I hate drawing faces
I always get the proportions wrong even though a lot of people say it looks nice and clean. I love drawing bodies mainly tho because I can be so free with it.
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I always get the proportions wrong even though a lot of people say it looks nice and clean. I love drawing bodies mainly tho because I can be so free with it.
I can't even draw humans...
I'm only good at drawing machinery and vehicles. Mostly sci-fi stuff and cars. Much more enjoyable to draw than people.
Maybe you're overscrutinising them because you drew them, you probably wouldn't do that with other people's drawings. You'd look at them much more briefly and wouldn't be as critical.
Its probably because we are sensitive about them because we don't want to improperly portray humanity. Normal mate!
I hate drawing hands. It just messes up the entire drawing, yeah if you nail the face it looks nice but the hand looks like if you broke someones hand inside of a mitten. That's why all my drawings of persons always have their hands in their pockets or behind backs etc.
I think anyone that draws has at least one thing they hate drawing. I have trouble drawing hands. I wind up drawing them either too big or too small. XD
Im a good drawer especially when I was a kid. I sold artwork at my school. Hands were always the hardest thing for me and also drawing people to look fluid and not stiff like something is in their asshole.