I hate fat people...

This one is entirely out of my hands... I hate fat people.
I don't mean a little overweight, I mean grotesquely overweight. I'm talking 150 to 200 pounds in addition to what they should be.

I was in Wal-Mart the other day and passed a woman who was at least 300 pounds. She was with her was her son who looked like he was about 7 and the boy was so over weight he could barely walk. It was so sad! That is real child abuse!!

Sometimes when I see these people I feel like they don't deserve to live and/or should be arrested...or for f**ks sake at least fined. I pay all this tax money for government health care and a huge portion of it goes to all these fat people. You can get government health care based on income and age etc they should add weight to their criteria!! Daily I see these f**king fatties at Wal-Mart buying groceries with food stamps that I pay for. Why can’t I choose who gets my tax money? I would much rather give my money to a damn crack head for crack than a fat person for food.

I feel bad because I have no control over these feelings…and a few of my friends are fat. They are really good people as I am sure most fat people are…but seriously!!! The amount that one of these fatties eats in a day could feed a bunch of starving kids for a week. I mentioned my feeling about this once to a friend and he said I was an a**hole.

Is it normal to hate fat people so much?

Voting Results
81% Normal
Based on 2294 votes (1866 yes)
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Comments ( 77 )
  • disfunkshinal

    I hate how fat people usually are bitter about being so. They hate people of normal weight and claim they get bullied but bully smaller people by saying they're "too skinny" and such. And any girl who looks better than a fat chick is "probably a bitch or a slut". It's annoying as fuck.

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  • 1985

    I don't hate them just feel a lit sad about their situation. However I get mad when they walk slow and block the path so nobody can't pass them lol

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  • ohioboy73

    "hate" is a very strong feeling and one that you should probably discuss with a counselor to find out the root cause for this reaction to a person you don't even know.

    Are there issues with obese folks? Sure. Do you have to like them? No. But when you state "sometimes when I see these people I feel like they don't deserve to live" that goes another level.

    I get annoyed by people that think a person's weight defines who they are. Do I hate them? No.

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    • Destroyerofbush

      Your obviously gay and just another worthless liberal dewsh bag butt kisser! The OP IS free to feel however he or she wants! Stick your counselor up your rear!

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    • themeekmortician

      I for one agree with your statement, and though it is late, don't listen to anyone that acts so brash.

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    • Kennylenny

      I hate you and I think you are most likely really fat! Go fuck yourself

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  • redcomb

    I once lived somewhere where I had the lease to the house. I was renting out a rooms to various people and this whale came to my door. It occurred to me that I was being predjudicial not renting her a room because she weighed 300 pounds. So I rented her a room. BIG fu(king mistake. Fat people are generally /ssholes. It just shows up best in their out of control cramming their face behavior.

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  • nocharge

    There's nothing wrong with hating obesity. If it were normal, we'd have a constant rate but we don't. The rate is climbing. It's something you do to yourself. I was with a couple of fat women one day and could have made a quick, healthy dinner for three but they wanted pizza. That's why they're fat and I'm not--they're lazy eaters. It's even a problem in hospitals now, with obese patients needing special beds, lifts, wheelchairs, gurneys and operating tables.

    We need to teach kids how to cook. Most people can't cook. It isn't that hard.

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  • MsFayFay

    Hi, Im fat, Like Fat, Fat.. lol Obese Fat..I weigh about 325 lbs. I was born at 10.5 lbs, to a fairly thin woman, of course my father was a big fatty too, god bless him, my father died about a month ago to congestive heart failure, (because he was fat). I'll get to my points. Im guessing you dont like fat people because you feel like - why don't they just fuckin do something about it, you don't have to b gross.. But let me explain, I don't really have any GREAT excuse for you, but let me explain some struggles, some of us are PRONE to fatness, meaning we have to work harder to not be fat, I have girlfriends that can out eat me, out drink me, eat Mcdonalds which I by the way have not eaten in like 3 years and I'M STILL FREAKIN FAT.. Now I'm 38 - My mother because I was a very chunky baby, had always had me on diets, she had me eat right, I used to have to run around the outside perimeter of the house, I was picked on when I was a toddler, to grade school, till of course I became a bully because if you called me fat to my face Id probably punch you, when I was a kid. With all the diets, all the exercising, all the doctors to check my metabolism, NO one could figure out why I wouldnt lose enough weight to be "not obese". Im also kinda tall Im 5'9. I don't drink freakin soda, or regular juice, I don't eat fast food, I watch my calories, if I did, I would get EVEN FATTER I'm not a fatty who is stuffing her face everyday, like I said I have thin friends who eat more than me, I could b thinner than I am now however yes, but I dont think I could ever be thin, If I exercised more I could be more fit, so pretty much throughout life I was like Oh fuck this man, Im spinning my wheels everyday of life fighting to just not get even fatter than I am. So my point is everyone is different, we dont always know how someone got to that point, but Ill be damned dont make fun of fat people you see being active if your gonna make fun of them, get them when they have an ice cream or mcdonalds.. LOL although you never know if thats the first ice cream they had in a year and there treating themselves for once.

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    • GYBY

      Do you think there should be a stigma attached to it though? I honestly do, you know it's detrimental to anyone's health. The society we live in is celebrating fatness, and I think it's really bad and it infuriates me. I wouldn't say I hate fat people though. I'm irritated by fat people who don't try to change though.

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    • Joshisbae

      Yeah my cousin is really fat but she has this problem that makes her fat no matter what and this year she almost died but it wasnt her problem she was fat so yeah :)

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      • Kennylenny

        @Joshisbae no your cousin has the "I can't quit eating Oreos behind people's backs and then I eat healthy in front of them and complain disease"

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  • mlbryan44

    I always liked fucking fat women and getting my cock sucked by them and I still do.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Yes. It's an eye sore and it is one of the many things that is destroying humanity. The government really needs to crack down on this because, it is getting more and more out of control every day!

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    • kingofcarrotflowers

      I think there are more pressing matters like the American economic situation in which the treasury have created That now means money is debt and many other things, plus its down to human nature, the government can only do so much, people will still over eat

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      • Kennylenny

        Says some fat chick!!! You want a better economy for more food stamps! Go run and diet you fucking fat fuck!

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      • Avant-Garde

        You do have a point… There's also the Russian crisis, Russia's threat to bomb us, and the missing Malaysian airplane.

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  • peterr

    Fat women give good head and you can fuck them between the tits usually...just sayin'

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    • SuzQ

      That and they're easier to get them to do really nasty shit because they're afraid to lose the dick. Hahaha

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    • Destroyerofbush

      If you can even climb on top of a tubby skank to pump their blubber sacks, err, I mean "titties"! But who would even wanna see an obese whale naked, let alone have some sort of sexual relations with one? Not ME! Fat chicks make my Mr Happy very, very sad! LOL

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      • peterr

        Well then why don't you show an interest in my nice 7 in cut cock and suck me off?

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        • peterr

          Oh and I am 6 ft and 170 lbs definitely not fat. Cum and get it Bro!

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  • xxwrong-as-rainxx

    How many fat people have i heard go on and on about how beautiful they are... lol besides being a little disgusted by hugely obese people who wear revealing clothes, i don't hate blindly hate anyone for no reason. Btw people he/she didn't say 150 is over weight, 150 added onto your ideal weight is!

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  • coolio75650932

    any ways you shouldent care... i mean your getting so worked up about it and im a bit offended...since im over weight(my life has gone down hill since my son died.)
    but any ways seriously i actualy try to lose weight and you go thinking i deserve to go to jail/fined? and somepeople are BORN over weight. i mean even if some one is over weight due to eating its simply because some people's bodies gain weight easier...i bet we all know the three body types (mesomorph forgot the last two >.<)
    so ya...thanks for offending me.

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    • Destroyerofbush

      Hey Cooliehole, Your just ignorant and illiterate dawg! No human is born overweight! That is just a very bad excuse! If you "Tried" to lose weight and failed than you didn't try hard enough! If your overweight it's because you don't exercise enough and probably eat too much and most likely too much of the wrong foods! NOBODY put a gun to your fat head, so knock it off! Turn off your stolen computer, put down the fork, get up, get outside, get running, and NO, not over to a Mickey-D's, KFC or Popeye's Chicken! Get your metabolism up. You'll lose weight, you'll feel better and you'll live longer! Your kid that was probably killed in a ghetto drive-by I'm sure wouldn't want to see you sitting on your azz in the projects doing nothing but expanding your waist line on welfare! Your fatness offends ME!

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    • Kennylenny

      People who are born overweight should try harder. You people burden us in society with your perspiration, heavy breathing, and lollygagging. I don't want to wait on you because YOU were selfish and ate your whole fucking pantry. Go fuck your self and try harder I once weighed 265 after I broke my leg, but once I could walk and run I got back down to 190 don't fucking tell me you can't do it I lost almost 70 pounds and with a broken leg you fat lazy fuck!

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    • RantingAussie

      Oh the excuses fat people make...
      What's your excuse not to lose weight?

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    • SuzQ

      Not one person in the world is born overweight lol. They are made fat by moronic, ignorant parents. Yeah, yeah they're doing their best... blah blah blah. In this age of information ignorance is not an excuse. It's not funny when a 7 year old is on cholesterol medication because his obese mother lets him eat doritos and sit in front of the TV.
      Medical obesity is very very very rare.

      On that note...26.7% of children age 2-5 are obese. That IS child abuse.

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  • crazyblonde101

    Hey don't think people who way 150 r fat I way 145 and I'm tall so don't go saying people who way 150 pounds r fat because they could be tall

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    • Destroyerofbush

      The OP did NOT say people who are 150lbs are fat, He or She SAID tubbys who are 100-159lbs OVER what they should be! and it's WEIGH not way, dope!

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  • AlexandraIsolda

    well i actually think that this question is hard to answer ... simply because someone is a awesome person and has big heart but is fat...
    but i have to say that i like more fit and healty ppl more...
    lol again hard, question but good...

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  • coolio75650932

    i bet she was fattening up her son so she can eat him XD

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  • drakesbabe

    I don't hate fat people, I hate their lifestyle.

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    • GYBY

      There lifestyle is a direct produce of who they are.

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  • BirdIsDaWordGuy

    oh jesus I HATE no CANT STAND fat people!! there so obiest!! and one day a fat kid took the mick out of me because i eat LOADS but never grow fat and always stay skinny and lanky!

    what a fat b******!!

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  • themeekmortician

    Though I do not agree with you on your feelings, you have every right to feel them, they are yours after all.
    I, as someone who is obese, try not to get in the way of others, because I know how much of a burden I could be if I wasn't aware of my surroundings.
    Sometimes obesity can take a long time to be won over, and those who have suffered abuse to cause them to gain weight, have more than just a physical problem. Those who refuse to change consciously have given up on themselves.
    Yes, it is normal to feel hate towards something you can't control, and people you feel could control themselves.
    I don't hate you for hating people like me, I have plenty of people that love me already. At the end of the day, we're only human, and humans have many flaws.

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  • Southwestphilly

    I hate fatties, too. Before anyone starts hating on me, let me explain my stance before I move on. Number one, if one's obesity is truly due to some kind of health condition -- and I mean something out of one's control, like a thyroid problem -- I feel for you. Number two, those who are pleasantly plump don't bother me. We all have a tendency to overindulge. Number three, if you're grotesquely overweight and are trying your hardest to lose weight, kudos to you and keep up the hard work! You are awesome!

    Now that my explanations are out of the way, here goes my rant. I hate grotesquely fat people. I would never accost them, as I was raised to be respectful, but man, my thoughts are poison when I see one. I think to myself, How could you let yourself get this way? Grotesque obesity is an outward sign of the lack of self-discipline, the lack of self-control, a tendency to be greedy, and and overall apathetic view of one's health and quality of life. It also says that you're just plain lazy.

    I agree that obese parents who stuff an endless stream of garbage into their kids' faces should be arrested for child abuse, and I laugh at the fatty who cries because an airline makes her buy two tickets because she is unable to stuff her fat ass into a single seat. Rather than cry over the so-called injustices society imposes on a fattie, shouldn't that fatty see them as a wake-up call to lose weight? When your weight affects the quality of your life, you need to do something. Only the weak allow themselves to be victims.

    Finally, I loathe fatties because I was trapped in a twelve-year relationship with one. He started out as an athlete -- a very talented ice-hockey player, I might add -- but soon took a job in his father's union and went on to become a hog. That sucked because I thought he was destined for a career in the NHL, or at least in the minors. He displayed all the traits endemic to fatties: he was greedy, had no self-discipline, no self-control, and was sloppy and lazy. He was also a liar who believed his own fiction and swore he wasn't fat and that others thought he was skinny. Um...really??

    He was also a control freak (and it was ironic that he had no self-control!) and a bully. There were so many times when I'd tiptoe around him lest I say something to ignite his violent temper and cause him to hurt me; it was pretty bad. I spent my prime years doing what he wanted, which was to sit around his house, eat, and watch Flyers games. Fortunately, because I've always been a self-disciplined person, I knew when to stop with the food and didn't chunk out. Thanks to him, I missed out on a lot of fun things in life that I'll never have the opportunity to do now because he refused to do them with me.

    We got engaged around the same time he started closing in on 300 lbs., and that's when I lost it and walked away. I couldn't do life with a fatty, and my biggest fear was that we'd have fat kids because he would have stuffed endless streams of garbage down their faces each time I had my back turned.

    Why did I stay with him for so long? Because I had no self-confidence, and I was told that if I left him, no one else would want me because I had nothing good to offer anyone. But most of all, it was because he had money, and my parents were planning on using him as a cash cow in more ways than one. They had it all figured out.

    Sorry for the long rant, but I had to vent. Thank you for reading!

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  • lovingtheanime

    I don't care what your reason is, it is NOT cool to hate on anyone! it's not your business how a person takes care of they're body, I'm sick of all these people who judge another person because of they're appearance. its the personality that should count! how dare you call overweight people disgusting, if someone were to smash a bowl of ice cream with chips and nacho cheese in they're face then yeah, it may look and sound disgusting and some people may not find it appetizing. but you have no right to judge someone because of they're choices that lead to they're appearance. keep your mean words to yourself.

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  • Anabxlle

    Ok. So you put up a reasonable point at why you hate fat people and I mean I agree so it is normal. But I mean I had a thyroid problem for so long and it caused me to gain weight even though-and I swear-I was only eating 900 calories a day, with an occasional binge. When I was in 5th grade I weighed 200 pounds and I was starting to Develop Belima. Once they found out about my thyroid and I took my medicine me weight dropped down. Also with me having a diagnosed eating disorder I know how extremely hard it is too control so some of these people could have a binge eating disorder. I would try getting to know some fat people you may like them and become friends. I have one last question I weigh 149.6 and about 5'4 would I be classified as fat.

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  • deckard1911

    yes, i hate morbidly obese as well...a little overweight is one thing...if you look like raw cookie dough face-fucked a melted candle, it's time for different lifestyle choices....i don't understand why so many fat people are butt hurt about fat-shaming...you are in control, change it....if you're tired of being a fat ass, tired of people looking at you like you are a mutant...change it......perhaps there are some who are obese due to a medical condition but i think these are rare...a poster above used the phrase 'lazy eaters'...i think this is apt....

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  • yu-gi-ohChampion25

    i hate them too.

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  • Purple_Monkey

    I mostly agree with you, but not all fat people are gluttons. The are conditions, which can caused weight gain. My grandma is obese(BMI 30), but has just 2 small meals a day. I eat almost twice as much as she, having a low normal BMI.

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  • Joshisbae

    Well i hate all fat people... exept this one redhead and he had a beard and he was the nicest person ever. Fat people are lazy and i hate them, their kids and their kids. They are mean rude and lazy and they make me uncomfortable (except that redhead)

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  • Skinny_McJiggles

    You should check out Fat People Hate on Voat. You'll find many like-minded people there.


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  • Piglet92

    I also feel disgusted when I see fat and I do't mean 5-10kg over weight people I mean obese people.

    It is disgusting..

    how can you let yourself get like that ???? I LOVE food and COOKING. I ate ice cream for dinner last night, but I exercise and understand that I only need a certain amount of food a day. Also exercise is not difficult and there is no need for a gym. It not hate that I feel its pity and disgust. I have friends whom are VERY overweight and obese but I still hang out with them I just judge them in my head constantly. It pisses me off the fat people blame thyroid issues, depression , "if I smell it i have to eat it " all the while eating fast food, or 3 large meals or crisps, chips, chocolate etc and before anyone bites my head off I have bipolar disorder so I know all about depression. It is called self control... Also I truly believe that it is child abuse when people have overweight and obese children.

    I was slightly over weight for a short period of time as i was unable to walk and was having intense physio therapy ..i was disgusted with myself.

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  • JRP2326

    I also cant stand morbidly obese people. We're talking about people at least 75 pounds over weight. I way about 20 more than I should but I exercise regularly and work. I find that the stereotype is unfortunately true. Morbidly obese people generally do not work, don't exercise and become a burden on everyone else. I wouldn't hire one. The only time I like seeing a fat person is at the gym or on "biggest loser". They can turn their lives around but if they don't society shouldn't give them any money. Obesity should not be a reason for disability. We shouldn't have poor people who are seriously obese.

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  • Katone

    I hate fat people. They are so mean and think we have to feel sorry for them. They are not beautiful the way they are, and we all know that.

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  • ofwgkta3678

    Fat People are gonna take over the world and eat you.
    Whats so bad about a "fat" person going about their bussiness?
    Most of them are friendly
    Also they keep the food industry(and Walmart) going.
    100% of all Serial killers(except barney) were skinny.
    We all know the saying:
    "..............Love fat people
    Theire like giant babies lets befriend them

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    • Destroyerofbush

      Not true illiterate fuck! 60% of the worlds serial killers were overweight! John Wayne Gacey was a fat bastard, The green river killer was a fat turd and so were many of them! And who the hell was "Barney"? Your just a senseless angry re-re spewing off because YOU are a gross sick in the head fat turd and the truth hurt your butt!

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      • Kennylenny

        You're probably fat!

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    • Kennylenny

      They can't simply go about their business because they're business is eating and shopping and everytime I try to do either one they are in my way

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  • MasterOfWaffles

    Fuck you too OP

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    • Destroyerofbush

      Aww, you sound like a big butt hurt tubby! Poor piggy, go eat another ten cartons of ice cream!

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      • MsFayFay

        mmm ice cream

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      • MasterOfWaffles

        I can't.
        The ice cream isle is empty.
        At all the stores.

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    66% normal? Wow

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  • Canttel

    You sir
    Are a bag of douche.
    You mnust have other problems going on so u direct your anger to the obese. I meen oh my god just LISTEN to yourself you sound just like how the whites sounded when slavery started up in america! Your thinking the same way as them! Just as those whites thought black people were animals and that they have no right to vote, your siting here sayinng obese people should die or pay a fine for there weight. I know you think your 'speaking your mind' but dude, thats not speaking your mind thats just strait up STEREOSTYPING. Dude if you see obese people evry day then you must get angry evry w
    Day. I see obese people evry day and do u see me give a crap?NO! Because all through your life you will see newer,crazier things, and dude, geting angry at some one you dont even KNOW because of their WEIGHT is just.....retarded.
    I meen, what if your mom is obese do you want her to die?!
    Do you want her to lose money to pay some dumbass fine?!
    Just put yourself into someone elses shoes, and maybe youll learn something.

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    • 39248756

      Im sorry, but you really got issues. You really overreact to little things. TBH i think your just a fatty sitting in front of the computer. People who are a larger have probably tried to lose weight, but couldnt becuase they just give up. They aren't mentally strong. I use to be over weight by 20 pounds at one point. I took this very serious. Now im under weight, I am mentally stronger then all those people who just gave up, and continue there bad habbits. TBH I do think that fat people are a sore to the eye, and I looked this up, but seriously, its also there fault.

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      • Kennylenny

        Eat a salad fat cunt!

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    • rando12

      By today's political correctness standards, using the word "retarded" makes you sound like an ignorant prick. Which you likely are.

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    • Kennylenny

      I'm guessing this lost hit home to the fat neckbearded fuck who is behind the keyboard typing this!

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  • SparklingOcean<3

    Your post is really funny. It made me laugh because you're so honest with your feelings!

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  • It's sad because they didn't choose too and its true because they couldn't control their weight but at the same time you don't know what those people are going through, if you know what i mean... i weight 55 and i feel the need to loss wight, even tho i now i am on a healthy shape but there is this days when i am not in a good mood and not doing anything you know you feel like eating even when not hungry. human body is different some people eat when depressed. It's like if you are that type of person , you may not be .. You will just look at your body in the mirror and see all that fat you stored is called depression.

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    • Kennylenny

      Oh my fucking god shut up about not choosing to be fat!! It's your fucking choice to either eat a double whopper or subway! They cost the same so your logic is out the window you fat fuck!

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    • Destroyerofbush

      Eating due to depression is NOT a medical condition, it is a MENTAL condition of the weak minded and semi retarded! EVERYONE CAN control their weight! There is NO link to obesity and any medical condition! Medical research studies over the last 4 decades have proven that obesity IS caused by lazy slobs who are over eating, not exercising and making/using every excuse under the sun! Instead of eating when you feel depressed go to a park and WALK! Get off your lazy butt and do something constructive!

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      • Anabxlle

        ACTUALLY eating due to depression is because of mental condition. Many people who suffer from depression develop eating disorders. Most people who are depressed develop an eating disorder called binge eating disorder. It is very serious and they have no control and really need help. Also please don't call me a fat ass because I only know this because I'm fat well I know this because I go to an eating disorder clinic everyday and they tell us all about this. (I have bulimia not binge)

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      • MasterOfWaffles

        No. I refuse to do something constructive.

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  • D.J

    fat people are good love them.people good or bad,by there behavior not by body structure

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    • Destroyerofbush

      Fat is gross, Obese is really gross! Nobody has to like the tubby's nor be nice to them! It's NOT illegal to call a blimp a blimp! Most fat people I have dealt with in MY life are NOT nice nor good, they are always nasty turds with terrible attitudes who think they are entitled to free buffets!

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  • DhGlory

    I agree with 1985, I don't hate them but I just wonder about their quality of life, sure a person can be fat and happy but not being able to do a lot of things that are possible at a healthy weight would get to me if I was fat. What pisses me off is where fat parents have fat children, because then it is clearly a diet/no excersize issue. I hate those people because they are fucking up their children's lives not just their own, not just fat people in general.

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  • mileygaga100

    that was me u saw u tit

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  • I think this is rude I'm 154 and just cuz someone is over weight don't hate them! Their just like you just extra fat I mean geez grow up people I mean I'm 17 and more mature than you all!! Who hate fat people!! Seriously this makes me mad it's just like if someone is a sufferer color who cares. Their like u just different... Come on some people can't help it just cuz ur slimmer don't mean ur BETTER! I'm sorry I just think it's disrespectful and I just don't agree I think it's wrong to just hate people because of their size....

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    • RantingAussie

      I do think I'm better than you because I look after myself and don't look like pig

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    • Destroyerofbush

      You ARE a dumd retard!

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  • PrincessFluffy

    It's probably a prejudice that has a lot more internal meaning to you. like you have some sort of trait you feel is bad so you project anger towards obese people. I think you might want to avoid walmart, and yes this is normal, many people project internal turmoil on to someone else's physical appearance. This is something that can only hurt you though, so I suggest trying to find and come to peace with that part of your self. As for the walmart people they will deal with their own issues of weight and self image. They don't mean to make you so mad I am sure.

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  • Nattnoo123

    Thankyou for hating me

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  • Shaniw

    I think you are soooooo rude and mean!!! And GOD don't like ugly... You need to self evaluate yourself... Ughhhhhh... I'm a larger girl!! I live myself Im beautiful inside and out!!!! Yep I wear a size 18 I'm 5-8 and I carry myself very well!! It's not about how they look as long as they're healthy if not then they should consider losing weight to be healthy... Your just plan ignorant smh....

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