I hate emotional bandwagon activists

When I say "emotional bandwagon activists", I mean as in people who become activists not because of their firm beliefs, but because they were stringed along emotionally by some organization without giving it any logical thought.

For example, people play sad music and show images of certain sentimental animals being eating in certain countries (ex. France and horse) and then the bandwagon activists don't give any critical thought and just follow the charities blindly and let their emotions carry out irrational actions that don't go anywhere, like boycotting any restaurant serving Asian food simply because some people in China eat cats (and even then only very few provinces). Then there are those charities that play sad music to children in Africa and make them feel sorry simply because they're not living a luxurious 1st world style life, and the bandwagon activists jump on the bandwagon because they feel sorry for them, even when they don't seem to be going through hardships and are just not living in luxury like us (I know there are children in Africa that truly need help, but I've seen charities trying to help children who are just not living up to Western standards, when many of them are satisfied the way they are). Then these bandwagon activists get sucked into the idea that everyone in Africa is a dying starving child when the majority get enough to eat.

I know there are many true activists fighting for a cause and work effectively towards their goal, and I commend those brave people. I'm just sick of ones who are just following and screaming because they are emotionally strung along without using their logic.

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Comments ( 49 )
  • dom180

    I think apathy is much worse, but I agree that lack of critical thought is a bad thing.

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  • anti-hero

    I don't give a fuck, I will say it. Horse is tastey as hell.

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    • gummy_jr

      Oh gosh yes! Char broiled and smothered with barbecue sauce

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      • anti-hero

        Yeah, if you are a low life with no class. Baked with a light bearnaise sauce is they only way to eat horse properly.

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        • gummy_jr

          Well I never...!
          *takes a bite out of barbecued horse leg*

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        • RoseIsabella

          "Low life with no class" Tell it!

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      • shade_ilmaendu

        Ech. I didn't like barbecue for most of my life because everyone around here blackens the shit out of their meat. Fuckin nasty, I dunno how people can eat food that tastes like ash.

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        • dodongos

          Do you live in New England?
          Classless people here have never heard of any meat that isn't just prepared as black crunchy shit drenched in ketchup.

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          • shade_ilmaendu

            Pennsylvania my good sir. :P

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        • gummy_jr

          Haha lol so what does horse taste like anyways? Chicken?

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          • shade_ilmaendu

            Never actually had it; I wouldn't even know where to find horse meat to tell you the truth. Coolest thing I can find around here is buffalo at this one big hunting shop a few hours away. XD Cafe was closed when we stopped there but I'm planning on going back and getting a bison burger. ;P

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  • kingsleycrowne

    I don't know man, as long as the cause is for the greater good of man and our environment, then people who get strung along on an emotional level are only going to learn more by getting involved. It's getting involved that is the big step, I can't condemn anyone for that. The world needs action and if thats driven by an emotional response I'm all for it. After all, passion is born from emotion.

    I think what you're talking about, and correct me if I'm wrong, is manipulation, your frustration at people who are easily manipulated. I hear you on that. The Jonestown massacre still haunts me to this day.

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    • It's not just how people are easily manipulated, but how they don't even give it a thought about fighting for a cause other than being emotionally strung along.

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      • kingsleycrowne

        Well I know people who donate money to animal rights associations, the blind association and famine relief in Africa because they saw advertisements or had an activist explain the issue to them and they felt emotionally compelled to help.
        I think human compassion is nice and we need it. Having an emotional reaction to a cause is important, otherwise what are we, indifferent?
        I admire people who do it for a cause but I also admire people who care. That's what I'm trying to say.

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        • Compassion isn't the thing I'm annoyed at, which you already know. There's nothing wrong with giving some money, because it won't anyone. It's when it gets out of hand and the irrationality exceeds the compassion. For example, people acting racist and boycotting an entire ethnicity simply because of something that happened in a country without even considering why these atrocities are happening or even consider the same things happening in their own countries.

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          • kingsleycrowne

            Yeah I lost you dude.

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            • Basically, compassion should NEVER be an excuse for being a total idiot.

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  • KnightNigelWellingtonXXI

    I hate that as well. They couldn't care less before, but now that others are doing it, they'll jump into it with fervent dedication. What do some people say? Be a leader and not a follower? It sickens me.

    It's similar to knee-jerk politics, people asking their representatives to "do something."

    Knight Nigel Wellington XXI

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  • Maya05

    I cant stand the idiots who repost things on the internet to 'show their support' for something. They are really helping out the situation by doing that. Or when people wear a certain colour for a particular cause. Again, it does nothing for the cause and most people don't have any clue what it's about. And most of them get bored of it within a week and move on to the next bandwagon.

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  • suckonthis9

    Those -ists and -isms are always causing people trouble.

    Now here's a thought: Instead of protesting against it, or complaining about it, how about DOING something about it. BUT, make absolutely 100 per cent certain, that what you're doing, is the CORRECT and RESPONSIBLE thing to do.
    The ONLY way to do this, is to make your intentions (of your actions) public.

    Please do not use -ists or -isms.

    Thank you.

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    • charli.m

      You should take your own advice, and actually do something instead of sitting at your computer, whinging about how we use words.

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      • Terence_the_viking

        Please walk away.

        You're better than this.

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      • suckonthis9

        I am doing something.

        I am Enlightening the world.

        What are you doing? COMPLAINING ABOUT IT!!!

        Instead, why don't you offer a real and practical solution, for the problems which we all face?

        Here's a thought: We need a much, much better way to organize our communications with one another.
        Currently, the brain-dead politicians and their media cohorts are still arguing about 'fixing' a very unsustainable economic system.
        I have an idea of how to fix this very major problem, which will benefit us all, but no way to communicate it.

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        • charli.m

          Sweetheart, you're IRRITATING the world.

          Rather than annoy the fuck out of people online, I do what I can in my real life (you know, the one offline?) to live responsibly, like you're always on about. I don't drive, I walk or take public transport. I buy local and organic as much as possible. I minimise electricity use. I grow my own herbs and am attempting to grow my own vegetables, despite having zero garden space.

          What is it you ACTUALLY do? Other than your...uh..."Enlightening" work on a website where no one wants to read your bullshit because of your aggressive and antisocial behaviour?

          Actions speak louder than words.

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          • suckonthis9

            That's excellent, the kinds of things that you're doing; but where I am, many people are still driving around like a bunch of brain-dead idiots. They don't seem to realize that the fuel in their tank, and the asphalt on the road are both petroleum products, and that we will run out of these in only about 40 years. That is not a long time. Not to mention our heavily petroleum dependent agricultural practices.
            There are about 1,000 things that we could be doing better, but aren't.

            We need to reverse population growth, and at the same time improve our efficiency and start building sustainable infrastructure and communities.

            I have many sound ideas, of how to do this, but there is no system for getting these ideas out.
            This entire civilisation is going to collapse, if we don't make significant advances, and quickly.
            This will not help you, and this will not help me.

            I apologise if this annoys you, but I think that you will be much more annoyed when the public transport system grinds to a halt, and the organic food store is empty.

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        • Avant-Garde

          Why don't you write a book? That's more or less one of the best ways to communicate something. The more people that read about it will be part of the populace that are aware and can take the steps to fulfill those "rules" if they want to.

          Or... Why don't the extraterrestrials make their presence fully known to planet Earth?

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          • suckonthis9

            I am still waiting for someone to help me to write a book, as I've previously requested.

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    • My inbox is flooded thanks to this conversation.

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