I hate dogs!!
I moved into a new house two years ago. I lost the one I've had all of my life and had to settle for this one, albeit a nice one. What were the chances that I would have to view every morning, noon, and night four ugly dogs and their owners as they come out to pee first, all of them, on leashes, emerging from their prisons all, then a few minutes later to squat and dump. Three times a day. I call it the dog parade. The really gross part though is the way the owners reach down with an underturned baggie to pick it up, carrying it around until they throw it behind a bush until trash pick up day. I have become mentally ill over it. I can't even stand to come out of my house anymore. It is so repulsive. Please pray for me. I want to die I feel so victimized. I hate dogs, I hate dogs, I hate dogs. Especially ugly ones, worthless good for nothing filthy dogs. Companions? Yeah, filthy companions that stink and cost you money.