I hate dogs and cats

Cats are EVIL= they actually eat humans. there was an old "cat" lady who had like 20 cats when she was sleeping...the cats started eating her....i heard this on the news.

Dogs are ANNOYING: I live in an apartment and i dont get good sleep because they are constantly barking all night...i cant wait to move....and plus they apartment complex smells like dogs.

To me i dislike both. I dont hate animals but i dislike dogs more because one actually gave me a bite on my knee when i was only 5 years old. Till this day i remember me going to the hospital and getting needles because...of a stupid dog that was untrained that bit me. I dont like some dog owners too that think dogs are like they children. They would say its just a dog pet it. I dont have too...and i dont care about a person who hate people and because crazed dumbasses who think dog are thier babys. They are wild animals. Cats come from a like of beast like "TIGERS". I am not going to blame it on all dogs and cats...but i think some odd people are taking this to an extreme. What happend with the good old days when people had dog houses outside? not in your room on your bed...wearing clothes...talking? wtf? yes they are animals...to protect you...not become you children...and for cats most people have them keep them too eat mice. They eat rodents. I understand people wanting a "Pet" as another form of life to explore in your home. But this has gone too far...people need...to stop using wild animals as babies or children...for me a good "PET" is a bunny...because it doesnot obstuct a comunity. But this is my opinion....i want people to realize what tigers and wolves are... (dogs and cats) (they are dangerous) not saying all but please dont go overboard...

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Comments ( 15 )
  • psycstudent

    I god listen to you - how depressing - this is why I keep animals - they never complain, as long as they have the basic necessities in life - they are interested in their own business and not fussing about everyone elses. Sure some people go too far, and you should never have been bitten, but this was the owners fault and not the dog. It is owners responsibility to train their pets and keep them away from children and other animals if necessary.
    Sure they smell, but some people do too lol

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  • Lowey86

    I think that is totally normal. I find both cats and dogs annoying. I really hate those people who treat animals like people. They equate them to babies? No. They are animals. They could care less about you.

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  • BatZion

    its true that some cats are evila nd some dogs are annoying but i still like them. but i'll say your normal bcuz my mom and gma feel the same way.

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  • assdfghjkl

    Dogs will eat you if you die and no one finds your body.

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  • GoodGirlgoingbad

    I love cats D: My current kittens saved me from killing myself...

    You just have to find the right one. I found my cat Pita when i was in 5th grade, and we got so close. I would read her my reports, share my snacks with her, cuddle all night, and she was the best friend i've ever had. She passed away this summer, and i almost killed myself because i felt so lonely and i was going through a deep depression. I was 15 btw, so i'm not some old lady, and i had a kitten Zita who would give me kisses when i would cry. Pita was all white, and i got a kitten i named Missy P (: She's like Pita in almost every way! We think she was the reincarnation (me and my mom) and right now, they're sleeping on my pillow :3

    If you haven't been that close to an animal, then you'll never know. I love having cats though (: Their very independent, but so much fun with a piece of string! And it's always the best feeling to know when me and my mom come home, Missy P and Zita are waiting at the door ready to purr, and cuddle and kiss us (:

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  • johneybgood

    Having been in lodgings with both cats and dogs i have to agree cats are useless lazy selfesh balls of fluff that sleep , eat and tiolet thats it dogs i find are high maintanance and make the house smell bad but at the end of the day if people want them thats there buisness personaly i would never have a cat or a dog .

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  • pixie_dust

    I got a puppy and she has been a little handful but in the end so worth it! shes jumping happy when I come home and smothers me with kisses and love. when my bf was getting violent with me, she was by my side growled at him and almost attacked him to defend me. she always is there for me and great company. sleeps right next to me and loves me and protects me unconditionally. shes more trustworthy that most humans.

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  • mysti446

    You're just not right.. Get professional help please

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  • qwertyuytrewq

    It's not normal to dislike cats!

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    If a lady had over 20 cats she was probably hoarding them and they wanted something to eat. Often when old women have many cats in the house the cats are not well cared for. In fact they have done documentaries and shows about animal hoarders. They even found houses with a bunch of cats running around in there own piss and fescies not enough to eat, half were sick and dying.

    The house was in horrible shape and it didn't look like anyone had ever lived there but there was in fact an old women who lived there. You are assuming the cats were well cared for, and assuming that every single case was not cat hoarding which from what I seen it probably was. When one person has 5 cats she likes cats, when she has 1 they just want a pet, if they have over 20 generally this is when it starts becoming hoarding.

    Also dogs are messy, obnoxious and lovable. Just because you don't want one does not mean someone else does not. Dogs have been used for a number of things like sheep herding, rescues, and drug busts. So its not like they are useless animals. Also yes bad owners should not have animals. Bad owners do not take care of thier pets and not supervising an animals creates these type of issue. Though its the same with your kid.

    If you leave a 5 year old unsupervised and they do something stupid who do you blame? Well duh the parent. The owners are the parent of these animals and therefore responsible for this animal. That is technically there child since they raise them from children. They are also held responsible for care and well being of said animal as a parent is held responsible for feeding and housing a human kid. So you are really stupid to believe they are not the owners children. Ever notice they call it pet ADOPTION?

    Also your logic is incredibly stupid. One dog attacked you so all dogs must be EVILLLLLL. I guess if you are robbed you are going to assume that entire race of people are robbers? Despite the fact there is probably roberys from people of every race.

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  • Tony47

    Dogs are sooooo dangerous. Yeah right. Any dog I own, will never bite anyone. It won't be barking non-stop or jumping on guests. The only animals I take in are ones that I train and care for. The only reason dogs are dangerous, is because people are vile or lazy.

    Once an old lady hit my dog with a large rock, she was bleeding on the top of her head when I got home from school. The reason the lady said she did it was because my dog's chain is too long. Even though the dog was in MY backyard. (Seriously, I almost choked the bitch.)

    Last year a man from my community was put in jail for drowning 10 dogs with his bare hands. People we're outraged when he got a jail sentence. (Except for the dog's owners.) That's right, those dogs had families.

    Where I come from dogs are things, not people, not pets so everyone is scared of dogs where I'm from. Because their chained and beaten and allowed to starve to death they go crazy. Some spend their whole lives outside on a two foot chain. Some get stoned to death by children.

    And for some stupid reason, everyones scared of dogs but everyone wants a wolf-dog hybrid.

    Yeah, I've been bitten by a dog before. A spoiled rotten poodle(inbred thanks to people) that noone wanted to take responsibilty for. Dogs are nowhere near as dangerous as humans.

    If a dog bites you or barks, it's scared of you. If a dog kills you it's starving. If a human kills you, he might just be bored. Or he could hate you for a billion reasons that make no sense. Dogs arn't stupid, you beat a puppy, and it's gonna remember that beating when it's old and grey. Alot of dogs are made dangerous by people, and alot of it is on purpose. To spread pain.

    I had my first dog for 14 years, and not once did she bite anyone, yet people attacked her just because they thought they could get away with it. Yes animals kill people. But what people do to animals is evil evil evil!

    Sure people spoil dogs and cats more than ever. I agree it's sickening. But, that's another instance where it's people's fault. They teach their dogs's that in human society they are equals. Their teaching their dog's lies. Dog's don't care whether their equals or slaves. They just want to have a place.

    Unfortunately most cats and dogs live for 2 years. 1 year as a pet, 1 year as a stray. I wouldn't trust people either.

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  • loca11552

    I hope God change your mind about these animals they are creatures that need love, maybe you should check your feelings because in my opinion I think that if a person acts like that towards animals is because they don't have a good heart, you don't have good feelings.

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  • FlyingSheilds

    Few dogs kill other dogs. Plenty of humans kill other humans.

    We could learn from them.

    Shut your trap.

    Dogs don't kill humans. Humans kill dogs.

    But they are territorial, so they bark. They don't see their owners letting anyone in the house so they won't let anyone in either.

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    • Many dogs kill other dogs. You just haven't seen it. Put two male dogs together and they'll fight to the death--ask Micheal Vick if you don't believe me! Or introduce a strange male dog to a bunch of puppies and it's Bye, Bye, Puppies!

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    • "Dogs don't kill humans"!?! Where the f*#k have you been? The newspapers are full of stories of children--and many adults--being attacked and killed by f*#king dogs!

      Dogs are vile, filthy, noisy, dangerous, useless creatures and other than those that serve a purpose--service animals, police dogs, farm dogs--they should all be euthanized.

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