I hate everyone

I don't know what the f**k is it with me

I start to hate everyone around me

Sometimes I feel good when anyone screws up

I wasn't like this before

I really don't want to be this hateful

is it normal to be like this sometimes?

Voting Results
85% Normal
Based on 7861 votes (6650 yes)
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Comments ( 266 )
  • Jetbrody

    Hatred help me live. I prefer to live in solitude. People make me sick.

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    • elindauer

      "Hatred help me live.
      I prefer to live ALONE.
      People make me sick."

      Fixed your post. Now it is a nice haiku.

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      • Coolcat7

        This Haiku kicks ass.

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      • Roxy1

        I totally agree with you!!

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      • Caledoniancat

        Love helped me give,
        but doesn’t help me live.
        It breaks my heart.

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        • Katsu-guru

          fuck outta here you panzy

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    • daisey123

      i hate everyone too, hate having to be nice, wish we could tell people what we really thought of them!the funny thing is i like u guys... for admitting it i think its great... we should all meet up... we would have a great time slagging everyone off ! haaaa

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      • ONMEDS

        You can its called a festivus

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  • mineeskirtzox

    It's normal to me, lmao.
    I'm starting to hate everyone around me too, it seems like they're all dipshits and losers. :(

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    • emery

      i realize this is difficult for you,but try to stop being a dumbass.

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      • Die.

        I realize this is difficult for you, but try to stop being a dumbass.

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  • kittyisg

    Thank god somebody else feels this way. Lately everyone's getting on my last nerves. I don't remember being like this like a month ago but now-a-days, I swear I feel like I'm always surrounded by dimwitted idiots.

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    • FunkPunkSkunk

      please we're sorry!!! we all like you but we are just to shy to tell you baby ;)

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  • gardengrove

    I don't get the reason why I hate everyone, but I do. Even my "friends" make me crazy. Where I live everyone is exactly alike. It's ridiculous. It just isn't possible to make new friends because there is nothing unique about anyone. I hate everyone because they are all the same person. I'm going fucking insane.

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  • spyderr

    I hate everyone too because the human race is slowly becoming more retarded

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    • Rav

      I think your wrong about the slowly part.

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    • pentigram

      I agree with this 100%. I work at a gas station third shift. Everyone that comes into the place isn't there for gas. They're there because they want to get something to roll their weed in, or some kind of fucking beer. I have nothing against either of those, but here is the problem. The people are already stupid enough within the beer, and weed. Now they are temporarily going to become stupider than they already are? Yeah, it makes for a wonderful life.

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      • emery

        so do you recon that you are better in some way than those people? fool.

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    • Bunny420

      Nahh, it isn't. lol

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    • you're an idiot

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  • kalex

    ME TOO!
    That is so odd, I was jsut begining to feel that way, too! I just hate everything about everybody, even my bestfriends!
    I don't know if it's normal or not, though I hope it is!

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    • CelticSkelter

      They may not be your best friends if you're beginning to hate them...

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  • b17ftw

    I hate the human race. Humanity as it is today must be the result of some "genetic fluke".

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    • emery

      try to keep in mind that YOU are the only genetic fluke on earth

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      • Die.

        Try to keep in mind that YOU are the only genetic fluke on earth.

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    • poldarn

      Idiot. Genetic fluke? There are a few, but otherwise natural selection's pretty damn SELECTIVE. You really think the dominant species on this planet got there as a fluke? Also, your basis for saying so is entirely subjective and based on human concepts of good and bad (regardless of how cool and unconventional I'm sure your concepts are), concepts which genes pretty much ignore. We're here because we're good at living and making babies. Not a fluke.

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      • TylerWP

        We're here because we're good at living and making babies? How do either of those things equate to a dominant species? We have the sense to fuck, eat, and make ourselves happy, regardless of how bad it is for the race as a whole. Our closest relative is the ape. Are you proud to be smarter than that? Do you take pride in knowing you are 1 step above primates? We are the universes garbage. Humans are going to run the planet dry if we don't get wiped out by a meteor or another ice age. How can you not see the corruption in the system we created? Structures built on foundations formed by lies. We bend each other's perceptions to get what we want. We remain ignorant to the damage we do to others and to the 1 thing we can credit for even allowing us to exist. We will all see the problem far too late when our resources run out and we are reduced to animals fighting over land and currency. We've all been mislead by our own kind. How is what our race produced of any good to the Earth? The only resource we have. And we're killing it and making ourselves happy moment by moment, yet no one fucking cares because they found their own sense of satisfaction

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        • ONMEDS

          Just too many god damn people man

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        • turtledik


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        • emery

          the universes garbage?speak for yourself skippy

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          • Miss_Anthrope

            No, "skippy," you're in need of a clue. You're evidently one of those delusional primates who does all as described above and thinks of the planet as your personal pantry to overstuff your face and then use as a garbage dump to shit it out the next day, right? Next you'll tell us some "god" you made up told you that destroying the planet was perfectly acceptable because "god made everything for man."

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            • emery

              try try try not to be a dismal little fool.i know its hard for 'people' like you,but give it a try

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      • Miss_Anthrope

        You forgot a few things, such as: completely overpopulating the planet, victimizing other humans and persecuting and exterminating other species (in addition to enslaving them and consuming them), destroying ecosystems, polluting everything, monopolizing/wasting water, and mindlessly clearcutting forests.

        Did I miss anything?

        Humans have no known biological or ecological niche. We're useless and unneeded by other species. We're not necessarily a "fluke," just useless baggage the planet could do without.

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        • wolverineimisanthrope

          This is the best response I've heard yet. We are completely unnecessary, and I believe it would be best and painless for us to all be sterilized so that within the next 100 years we vanish from the planet. That would be the best thing for the survival of all other species, and we would no longer inflict pain and suffering on each other and other lifeforms.

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          • gaz3912

            FACT: It is true that if the human race were to become extinct in the near future, the planet would not give a damn. Life would go on regardless.

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        • emery


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          • Miss_Anthrope

            Why? Because I am blunt but honest? It's called an attempt at objectivity. Only an really insecure, self-absorbed species would actually think that the sun revolves around them, and make up a god (who coincidentally looks just like...oh...them!) who "tells" them that they are the *only* and most magnificent creatures in all of creation (the universe).

            Seriously? You can't bear the thought that we might not be all that *special*? That hurts just too much, or did I get your response all wrong?

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            • pentigram

              I like, and appreciate your response, and agree with about 99% of it. The world is over populated, and humanity is greedy for going out there creating more bastard kids, and smooching off the government once they get here. I know how the system works; because I get the 'oh, so joy' of being able to see it anytime I want to go to Walmart. I do believe there is a God, and there was a Jesus that died for our souls (MY OPINION) but I honestly don't think this is what God had in store for us when he saved the world from Hell. Nowadays your stereotypical 'christians' go out on Saturday go to the club; get screwed by each and every person/thing there and say 'It's okay. I'm going to church tomorrow so I can be forgiven.' These kind of people make me every single kind of sick there is. I don't go to church just for this reason. FUCK! I hate people so much!

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            • emery

              the problem lies with the fact that there ARE good and noble people in this world,and more yet to be.

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  • j0nes

    I hate everybody and I lost faith in humanity. I feel like I'm the only one who can save this world but I want to destroy it at the same time. I feel like.. taking over the world so I can make this place a better one.

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    • elindauer

      "I feel like I am the only one who can save this world, but I want to destroy it"

      It has been a long time since anyone said anything that resonated with me this deeply. Thank you. I hope you feel better, the world needs you.

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      • emery

        did it ever dawn on you that your a dismal little fool?

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        • Die.

          Did it ever dawn on you that you're a dismal little fool?

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    • emery

      good luck with that,skippy

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  • Sexonfire

    I think its normal in this day and age. You can't trust anyone these days.

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  • obeyus

    Of course it is...being alive is terrifying. people can seem like hateful worthless drones filled with selfishness and ignorance. All the fear of being alive and the LONELINESS of being only ever able to see out of your own two eyes (if you get me) allows you to hate every damn person on the planet. You are alone, they are all against you or wanting something from you......this is how it can sometimes feel. Its not a 'truth' but it can be true enough to really fill one with anger. Even to enjoy the pain of others. My advice is to try and make yourself happy...be nice to yourself...in a deep way. Correct the cruel things you say about yourself in your head, feel entitled to moments of rest and reflection. Spend time looking after your own interests. Not in a selfish consumerist buy things for yourself and think your the centre of the world kinda way...just in a taking time for yourself kinda way...

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  • malevolence_incarnate

    if, in addition to hating everyone, you also tend to manipulate people to benefit yourself without regard to how it affects those you've used, or lack empathy towards others, that = Anti-Social Personality Disorder. according to my therapist anyways. i don't like her neither.

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  • XxxSecretShandaxxX

    I absolutely hate people. They're all illmannered and extremely unintelligent.

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    • semajay36


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      • emery

        i agree they probably hate you too,dumbass

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    • emery

      if you hate all people,then why are you even on here interacting with them? did that ever dawn on you? of course not dumbshit.

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      • Die.

        If you hate all people, then why are you even on here interacting with them? Did that ever dawn on you? Of course not, dumbshit.

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  • WTFEpeople

    I hate everyone!! I think people suck. I try to be nice and people treat me like shit. People have done bad things to me my hole live. My brother killed a girl, so all the people in my town say that I'm going to kill someone . . . WTF I'm married I have a daughter and why would people be so cruel. I can't even stand to look at anyone . . .

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    • emery

      try not to be a dumbshit.dumbshit.

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      • Die.

        Try not to be a dumbshit. Dumbshit.

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  • anothercomment

    So I just googled I hate everyone & got here. Well my opinion is that sometimes it really does feel like everyone is fake. It is especially worse when you have no one you can trust anymore, including family. I lost trust in everyone but that's life. I'm still going to live & try to be happy and have hope that I'll find someone to trust. If you sit there like me right now searching online for this stuff because you really just had enough and you want change, then make it. Life can really suck sometimes but have hope.

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  • whatshouldmynamebe

    I just think you're seeing the world for what it really is and people for who they really are, not for what everyone tells you it is.

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  • isabella67

    I hate everybody. My family, strangers, 'friends'. In an ideal world i'm by myself. BUT IM SO LONELY AT THE SAME TIME. I want to be loved, but not by anybody. by somebody who also hates everybody <3 but he hates me to. and I hate him. its complicated, but this is normal!! to me anyway. Hating everybody is normal. Being happy really creeeps me out.

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    • emery


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  • oiroif

    Strainmaker quoted plato: "Misanthropy develops when without art one puts complete trust in somebody thinking the man absolutely true and sound and reliable and then a little later discovers him to be bad and unreliable...and when it happens to someone often...he ends up...hating everyone." --and I think that's how I started hating some of my closest friends. When this happened I couldn't trust them and then I began to hate and not trust anyone else. If you can't trust your friends, then who can you really trust? I placed wayyy too much expectations upon them...even trust is too much of a high expectation. So what I really try to do now with my new friends or anyone is to not expect anything from anyone. People are so fucking self absorbed that its a sick joke sometimes. And I realize that and accept it now and I am much happier.

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  • en-dehisce

    Like a few others i typed 'hate everyone' in to a search engine to blow off some steam, because of a particually stressfull evening of being hounded by the faceless people that control our lives. Its intersting to see that others have had the same (ammitedly teen angsty, but as i said, stress releasing!) idea. Suddenly i dont feel so much of a lonely bottomfeeder, just part of a whole system of bottomfeeders. And sadly this is the world that human instincts have made. Trample on others and suceed in their failure! Its a constant fight. Plato got it right, i (personally) feel its others that breed the hate in another through the actions of the others. Then its up to you wether you can tern your own hate in to a positive or negitive output. Hopefully, of course, its the positive...

    Its an endless descusition due to the opinions comming from people of diffent emotional mindsets. But due to the amount of people who feel the same, its very normal to feel hate for others. I know i do... on a constant basis. But you cant let only one emotion rule your life or you might missfire!

    The ants got it right, so why cant we?

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    • CelticSkelter

      It's great to know that you're not alone eh? We hate everyone equally :lol
      There really is some stupid pricks out there though. The colleges and schools are full of them. Some rightly spoiled fuckers...

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  • ithinkyousuck

    I hate everyone. and I don't have much time for people who "hate themselves". fuck, I have a friend whose like skeletor and always ask me if she's fat and compares herself o other retarded girls and says that they are prettier blah blah. But she will say shit like "i think guys only like me because I have a good figure", blatantly contradicting her phony belief that she's fat. and her newest thing is that she hates herself.
    I don't understand this. if you hate yourself - change. I don't hate myself. I know I have shitty qualities but all I can do is work on them, and try to be less like the assholes I hate.

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    • FunkPunkSkunk

      haha, your so sweet :)

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    • Die.

      Yeah, but there's a difference between "hating oneself" and genuinely hating yourself. I don't really have much sympathy for those who actually hate themselves, much less attention-seeking brats, like the girl you mentioned.

      Personally, I think that I would probably murder that 'friend' of yours... She obviously doesn't hate herself at all, but is in fact fishing for compliments and attention-seeking, although I think that was your point.

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  • magicsupermilk

    "Normal" is only so when enough people make it so. Just like how an average is determined by how much data is weighted near that particular value. I don't know how normal it is to hate everyone, but I know I'm doing MY part to contribute.

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    fella i hate everyone too, the human race is a disgusting vile species and we need removing from the world this places is to beautifull for selfish power hungery assholes like us :D

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  • dude same its a good thing cause most people deserve hate and i aint trying to sound like a twat but the world is mostly full f pricks that deserve more than just hate

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  • strainmaker

    I hate everyone, and the best description for the way I feel was written by plato.

    "Misanthropy develops when without art one puts complete trust in somebody thinking the man absolutely true and sound and reliable and then a little later discovers him to be bad and unreliable...and when it happens to someone often...he ends up...hating everyone."

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  • Cassandra142

    My girlfriend told me yesterday the she was sexually abused from age 3 to 13. I have lost all faith in humanity i wish a fire could cleanse our world and could restart with people who care for each other

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  • billyboy

    I only hate people who desrve it, like rude sobs and those who mistreat helpless animals, and suicide bombers.

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  • Flirty108

    There is nothing wrong with that I hate ppl too!

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  • I'm like that, except I want to be that way. It gives me a kind of satisfaction to hate and then see everyone else hate on me. I have alienated freinds and family. I want to see their reactions. Am I sick? But at the same time I feel guilty and want only to be liked. I wanna make them feel the amount of pain i've felt.

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    • CelticSkelter

      exactly, how can you love someone who hates you? I have no time for people like that, and they are easily spotted by their fruits. They are the ones who will criticise you at every turn and try to ridicule your beliefs in a given subject just t o say they out did you on something..

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  • monian

    hate everyone, you hate for a reason, be true to yourself and hate them dont change to be nice because thats what they want you to do so they can continue being dick heads, make sure you hurt them, by fucking with there heads making there life shit and good old physical pain, fuck all you bitches

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    • CelticSkelter

      It's better to be hated for what you are, than loved for what you're not. Pay no attention to haters or critics. They have no lives of their own.

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      • elindauer


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  • Adallynn726

    im the same way. when one person pisses me off. i say Fuck the world. kindness wont ever get u respect from assholes

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  • Smith36

    This is entirely normal. People on their own okay, but as a race humanity is just one big fucking disapointment. Ive found myself becoming more and more misanthropic as I have gotten older. For the most part my life is fine. Its just all other life on this planet fucking everything up. William Murderface summed it up best when he told everyone to just go kill themselves.

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  • bornagainheretic

    to give it a name, your a misanthropist, and its not a bad thing. given the current state of affairs, the world being as it is, you are well within your rights to despise every living human being alive. petty, dishonest and disgusting to their very cores.

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  • CelticSkelter

    It also could be the enviornment you're in when you're like this. I worked a fairly good job which I enjoyed for 5 years. The only trouble was I had a foreman who was a complete prick. He would bully me around and verbally abused me indirectly at every opportunity. He was a bit of a sad bastard though who had very little individuality at all and was more than likely jealous of people who were differant than the run of the mill. Just a sad little man he was. Though it caused me a great deal of needless stress and anxiety, the job was difficult enough without dealing with the mental torment from that meathead. I started to feel great when I got laid of and not dealing with him anymore.

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  • BlackShadow123

    I hate people from all groups.
    And when I say groups, i mean the stoners, jocks, preps, goths, emos, dorks...
    Because everyone in each group is the same!
    you guys are all just robots, and actually sometimes seeing somebody just makes me pissed off.

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    • FunkPunkSkunk

      lol im robotstoner

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    • Thats just not correct... Every living beeing is special and never the same compared to others!!!

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  • stained

    It's totally normal nowadays. People don't realize how annoying they are and think they can act like as*holes and you can't say or do anything about it. People are rude. I actually get and make comments about how little nice people are around. Big city urban areas are the worst. Get out into the country to meet real, nice people..............F the city! Just a greater majority of loosers and drones.

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    • AZKayla

      I live in a semi-rural country "area", more than 90 miles from the nearest city, and people here suck too! My husband and I both feel that 9 out of 10 people here are worthless assholes, and are not worth the air they are breathing. So I hate to burst your bubble about finding "nice" people out here in the country, but there aren't many here either.

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  • whydoifeel

    i hate everything, everyone, every disguised selfish enterprise. every unspoken rule they follow. every false face people project to the world. people being victimized by tyrants and through their own fear, deciding to become one. well done you hypocrite. every little new encounter with someone putting me down. and i hate having to be aware of it all. i am not paranoid. you are just ignorant. and so am i for assuming this. its just chances are... you are. I cant afford the heartache of seeking genuine people in this mess of shit. im not hurting anyone if i am alone.

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  • Crazyfreckles

    Totally normal dude.
    humans are just evil.
    we all have evil in us.

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  • LeTronique

    I feel the same exact way... But I love myself... I feel as though i'm the last of a dying species. As though, people have forgotten love so I'll despise and destroy everything...

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  • sjb

    Well, that's thrown me. I agree with all the comments here, so much in fact, I like you all!!!

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    • elindauer

      lol, I hate to admit it, but I feel the same.

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  • the_blues_is_dying

    i f*cking hate everyone ive ever met exept for one girl but she barely know i exist. they all threat me like garbagge, so i just lock myself up for hours every day. looks like we could start a huge club hahaha

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  • CelticSkelter

    My best advice is hate them all, but don't let your hate control you. It can be kept under control to make you a stronger person when you need to deal with people who are assholes. Find something or someone you really do love and focus on those good things. You're hatred for others that piss you off will help to keep you sharp when they strike at you.

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  • allin

    I like animals. It's like being born with an excuse to act,like one.

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  • CorryA90

    somepoeple deserve to be hated

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  • slimycats

    I hate everyone too, The reason is because people have made you this way, why else would you hate them? They'll lie, and do anything it means to step over you. My answer, fight back. lie, and hurt others. Its what they should get, we deserve nothing more. If you improve, its because you've become one of them, and attention seeking whore, just another drop in the ocean, you're nothing, be original hate everyone. Though, words to not describe how much I hate this race, and how much pain I'd like to see inflicted on us. I can only hope. Your friend, me. Keep hatin' buddy, keep hatin'... (if that all made sense, its hard to type in anger 24/7.)

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    • Smith36

      I like your way of thinking, care to help me destroy the world? :D

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      • marjory


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    • dopesick

      I very much enjoyed what i have read here the hate has made me happy which is an oxymoron. So let me fix that I hated this fucking page so much that i fucked laughed a few times.

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  • bewmbox


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  • chelzzyFbaby

    i hateeee everyonee
    except my really close friends and family
    i gett madd very easily
    and i think i do have some kind of problemm
    but idk what it is...

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  • LawyerwhohatesLawyers

    I am a lawyer and I hate lawyers. I hate them so much.

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    • elindauer

      I like your style. I feel the same way. I am a person, and I hate people.

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  • imakeajiffypuff

    I see nothing wrong with this. I get more annoyed with people who say "You should love everyone" blah blah BLAH! I don't hate probably quite as many people as you do, ha ha, but I do have my days when I do seem to hate everyone!

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  • shadowqueen


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    • zarabell

      allcaps is rude and triggers me ok? SAFESPACE ME

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  • spiider

    So I googled 'i hate everyone' and landed here (deja vu)... I must say I don't feel like this 24/7 but often by the end of the day when I am tired, and also when things keep getting wrong. Now that I thought of this I seldom feel so hateful in the mornings after a good sleep (and a good f**k))). So, if you have landed on this page like me, switch off your computer and go to bed, preferably not alone J

    Killing yourself or someone else is a really, REALLY BAD idea - don't do it. It won't make things right and you have to scramble yourself up into one piece and start making things right - one small little thing at a time...it will work and you'll look back in amazement what you have achieved in just one short month. Imagine if you only make things better 1%% a day, in just over 3 month you will be 100%% better! I know you may think 'pep talk', ***it works***, once you just stop complaining and get on with the job, it just starts WORKING. And please, please, PLEASE don't kill yourself, it is *NEVER* a solution! It's not that you don't want to live; you don't want to live LIKE THIS...start changing it. One little thing at a time, 1%% improvement a day. I am doing it, sometimes it's hard but I got across a book that said exactly that when I was feeling really lousy, and IT WORKED. It worked for me and it will work for you, just START TODAY.

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  • Sciiru

    You can all hate humans because were all pathetic, maybe there is some better race in this galaxy but that is not us.we pollute earth,we have no shame or other feelings like that, we are race of destroyers so get used to it and live on.Find where you can use your desire to destroy and kill to do something usefull.

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    • zarabell

      useful like?

      (expecting an answer from 9 years ago...)

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  • batterypie

    i hate everyone too. but i'm also a psychopath.

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  • DieuAn

    Well, we humans are full of hate. It's normal.

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  • FusedWithMuse

    Oh indeed it is normal! I get very very pissed at friends lately. Especially when they do the smallest thing wrong. But i vent about it by myself, oftening swearing out loud after I've gotten a text or something. Facebook is something I avoid because I get so mad! Its totally fine, mate - rage away!

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  • I used to hate everyone too. It's normal.

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  • Paabo

    I made an account just to comment on this thread - I too have had this problem. You can't figure out why, but everyone around you is a loud, braying jackass devoid of wit or taste, whos dull, glassy eyes betray only a glimmer of intelligence in an ocean of unwavering, all-encompassing nothingness. I figured it out.

    It's the company you keep. You've fallen in with the wrong group. You share this interest or that one, or you know each other from some place.. but you weren't supposed to be good friends with these people. Sure, they're nice enough. But the decisions they make and the shit they say simply confound you. These people really don't matter, and can be considered life's background noise.
    I'm willing to bet you've got two to four people who you fuckin love like crazy, but everyone else sucks. Those are the people you'll always love. Take care of them, and they'll take care of you. Everyone else is disposable.

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    • Downcast7

      I dig this :)
      I mean i seriously dig this.....

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  • I absolutely agree. i hate everyone. my friends. my BEST friends. EVERY ONE at school. my neighbors. and pretty much my whole family. except my dog because of it's pure innocence… but other than that i try and isolate myself from all of the ignorant loud mouth obnoxious pricks that overpopulate the planet. everyone just pisses me off in their own unique way. just looking at them while they engage in complete fucking nonsense and unnecessarily disturb the peace makes me sick. i hate people who always think they're right and that no one else's opinion matters, i hate people who walk with a fucking log up their ass, I hate when people point out MY flaws like they're of some higher standard to tell me who the fuck I am and what I'm allowed to do with my life… Just let me be. i hate when people chew with their mouth open.. I just want to live my life, unbothered, and im perfectly fine with minding my own business… i hate when people try to invite themselves into my personal life, espECIALLY my home.. I hate Facebook especially because i give zero fucks about anyone elses problems or ideas that are totally irrelevant to anything of importance.. Im not like this all the time nor have I always been like this, I'm just so fucking tired of exerting time and energy on caring about other peoples lives,needs,happiness who turn their noses up and take me for granted… i had an epiphany that im too fucking nice to everyone and im run down, im going to focus on myself and say fuck everyone else they just use and abuse you and you can't trust anyone.. i hate people they disgust me

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  • JakeJones


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    • marjory


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    • precious13


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      • falilv1

        Na too little weed is bad for you

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  • CelticSkelter

    There's nothing wrong with you. I fucking hate just about everyone in my class, there are times when I get so angry I feel like literally killing them, the world would cartainly be a better place without them. They're all a bunch of arrogant pricks stuck up their own asses with their own egos and sense of self importance. It's difficult to find good people in this world who do respect your thoughts and don't try to out do you all the time for the sake of forever being one up on their fellow human being. For the most part the human race is a quagmire or greedy self-righteous fuckers. I'd have more respect for animals than humans sometimes....

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    • cristie

      there's nothing that can describe better how i feel than this. I felt a bit ridiculous for even googling this but now i feel so much better and in peace with myself, that other beings are sharing the same feeling. I feel exactly at 100% same about people. I don't get what the fuck is so important about their lives and why they think the earth is spinning because of them. They do nothing useful, or amazing or incredible, most of them are just a bunch of ignorant idiots that don't know anything about anything : people, emotions, humans brain or psychology, or even the space they live in. But is always so dramatic what happens to them or important, when their lives fully suck. I don't even care if I am normal. If thats what defines normal, being as retarded as all human specie, no thanks. Although can be a bit worrying sometimes to feel so bad about people, I at least feel better that I was blessed with some consciousness and I don't need to live an ignorant and insignificant life, an exact copy of the lives of the others, a game on replay on every single day.

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  • Vigilance

    I dont have a good since of humor, talking with others is fine but 90 percent of the time, the girls here ask me for money before there names, and the guys want something else from me like "can i get on your computer, or may i charge my ipod on your ps3 etc.. If i say no they dont end up liking me, if i say yes they keep asking me for more. I tried to be anti social, keep to myself and do my work, but people still keep bugging me, now calling me the quit kid, saying i never talk, "i just think to myself go fuck off bitches!" i have enough worries at the moment i dont need this shit to go with it. To top that off im one of the few white kids here, everyday i here blacks saying some shit about white people, about slavery etc, peers and staff members im not racist but over where im living only fat ugly girls go with white guys.

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  • jackripper

    don't be worried about others or what they think ... it is really you and just you... so be smart... just go get what you want... even if you find resistance .. try and try harder .. time gone is gone .. what you have is now .. and what you have is what YOU got ... so don't worry ... just do it ... most important of all be resilient... even if you fail ..try again and see .. you will succeed ... don't get caught in time and space though ... travel ... see places .. there is a lot in this world .. just don't get stuck .. if you are in a wrong place just get out ... you don't have to prove anything to anybody .... kick ass man ..

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  • RoggerValline

    sometimes me too, i just feel hate everyone , and i rlly feel good when someone has bad news, well , i just think stop that already and my hate just fade away . sound weird, isnt it?

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  • pisspotpeehole

    Sometimes I hate certain kinds of people so hard that I think I'd make a good Nazi. The problem is I'm Jewish, but I don't hate myself. So that kinda makes me ineligible for membership. DAMN! And they have such cool fuckin' uniforms too.

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  • Texorama

    For the first 25 years of my life I didn't hate anyone or anything. All of my friends believed that I enjoyed life more than any other. I relished life, people, and the magnificence/stupidity that we all had to offer.

    After I lost my parents (my Mom when I was 24 and my Dad when I was 30) I took a bitter turn and focused on my anger. Every person I encountered in my life was stupid. They had no manners. They had no respect. There was no longer a decent need to help their fellow humans out.

    These days, at the age of 39, I try so very hard to not get angry on a daily basis, but I find that when I am disrespected (several times a day) I wish I could offer "Humanitarian Justice". I don't think I am wrong for thinking this way. I just wish people - at large - remembered what respect was.

    In summary, I hate everyone.

    - The Texan

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  • BackwardEx

    It is absolutely normal - everyone feels like this sometimes and I actually have a remote feeling of this all the time, but I love nice people. xP

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  • heeraklee

    I hate you more

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  • dragoon121

    Go to war and kill all the people you want everyone deserves to die.

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  • Your normal.

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  • GummiGirl

    Do you hate them... cause they're pieces of you?

    (10 pts for those who got the reference)

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  • Trismegistus

    Who cares!Human are already extinct.Their time started to run out the very moment they went all tech no logic and what not.A new being will arise from genetic research.Far superior to humans in every way.And it will just take our place,wipe us out.Yap yap yap..little worms.Did you really think you had your greasy primate hands on the future?

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  • elindauer

    It has taken me a long time to understand this, I only really understood it by reading this beautiful page. I'll share it with you, but you won't understand it. I'm really writing just for me.

    There is no good, there is no evil. Whenever you perceive these things, you are looking at only one aspect of a larger whole. So as you search and struggle to find a way to love humanity, sometimes you will break through and for a brief time you will be filled with joy. But this will inevitably lead to your perception of previously unknown horrors.

    You are simply taking white light and refracting it into different colors in your mind. Nothing is really happening, it only seems that the intensity is growing because your ability to perceive is improving.

    And it's ok, it's good, carry on this path. It ends well. Good luck to you.

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  • nagatorc

    i agree

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  • SuperJuniorx3

    I'm like that. Well, used to.
    Everyone at my old old old like forever ago school like all the way 40 years. Were very snooty. I just didn't know what to do. I started even hating my friends and even thought of bombing the school.

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  • thecyg

    Sure it's normal sometimes!

    And the enjoying people screwing up part? That's schadenfreude!Taking pleasure in someone else's misery!

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    • ^^ I didn't know the word schadenfreude exists in english cuz it's a german word lol

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  • You type like a murderer.

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  • FakinRetards

    Be hateful, hate everyone.! oh yeah!

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  • razzlejazzle26

    sometimes feel this way but not all the time

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  • me88

    yeh I hate everyone as well. People are so stupid and ugly, it makes me sick. I don't hate myself cos I'm pretty and smart.

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  • abnormal22

    :) i hate everyone. i hate it when people talk about being overweight or even worse, underweight. i hate it when when people talk about how stressed out they are or complain about their boyfriend/girlfriend. just break up! i hate it when people cut me off when i'm driving. ESPECIALLY if they're in an ugly car. i hate the way that some ghetto people look. i hate it when people breathe hard. i hate it when people ask me to borrow things. i hate it when people at community college talk about how hard school is(be honest, community college is easy, sorry guys). i hate it when people tell me that they're tired of working or tired of school. if you can't handle it, then quit. i hate it when people say that they "like music." DUH. haha. i hate it when people argue on YOUTUBE. i hate being lectured by ignorant people. --shorter list than i first anticipated:). i think that it's interesting, though, that i hate all these things about people but that i love so many things about life. i love shopping, winning, the cliffs, looking up at a clear blue sky and feeling happy for no reason, driving in the afternoon, watching tv, running and nietzche. (: The funniest part about this whole thing is that i love the human race in some sick, twisted way. I'm a premed student at a, ivy league university and i hope to practice medicine. i used to say that i wanted to be a doctor to help people. and i do. but i feel like i'm doing it more and more for the medicine instead of the people. i feel like some people are really kind of dumb, but i hope to meet someone that i like.

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    • Troublemaker66

      I hate you for self-promoting you yuppie premed dick.

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  • Rlandist

    I have no emotion anymore. Used to have a lot. Now everyone just makes the emptiness worse, they're drones, almost prototypes of what I could be,everywhere, but they cherish only fantasy, all for their own sanity.

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  • EchoRox

    Thank fuck I found this page randomly googling 'I hate everyone', it's comforting to see people have been having the same thoughts as me. I'm pretty misanthropic, individuals can be all right but on the whole humanity sickens me. As someone eloquently put earlier, we're baggage. Baggage fucking everything up and happy to mindlessly do so. Deep down we're all pretty uncomfortable with out existence I reckon, and no fucking surprise. We've penned ourselves up and forgot how to get out, now it's too late and there's way too many of us. Sigh.

    As an afterthought try reading 'the Straw Men' series by Michael Marshall Smith, thought provoking stuff.

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    • Barbright

      Try reading "The Reason for God," by Timothy Keller...or C.S. Lewis' "Mere Christianity." C.S. Lewis was an atheist turned Christian. I was intreged by C.S. Lewis' writing because I too was an atheist.

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  • ChasingAfterPond<3

    I believe it is generally normal, people are obnoxious, ignorant, unmannered, etc. So it makes sense why you wouldn't like people.

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  • ArrogantBastard

    That's me pretty much all the time. People watching is a good temporary cure, because you can make up whatever you want about them.

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  • Iwanttokillmyparents

    I hate everything

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  • Colgo

    Ye me too in old times when i looked at people they weren't like this they were normal ,now they all are devils in human forms

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  • myshkintheidiot

    i often hate everyone, family friends, and myself, but i've learned my own way, thought my own way, and now i find it hard to reach this awakened state of unconditional love that eastern philosophers rave about, i have had an experience or two of feeling connected to the world in a beautiful way, once was with a girl i loved, another was performing with a band, but lately i feel insecure and that my voice reaches people in a volatile way, my views and feelings have grown angry, cold, dark, sometimes i know i am twisted and wonder what will happen to me... i also know i am capable creatively, and i my vision is to send a message out to the world musically that wakes people up to get up and do something, save the world, protest, go green, anything... its hard, and not a lot of people i know understand, my family friends and area is very conservative and well off, its like telling the rich to relinquish their power, and even though they go to church on sundays, they refuse to connect the dots that separate themselves from the rest of humanity, they would rather live in this bubble.

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  • Lea?

    i am feeling a lot of hate lately as well!

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  • Vendetta55

    1 more thing, I often feel like I don't want help most of the time. I guess I'm afraid that if I'm not mentally sick then no 1 will give a shit about me. I have gotten so used to never being happy that when it comes I can't accept it. I feel like I'm sometimes satisfied with my life.

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  • Short&2thepoint

    Not really normal, but not weird either. Most people feel like this at at least one time in their life. Usually because they feel better seeing someone ELSE screw up. Try hanging out with some happy, or at least calm people. It's kinda hard to hate them.

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  • INeedToGoWeeWee

    i thought we were tight?

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  • well if you hate yourself then you think that you hate every one but you don't so all you need to do is find the reason why you hate yourself........

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  • nymphetaminegirl420

    feel ya

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  • IncendiaryQuest



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    • CelticSkelter

      And they're still getting away with murder...

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  • flickersprite

    When the people you are close to develop antisocial personality disorder, I think it's normal to start disliking them a great deal. And I think it's even normal to begin to recognize faults in almost everyone to the point that you just start kind of disliking the vast majority of people. But, I think this is just because of suffering a little bit too much emotional abuse. I think these feelings kind of subside when you pull yourself away from that kind of negative mess. I don't think normal people really do hate everyone all the time.

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  • sugar1121

    I've gotten like this too. Trust me. It's perfectly normal. We live in a society today with a lot of stupid people. There's a lot to hate about the world. But it's no way to live.

    Is it that you just hate people??? Or the world in general? If it's just people this is going to be hard... but try and think about what you DO like about them. Also what helps is lowering your ego... and realizing that you're no better than those people by thinking that you're better than them you know? Again... this is going to be hard hahaha.

    If it's life you hate... maybe there's something that happened to you in the past that you haven't really gotten past??? Like... something that has made you really really angry toward anything? Look into that and just let it go.

    I hope you get past this because everyone deserves to be happy and not have to waste their energy hating people. Good luck!

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    • stained

      Just let it go!?!?! People sh*t all over you, talk down and rude to you, and you need to just let it go and that will make it all better!?!? Some logic. Some people can just let it go. Some of us need to kick someone's as* for being a fu*king moron!!

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  • Lettuce12345

    I like to put drugs up my ass

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  • heather49

    I would really say it is NOT normal! :D
    But in a very good way ^^
    Don't be normal! XD
    I hate almost everyone (just don't hate one or two people) (not myself XP) (I hate myself, 'cus I also find me stupid sometimes, but oh well XP), and I'm OK with it (more or less, but I can live with that very well XD).

    You hate them for a reason. In my case, I hate them because I find them stupid, and disrespectuful for each other, and they compleetly get me out of pacience.

    Stop hating them would be shanging your point of vew, and ignoring what you don't like. Almost giving up from what you belive.

    Note: Even if you don't know why you hate them, there is sure a reason. Don't ignore that reason.

    Be happy :D
    Find some other hateful people, some NOT normal people. They are much funnier XD

    (This coment is full of smiles... Oh well, I hate myself anyway XD)

    \m/ \m/

    (Stupid me...)

    Sorry for the mistakes! I am portuguese.

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    • CelticSkelter

      I wouldn't hate yourself just because other people hate you..., they hate you because they may be jealous of you.

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  • HaywoodUSuchmeov

    Let's have sex.

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    • zarabell


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  • richielarry

    It's kinda worrying that you hate everyone but I bet you're not the only person I bet.

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  • KamiKunn

    stop being angry? have a wank

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  • I love animals^^ and I am a misanthrope... Sometimes I think about suicide cuz I won't live in such a world... I'd prefer being an animal(dolphin) cuz it would make life easier and I'd have so much freedom cuz the humanity is making their life harder with almost everything they/we do!

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    • Oh and I think I don't seem to hate all people in general just the humanity and many people around me but I like to be around people and talk to them. I think I'm really like Werther in "The suffers of the young Werther" by Goethe

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  • kayla8

    so do i ... i always have but its getting worse tho im startin to hate my friends for no reason and just want to be alone all the time... i know its not normal n i shudnt feel like that but idno hopefully its just a phase

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    • Miikoong

      Your wasting your time and energy being angry. Its just pointless. And what if your friend heard you say you hate them and wish they'd die? And what if that was you? How would that make you feel? I don't understand why people are so inconsiderate nowdays and its like they are in their own little selfish world where everything is about them and if you do anything against their desires they hate you.

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      • kayla8

        wat i dont want ne one to die =S was in a pretty bad mood that day meh

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  • maacri

    I don't really think you need it but well

    I think you are tired and bored with your Life situations and same typed relations.. take a brake. Tell anyone what your problem is (just for their knowledge) and do what you want to do

    The crazy things that you've been hiding!!! Enjoy as much as you can...
    Then you will find yourself filled with LOVE and happiness.. When you have enough love for yourself, you can share it..

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    • CelticSkelter

      I wouldn't spread any love to people who I hate and who hate me. I wouldn't shed any tears for them if they disappeared in the morning. My motto is love everybody but carry a big stick. Turn their hatred back on themselves.

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  • precious13



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  • shwolff

    I think it's normal, but please don't hate people, it will only hurt you after you won't hate the world any more... :\

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  • breakcore45

    Hate most people on U.S
    because they are ignorant and don't know from out of their conscious.

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  • seif12

    I feel the same way as you people , i see there is too much who feel the same way we can make a league and destroy the world who is with me

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  • HorrificallyDelicious-x

    mee too! i really dislike everyone, except my family! usually i think that im different than everyone else and everyone around here just doesnt understand cuz its true:/ hah but i dont really give a shit about everyone else just as long as my family is alright and healthy and i am too. plus if im having a good time with them :D!!!i secretly dislike everyone but i dont show it. thats if the get in my face and bitch to me then im gonna really show my nasty side :D

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  • popculturexoxox0

    just as emotional ventilation for its own sake is usually not enough to overcome the sense of worthlessness insight and physchological interpretation dont help either.seek some therapy

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  • michiegirl

    It's not the people it's something else in ur life ... U r unfufilled somewhere

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  • ferriswheelonfire

    Sounds like someone is having a bad day. You need to light up or something.

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  • Normal just get laid and it will pass.

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  • zarabell

    i love you

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    • zarabell

      it's easy :)

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      • zarabell

        i love all of you

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        • zarabell

          love depends on the shape

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          • zarabell

            for some it could be a nice stab in the guts

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  • JakePlaid

    Yes, it's normal. Also, Emery, stfu.

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  • fyt

    Finally, another person. I'm not sure if it's depression or what, but I hate other people, even sometimes my friends. My teacher is starting to pick on me, and I never feel happy and I feel like I'm getting nowhere

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  • tjmagster

    I don't give a shit what any of you idiots think or feel. So what, you hate everyone. You are all meaningless filth and not worthy of hating.

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  • cristie

    this is the best topic ever, love it!!!!! (in a fully non hateful way haha).

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  • IINtobeonthiswebsite

    Live alone, there is no law against it. Resist the urge to buy weapons.

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  • flyingnostalgia

    It seem like you have hidden inferiority complex.

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    I've never read so much ignorance and arrogance on one thread. Sorry if I'm lumping any genuinelying nice people with the rest of the these apes. It's as the saying goes "misery loves company". Best to avoid these idiots, because no one ever did anything significant by just "trolling" other people over the internet. Majority of the people went so off course with the question. I suggest you try and understand this hatred for humans. After all, you are human yourself and this hate for humans could most likely be a huge misunderstanding. Now, take your best shot; you damn filthy apes.

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  • virgoman34

    and I agree with the person who said that they have tried to be nice person and people treated him like sahit because they did that to me and they didn't want to act decent until I got upset which lead me to believe that everybody in Milwaukee was full of shit and most of the people were two faced fairweather piece of shit people who cant be trusted

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  • virgoman34

    and they have turned me into a loner who really doesn't like to be around people

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  • virgoman34

    I agree people aint shit.I hate everybody too.where I am at the people are horrible and they are bunch of a bandwagon ass spirits who try to act each other and that's why im like the person who said they prefer to live in solititude and I agree with the person who said people typecast him and prejudge him cause people have done that to me but people here will two face you when they want u to here nothing ass stuff( don't live in weak ass Milwaukee and weak ass Wisconsin)they are a bunch of copycat lame ass people who are like that they are really prejudgemental nothing ass people who will make you feel like you are on Seinfeld and they way they act here will make you hate everybody.

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  • Warrior

    I can't stand people. My family I despise. I wish they would go back to where they came from. Fuck family life love everybody

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  • Warrior

    Lets kill everyone

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  • Sexybabeuknow1

    Noooooooo you must be a asshole then ...and try be nicer !!

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  • Warrior

    At slack-jawed Opinions are like assholes everybody has one it's quite obvious you are what you bold Everyone at a certain point in time is lousy about that life there's certain things you cannot control rolling with the punches is something that we all have to do however you can always fight back

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  • Warrior

    i agree hate everyone......good people always suffer..nice guys finish last.th evil and wicked people alway get everything.the get away with it all. I AM FUCKING SICK OF THIS SHIT..I WANT JUSTICE . IWANT BLOOD,REVENGE,VENGENCE IS MINE THUS SAYETH THE LORD....SORRY NOT TODAY,NIT FROM WHAT I AM SEEING,THEM WINNING AND ME LOOSING,NO MORE......NOT I,NOT TODAY...THIS DAY IS GOING THE WARRIORS WAYTODAY ...WHY BECAUSE I HAVE TO TAKE A STAND .

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  • Warrior

    People really do suck. I wasn't always this way either but you know what I got tired of people always fucking with my head using their mind games. It didn't work but I still got pissed tho. I got dissed dismissed blamed for shit that wasn't my fault.

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  • ghostfreakkk

    It's like everything is now about 'how big your stretchers are, hate the mainstream, YOLO, swag, and memes' it's fucking stupid

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  • pisspotpeehole

    BTW, Morrisey rapes dolphins and they crawl ashore in coastal towns that are about to close down...to hide in public restrooms so they can rape him back.

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  • pisspotpeehole

    Normally I wouldn't bother posting into the ether to random fuckers I couldn't care less about...but I am drunk.

    Note how I still don't misspell shit or use glaringly incorrect grammar.

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  • pisspotpeehole

    They are cunts because they assume that there's something better out there than human beings, with all their sorry flaws and so on. They both sound like college freshmen who've had their "eyes opened" by some visionary aging hippie professor who never progressed beyond the "good idea" he had one night while smoking weed for the millionth time. It may be self-centered to ASSUME human beings are the best evolution has to offer, but it's only drawing upon the available facts to CONCLUDE that - pending any new evidence - we are. Rail against war and badness all you want - but it's war (i.e., the most naked and straightforward form of competition) that has always served as the greatest impetus to progress of ANY kind. If you don't like it, stop bitching and start competing. Take off the bike helmets and do a fucking push-up, you little pussies.

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  • pisspotpeehole

    BTW, Tyler and Miss Anthrope are cunts.

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  • pisspotpeehole

    Hmm...so the "problem" one's experiencing is this sensation of hating everyone, and not liking oneself for feeling that way. And one addresses this problem by tossing out a post about it to any random fucker who'll take all of two seconds to think about it before posting back? Hey. Guess what? Everybody hates everybody else at some point. You either deal with those impulses effectively or you get put in jail or gunned down by a SWAT team, either before or after wasting a lot of innocent people for nothing. Those are pretty much the parameters of real life in populated areas. If you prefer things to be otherwise, try and hold out until you've got enough money and/or mobility to move somewhere remote...oh, wait...if it's TRULY remote, you won't be able to cling to your Internet security blankie like you do now. Try looking inside yourself for the solution to your problems instead of hoping some rando dipshit will cough up the magic cure for your shit with no real effort on your part.

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  • Barbright

    This entire thread...about how horrible people really are to the core is the very core belief of Christianity. The Bible claims that this world is broken, full of sinful, hateful, cruel, evil, self-centered greedy people. This is not the way God made the world. This is the way people have made the world. Jesus came to earth as a human to save our sorry souls. God, Jesus, and Christianity are very beautiful when you really investigate the Bible. Take it from me...I used to cringe at the very mention of Jesus or Christianity. Most online posts bashing Christianity are from people who do not truly know what the Bible and Jesus are telling us. Those of you who have lost faith in humans are on the right track. Have faith instead in God and his son, Jesus. (enter, stage left, posts that will bash Christianity...but if you really want to know why you hate everyone, check into God's Word.)

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  • Kingdom_of_Fear

    I hate them all.
    I hate them all.
    I hate myself; for hating them.

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    • Barbright

      Show me what someone hates and I’ll show you what they hate about themselves (This is not an original quote...don't know who said it first)

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  • SanDEstevez

    Everyone's a shit they should all go die in a hole. Especially my mom.

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  • Downcast7

    I just up and decided to search this topic and i was kinda surprised. I mean ive met people who are kind and dandy and could care less about themselves as a human because they are busy with their lives (how i see it anyway) but hell. Its been slowly eating me away. Rejections, embarassment. Dissapointment. All fueling this hatred towards everything and everyone.....sure i gotta let it go but what happens when it becomes normal mindset?

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    • Barbright

      Sounds like you might be hitting bottom, and it's time for God to rescue you. I recommend a wonderful book called, "The Reason for God," by Timothy Keller. "Mere Christianity," by C.S. Lewis is another wonderful classic detailing our need for Christ.

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  • fralanasko

    I fucking hate everybody too! All my 'friends' damn it!
    Honestly I'm just so lonely and left out!
    Fuck you all!

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  • 1marcelfilms

    I have the same, BUT i dont hate people on internet and sone friends

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  • klunky

    does alcohol make you feel less hatred towards others?

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  • yumichu

    You'll get over it bro

    I did.

    But... if you dont, then....RIP.

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  • c9az

    Misanthropic marked by hatred or contempt for humankind

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  • slackjawedyokel

    to hate everyone you must feel pretty lousy about your own self.if its a sometimes feeling its kinda normal....but if youre like this 24/7 you got a problem.

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    • I don't think it's normal at all to hate everyone around you unless they are going to beat you up, or steal from you, or pick on you. But this guy says he hates everyone all the time which is not normal considering he doesn't know everyone

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  • EyeOfTheStorm

    It could possibly be linked to chemicals/hormones throughout your body, especially your brain. You may possibly have some kind of disorder or mental illness.

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    • magzee

      that narrowed it down! I feel like this more often than not. This person submitted something about themselves they wanted to get some feedback on and most of the comments left for them were enough to make me see why they hate people most of the time.

      listen to morrissey, he is the worlds most prolific hater! VIVA HATE

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  • i-swam-from-africa

    let me put it this way....
    There is always that one person who you know is a freak,
    if you were to think of someone who was most likely to bring a gun into school and blow everyone's brains out, your peers would think of you.
    that is truly worrying.

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  • candicexox

    i guess its normal to feel like that sometimes. but usually people who feel like this 24/7 end up bombing places and starting wars.. i'd be careful. i think your problem probably comes from you hating your own self or jealousy

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    • Xerxes

      You gave me an idea.

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  • Bullshit you don't hate everyone.
    Nobody hates "everyone"
    There is no such thing as "I hate everyone"
    Get over yourself.

    Ps: loveyou2

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    • SanDEstevez

      Die in a hole

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  • ithinkyousuck

    The only thing I hate about myself is that I got a real kick out of posting that juvenile comment on this juvenile post on this juvenile site.

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  • CruelHeartz

    that is kinda wierd hateing everybody around u 0.0

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    • CelticSkelter

      No it's not, there are times when I've wished the whole fucking lot would disappear!

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  • stingr

    This is usually a reflection of someone who is not very content with their lives. I bet you find yourself jealous of others who have success, yet you really have not worked very hard to get anywhere in life. This is your fault, yes you are allowed to hate everyone, this is America. However, stop your whining and get it together, things don't come to your door, get some self esteem and go out there and kick ass. Stop being worried about others and focus on your life.

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    • blandness_girl

      This comment seemed so incredibly cold that I felt obligated to actually join this site to let whoever this is know that YOU are a dick. People like you are why people like that hate everybody. Its not because they feel entitled to everything in life, its not because they haven't worked hard-did you ever think that just maybe-just MAYBE someone actually did work hard while they watch those that don't get what they feel they are entitled to? Its called life, and this is just one way someone chose to deal with it-they call out for advice as to whether or not this is normal, and you respond this way. Life isn't magical, good things don't happen to good people, its perfectly normal to resent this concept and dislike humanity.

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    • well I'm not a bit self-confident but I also don't have any envy for other people I rather feel sorry for them!

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    why do u hate people

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  • Miikoong

    Are you kidding me? Your such an immature brat. Why don't you consider being in someone elses shoes... other than your own? Saying you hate everyone is just a waste of energy and pointless. Your gonna have to get rid of that anger and go see a counsellor or something.

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    • JakePlaid

      No, he doesn't. Also, calling him immature because he's intelligent just makes you a hypocrite. No wonder he hates people, because retards like you call him immature. But if you say that because someone is smarter than you, you're not very mature yourself, autist.

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  • I actually think this is a jojo post. The kinda crap you'd expect from that quarter.

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  • Cindy_isCool

    Geez- do u need a hug?? Lol

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  • hama111

    not normal%100 u crazy~

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  • bebechikk


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