I hate grammer nazis.

I dont get why people are always pointing out others bad spelling and grammer. Who really gives a fuck if someone cant spell or write good. Go be an english teacher if you care so much. I have a fucking learning disability and Im not going to bother spell checking everything just to satisfy some snobs. All that really matters is I got my point across. You know what I meant so it doesnt matter if I spelt everything right.

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Comments ( 53 )
  • GuessWho

    * grammer --> grammar
    * dont --> don't
    * others --> others'
    * grammer --> grammar (again)
    * cant --> can't
    * good --> well
    * . --> ?
    * be --> become
    * english --> English
    * Im --> I'm
    * ...is I... --> ...is that I...
    * doesnt --> doesn't
    * spelt --> spelled


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    • disthing

      'Spelt' is British English. It is acceptable.

      Also 'be' is acceptable in this context since it is a state of being - one can 'be' an English teacher.

      Furthermore, there is no definitive answer on the acceptability of ending a rhetorical question with a full stop. It's a decision to be made by the writer.

      The corrector becomes the corrected! Who saw that one coming.

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    • GuessWho

      The site messed up my nice arrows. -->

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    • braintrip

      beat me too it hahaha

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      • GuessWho

        Yes, by 5 months.

        * beat --> Beat
        * too --> to

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        • braintrip

          I see how it is. :P

          Try to correct me now.

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    • cigs

      *.i like grammer better because you can hear the "er" in grammer and i hear the "mar" in grammar.

      *.oh you forgot your you're my way of spelling you're is "your" and not you're.

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    • PumpkinKate

      You make me happy.

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    • 1000yrVampireKing

      Hello sir lemongrab.

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  • DannyKanes

    Grammar Nazis in 5...4...3...2...1...

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  • dappled

    To play devil's advocate, you are judged for the way you spell. It may determine your career prospects and the level of respect you get from people. In the computer age, it's even more necessary to have a decent level of written communication. It doesn't matter so much on a website (as long as people know what you mean). But how often do misunderstandings arise here because people didn't understand each other? When this is translated to an occupation where people's lives may be at stake, mistakes become less forgiveable.

    If people are insulting your spelling/grammar to attack you, that's a bit pathetic. If they are telling you about a mistake to try and help you, though, it should be commended.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    I dont liek thum eever they maek me feeyul so stupet.

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    • ZoZo_ZiZi

      umm... don't*

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      • Terence_the_viking

        Yu busturd wy are yu tryna fix ma sheet?

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      • NothingxCrazy

        Out of all of the mistakes, you fix the 'less wrong' one. :P

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      • cigs

        and here too

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    • cigs

      boy old boy your good at miss spelling when you want to aren't you.

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  • bananaface

    It annoys me too. If someone is repeatedly making the same mistake, then I think letting them know is a good thing to do. However, a lot of the time, it's used in such a petty way. Even in arguments, where one person has nothing decent to say so they get personal, by criticising the other person's spelling and grammar, etc.

    I understood your post perfectly, which is more than I could say about a lot of the posts around.:P

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  • lufa

    Minor grammatical mistakes like "your" and "you're" are no big deal imo since it's obvious what the poster meant-I don't nitpick such things.

    However when someone types like a retard with terrible grammar, spelling, no paragraphs, I will assume they are a retard and lose interest in anything they have to say.

    It's one thing to send a phone text msg and use a kind of shorthand like 'thx' and 'l8r' but it's another when people use it on forums, where they have a full keyboard to type.

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  • What's that you say, strighüünt! Attempting to izzle?!


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    • 1000yrVampireKing


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      • cigs

        now see here is a normal comment

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      • Avant-Garde

        Fo shizzle?

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        • 1000yrVampireKing


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  • I am glad that they exist. If they did not exist, I would be typing like a moron, as I have done in the past.
    Although my grammar is not perfect, it has increased greatly.

    If anything, I should thank them. Even though a lot do it to be insulting or for their own reasons, the result of them doing it to me when I was younger helped me.

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  • BubbleKitten

    They do it because it bothers them, the same way it bothers you when they say something about your bad spelling. So, why is your opinion more important than theirs? If you can keep using terrible grammar and misspelling things, they have every right to call you out on it... And how is becoming an English teacher going to help? Obviously students don't care anyways, so how is teaching to deaf ears solving the problem? For me, it comes down to respect. I love the English language, and for me respect and love go hand in hand. The same way you probably don't like to hear people bash your favorite TV show, it bothers me when I see people misuse a language that I love. Sure, I can understand something that is a minefield of grammatical mistakes, but it is actually difficult for me to process, because my brain gets hung up on the mistakes. It is highly annoying to me, and hurts my brain. If you are publicly posting something that is annoying to read, everyone who has to go through the pain of reading it deserves a say.
    Also, ignoring this language problem that is becoming more and more frequent just encourages it.
    Why should we sit back and watch intelligence dive below the charts?
    By staying silent, we are silently agreeing that it is okay, and I don't believe it is.

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    • I'm actually going to thumbs up you since someone thumbs downed you even though you are disagreeing with me because you made a good point and I can understand what you mean by bad spelling being difficult to read so I think you will be able to understand my point of view too. I'm not uneducated. Actually quite the opposite. I was in highschool until I was 22 and thoughout school had to go to after school classes and summer school. I always struggled with reading and writting so just imagine how its difficult processing bad spelling but for me its difficult to process everything. It does make my life difficult and I have communication problems with speaking too. I will use spell check if its something professional but I also like to come on forums and not stress over having to go out of my way to make sure I spelled everything right and used the right words because I know I can write good enough to get my point across.

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      • BubbleKitten

        I can understand that.
        I also notice that there are "grammar nazis" out there who seem to correct other people for petty, stupid reasons.

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  • screwthestandard

    "Who really gives a fuck if someone cant spell or write good." Oh I don't know, maybe your potential employers, your schools, mostly everyone around you?? Minor mistakes are okay but you didn't really make any minor mistakes. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but poor spelling/grammar doesn't make you look very smart or educated.

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    • Lynxikat


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    • 1000yrVampireKing

      So you are saying that everyone on the internet is going to hire us? So if we write correctly on this website we will get a job. If only that was true everything you say would make sense. I think the op issue is people on this website not everywhere else. Hey screw the standard am I doing an interview? Are you going to hire me? You don't even have standards and yet you have a right to talk. That is laughable.

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      • screwthestandard

        When did I say that? And my name is from a song, lol.

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  • dodongos

    I hate when people aren't Grammar Nazis.

    Sieg Heil.

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  • m.a.s97

    Who gives a fuck about grammar? Every person that you are being interviewed by.

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  • tori

    It used to infuriate me when my kids were in school. They would bring their school work home with A's and B's and have horrible spelling. Their explanation was, the teachers don't care. As long as they know what you are trying to say, it was ok. The teachers spent WAY TO MUCH time focusing on the kids who didn't speak English.
    I still care, but if teachers don't give a rats ass, what do you expect from the kids.

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  • MsWVgal

    I think its mean to constantly pick on people for minor errors.

    However, I do think its silly when someone goes out of their way to type in text or leet speak. At least make an effort to sound it out. I have relatives who use "gud" for good, "h8" or "gr8", "lyk", etc., which is obnoxious enough in emails, but is even worse considering that their children think they're real words. Texting or tweeting is understandable because you've limited space, but in email there is really no excuse. Run-ons is a beast all itself. I mean, its really hard to read, and we all know how to use a period. There's really no excuse. Commas, quotes, apostrophes, those we can get by without. Periods, though, are a necessity.

    Personally, I don't judge or correct people I don't know well, because I don't know if they're dyslexic or dropped out of school or whatever reason they type like that. The nuisance is with people I know are fully educated and speak well but are just too lazy to type properly.

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  • Goomats

    I am a grammar Nazi. My thoughts are that if you are old enough to peruse the internet, you are old enough to spell things right. Also, if you get out of the habit of spelling things right recreationally, then you will have a harder time spelling things right when doing something professional.
    As an assistant manager, my co-workers and I get a lot of applications for employment. If people spell things wrong, we discard the applications because the people are likely to be lazy, easy on themselves, stupid, or drunk/stoned or else why did they not bother to spell things right?
    Also, I have received e-mails so misspelled and with such bad grammar that some times I don't actually know what the person is saying.
    Once you get in the habit, spelling things right is just as easy as spelling things wrong. Take the time to learn your spelling and grammar and people will respect and understand you more.

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    • welkinson

      I believe when you said "Also, if you get out of the habit of spelling things right recreationally, then you will have a harder time spelling things right when doing something professional", I believe by "if you get out of the habit of spelling things right," you meant "if you get out of the habit of spelling things wrong."

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  • CraneyCrow

    What you wrote is full of not only misspelled words, but other grammatical errors as well. Instead of wasting your time asking silly questions on this site, you should be attempting to learn proper grammar so that you can communicate your opinions without sounding like an uneducated fool. More than likely the only "learning disability" you have is that you just don't give a damn!

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    • robbieforgotpw

      I hate text walls with no punctuation.
      I will take a dump in protest every time.

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  • dude_Jones

    Your point seems to be that poor communication is acceptable.

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    Wrong site buddy.

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  • mcshorty18

    I tend to be a grammar nazi, honestly. However, i do not correct every mistake that someone makes. I myself am not perfect with grammar. I make mistakes too, so i'm not going to consistently correct people.
    I really hate when i'll text someone "thank you" and they reply, "your welcome". It's "you're"!!! Another example is when i tell someone that i'm going to the store and they'll ask, "Can i go to?" It's "TOO"!! It just makes you sound unintelligent when you can't speak or write proper english.

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  • coolio75650932


    Ok we are setting an invasion on the country of, semi-colon. Than to the state of New Interogitive. Wait...I just got word from Grammar...We need to attack the clauses as well.

    Clause→A sentance.
    Grammar→A thing everybody needs, to be accepted in this world.

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  • ccjigsaw

    I get annoyed too lol Good grammar is a necessity though. If I didn't have decent grammar I wouldn't be able to help the people around me who don't have good grammer. Ie. For Resumes and such.

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  • Pheel

    U spelled "haight" wrong,.:/ yoo stuopid natzi

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  • cigs

    yes of course. you sure didn't forget to make that i a capital i did you. when i do see a comment with lower case letters im like finally a fucking normal comment for once.

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  • ProseAthlete

    "All that really matters is that I got my point across" is like wrapping yourself in rags and old newspapers and saying, "all that really matters is that my ass is covered." No, that isn't all that matters. How you say things can be as important as what you say.

    If you want someone reading your words to consider them worth reading, you need to treat them as if they were worth writing.

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  • little_freak

    You should stop and think for a second if it doesn't embarrass you that the guy in India who helps you configure your WiFi router over the phone dominates your language better than you do even though he's never spoken it outside work.

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  • AnonymousOfCourse

    I believe you should strive to be competent at spelling, and some people are lazy and irresponsible for not attempt to spell properly. The written word is very important in our communication, and being able to write well will help you think about and perceive communication better.

    That said, I absolutely HATE Grammar Nazis too.
    If it's not your job to teach someone, if you can make out what someone is saying regardless of a few misspelled words, or if you're in an argument and your only comeback is to point out spelling errors, then you need to stop.
    You don't look smart doing it, you look like someone who's only strong point is having access to a dictionary.

    There are the few times where is an irony of someone misspelling a word in a way that conflicts with the intelligence/knowledge they profess to have, or the time where you can make a good joke by poking fun at someone's grammar. But too many people think it's a weapon to wield like one does a comeback or an insult, and that is just stupidly pretentious.

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  • Small_Guy

    I'm not super fussy about spelling. But I do get annoyed when people type things like "ur" instead of "you're/your", or "2" instead of "to", "u" instead of "you".

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  • redoctober

    You must mean Grammer "Nazis"... Capital N.

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  • mclinking

    I think the main issue here is whether or not to introduce the death penalty for bad grammar. By 'bad grammar' I mean persons DELIBERATELY fucking up the English language merely out of perversity. We ought to put a stop to gud-boyz-4-nuffin spreading their crappy ways and infecting simple minds. This horror is a legacy of rap.

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