ago, because they just aren't interested. Of course there are some, but those parents make themselves known early, they let her know if their kids education matters to them. I hope someone reads this and helps their kid stay with it and get thru college. The opportunities are huge for black kids!

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  • TheTruth88

    Wow this is absolutely un believable... It is those like you who give blacks a bad look. Blacks are amazing people. If you traveled out of your SMALL TOWNS and into the REAL WORLD you would see so. Whites are not all good. They are the ones who divided this country and altered the views of others just because of jealousy! They tell blacks to go back to Africa as if this is their country when it's NOT.They came from EUROPE! They stole this land from the Native Americans and called a peace treaty over some turkey and call it THANKSGIVING! They also stole the blacks from Africa and caused major corruption! You should be PROUD of who you are! Without blacks this country would NOT be what it is today..The very CELL PHONE you talk on is created by a black man, the STOP LIGHT, the CLOCK, DISHWASHER, The LIGHT BULB was created by Lewis Latimer and do to those extremely racist times he sold the patent to Thomas Edison who later got the credit for something he didn't create! Same goes for the original TELEPHONE/ TELEGRAPH it was created by Granville T. Woods.. Who also created the ROLLER COASTER but later sold the telephone patent to Alexander Graham Bell.. The list goes on it would be hard to operate in our daily lives without those inventions.. The first man to ever attempt open heart surgery was black.. Not only was he the first to attempt it, it was successful!! Instead of searching for all the cons of your race look for the good as well! It's about time we come together as one! And it's about time for you to get a JOB and an EDUCATION and stop looking for validation from the white man and be the very beautiful strong individual you were created to be. Last but not least all blacks are not ugly and all whites are not beautiful.. Remember BLACK DON'T CRACK! (MEANING BLACKS AGE WELL) When whites get old and wrinkled blacks skin is still spotless and baby smooth..

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    • Nanette

      The reason black skin stays smoother longer is because they exude a yellowish colored oil from the dermis layer of their skin. This is probably a result of evolution and black ppl originating from lands of very hot drying temperatures. The oil is beneficial but everything has a price to pay. The oil has a rather pungent odor, and regular bathing is imperative to keep the odor at bay.

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    • splost


      God make black people very unique and lovely. nobody elses opinion should matter.

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  • feysal

    the men whho treated you that way are stupid and ignorant if the cant love their black sisters!u just stay strong and waite for the rigth man. i myself love my beutiful chocolate girlfrien! it makes me sad that u can talk like that about ur own people!

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  • feysal

    to me you are a disgrace, how can u say you wish u where white, sorry but to thats just stupid! its true that SOME of OUR people is dum and ignorant! but you are even dummest one! Sorry!

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  • mama14

    look to make you feel better mama , im a very dark girl who been threw hell too o god you have no idea been spit at called n words treated like trash .raciest job interviews . parents hate me and men wont date me dont feel bad i taught myself one thing we just have to except who we are just think like this if you feel ugly except it if you think ur pretty except it exceptance is key

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  • Sinhala

    I truly feel sorry for you, no offense. I'm half south asian and half black, it dosen't really matter what you are, just make something of yourself.

    Then again... I'm half of something that I can be proud of. So I probably will never know how you truly feel.

    Maybe you should get some help, best of luck to you :).

    Oh, and you should go to Canada, Canadians aren't racist like most (NOT ALL) Americans :P If you ever can afford it.

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  • kuku_boy

    baby blacks are great!! its just every one in this world doesnt think like you or in a good way.. we should understand the shit proud ass people and move away from them because its hard to change there mind's..

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  • I_♥Me_♥

    You are a very ignorant. Go to the highest builing and jump. Self hatetrict is a damn shame, you take low self esteem to a whole nother level. You must of never really had a powerful inspiring black woman. To show you that black womrn is the most beautiful. Example Beyonce, Michelle Obama, Vanessa Willams, Tyra Banks are constantly inspirational. So learn to love yourself.

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    • mrs.eder

      shut up...i am black and feel the same way...i was adoped and live in a small white town where i was the only black person..i hate being black i cant find anyone that will touch my hair because they have never done black hair i dont know how to take care of it people make fun of me alot..because i supposidly talk white..i dont want to be a self loathing african american...i wish i could be one of those people that love who they are and where they came from i just dont know how..i have 2 white parents how am i supposed to know...i see the looks people give me.Dont get me wrong people call me beautifull all day but its friends and family and they are supposed to tell you that..i dont know how to get out of this mind set..i'm a great person i would do anything for anyone regardless of skin color i just ahte myself

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      • rhondayes

        you're not black, but if you are you have been brainwashed and drank the kool-aid. you are one lost oreo. I tend to believe you are white spreading propaganda. Sad, but very telling.

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  • whitney18

    This is absolutely disgusting you are disgusting to insult your own race like that is the most ignorant thing of all I'm black and proud of it I'm not on welfare and never have been I know plently of white's who sag and are as ignorant as they come.I really hope this is some kinda joke because if your serious you should seriously seek help.

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