I hate everything
I hate everything! I mean it, everything. I hate the way people look, the way they dress, their facial expressions, the words they speak, the things they buy, and on and on. I find very few things enjoyable, I feel it is just a sham. We as human beings are so fake in everything we do and say. I figured out early on in my life that everything boils down to sex, money, and power. That's it. They are the root of everything. You can even take it a step farther and say the money and power are to get the sex. It sickens me. Humans are a plague. I hate all the suffering that all animals endure, from the manatees getting run over by boats to the poor dogs mutilated in china and so on.. I hate religion for all of the wars and death and suffering that has been caused in it's name. If there ever was a god, it left this place a long time ago. What god could let a child die of cancer? I am considered the black sheep of my family, I am the grumpy a**hole because I don't conform. But why? I hate the fakeness of it all. I hate the way my mom says she doesn't care what people think but slaps on the lipstick and makeup and cleans the house and freaks before people come over. Because god forbid her 5500 square foot house doesn't look perfect or someone won't be impressed by her richness. Is this normal to hate everything. I know some would say that I should start taking prozac or something, but why? I see the world the way it is. Why drown it out and pretend these things don't occur. So I can conform? No, this is me. Is this normal. Do others feel this way in one way or another? Please help!