I hate dogs!!

I moved into a new house two years ago. I lost the one I've had all of my life and had to settle for this one, albeit a nice one. What were the chances that I would have to view every morning, noon, and night four ugly dogs and their owners as they come out to pee first, all of them, on leashes, emerging from their prisons all, then a few minutes later to squat and dump. Three times a day. I call it the dog parade. The really gross part though is the way the owners reach down with an underturned baggie to pick it up, carrying it around until they throw it behind a bush until trash pick up day. I have become mentally ill over it. I can't even stand to come out of my house anymore. It is so repulsive. Please pray for me. I want to die I feel so victimized. I hate dogs, I hate dogs, I hate dogs. Especially ugly ones, worthless good for nothing filthy dogs. Companions? Yeah, filthy companions that stink and cost you money.

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Comments ( 41 )
  • peacock10

    I do not understand all this dog worshiping these days. People dress them up like children and even refer to themselves as mommy and daddy to an animal! I am thoroughly offended when someone compares my children to dogs, my children are people. Dogs are filthy, their stench is nauseating, and they eat their own and other dogs feces (I've seen it). They even can pass on a virus called Mice Mammary Tumor Virus they get from sniffing the contaminated ground and can then pass it on to humans and possibly cause breast cancer. We should be able to live without dogs if we choose, it is the dog owner's responsibility to keep their dogs away from us. Just like smoking, it's unacceptable to blow smoke into someones face or even smoke in their presence in public and with good reason because it is harmful. So why is it ok to be subjected to filthy animals and the diseases they harbor putting our health at risk. There should be places designated far away for people to live if they want dogs, and that is not being unreasonable. If you want a farm, live in the country so you can have acres for your animals to roam ON YOU. WE HUMANS should come first.

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  • iron_napkin

    i really don't like dogs either. what gets me is that cats are treated as 2nd class pets when they are really better pets than dogs. think about it, everyone laughs when a cat gets hurt on tv, but there never is any violence to dogs on tv. there is more money going into dog medical research than for cats. and this is what pisses me off the most, cats that are in shelters are more likely to get put down than dogs, even when there are the same amount of both animals! dogs really suck and cats deserve to be recognised as a 1st class pet!

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  • I agree I don't like dogs, smelly, drool, barking, and everything else. Cats are so much better.

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    • peacock10

      I agree with Momonator. In my opinion all a dog is good for is annoying people with their barking, begging, shitting, drooling, shedding, stinking asses. There is not a worse odor in the world than dog! They stink so bad and their owners can't smell it because they live with it and have become immune to it and even smell like dog themselves. It's downright disgusting. Dog worshipers prefer dog companionship over people because of the unconditional love dogs offer...omg if a person can't handle life then i suppose that person should indeed go and get themselves a stinking dog, real life people don't need an animal to make them feel good about themselves.

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  • mentallyilloverdogs

    I really needed to get that off my chest~ Now maybe I can cope for a few more days. Thanks for your comment happyB.

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    • Latha

      You are normal. I feel exactly the same way about dogs and how their stupid owners have no sense about letting them poop all over other people's properties. I made my husband sell our old house and built a new one and guess what - my new neighbor had a dog that came over and pooped on our lawn. Thoroughly disgusted. There should be a ban against dogs being walked in public parks as it is impossible to walk in the grass without stepping on their crap. I hate all dogs.

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      • Moonbow

        Why don't you take the advice of some of those on this site and poison the dog? I don't know what poisons would work best, but others have talked about oleander or anti-freeze.

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      • bowfin57

        You hate an animal for pooping? Then you might as well hate all animals. Cry me a river honey.

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        • peacock10

          They didn't say they hate dogs for pooping, they hate that they have to be subjected to the disgusting dogs and watching the stupid dog worshipers worship the stupid dogs! Not everyone loves dogs and we are disgusted to even have to look at them!

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        • Adia

          You're an idiot. She said owners who let their stupid animals shit on other peoples property. Can't you read?

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  • Morganisossom

    You're not the only one, I have a little shit zu dog and she is just about the most annoying thing in this world. We got two new kittens, so my retarded dog thinks she is the kittens mother!!!!! So she tries to pick the white kitten by the ear. I talk to my dad about this shit, he says "They're playing, rubys being good!" ruby is the dog. So we have to put her outside all the time, so She yaps, squels like a fucking bird trying to be cute so I'll let her in. Once she barked so loud, my dad and mom where both in the kitchen with me, and I yelled "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!" even though I'm 19 and a freelance artist with. Phd in web dev. he still flipped at me. and my dad wont get off his lazy ass to was HIS dog, she smells like shit, sh also lays all over my leather sofa and makes it smell like rotting shit! You are perfectly normal!!!!!!!

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  • igmuwitko

    Dogs wouldn't be so bad if their owners kept them at home and made them stop barking. I am so tired of seeing dogs pissing and 'taking a dump' everywhere. It really annoys me to see a person being a slave to their dogs. Their dogs are the ones in charge, the human must stop and wait while their dogs sniff everything as the dog pulls them down the street. The constant barking is so annoying. Dog owners say the dog alerts them to intruders which is B.S. as the stupid dogs bark at anything and everything. At least people who hate cats can pretty much be free from having to be around cats. Just try to have one dog free day without having to drive to some remote wilderness area!

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  • happyB

    I have two dogs myself, but I am not really an animal person either. My family loves these dogs and I wish we did not have them. What I hate more is the dog next door that barks and barks all day and night.

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  • I'm glad to see that I'm not alone. While I certainly don't hate all dogs, most of them do nothing but annoy me. Sure, some dogs are great, but, honestly, the rest seem to just yap and yap. For example, my friend has this particularly ugly, smelly, small and not to mention loud dog. Every time I come over, it spends quite literally five minutes jumping at me and barking loudly while its owners do nothing to stop it. I've never complained about it, but it really bugs me. I say you're normal.

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  • KlondikeSam

    There is nothing wrong with hating dogs. If you live where oleander grows, when the 4th of July comes, roast some weiners, skewer some oleander leaves into the weiners and "accidentally" drop them where the dogs crap every morning. Problem solved! But be careful that you don't use the skewer, or anything else, that touched the oleander or you will be dead, too. Also, you should wear gloves while handling the oleander and dispose of them afterward.

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  • igmuwitko

    Wow! I thought I was one of the one of the only people who can't stand dogs. I had a confrontation with with a dog owner a few weeks ago while I was riding my bike. Dogs just love sticking their heads out the window of the car and then barking at people on bikes, which scares the SH*T out of us. Well I caught up with the car at the stop light and proceeded to bark wildly at her dog at which point she went ballistic calling me a C*NT! I was only doing what her dog was doing and since her dogs was barking anyway why should she be so upset. Dog owners will not accept any criticism because their precious 'babies' are perfect. The thing that got me in a tirade recently was the website 'riviera rescue' where they rescue small dogs and then send them to the French Riviera. A quote from their website: “Hard-working people have lost their jobs and their homes and sadly, many of them are being forced to surrender their dogs to the shelter.” People are losing their jobs and homes and they want to take dogs and give them free medical care and then send them to the French Riviera. Am I the only one who thinks this is a total waste of resources? I get so sick of all the dog owners believing their dogs are superior to humans. Your dog is not and will never be equal to a child.

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    • Moonbow

      No, you're not the only one who hates dogs. I didn't always hate them, but every time I see an ad like the one you're talking about, I hate them a little more than I did before.

      What pis*es me off the most is when a dog attacks and kills or seriously injures someone, most of the comments on the news site will be by people who are concerned about the dog, rather than the person (usually a child) that was killed or injured.

      It has been proven that a large dog has a bigger "carbon footprint," i.e., does more harm to the earth, more than a large SUV. This is counting all the animals that must be killed and processed to feed dogs, all the dog sh*t that is polluting the earth, and the wildlife they chase and kill purely for the he*l of it.

      I recently saw a TV show where people in Europe allow their dogs to chase deer and one of the little fawns got separated from its mother after being chased by dogs. Deer are natural creatures, not "breeds" created by man and they have more of a right to exist on this planet than a dam*ed filthy, stinking, barking, sh*ting dog!

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      • bowfin57

        Shitting? Deer do that all the time, more so than most other animals. In my neighborhood deer crap is a bigger problem than dog crap. Deer lack the intelligence of a dog and therefore are lesser creatures. I once saw a buck get angry and gore a doe to death because she had an injured leg and didn't want to breed. Cat's also kill things for the hell of it, more often than dogs. Deer are just brainless herbivores, who serve no use to man, they are not companion animals, can't sniff out drugs and criminals and lost kids, can't retrieve, can't even move out of the way of headlights. They kill more people in the US because of traffic collisions every year than any other animal. Filthy? Have you ever smelled a deer or other wild animal. I'd take "man's best friend" over a stupid instinctive herbivore any day. How large of a carbon footprint do you think most humans leave by the way? I'm pretty sure dogs aren't the no.1 culprit in global warming Lol.

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        • Adia

          A deer can survive out in the cold , foraging for it's own food for years. Your dog can't. It's too stupid and dependent.

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  • ~L~

    Dogs hate you.

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  • Jen118584

    You sound insane.

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  • How could u hate dogs..with there big bugling eyes and cute fluffy ears and big wet nose that they always brush up against you for love and care :) aw....but seriously..u cant just leave a dog turd just sitting there for the public u have to pic it up and a dog has to go!!!!

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    • KlondikeSam

      There is NOTHING cute about a filthy, crap-eating dog. There is something seriously wrong with a person who thinks something that will eat human crap is cute or wants the POS rubbing its "big wet nose" up against them!

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    • Adia

      Don't particularly care for dog snot being rubbed all over my clothing. Disgusting. They are incredibly easy to hate.

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    • peacock10

      Just because you think dogs are cute and want their wet noses rubbed on you doesn't mean everyone wants that! And dogs don't love, all they want is food. Your dog has fooled you into thinking it loves you but it is the food you provide that it loves. There have been studies on this.

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  • Bubbles-for-life

    I love dogs....you have to train them. My dog was strapped onto a pole and with other dogs, the past owner would put socks in their mouths, and choke them. I felt so sorry for Willow. She was abused, she has missing fur. This might surprise you but, Willow got abused, However, i belive she's the sweetest, cutest dog iv'e ever met.
    When you are feeling down, say you are sitting on the sofa and then Willow will come up, put her paw on your leg, give you puppy eyes, then lick you on your chin, i have many other things i would like to share about willow but i better not im running out of space. Love you Willow

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    • Adia

      Good for you. I don't care. Find a dog lover's thread. Why do you come to a thread called "I hate dogs" to tell us a dog sob story? No one gives a shit.

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      • Lily11

        I agree with you Adia. And I hate dogs.

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  • gummy_jr

    You must be a cat

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  • assdfghjkl

    It's kind of normal but you shouldn try not to let it get to you so much . . .

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  • FoxWriterDeluxe

    shazz has it right here, you can be fined for leaving dog droppings wherever your pets go. it also acts as a marker in the animal kingdom so it's possible it could stop them becoming territorial. (this is just a guess though)

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  • chrissa114

    Maybe it's the owners you hate so much. Not the dogs? How can anyone hate a dog? I will never understand. Dogs have brought nothing but love & joy to my life.

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    • Lily11

      I hate dogs.

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  • yeah i agree wid shazz.. i mean i like cats better den dogs but still dere cute and stuff like dat seriously if u hate dogs GO KILL UR SELF any way and yeah u could be fined as well to

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  • Sammy245

    Well, I think that your missing out because I have always found dogs to be the most loving and caring creatures on the planet. A dog is the only creature that will love unconditionally.. Humans always have conditions. I dont think your abnormal to not like dogs as long as your not hurting them. If you are hurting them then I think your not normal but its okay to just not like them. I just think your really really missing out. Like I said though its okay to not like them just dont be mean to them or hurt them.

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    • peacock10

      Why is unconditional love so important from an animal? I hear that shit all the time. We are humans and humans learn and grow from human situations. Yes sometimes it's not all happy, but seriously why do you need a dog to make your life worth living? Dogs don't love you they only care about ONE thing and that is food. It is the person that is so needy, have you ever asked yourself why you are so needy that you need an animal?? I've had dogs and cats and I never once thought the dog was a person. I just don't get it..

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    • Adia

      Dogs , cats and all other animals do NOT have human emotions including "love". They are not capable of love. All animals are instinctual. Saying an animal "loves" you is akin to saying that the thermometer is making it hot outside.

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    • DolphinAngel

      Every animal has no conditions to love you!

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      • peacock10

        Every animal loves food, that's it.

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      • Sammy245

        Your right. I luv my cats too.. animals are just awesome :)

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  • .Linkin.Park.

    Dogs shittin all over the place is very common where I live. I've learned to cope. It doesn't bother me at all anymore

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