I hate hearijg people brush their teeth...

I cant stand the noise of someone brushing his teeths. I get heavy goosebumps...

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78% Normal
Based on 167 votes (131 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • bludeath13

    I never knew I hated the sound of a person brushing their teeth until yesterday. I was reading a book and my sister came in the room and started to ask me a question while she was brushing her teeth. I had this sudden urge to just grab her toothbrush and throw it! It bothered me haha , but i all i did was glare at her in a mean way.

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  • pay2play

    I hate hearing people eating. It's disgusting the noise some slobs make. The other one is if they got dentures and the teeth rattle while the chew old folk arethe worst

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  • helenjewett

    i hate it when people walk around the house brushing their teeth.
    esp. when they stand behind me hoovering over me when i'm on my computer. i have a fear that their plague germies will float around and hit me.

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  • For me it's people chewing, or sucking on candy or something.

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  • SATC

    I know another person who has this hatred, so yes i'd say it's normal

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