I hate human beings

WOW hating humans i know there alot of people Out there that hate humans ... Everywhere I Drive i see many things and many people why is it there like all Stupid and compleatly meaningless .. Ex.. WHY the hell dont people know how to Drive Safely had some Dude in the lane left to my car the St were on is complealy straight for about 6 blocks when pulling on to this st it was my car beside his im in the right Lane he in the Left Lane now here in Canada Driving law is to always be in the right lane and the left lane is for passing this guy was all over the road with a quater his car comming in to my lane the blinkers are barely working no breaklights working and to top it off was a mercedes benz from like the 80's or sumthing .. now im not the worlds most perfect Driver myself and would never claim to be at least i got all working parts and lights working on my 2005 Crystler Pt Cruiser and i know sometimes things with cars can become expensive but come on lights no blinkers is one thing but no Brake lights is a compleate Danger to other Drivers on the road and its Raining if he had to stop fast i would hit him for Sure ... but this is not the First time this has happened to me now Aside from most people not using there Blinkers which is a forgivable offence is Driving the wrong Way down a one way st good the st i live on is obviously 2 lanes moving in direction at least 3-4 times a day i see a car comeing the wrong way and 50% of the time its the same Cars there was this one time i decide to walk out infront of one of these cars that were comming the wrong Way so i did funny enough the person Stopped and started beeping at me and then started to yell at me i said your going the wrong way down a one way st and that its not the first time i watched there he p[ulled on to the one Way st theres a big Sign in front of him that says one way the guy then proceded to get out of his Veicle how ironic a policeman showed up and came and aske if there was a problem so i told the cops whats up and that i wanted to make a complaint about it dident tell the cop that the guy started to Advance on me so the cop goes and talks to the Guy dident see if he gave the guy a ticket but thats none of my business the worse problem is the Cop told me he wanted to give me a Ticket the police man left back to his Car the Then the guy in his Truck and continued down the st in the Wrong Direction Still the police man simply Waved by to the Other Driver and both Veicles were gone ... Come on Seriously a f!@#ing Cop allowing people to get Away with breaking the Law .. then on the other Side its Cops Seems like the only time COPs give anyone a problem is when the person there Speaking to is more right them them ive been stopped by a cop just Walking down the st for nothing in most cases Police are just plain Ignorant people and for the most Part Useless .. whats even worse is what there good for if im Asleap and someone Breaks in to my home and wakes me Up and i pull out a Golf Club and Hit them First knock them cold Tie them Up and Call the police one the Person i have to wait an hour for them to get there once they get there they will Arrest me for protecting my Home im gonna have to go to court and Defend myself against the person in a court room because i hurt them ... my Defence would be that hey you broke in to my House and Failed guess you broke in to the wrong House oh wait here we go now i would be the one who is going to jail for Assult and battery well the guy who broke in to my Home Walks with a missdemeaner .. The Laws We have to govern this world seem to better help The Criminals of this World speaking of Criminals the Government is robbing us all Blind they want money for everything they take money From my paycheck then at the end of the year i do my Taxes i dont make much money maby 14k a year and then i get Taxed on it all the Taxes they take from my 14k a year only leaves me with 11k a year do income Tax they Tell me i Owe and have to pay them even more money its unJustified .. people on Welfare get money back on money they never had in the first place Hardly Seems fair in my book .. anyway i hate the world i hate life as we know it i hope and dream of an apocolyps scneriao to happen and wipe out most of the life on this planet even if it does take me with it i really cant stand it on this planet any more

?Is This normal ?

p.s. Sorry for all the bad grammer and spelling error im not lokiing for a emmy or anyone to mock my spelling errors cust people who always correct me for stupid crap like that annoy the piss out of me i know they are there i just dont feel then need to care about my typing skills

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Comments ( 17 )
  • thanksforthefreecar

    Good we hate you too

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  • ohplease

    Good googaly moogaly, I know you asked us not to say anything about your spelling or grammar, but you have generated an almost unreadable wall of text! Please consider appropriate punctuation in appropriate places; who knows, it might turn out to have positive effects on other aspects of your life. Additionally, I am biased, but maybe you should consider moving a little south? You are very close to a country that is slightly more lax about taxes and your right to defend your home from attack.

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  • robbieforgotpw

    Text wallllllllllllllllllllll

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  • disfunkshinal

    Too long. Didn't read. Wall of text is intimidating

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  • bristexai

    You have such a winning personality.

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  • robbieforgotpw

    Nice book. I'm sure a lot of people will take the time to read it.

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  • anonymous1503

    your not the only one

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  • YesterdaysGone

    I hate humans too

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  • DickDot

    Humans are embarrassing. We've been driving internal combustion engines since 1859. But yet we can't solve traffic? Or Education?

    We can fly a nuclear missile clear across the globe. Hit with 99.99% accuracy. But we make our everyday lives more painful.

    I'd rather be a kid in Africa with no water. Than be American. I'd rather be on my death bed. Then have to slave in this country for 30 more years. Thank god we only have 14 at best.

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  • najumm2025

    Couldn't be asked to read the whole damn thing but from looking at it, it seems like you're very depressed and if you hate humans you probs hate yourself too.

    Don't hate, be positive :)

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  • redoctober

    You are a humanbeing so just kill yourslef and save the world some bandwidth.

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  • coolio75650932

    Learn some grammar.
    *makes a list of spelling mistakes*
    *gets bored half way*
    :3 I hate kids who claim there adults, than completely fail in grammar.

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  • kinklu

    I fell asleep in the middle of your question but did read the part about bad drivers and I'd like to know how you expect me to keep in touch with my girls if I can't text them on my blackberry.

    I used to know a cop who said that he stopped a drunk going the wrong way on a one way street and when the cop asked him if he knew he was on a one way street the drunk told him he did and it was ok because he was only going one way.

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  • fap321007

    I hav no idea what you're saying

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  • Mando

    Wow. A non-stop rant - no periods(.). To summarize: you hate people for failing to appreciate your charm and self-control. Right?

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  • flowergirl87

    I get really pissed off with people too... BUT remember that for every inconsiderate or mean etc person, there's always two or three really good, kind people.

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  • o_0

    so what are you??... i guess an animal?? :/....

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