I hate cars!
I absolutely loathe, detest and abhor cars. Yes, cars.
And trucks.
And vans.
You get the idea.
They're simply far too expensive and require too much upkeep. I'd rather save my money (and lose some calories) and walk instead.
I also have what I would consider a phobia of driving; the mere thought just stresses me out.
But my biggest issue with them is that they get in the way. Because I choose not to drive (for the aforementioned reasons, which I do consider perfectly valid), I must take on the responsibility of avoiding them wherever I go. And this annoys me immensely. I hate crossing streets; really, I do. And crosswalks are bullshit anyway. I hate those things. I honestly consider this to be the number one reason why I have such an intense aversion to leaving the house during the daytime. I'm serious.
Cars are a scam. Think about it. You spend several thousands of dollars for a giant hunk of steel - that seats four or five. And then, probably 90% of the time, you and ONLY YOU get inside and drive the goddamned one mile to work, and back. With the occasional trip down to the store that's maybe a half-mile away at the most. Couldn't you save a lot of money and just carpool? No? Of course not; that would make too much sense. Couldn't you just walk? No? Well, then stop wondering why you're a such a fat-ass.
The whole time you're paying off insurance and visiting the mechanic regularly. To make matters worse, I'm given grief for your idiocy as well because you're a goofy cunt who can't yield.
If you haven't noticed, societies also seem to now be built around the advent of driving; cities are essentially just giant, twisting mazes of asphalt, with establishments scattered miles around in a haphazard mess. It's for this reason that I'm sure that most people develop the belief - probably without ever even questioning it - that they HAVE to get a motor vehicle just to function normally in modern society.
Wake up already. Cars are a plague and I, for one, feel it's time to strike back.