I hate cars!

I absolutely loathe, detest and abhor cars. Yes, cars.

And trucks.
And vans.
You get the idea.

They're simply far too expensive and require too much upkeep. I'd rather save my money (and lose some calories) and walk instead.

I also have what I would consider a phobia of driving; the mere thought just stresses me out.

But my biggest issue with them is that they get in the way. Because I choose not to drive (for the aforementioned reasons, which I do consider perfectly valid), I must take on the responsibility of avoiding them wherever I go. And this annoys me immensely. I hate crossing streets; really, I do. And crosswalks are bullshit anyway. I hate those things. I honestly consider this to be the number one reason why I have such an intense aversion to leaving the house during the daytime. I'm serious.

Cars are a scam. Think about it. You spend several thousands of dollars for a giant hunk of steel - that seats four or five. And then, probably 90% of the time, you and ONLY YOU get inside and drive the goddamned one mile to work, and back. With the occasional trip down to the store that's maybe a half-mile away at the most. Couldn't you save a lot of money and just carpool? No? Of course not; that would make too much sense. Couldn't you just walk? No? Well, then stop wondering why you're a such a fat-ass.

The whole time you're paying off insurance and visiting the mechanic regularly. To make matters worse, I'm given grief for your idiocy as well because you're a goofy cunt who can't yield.

If you haven't noticed, societies also seem to now be built around the advent of driving; cities are essentially just giant, twisting mazes of asphalt, with establishments scattered miles around in a haphazard mess. It's for this reason that I'm sure that most people develop the belief - probably without ever even questioning it - that they HAVE to get a motor vehicle just to function normally in modern society.

Wake up already. Cars are a plague and I, for one, feel it's time to strike back.

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Comments ( 45 )
  • hairyfairy

    I can`t afford a car, so I walk on most short journeys, & the way i have to wait ages to cross the street because of so much traffic drives me up the wall. Plus the fact that motorists seem to be trying to run pedestrians over all the time. There`s also smog & pollution. Sometimes i wish that motor vehicles had never been invented!

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  • GiantessEnvironmentalist

    I know this is an old post and all...but omg I totally feel the same way hun! I HATE cars! Hate them with a fiery passion! You're absolutely right, they are always getting in the way and it IS immensely annoying. UGH! I walk too, but I also ride a bike in the Spring and Summertime and I can't tell you how annoying it is when some thoughtless a**hole parks his/her worthless, wretched pile of wasted metal in the bike lane! GUH! >.<

    Anyway, you're so not alone. I hate cars just as much as you do. And you're absolutely right, they really are a scam. People need to wake the hell up!

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  • MissesAnonymous23

    Ha, goofy cunt...

    My grandmother would love to join you on your strike, she also hates driving.

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  • Avant-Garde

    You sound like me.

    I too have car-related phobias. The mere idea of driving in my country scares me. I worry about neurological issues potentially coming into plan if I ever tried to drive. At this point, I think that if were to ever drive, that I would be potential hazard not just to myself but to other lifeforms as well. I really don't think it would be wise for anyone with this type of phobia to get behind a wheel without first taking care of this issue.

    America seems to have this bizarre mentality about cars and learning how to drive. It is a mentality that I don't ever recall experiencing when I've been in other countries. For whatever reason, America is seems to be more oriented around cars and less friendly towards other forms of transportation. If you don't want to drive, can't drive, or don't have a car, society often views you very negatively. I wonder if this mentality can be traced back to the Industrial movement,,,

    When I turned 16, there was an overwhelming pressure on me to get my driver's license. I didn't and I got treated strangely for it. I remember texting a friend about this. Upon hearing that I had no intention of getting my driver's license, she was shocked. She even asked me how I was going to get around if I didn't know how to drive. This mentality/culture seems to have created very stupid individuals. How could a person forget about bicycling, public transportation or even the classic walking?

    I used to go get my hair done at a salon where I had known most of the people ever since I was a child. Periodically, they would ask if I had any intention of getting my license. My answer was always centered around "No." They would act strangely. Their behavior was reminiscent of "Bend It Like Beckham", minus the anger. ("You've brought shame to our shop, Spenvinder!")

    At 17, I was sometimes relentlessly nagged about it, but I still didn't get it.

    I was told not that long ago, that this year I was going to get my license, have a job, and buy a car. It is a little shocking. Not only is having a car a huge financial burden, but this mentality is extremely unrealistic.

    Ever been to Europe? Over there the mentality is completely different. Many people own bicycles or walk. Fitness seems to be promoted. The only place that I can think of here that non-car friendly is NYC. Then again, there are people there who own cars and are willing to pay astronomical parking fees. It's strange.

    Even though there's apparently a growing number of young people who are doing this, for the most part, there is still a strong stigma that exists. Cars still serve the materialism belief.

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    • GiantessEnvironmentalist

      You're not the only one hun, I get that a lot too. "Why don't you get your license? You'll have so much more freedom and you can- blah blah freakin blah!" UGH! >.< Like, no matter how many times I've said it; I hate cars, I hate car culture, I have absolutely NO desire to own a car or even drive one, people continue to pester me about it. Just stfu and leave me alone already! You would think that these people would want LESS people driving on the street. Wouldn't that make more logical sense? That way there'd be less traffic jams. But no. *sigh* I don't understand this mentality either... :/

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      • Avant-Garde

        Silly me in thinking that eventually they would stop. I recently turned 20, and this is pretty much all I hear. And, the prestige of having a car over logic, like whether or not I could afford a car (I can't. I don't particularly fancy taking out a loan for one either.), isn't even taken into an account. Nor, is my personal preference.

        I'm picky. I don't like these new cars. I think they're so ugly. I would never want to own one of them. My dream car is so old, that it's extremely rare and I don't think the manufacturer even exists anymore. Why should I have to settle for a car I wouldn't like?

        The other thing that really concerns me is how distracted I tend to get when I'm in cars. It's not uncommon for me to get so deep in thought that I tune out everything around me. This is so potentially dangerous! I couldn't trust myself not to do this while driving.

        I brought this up to a relative who's really gungho about me driving. She told me that it was because I'm a passenger. As a passenger I'm allowed to do this, but as a driver, I wouldn't do this because I wouldn't be allowed to. This and that I didn't know that this would happen if I drove.

        This doesn't make any sense!!! I refuse to risk being a danger to others and myself. Honestly, I think that I could fair better with a motorcycle. Its openness doesn't allow for disconnecting, unlike a closed car. It's so much more direct. I hope that makes sense.

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        • GiantessEnvironmentalist

          No way hun! Motorcycles are way more dangerous than cars! Sure, I despise cars and all, but at least they possess a lot more safety precautions; seat belts, airbags etc. But on a motorcycle, there are literally zero precautions. It's just your butt on an open saddle going over 60mph. XD If you crash, that's it. You'll go flying and end up either dead or crippled. :/ I'd rather just walk or ride a bike, at least then you're free to let your mind wander. ;)

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    • shuggy-chan

      the problem is most of the US is made to cars, with little to no public transportation, Its cause how cheap fuel was for so long after WWII that we have such lazy and poor infrastructure

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      • Avant-Garde

        That does make sense.

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        • shuggy-chan

          USA price a gallon is like what rest of the world pays for a liter

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  • Pika-girl

    Cars are horrible!! They pollute air, break ozone layer, then we all become messed up.

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    • Avant-Garde

      A bike would be so much better and trees can actually fight global warming. The only good thing that seems to be coming from awareness on global warming is the production of eco-firnedly technologies. You've got fuel efficient cars, some of which are electric and an even smaller percentage are solar and vegetable oil powered. If a car is still using gas for power, is that really equal friendly? The same goes for electric powered cars.

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  • dirtybirdy

    I love cars. Beep beep get the fuck out of my way.

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  • EccentricWeird



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  • I looooove my car. And besides, it's quite useful.

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  • bananaface


    Ha. Yeah, I have no plan of driving either. They just seem like such a drain, and I've never needed one. I can understand why other people would, but not nearly as many as who have them. I'm in the middle of a big city right now, and I can't help but wonder why so many people are driving. There are bloody buses that go around ALL THE TIME! And everything's so close as well. Sheesh.

    But anyway, I actually really like cars. I think they're beautiful and really interesting. Don't like how often people drive, though, or the lack of seriousness certain people have about driving.

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  • Phishy

    I live in West Palm, a city in south Florida. If 90% of the people here walked to work, it'd be a nightmare. Everything is spaced out apart. Why sweat your ass off walking for 3 hours when you could get there effortlessly in a car in only 10 minutes time?

    I get your idea, it has some good sense, but it also lacks sense. I also go to school 50 miles away from where I live. A car is essential (I take the trail-way because I don't own a car, but you get the point)
    If everyone in the U.S.A walked, this nation would literally fall apart. Time is money, and we "fat asses" don't have time to be children and walk everywhere.

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    • "If you haven't noticed, societies also seem to now be built around the advent of driving; cities are essentially just giant, twisting mazes of asphalt, with establishments scattered miles around in a haphazard mess."

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  • suckonthis9

    Technically, they ARE NOT 'cars'. They are types of 'vehicles', which are self-propelled machines. The term 'car' is derived from Latin, 'currere' to run. This term (in a form modified into other languages) was initially applied to non-powered vehicles, such as railway cars (not locomotives) and carts.

    I do, however, agree with you that far too many people use these vehicles frivolously, and that they ARE, and have become, detrimental to society, as well as to the continued existence of much of the life on Planet Earth (including humans).

    Vehicles are, and will continue to be important, into the future, however; BUT our current negligent misuse of them MUST BE rectified immediately. Has not anyone who uses these vehicles inconsiderately, considered that there IS ONLY, less than 40 YEARS of PETROLEUM RESERVES LEFT, and that when this is used up, THERE WON't BE ANY MORE, for FUTURE GENERATIONS. Both GASOLINE and DIESEL FUELS (which most vehicles use), AS WELL AS the ASPHALT that you are driving on, ARE PETROLEUM PRODUCTS!!! There IS NOT ANY AVAILABLE AGRICULTURAL LAND TO PRODUCE SO-CALLED BIOFUELS!!!


    Please do not use the term, "goddamned", as this means deity damaged. It does not tell the reader which deity damaged the one mile. Thank you.

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    • Avant-Garde

      I wish you would come back. We have similar ideals and I miss communicating with you.

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    • robbieforgotpw

      Take another vacation, a permanent one

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  • Imsupernormal

    OP is on drugs

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  • robbieforgotpw

    I powersharted

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  • Cbsteffen

    Absolutely not! A world without cars would not be good. Cars had to be invented because humans needed something that could run faster and hold more people than horses ever could. Not many people live in rural areas, so you can't have public transportation there. It would be awfully hard to expect ridership for a public transit vehicle in a rural area.

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  • Europa7

    Yo True, I guess I was right. You didn't reply to my question about the disappearance of cars. Too embarrassed? Oh well, but seriously, they aren't as bad as you think. Mellow out man. The world will only evolve more. We went from clubbing boar with a giant stick to creating automated machines that move us and now with all we are doing with smartphones and tablets and shit, well, you get the picture. Cars are just a part of the human evolution. Just live with it. Peace

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    • I made my assertions and I stand by them.

      And how does one define "evolution" in this context? THINK ABOUT IT, MAN!!!!!

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  • bemah

    Yeah, i prefer trains (electric), provided they're good enough to do the job of transporting shit loads of people.
    In the meantime I love my car, and nothings gonna change that :P

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  • tripw7

    When I lived in Boston while going to school a car was a real pain, although my parents did provide one that I rarely drove. I had to find a place to live where I could park without a permit. Now that I am living in a "rural" area so to speak, there is no way I can do without one. Then of course my wife has to have one as well to make sure she get the kids to school on time, etc. She can't carry groceries to our home which is about 3 miles to our home.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    I love cars. Helps with dating girls.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I know a girl who kinda thinks like you do. I don't know if you jaywalk but she did all the time and about a year ago she got hit by a car. Most people who know her and her personality actually find the whole thing kinda funny and ironic.

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    • Avant-Garde

      My mother and her mother knew this guy, who as a child, went into the street in the middle of the night, got hit by a car and was paralyzed from the waist down. I'm not sure if he was jaywalking on a dare (I think he was out with friends when he did this) or if it was because of something else.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Hmm... mysterious.

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  • Europa7

    What about all the advantages you get. like for example. travel. You ain't taking the bus or train to far places unless you want to spend more than insurance and gas for a car. You can take a cab for 2 or more dollars just to step in the thing and pay probably what, lets say 50 bucks there and 50 back. or more. Plus you have all the goodies like sport exhaust and ECU performance chips and cold air intakes and lots of other good stuff. what about bad weather? what about keeping better track of schedules without waiting for public transit or worry of it failing in some way i.e. bus 10 minutes late. etc. what about medical emergencies. an ambulance ride for a friend or wife in labor will be about 600. thats what like 3 months of gas and insurance? You have a right to hate cars but don't dis us people who do drive. They aren't as bad as you think.

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    • Nowhere did I suggest that we do away with cars entirely.

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      • Europa7

        I know this however you had some strong things to say against them. my point is, they aren't as bad as you think. I think a section deep in you wishes they all do infact disappear. am I right?

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        • copal

          "I think a section deep in you wishes they all do infact disappear. am I right?"

          What language did you type that in?

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  • Aliceee93

    I guess you don't read anymore while your driving then ;)

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    • chewy


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    • That was a rather weak troll, and I suppose I should get around to deleting it.

      (This one, however, is NOT a troll.)

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      • lolol555

        Don't delete things.

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        • Well do YOU like the post in question?

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          • That's not what lolol555 is saying.

            YOU don't know what's right or wrong, good or bad. You are but a single retard.

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  • o_0

    If you would have said that they contribute in global warming and stuff maybe I would have praised your Idea..
    although I agree they are expensive and require good keeping they make our lives so easy ... which even you accept cause in this era where life is so fast you can't always choose to walk especially if you have to walk several kilometers....
    you say they're big while its usually only one person using it.. its cause may be you don't have any one else with you.. think about a family (dropping and picking the children from school or else where e.t.c) ...
    and oh I don't use cars ,still I'm fat.
    but as you know ,I like the way you have such a different idea..

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    • Environmental concerns - yep, that too.

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  • shiznit

    I own a Porsche, BMW m3, and a Ford F150.

    I work on them so I don't pay a mechanic.

    If you are a guy, you might be a pussy. If you are a woman, well... it's normal for you to be a bitch.


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