I hate being rushed.. is it normal ?

Omg. I fuc*ing HATE when someone rushes me to do something! I can't stand it!!!!!!!!! Omg!!! I fuc*ing get soooo pissed of!!! My boyfriend will sometimes rush me when I am getting ready(that's the worst; danger, watch out) and I want to beat his ass when he does that and I flip out on him. I have almost hit him before when he tried rushing me; he has learned that he probably shouldn't do it anymore. Is this normal? When someone tries to rush me I feel like i want to hit them

Voting Results
71% Normal
Based on 69 votes (49 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • la_uva_mojada

    How about when a guys eats u out and rushes u to cum.. I hate that more than anything

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    • foxyk

      Lmfao that's different :P would rather have it last though haha

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Sure it is you like to do things at your own pace and if you are rushed you might miss something out.

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  • redoctober

    can you hurry the f-up and get a life?

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  • dodongos


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  • Caryopteris

    Apparently you don't have anyplace to be any time soon, so why do you pull out in front of me without even stopping at the light? Wait your turn and get in behind me, where you belong, because I have someplace to be other than stuck in traffic.

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    • robbieforgotpw

      Where ya going that's so important that you need to drive so dangerously? I've seen crazy drivers like you blow by me then meet them at the next light. The psychos hate to see me laughing at them. You cause our insurance rates to go up. Leave earlier instead of racing.

      Try using the reply button.

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  • Caryopteris

    I hate to be rushed, but I am annoyed by slow drivers! If everybody would just drive 5 mph over the speed limit, I would be so happy. This going 10 under gets me mad. If you want to go slower than the speed limit, pull over and let the long line of us go by.

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  • howaminotmyself

    Deep breath...

    I dislike being rushed and put on someone else's schedule. Do you typically run late, or are these situations that have no set time? But people rarely rush around here. If you want people to show up for a party at 9, tell them it starts at 7. It's an unspoken understanding.

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    • foxyk

      sometimes i am late but everyone is late once in a while so i would say i am normal in that aspect. it gets me MORE SO MAD when people just want to get somewhere or get somewhere early haha

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