I hate ignorant product reviewers!

It seems the average customer review rating for nearly any given product on nearly any given online merchant's site is likely to be skewed by the opinion of people who used the product for something it was not designed to do.

One small example: low-recoil ammunition for virtually all firearm cartridges and shotgun gauges get plagued with negative reviews from people complaining that the stuff wouldn't work the slides in their automatics. Anyone who was expecting any kind of low-recoil ammo to function properly in an automatic is obviously an ignoramus.

This kind of stuff pisses me off. It makes me feel that the stated average customer review is misleading, and that I must take the time to actually read each individual review in order to learn anything. Stupid people ruin the world.

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Comments ( 11 )
  • wigsplitz

    Most reviews are written by idiots who are dissatisfied. You have to take it with a grain of salt. people who are happy with a product tend to not write reviews nearly as much as people who have a complaint (legit or not).

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    Only the idiots generally take the time to write a review, the results are skewed because of that.

    I did get a food laugh at the thought of someone bitching about low recoil ammo not properly running their slide lol.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    what a waste of time

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  • VioletTrees

    This can be frustrating, but you seem inappropriately angry about it.

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  • What is idiocy?

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  • boehawk

    Review said the volume was louder than phones usually are and that made it really annoying .

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  • boehawk

    Some times the stupid negative reviews help you decide to get the product. I was looking for a phone that was a little louder than most to help me hear better due to a slight midrange hearing loss . The one I got was described by the manufacture as a good phone for ppl with both hearing aids and those without but having a slight hearing problem that would be helped by a increase in volume . this was stressed as the main selling point . All the positive reviews said it worked as its aid it would on that point . The one negitive

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  • thanksforthefreecar

    I rarely buy anything from Amazon but I like to read the reviews and you are right!

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    I find the dissatisfied reviews on crazy colored hair dye kits the most annoying. The person giving the review either didn't bleach enough or bleached too much and got a shitty color as a result of not doing something right.

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  • squeallikeasacofpigs

    Man you care way to much about this trivial shit

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  • dappled

    Yeah, true. I was looking for a new type of brassiere and found a review of someone complaining about its use as a slingshot. And who is called G. Oliath, anyway? Obviously fake.

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