I hate fat people...
This one is entirely out of my hands... I hate fat people.
I don't mean a little overweight, I mean grotesquely overweight. I'm talking 150 to 200 pounds in addition to what they should be.
I was in Wal-Mart the other day and passed a woman who was at least 300 pounds. She was with her was her son who looked like he was about 7 and the boy was so over weight he could barely walk. It was so sad! That is real child abuse!!
Sometimes when I see these people I feel like they don't deserve to live and/or should be arrested...or for f**ks sake at least fined. I pay all this tax money for government health care and a huge portion of it goes to all these fat people. You can get government health care based on income and age etc they should add weight to their criteria!! Daily I see these f**king fatties at Wal-Mart buying groceries with food stamps that I pay for. Why can’t I choose who gets my tax money? I would much rather give my money to a damn crack head for crack than a fat person for food.
I feel bad because I have no control over these feelings…and a few of my friends are fat. They are really good people as I am sure most fat people are…but seriously!!! The amount that one of these fatties eats in a day could feed a bunch of starving kids for a week. I mentioned my feeling about this once to a friend and he said I was an a**hole.
Is it normal to hate fat people so much?