I hate body positivity

I really can't stand this movement. They push for an unhealthy lifestyle and have no shame in it. I also hate the double standards the hypocrisy and them pushing obesity. I hate how it's perfectly ok for them to bash skinny women but yet they get mad when someone bashes them for being fat. I also hate who they only want tall muscular guys or hot skinny guys. They won't date a guy as fat and repulsive as they are. News flash for all you fat acceptance/body positivity activist. Being obese is unhealthy it comes with heart disease,stroke,diabetes and cancer.

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Comments ( 40 )
  • _Mehhhh_

    I don't like it, but more for the reasons you say and what it stands for, rather than for what "body positivity" really should be.

    To me, "body positivity" should be about education on what normal/average bodies look like (including but not limited to what normal genitals look like). It can include things like positivity around being a short man, a tall woman, hair loss, untreatable skin conditions, things that people can't help. To me, that is what it should be about. That is very positive and valuable.

    However, I think to make "body positivity" about acceptance and even encouragement of obesity, that's a perversion of what it should be. I'm sure whoever first introduced this term "body positivity", this wasn't what they had in mind at all.

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    • Exactly well said. It should also be for burn victims,people missing limbs and people with scars.

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    • redrainbow22

      People rationalizing.

      Trying to find any excuse to accept themselves, and continue letting themselves be fat.

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  • VioletGalaxies

    I also don't enjoy it. Being a fit yet busty girl, lots of people call me a whore in whatever I wear.
    I can't really control genetics, and I try my best to dress appropriately. Then, you see these 250 pound women wearing sheer dresses and crop tops because they're "confident" and "comfortable in their own skin" and they "don't need to change anything". They dress like actual sluts and people cheer them on for it. And here I am in sweats and people still call me a bimbo!

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  • BeautyBeast

    Everything you said was true. Most people don't pay attention to these things, and then there are a lot of people who do that want to say you are being negative and you are just hating, but the reality is that it's only making our world more unhealthy and it's showing real ignorance. One other thing... if people can't see that for themselves it shows how ignorant the world has really become.

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  • Postal602

    You're a logical person, if people want to eat themselves to death, they can go right ahead. We shouldn't be advocating for obesity.

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  • Unstuck-in-Time

    Why do you worry about what other people do? You can't change them. Get on with your day.

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  • TerriAngel

    I agree 100% with the post author.
    I know exactly what you're talking about.
    Pisses me off to see walmart etc offer them ' curtesy chairs '
    The very people who need exercise the most.
    Then see an old person with a walker, or a vet missing 1/2 his leg.
    But there they are, standing up.
    Shopping, living life.
    Ignorant folks will end up like the slugs on WALL-E.
    Life is about choices.

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    • Exactly the scooter is for the frail not the whale

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  • Agreed. We need a new movement called body negativity.

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  • Kevinevan

    People, do yourself and everyone else a fucking favor and knock it of with the movements and labels.

    I'm starting a movement to make movements illegal.

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  • Nickvey

    a group promotes bad health in the name of positive body image is cringeworthy. i agree you dont need to tell a fat person they are fat. but to celebrate fatness. thats crazy.

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  • alienslayer

    Wow the comments are so... but I just say fat people have small genitals

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    • TerriAngel

      How would they know?
      They cant see them.
      knowone else wants to.
      Makes me laugh when a fat girl brags about the size of her boobs.
      Knowone cares.
      you look like a capital B from the side.

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    • They can't even see their own genitals

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    • Nickvey

      fat cells make all the estrogen ,it feminizes men.and the lack of fat in women can switch off periods. fat men have baby penis. no getting around that.

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      • alienslayer

        Nice, I know a few guys who have bigger boobs than me

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  • EccentricWeird

    I hate body positivity negativity!!!

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  • Zorak

    Fat people should be encouraged to lose weight. It is no different than encouraging a diabetic to eat less sugar and to exercise to keep healthy blood glucose. It also does not mean being outright nasty to the person either. There is a different between constructive advice and voicing concern for someones health and blatantly and outright bullying that same person because of their problem (fat whale syndrome). People should be encouraged to try to improve their overall health...rather than being encouraged to stay just the way they are (fat, sweaty, and disgusting with elevated LDL numbers and triglycerides among other deadly fat people health problems).

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  • fluffy1uv

    Some people actually can't get skinny to the standards we set for them. I know a few guys who work out all the time, dont drink alcohol, and eat well, and they're still chubby. Also there are people who are addicted to eating a lot. It's a clinical condition and to say someone should hate their body because of a clinical condition is pretty messed up. Not normal or moral.

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    • Zorak

      Those guys who you claim work out and eat healthy and are still chubby is probably because they exaggerate their physical activity and diet. Anyone can get in top physical shape if they work at it hard and long enough. They must not be doing what they actually are claiming to be doing.

      What you are saying is simply not true..It just makes people lose hope for themselves and believe they have a medical excuse for being overweight or chubby.

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      • fluffy1uv

        No dude I know people who bike to school everyday, workout at school and eat salads for lunch. Some people literally can't lose weight by doing that.

        Yes it is. It is something that has been researched and is confirmed as a disease. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/food-junkie/201212/is-food-addiction-real-or-bogus
        check it out.

        Also I can't help but mention that you are makiung excuses for being an asshole to people with body types you deam to be unhealthy or unattractive.

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        • BlackCatsAreAwesome

          It's physically impossible to burn more calories than you consume and not lose weight. That would be like a perpetual motion machine. Moreover, you are contradicting yourself if you claim he's got a food addiction and if he doesn't then what's that even got to do with the premise that he allegedly doesn't lose weight with a sustained caloric deficit?

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          • fluffy1uv

            I never said the person i was talking about had food addiction, I'm just using that guy as an example of someone who cannot lose enough weight to be considered "healthy" looking. I just brought up food addiction to make another point which is that you are hating on people for having a disease.

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            • BlackCatsAreAwesome

              Who said I hate people who have a disease? I was just pointing out a physical impossibility, nothing more, nothing less.

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            • This post is'ant hating on fat people as a whole. It's just hating on the hypocritical fat acceptance movement that promotes laziness

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  • Not everyone who is FAT (that's the word you wanted to use, right?) is unhealthy, and it's not your place to judge them. If you're not fat, (I AM fat before y'all start judging me for using that word,) I don't see how it's your problem or how people liking themselves the way they are takes anything away from you. Women who are fat carry a lot of shame and get a lot of judgment from people who usually don't understand or even care why or how someone got that way. They've likely been bashed by skinny women and literally everyone else, including other fat women, as long as they've been fat, if not before. Also, someone else's health is none of your business. If you can't take the negativity you put out there coming back at you, don't put it out there.

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    • In denile of your own gluttony and sloth?

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    • Hey idiot being obese is unhealthy it has been proven to cause cancer diabetes heart disease and stroke. Quit denying facts to make yourself feel better. They bash skinny women all the time.

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      • I can't even believe I'm saying this to another woman, (or whatever you are,) but clearly, talking to you in a reasonable way is pointless. If people are bashing you for being skinny, it's not because you're skinny, it's because you're acting like a nasty close minded bitch. I've been studying alternative medicine for 15 years. What are you, in high school?

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        • I'm just stating facts. I'm not in high school I'm an adult.

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