I hate christianity...

I hate pretty much every religion that views Jesus Christ as their lord and savior. I know so many Christians, Methodists, and Catholics who are outrageously ignorant to historical background. They're all racist, when Jesus Christ is known to historically have been African American, and they're all anti-Semitic,... when Jesus was Jewish. Not only that, but they say everyone who doesn't share there values is going to hell! They say being homosexual is a sin, but the bible also says fornicating is a sin. The bible also preaches the role of women is just to listen to whatever the men in her family tell her to do, and christian women do no such thing! They're hypocritical and they're the ones ruling the media, and the government. To shorten this rant, I've never meet a follower of Jesus Christ who wasn't a jerk. Jesus was just a hippy preaching his peaceful ideas, I'm sure he'd be shocked if he knew all the killing, prejudice and war that's gone on in his name.

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Comments ( 25 )
  • obamanator

    jesus may not love me but my priest did every sunday....

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  • ALMikey

    I'm a Christian, but I don't like the term because of what American Christians have made it. Don't base your assessment of Jesus on so-called Christians because Christians today generally aren't up to par. If you look in the New Testament at the believers in Acts and the teachings in the other books, you will see what Christians really ought to be. There are some like that today but unfortunately only a small minority.

    If you are really wondering if Christianity is true then read the Bible and ask God to reveal the truth to you. Jesus is Lord and He is awesome.

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  • freckleheadhardy

    everyone wears a cross on their neck,if jesus was real and did come back to earth i think the last thing he would want to see is a friggin cross!

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  • pll

    Is it. Christianity is a. outdated every religion is a thing of the past.
    b.it has done terrible things in the past inqusition crusades etc. It is absolutely normal.
    Altough i completely agree with the general values of christanity and i respect peole who live acording to these values, but i hate the religious nonsense.It is irrational.Institutonalised religon is somehowresponsible for about 70% mass executions in the history of the past thousand years.

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  • Oli

    Now if only we can get more people like you, the world will be a better place..,

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  • AngAnders112

    A lot of Christians feel the exact same way about non-believers. Funny how so very few want to break the cycle. All you're doing is recycling the hate. How is this any better than what you accuse them of doing?

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    • lnfk

      Agreed. Talk about Hypocritical. But we're all human, we all have it wrong in some way or another, and we're all entitled to our own belief.

      -Another hypocritical christian

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  • Avant-Garde

    I agree 100% with you. The bible is flawed it includes: incest, lies, racist, hatred towards women, a strange emphasis on dicks, hatred towards anyone who is different from you, no sex, contradictions at every fucking turn,etc. The list goes on but I'm not going to repeat everything.

    I was raised Christianity and it ruined my life. It went against my morals and it severely traumatised me. I thought I was gay and lived in fear. Then, I realised I was bisexual, but I was still scared. My family's view is that anyone/anything that doesn't agree with god is pure evil! If you say something that doesn't agree with god, then god will "kill you".

    I recently converted to atheism/buddhism. It's so much more peaceful and allot of my fears have been vanquished. Went I was going through the process to convert, I was terrified that if I said or did anything Anti-christian that "god" would kill me. I finally realised that he's not real and that if I didn't believe in him, then I shouldn't be scared of being hurt by him. Who wants to believe in someone that strikes fear into people's heart? Or someone who gets their followers to hurt people that are different from them? I know that not all Christians are crazy, but I am scared of them.... I don't like the extreme ones.

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  • Benny4Jesus

    There's a reason why Jesus is the most popular man to ever exist.
    Christianity doesn't require "blind faith" as some say. There is more evidence for the authenticity of the bible then there is for the writings of Shakespeare. Shakespeare just doesn't show people that their hearts are bent for sin and that they need a cleaning.
    God is good. And you will never see Him until you can come to a place in your life where you believe He is kind as well.

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  • Brynne

    Christians should be pro-Israel ( and Dispensationalists usually are). If they would read the Bible (at least in the USA not many do) it's all laid out for them in Romans 9-11.

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  • Treez

    i dislike church and wrong pastors

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  • kzinssar

    He was actually just dark skinned not African American because America didn't exist

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    • MissClaire

      lol, historically African American.

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  • bananachowder

    I loathe religion. Especially christianity.

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  • Ms.Pearl

    I am a Christian. I love everyone the same. I read through this thread and I feel terrible knowing you and some of the people on this thread have experienced Christianity in a disgraceful way. I understand the poster's distaste for Christians, especially given the experience you have had with the Christians around you.

    I say don't hate the Christians who stumble and don't hate Jesus because the Christians your around are acting terribly.

    Jesus loved the Sinners he came here for the Sinners. He gave simple direction and how to live life as Christians but we often choose to live as Sinners still. Jesus said do not pull the speck out of your neighbors eye, until you have removed the log from your own. Pointing fingers is not Christian.

    Some of what has been said here are general misconceptions of the Bible, because they are either taken out of contexted or misconcieved because of experience.

    I encourage both Christians or non Christians investigate the Bible. Find out what is the best translation for you is to read and then get your hands on a study Bible in that translation and read it. Also question everything and find other source to support, discredit or explain the unexplainable.

    Investigate ask questions. At minimum this book is the Greatest Story Every Told!


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  • IrishPotato

    I get annoyed when people tell me that I'm going to hell. I've been told that this is a sin, so basically, they're going to the so called hell themselves.

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  • Today

    All your 'jerk' friends are right. people who have tried to reach out to you with Gods word have obviously not gotten to you, but that's not their fault- its yours. You are too stubborn to see that it's not some hippy religion. You obviously havent done enough studying on the BIble to give all these stupid naive opinions on it. BECAUSE YOU ARE WRONG.You are Gods child, he loves you wether you hate his path or not. He has given you a life. Be grateful.

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  • kingboo

    Keep your thoughts with you or unexpected things will happen .

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  • DudeUrFuglyXox

    yup and the pope is a child abuser, so are most preists and nuns. im never going back to church although mines was a protestant one, i just didnt like being told what to believe. But i still beleive in God a bit, i just dont want to have anything to do with religious people, if that even makes sense?

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  • Rhuarc

    Its not normal to hate anything. You should just let whatever it is be lest you be labled a liberal piece of shit. I am muslim so I think that is saying something...

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  • MissClaire

    I think the religion topic is so interesting, Im so fascinated by hateful religous people.
    People are going to think what they are going to think and to let them make you so angry is letting them control you in one way or another :)
    Live and let live.

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  • paepae11

    First off Jesus performed miracles. Doesn't that prove to you he was no ordinary man or "hippy" second there are so.many things that prove it all. St.peters chains , Jesus' face on the cloth from Mary , and soooooooo much more!

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  • SoccerStud88

    and Christianity hates you

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  • Although before someone told me otherwise I thought that fishy symbol on peoples cars were for people who thought of themselves as douche bags because every car I seen with one was some big ass SUV or truck and the person driving acted liked a real douche.

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  • I'm far from a Christian and I don't like when people try to push their religion on me but it's disrespectful to criticise someone's religious beliefs as if it was a homework assignment.

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