I hate illegal mexicans!

They are filthy pieces of trash who have NO right to bee in out country. They are lazy, disgusting people. They all need to go climb/float back to where they came from! it would be different if they would actually take the time and EFFORT (a word mexicans dont understand!) to learn OUR LANGUAGE.....ENGLISH!!!

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Comments ( 286 )
  • hazeleyez90

    I know from 2 years of poultry plant experience that most illegal mexicans are in fact just as lazy as anyone..They treat the white people like we are the ones in their country when in reality, it is the other way.I wouldn't dislike them so much if they would try to speak English towards the white people since they are in America, NOT Mexico.Also they are very disrespectful and rude towards me and any other person who isn't Mexican where I work.In my place of work, the Mexicans make the white,black,asian,and native americans a minority.Also they have it at my work where about 790% of the bosses are in fact, ........(SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!) Mexicans.

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    • Zeppler

      You think you have problems,then try coming to the UK and see how our corrupt,degenerate,goverment are always treating Asians as if they are the indigenous population and we are the interlopers.

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    • theosophy

      ignorance is the beauty of stupidity. and you my friend are an ignorant. first and for most Native Americans were first here. the white man killed slaughtered and almost made them disappear for good. hate crimes towards against other races is not normal in the human psyche. people that indulge in such have a tendency of blaming others for their own mistakes, they tend to point fingers forward not realizing that 3 point back at them. they hate their life so much they are finding reasons to burst always complaining, they do this they do that they are lazy they are dirty they should learn English, when in fact it is YOU the problem not them. some people come here try to make a living working anywhere they can find work. now let me ask you a question what are you doing there working with them IF in FACT you hate them so much? oh your trying to make a living trying to pay your bills feed your children maybe. uh! MAYBE U SHOULD STOP DISCRIMINATING GO BACK TO SCHOOL TRY AND GET AN EDUCATION DO SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE WITH YOUR LIFE GET A BETTER OB THEN BECAUSE TO MY SURPRISE HEART ATTACKS IS RISING HERE IN AMERICA. AS A Psychologist(MEXICAN)thats my advise to you.

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      • Wufghi88

        First off a real easy one for your so called educated self. Mexicans are not Native American. You all are a mix of native and invading Spanish rulers that you let your selves get ruled by other people. Your country can not even take care of your selves. You gave the Spanish the right to rule you and now you let cartels do the same and you run to America to save you from the failures that you are.

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        • Jessss

          Woah your the dumbest person by far first of all judging a whole race and second sounding like how the whites hated the black back in the day, get it together wasting your time writing a paragraph of -you sounding like a dumb ass, just go to sleep

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        • pendejos

          Slutt ass motherfuckers! we come to have a better future u asshole!

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          • godie

            Your nasty comment is why people like you are not welcome here. You dont know how to carry on a conversation in English but you know how to curse in English. Face facts- you did screw up your own country. Why else would you want to leave and come here? If you really wanted to better your life you would assimilate-obey our laws,practice good hygiene, not use a car horn as an alarm clock or door bell, not finding an excuse for a fiesta every day with loud music(annoying your neighbors),learn english and speak it(not pretend you dont know english when its convenient)not abuse or neglect your animals,not take a pee in public,leave dirty diapers on the sidewalks or in front of other peoples houses or in restuarants,dont let your kids run loose in stores,or take the WHOLE family to doctors appointments when its just one person seeing the doctor and DONT expect us taxpayers to foot the bill. I dont care what your customs are back home. You are in my home now. Act like a decent American, do not expect something for nothing(no welfare or free healthcare,etc.) Please dont turn my country into a third world bario. Learn and obey our laws and practice our customs, as your ancesters many decades ago did, then I will welcome you with open arms so you can live and prosper here as other immagrants have.

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      • Pauld9

        No Indians were slaughtered. They were defeated on the field of battle, giving the white,Christian, European sole right to the land.

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      • godie

        Are you kidding me? You are no more a psychologist then I am. And IF you really are than God help the people you treat 'cause you are a psychotic mess.

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    • Onebadassmexican

      Don't hate.oh I get it your mad because the bosses r mexican not white.as far as them talkin English we do try but it's alot easier for us to communicate to each other in our own language,but u take it personal just like everything else.boy your mommies really raise u white boys weak.proud to b mexican born and raised strong.we know how to survive and live with very little.u poor little white boys couldn't survive in a natural disaster.sad and weak.hope u don't raise your kids to b like u guys.

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  • Cheezfoot

    Ya its normal. Nothing against Mexicans as a people but they are leeching us to death. I can go to any construction company and ask for a 10 dollar an hour job and get laughed at cause they have 10 Mexicans that do that for minimum wage. They ARE taking American's jobs and at a time where we have none to spare. I agree with Mitt Romney and harshly prosecute companies that hire illegal immigrants. Though I am not a Republican or Democrat, I know my eyes are open and I see this animal for what it is. I wish all peoples could come here and prosper but that's not the real world. We have no jobs to spare for people who will do it for less. They are forcing job losses for legal Americans and causing wage decreases. People wonder why we can't dig ourselves out of this hole we are in but no one wants to tackle hard issues like that. So, yes, its normal, no its not right to think that way, and yes,.. I hate this infestation of illegals that we have.

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    • Zeppler

      Join the club,as we in the UK have been putting up with this crap for decades,and it is the filthy rich that are creating the situation for their own greedy purposes.We have had the blacks in the 50's,the asians in the 60's and 70's and now all manner of eastern europeans doing jobs,that the british used to do for a living wage,for the basic minimum wage.We british actually earn less now than we did 10 years ago and it is all the fault of our corrupt goverments,both labour and conservative,because they are making obscene amounts of money along with their greedy,corrupt,banker pals,from the situation they have deliberately created.

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    • Onebadassmexican

      While if u really wanted a job,u wouldn't go and ask for 10 dollars an hour,u would find out what there paying for that job and do the job if u get hired.i wish I could just go to a company and tell them what I wanted to get payed and get the job.u r so stupid,that's probrably why u didnt get the job idiot,not because of us Mexicans.bottom line u red necks r going to blame mexicans for all your problems.look in the mirror and your see,your the reason for your problems.your LAZY

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  • ANP333

    I 100% agree with this, it's fucking ridiculous! Something that annoyed me today was actually in reference to this topic, I bought a sim card in Boston for my mobile phone and my fucking voicemail is in Spanish! When I tried to change it I couldn't because I couldn't fucking understand it! IT MAKES ME SO ANGRY!!!

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    • Onebadassmexican

      So let me get it its us Mexicans fault right.look at your post stupid red necks,and see how stupid u guys look.u blame us for everything and that just proves it.oh no now I get it,it was the mexican that worked at that company,that u white guys applied at and didn't get the job at.it was his fault right

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      • Wufghi88

        No not at all. It's the Mexicans who come here illegally that have no pride for America !!! You all think you did your work to get here so you have no pride in the country it's self. You don't assimilate, you don't try to be American. You hold onto a shit hole country that has done nothing for you instead of loving the country that feeds your kids.

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        • Jessss

          False quit judging a whole country be understanding your so ignorant and close minded

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    • Jessss

      Then learn Spanish learn more then one language expand as a person don't get mad just because is in Spanish oh well American is all about diversity and American is just becoming more diverse as we speak so get use to it , don't get mad just cause you don't know Spanish

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      • manfred78

        you're a bumbass with no logic. That is like moving to germany and being there for 10 years without learning german and expecting them to understand you when you speak in english because you refuse to learn it and then saying to them don't get mad just because i am forceing you to understand my language even though your language is the native tongue. Seems pretty arrogant and rebelious to me and not to mention prideful and foolish. It only makes sense for your own wellbeing especially to learn the common language of whatever country you live in I mean wouldnt it benefit you in business transactions and in general? foolish pride

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  • poppins42

    My only problem is the Mexican men. They're COMPLETELY disrespectful and downright creepy. Always whistling, staring, honking or catcalling. It is ABSOLUTELY infuriating.

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    • ymeyme

      I found that they did that to me too until they realized that they won't get deported immediately. They were probably hoping that you would fall in love so that they could become married to a citizen.

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      • Onebadassmexican

        Huh.go back to school dummy.your comments make no sense like u

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    • Jessss

      Not all of them so quit judging

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    • Onebadassmexican

      Oh I get it,u red necks don't do that ha.u guys r perfect.every race has people that do that.but to say all Mexicans do that let's me know how stupid u are.

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  • HyeKing

    just forget the Mexicans shoot on sight at the border. simple as that.

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    • Mexihater

      I agree!

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  • Mmmmm genocide...

    Also I <3 burritos, but we don't need mexicans in our country to make them.

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  • mcdougle

    I hate them to all those border jumpers

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    • Jessss

      Woah your the dumbest person by far first of all judging a whole race and second sounding like how the whites hated the black back in the day, get it together wasting your time writing a paragraph of you sound like a dumb ass, just go to sleep so Ignorent

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    • slikshit50

      well you can suck their chodes, cuz their the ones who keep your country functioning

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      • Trueamerican67

        Ya somehow illegal immigrants that do not contribute to the tax base but still receive many benefits are the driving force of our economy . Sorry that is literally the most retarded thing I have heard of. The driving force of the economy are the people who work and pay taxes, not parasitic bugs sucking off the tit of the tax payer . I have a fucking phd in economics and I am a financial planner ... I know what I am saying .

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        • Wufghi88

          The last report I read illegals with kids were 67% of the welfare

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  • yahoo

    To all the young minds out there: Don't let this ignorant banter affect you. These poor people are so ignorant, they can't see how they are keeping themselves down. Everybody wants to blame someone else for their short-comings. Name calling and profanity are just indicators of low class. They can't construct a sound, cogent or valid argument so they resort to name calling, profanity and telling you to shut up. They are the minority now and they are scared. Fear creates hate and that's their problem. While they are busy crying, the smart people are getting ahead. Don't take advise from people who have no idea how economics and foreign affairs work. All these people talk about is their own personal experience and think that's how the world works. They don't consider statistics because they can't understand it! All they know is how they feel and how they see things, as if the world revolved around them and their immediate surroundings. Go to school, get a higher education and leave these ignorant people behind. Stay well informed, research things before you make a conclusion, question yourself and your sources. Don't be like these poor racists who hate simply because HATE IS ALL THEY KNOW.

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    • N3SSA

      Very true but all these people talking about Mexicans yea some can be dirty lazy, disgusting but don't mean all of them are like that!! NOT only Mexicans are like that we hustle we get through the day but all they want to do is talk GOD all made us same but different at the same time were all brothers and sister friends nd truly agree with you GODD is are father nobody got time for racist people one day ya going to regret wat ya said buy @yahoo good one we have different skink tones but were brothers and sister to GOD and GOD is are father @yahoo thanks for the speech peace,love,and live life happiness<3

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    • manfred78

      Hmmm just speaking from experience here but i have noticed quite a bit of true racism from the folks who make up the monority groups so much that even within the groups themselves against one another. I think people need to learn the definition of the word racism as it is misused so much these days.

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    • Jessss


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    • Trueamerican65

      Here is some stats. 12 percent of our population is mexican. We have 11 million illegals. There are 300 million people in america. So therefore there is a total of 36 million mexicans and 11 million are illegal. So roughly 1/3 of the mexicans here are illegal. Amazing! I dont just analyize my own situation, i am looking at the big picture. Now.. For you to say i am a racist and full of hate and have nothing else going in my life is rather odd seing as you dont know me. I am very well educated and am not basing my "hatred" off of race but merely the fact that these illegals actions are abismal . You may say to this " but you do not know every illegal" . In which i respond " being illegal is enough forme to hate you". Has nothig to do with race. Trust me if the 11 million illegals were russian or chinese or any other country or ethnicity, i would still absolutly despise of them simply bc they are illegal

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  • Goose710

    lmfao fuck all you fucken racist bitches just because were mexicans you fuckers dont like us its hard bieng us knowing all you racist people dont like us only if you were in our shoes you understand how hard it is to put dinner in our table but you know what everyone in this world has no matter who you are ? thats death one day your gonna die and one day im gonna die but everything you said about us mexicans is not gonna matter anymore because youll be rotting underground so go ahead keep saying things about us just know we wont stop doing what we do just because stupid people like you guys are nothing but racist bastards !(:

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    • manfred78

      whaaa whaaa😭 just because you are mexican huh? Sure you may have come across some true ignorant folks who really don't like you "just because you're Mexican" which isn't a race by the way it is a nationality and this is something you shpuld know already but mpst folks are just fed up with the arrogance and lack of desire to meld or at the least try to learn to communicate out of respect. That isn't racism at all it's just disappointment. Mpst Americans including myself love having different cultures to share with and enjoy it just seems as though it is not reciprocated with alot of chips on the shoulder based on assumptions just like yours.

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      • manfred78

        Illegal immigrants are just that illegal as in here against the law. If they commit crimes noone could track them and they also don't have proper immunizations which the U.S. is on top of. Is that cool with you?

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    • topher20

      what so hard with taking our about being mexican? the fact that just cuz your country is having a war on drugs and it ends up killing alot of yall so u have to come here?

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    • Trueamerican65

      El stupido. Go home. We dont want to here you whine about how its sooo hard being an illegal immigrant. You abuse our system, dont pay income taxes, have everything given to you for free since u dont pay into the system. You have such a rough life , why dont u just kill yourself or go back to mexico and rot in your hell hole you came from. Bean sprout spawn of an ape

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      • lol@you!!!

        How rude and ignorant can you be to wish death upon some one just for tryying to open others eyes to the troubles that are faced in their life?A big part of being a TRUE American is to believe and trust in God?isn't it?How do you know they don't pay income taxes?How do you know they aren't just defending other mexicans and that they are american born with mexican roots?you don't know!so stop judging!In reality everyone born here in america has no right to complain about immigrants because even those of us born here have roots of people who are from different parts of the world!THIS is why America is going to crap.And FYI there are American immigrants in Mexico...I've seen it myself.Mexicans are SOOO bad yet ther number 1 place Americans travel to is Mexico?hahaha lol@you :P

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        • Trueamerican67

          Buddy...first off we are not talking about mexicans , we are talking illegal mexicans . second off ... i am a financial planner , I do taxes as part of my job. That is how I know that illegals do not pay federal income taxes. Part of being a true American has nothing to do with god , in fact we have church and state separate as part of our constitution . You can't make arguments about things you are ignorant of, such as tax law or what it means to be a true American you are NOT American if you are undocumented, period. Just because Mexico sucks and shares a border that is largely unprotected with the best country in the world -us- does not give them any right to come here illegally. It's a huge slap in the face to the rest of the immigrants who have came here. It's a slap In the face to my Grandparents who came here through Ellis island and did it the legal way ! And FYI no one cares about the us immigrants in Mexico because they are not numbered around 13 million like the illegal mexicans are here ..its like a few hundred people mostly criminals who illegally went to Mexico . None of what u said is true except that Americans like to come visit Mexico, which we do legally , and you should be fucking glad bc it's all your crap country has !!!

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          • Jessss

            Shut the fuck up, nobody gives a fuck your a tax planer who asked you? I'm American and seeing you write this make me sad I am American go to sleep my guy, wake up when you good

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      • Jessss

        Woah your the dumbest person by far first of all judging a whole race and second sounding like how the whites hated the black back in the day, get it together wasting your time writing a paragraph of you sound like a dumb ass, just go to sleep so Ignorent I'm American myself and I disagree

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  • GospodinDavid

    Well, sometimes I understand that you can be angry with the behavior and attitude of some of the people of my own country. They do even do the same kind of negative actions here. But I must say that must of you hate us just for being Mexicans and see us as inferior just because we are different (not white) and for being a poor country. We have our own problems and most of us try to solve them day after day. I even dare to say that I have seen this kind of attitudes with many Americans, I work in a company were Americans constantly come here, and I can say that 90% of them come believing that they know more than any other Mexican employee in the company (when I dare to say that most of the Mexican employees in the company are college graduates and have MD's, while many Americans don't even have more than 1 year of college) They don't trust anything here, from food to people, to services. They don't even spend money on Mexican products and make fun of our traditions. I know many Americans are open minded and good people, but these are my experiences. Many of you just hate us for being Mexicans, even in our own country.

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    • manfred78

      what makes you "feel" like they think they know more?

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    • manfred78

      How do you know this? Do you know most "white" people?These are broad statements based on feelings not facts. How many people do you know vs the entire population. I could say the same broad brush statement about Mexican people or any other countries people but you would probably say that isn't fair right?

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  • Youarestupid

    This country would NOT BE shit without mexicans, Asia's, salavadorias ect... Why?! Because the whole world knows americans are lazy people that just like to do easy jobs and go home to get their asses obessed .... What Americans should be doing instead of just being here in the internet and out there talking shit about people , when what they should be doing is telling their president worry about your country and stop messing with other countrys like irac &salvador , and please get get knowledge from your own country before you speak about others ... 1 USA stold states from Mexico so Americans you really have no right to say we are in your country when y'all came to Mexico first . And yes I said stold because we all know USA plays dirty in everything!
    2 . Americans will NOT do the jobs Mexican people do .. WHY?! Because lets be real y'all are some lazy people .. And please don't saying y'all like burritos and chimichangas or any other type of " MEXICAN FOOD " because thats not even Mexican food ,Mexican people just invented that to keep y'all fat asses happy , 3 racist people need to think twice things before you talk about Mexicans or any other race, no one came here to fucked up your country because your country is been fucked up GET KNOWLEDGE ! BEFORE YOU SPEAK . And to finish y'all just mad because we are taking over ! And sorry your country can't do nothing about that because YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS ALL MEXICANS, ASIANS,AFRICAN,SALVADORIAN,GUATEMALAN,CHINASE,BRAZILIANZ,INDIANS ECT! because eventually AMERICANS are not giving USA what it needs ! So stop talking all your bullshit and get over it. You are gonna die and it's not like you are gonna take
    Your stupid county with you .

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    • Onebadassmexican

      Nicely said

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    • N3SSA

      #AMEN!! May GOD bless them racist people

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    • Mexihater

      You are lucky I can't get a hold of you you ignorant little pussy...if you want to try me just let me know....I will find you.

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      • mexicanmafia

        Then find ME, and try to get a hold of me you fucking redneck moonshiner.

        I'm Mexican, and I took the time to learn English. I speak it, read it, and write it better than most rednecks like you.

        Everybody here whines about Mexicans not learning English, well guess what you fucking redneck? At least I know the difference between you're and your, but it seems too fucking hard for "real americans" to learn it.

        Now you're calling us lazy? Let me tell you what LAZY is:
        Lazy is not having the willingness to type "you" instead of "u", or "why?" instead of "y?"

        That's fucking lazy! let alone working your ass off in the field picking fruit.

        You claim that mexicans are taking away jobs, we're not taking anybody's job. It's your fucking country the one that is outsourcing those jobs to fucking China. Wanna hate? Then hate Apple because it is an American company that manufactures fucking iPhones for $50 in China, then ships them back to the US and sells them for $500.

        Fucking Hate Kenneth Cole, Nike, Adidas, Tommy, and all the fucking american brands that have their factories in Taiwan because it's fucking cheaper to manufacture a shirt for $1, ship hundreds of thousands of them for a $1,000 and then sell them at $120 a piece.

        Those are the fucking companies that are taking away "your jobs"

        Do you want a fucking job? Go to the fucking college, graduate and try to get one mother fucker.

        Did you know that mexicans are the less educated minority in the United States? In other fucking words, once you get your fucking degree, you will not be competing against Mexicans for a minimum wage job, you will be competing against other fucking Americans smarter than you, who work harder than you for a job that pays them 6 figures.

        So fucking find me and try to get a hold of me ignorant dumbass. I'll be here waiting for you.

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        • topher20

          i like you.....just dont trash rednecks.i'm from the south and its notall about hating mexicans and others who are not white.im 50percent and 2 kinds of native american.the rest is white.do i call my self a redneck yes but im not some raciest 3rd reich nazi kkk redneck that most people believe us be today.

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          • Jessss

            Thank you for being open minded

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        • Onebadassmexican

          He's a typical red neck that talks a lot of shit on the net.

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      • lol@you!!!

        Hahahhaha why are you mad??because what @youarestupid said is true???;)

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    • manfred78

      you are what i call a history retard. Texas was sold to settlers by the pres of mexico. it was considered an uninhabitable part of mexico by the mexican people due to the terrain and the danger of Native American attacks as it was heavily occupied by several dangerous tribes. Then santa ana tried to refuse the settlers who paid fair and square for their pieces of land as well as taxation and the settlers werent having it and well guess who won that battle. So keep listening to your college indoctrinator i mean professor sorry or better yet take time to actually learn for yourself

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    • manfred78

      Oh boy boooring same tired propaganda straight from acadademia camp. Do yoi really think America would just fall to poeces because folks south of the border werent allowed to pick a tomatoe anymore? Maybe some inner city pansies might feel it but guess what I think we can handle that. Yea us lazy Americans just dont know the first thing about growing and building shit right? Here is a novel idea....... come here in a legal fashion and then go pick tomatoes and i guarantee nobody will be mad

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    • followtherulesorgetdeported

      Stold is not a real word.

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    • topher20

      u call being a 101st airborne special forces sniper an"easy job"? what do you do ?

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  • I agree they need to learn the english language if they want to live and work here.To the contrary though i find most illegal Mexicans will work their ass off on farms for minimum wage.

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    • Onebadassmexican

      Thanxs.first descent comment

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  • x_caylie.babii_x

    I seriously agree withca.
    Illegal immagrants,should go back! I don't like the way they treat us...How would they like it if we went to their country??....seriously.They need to go back..correct?:)

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    • Onebadassmexican

      Come down to our country,little bitches.u guys r too weak to survive in our land.your get eaten up bitches

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    • slikshit50

      are you fucking kiding me? go back to fucking highschool and learn that half the fucking U.S. was mexico, ignorant cunt.

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      • Mexihater

        Some of it was before some dumb greedy little who represented your country sold it you dumb fuck!!!

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      • Breezybitch1479

        hahaha Bitchhh the U.S isnt mexico no more, remember wen we kicked your ass during the mexican-American war?

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        • Jessss

          We ? Bitch your ancientors are most likely not Native Americans so dont we nothing , I am American myself and what you be saying is just sad seriously , go to sleep

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        • Onebadassmexican

          U didn't do a damn thing bitch.u weren't even born idiot.u would have cried like u weak ass bitches r

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      • manfred78

        texas and california

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      • Wufghi88

        Ya but one thing your forgetting YOU ignorant cunt. We AMERICA won it so don't be a dumbass!

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        • Jessss

          Go to sleep argumenting when you wasn't even there sounding like a child

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    • Jessss

      Woah your the dumbest person by far first of all judging a whole race and second sounding like how the whites hated the black back in the day, get it together wasting your time writing a paragraph of you sound like a dumb ass, just go to sleep so Ignorent

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  • no illegals;
    no burritos.

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    • Trueamerican65

      Like i sAid before. The Average mexican job can be done by 8 year old retardeds. Burrito making certainly qualifies. I think we have plenty of other legal people in america that can roll cheese meat beans and rice into a tortilla shell and roll it like a blunt

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  • sinocensio

    I am an American born, U.S. veteran, registered voter, never been in jail, a University graduate, with a professional career and worked all my life to survive and support my wants and needs of myself and my family. I do not believe in welfare, believing in working, success coming through hard work. I do not usually blame others for my hardships, but lately all the hate coming from the right, lazy skaters, and others blaming America’s ailments on a group of people is just about all I can take.
    America is going down because of our lazy populace, ignorant of issues, nonvoters, with no participation of the democratic principles, lax or low morals, “me, me, me” selfishness, and basically following the ways of other now defunct nations in history, including the great Roman Empire, which was about 500 years old. Us only 234 years and we are weakening, owe money to China, and our populace is always crying, but doing nothing to better ourselves, counting on a government that was not designed for all the parasites bleeding off of it.

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    • Trueamerican65

      So what r u saying? I cannot blame americas problems solely on one group of peoples actions. Obviously correct. Im not saying mexicans illegally immigrating is one of our largest problems but it certainly is 1 factor tugging America down. You cannot habe 11 million undocumented people in the us and it not affect something. For reference thats like having an extra city with the same population as new york city full of illegals who have to be supported somehow. I mean someone obviously pays for all the things government supplies in this city of 11 million illegals . Think of it that way

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    • Onebadassmexican

      Get that u white crybabies

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      • manfred78

        got it non white crybaby

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  • online13

    All you people confuse mexicans with salvadorians and guatemalans and others is not just mexicans most of them are all salvadorians and guatemalans and pass tru mexico to come into the us and when they get deported they say they are mexicans so they would just trow them to closer ro the border not all the way to there country so it would be easier for them to come back. lets talk about the salvadorians and guatemalans and blacks not mexicans.everyone blames mexicans for everything.Did you know some parts of the western us were mexico.

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    • Yence

      Yes we are aware of that! All that got settled back in the day of the alamo and Sam Huston! Don't want any of trespassers in our country! So you take however you want don't really care about any of a trespassers feelings as my government does! It's our law and it's going too start being enforced!

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      • Onebadassmexican

        Shut up,u ain't going to do nothing but talk and sit on your lazy ass and complain

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        • manfred78

          what about you big talk?

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        • topher20

          thats why ur beaner ass is talking shit ..... fucking cockroach

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      • Mexihater

        You better believe it brother!! Beaner patrol is coming soon!!

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        • Onebadassmexican

          Wow,what a tough guy.were scared now

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  • EbonyMT

    Id rather they be gone too. Oh well though

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    • Onebadassmexican

      Shut up stupid.

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      • EbonyMT

        I'm entitled to my own opinion as to you. So I don't care if you think I'm stupid c:

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  • Kim126

    Mexicans work in the field I haven't seen white people working in the field if Mexicans weren't here then who would do all that hard work I don't think white people or black people would I have seen more black and white people asking for help money to the government and they get help and there just sitting there asses at home instead of looking for a job I'm not saying all black and white people do that but Mexican people come here to work you don't know how there life was in Mexico they came here for a reason and if they came here to have a Better life then why are you hating on them and how u said some Mexicans are your bosses and they own something but u know why is that because they have worked. There asses off to get there I haven't seen one immigrant being homeless I wonder why maybe because all immigrants come here and they work harder than anyone with papers I've seen homeless people who are from here and they can get a job easily there is places that help them but there not trying to help themselves but immigrants are there helping them selfs by getting a better life and not all Mexican people are the same not all of them are rude I know some are but it's not like there the only ones black people and white people are to I've seen a lot of them so don't start judging Mexican people because u don't even know why they came here and there people like everyone people like every one else here so I don't know why there is people judging them probably because they have nothing better to do

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    • manfred78

      if mexicans werent here then their spots would be filled quickly i promise

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  • standingtall

    I have worked different jobs and have met several Spanish speaking people. Most of them have been polite and speak both languages which is fine with me because I would like to learn to speak Spanish. (looking for an online class) I like to hear their history of how they came to the USA . Many have been here for a few generations. Some are new and have families to support so they take low paying jobs but from what I can see are trying to better their lives financially.I think from what I've seen at work Spanish food is pretty healthy. I mean real Spanish food. Not stuff from taco bell which is fat a cardboard and plastic. ( I was informed of these fast food ingredients by a Mexican who worked at a fast food place)

    I think that sometimes when I go into a work place that is predominantly Spanish speaking they think I'm like all USA citizens because I'm white so they are not so friendly. Some even before they get to know me try to make me look bad on the job and get rid of me because they make assumptions about me. I think the older more mature Spanish speaking people are friendlier and easier to develop a rapport with because they are just plain more mature. Some have even been patient with me and taught me a few Spanish words. But there have also been some that just want the white people out of their work place and to bring in more Spanish.

    The USA is made of many nationalities and I find them all interesting. I think if all the working class stood together and pressed the government to create jobs we'd all be better off. Pitting Spanish speaking people and other nationalities against each other or pitting young and old against each other is just hurting the common man. I want to hold the people with the power to create jobs to the fire instead of pitting all peoples against each other.

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  • mirror...5

    All this hatered is stupid and will solve nothing!
    Grow up ...!all of you..learn to get along...
    Deep under the skin we are all human...

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    • Trueamerican65

      Tell the person who lost his job to an illegal to " just grow up". Trust me , i am grown. Im not being hateful or racist saying people doing illegal things should be prosecuted with the full force of the us law or deported back to mexico. Apparently enforcing laws and national security measures to you is childish but i assure you many people may think you are the naive one.

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      • manfred78

        Man you said that perfectly

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      • Jessss

        Life's not fair get used to it buddy

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  • andry

    Wowww!!! I´m looking for some homework at the net, and I found this website, and I really can't believe it!!!
    Of course I'm Mexican, born and grow in Sonora, México. Thanks god I didn't have the need to live in USA.

    Why do you say mexicans are lazy? Have you ever went out of your country? Mexicans are as smart and intelligent as anybody!!! We were born at the effort culture!!! I'm an University teacher and elementary school teacher here in México!!! I have my degree in education and two masters degree!! So we are prepared people, not dirty or whatever you said!!! I had had the opportunity to travel around the world and learn from different cultures, in europe people is very nice and by the way, they don't like americans!!!

    I just know that you have to understand that USA is a beautiful country and you have a mixture of races and cultures in one country, you don't have to discriminate or talk about other people like if they were nothing!!! you are an example of how different cultures can live together, be respectful with others and understand the differents points of view!! God bless you!!!! By the way in other countries people speak 4 languages, just go to France or Spain, just go!!!

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  • N3SSA

    dayumm this world is so fuckkked up were dirty were disgusting lazy if we were lazy we wouldn't be working in the field get ur facts straight I bet ur racist white people theses days not all of them are but yea ya are we hustle we get threw the day nd wat wat ya do sit nd watch like no it don't work like that Hustle Hustle all the time WOW WOW #keeping shitt real Brown pride!!!!!

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  • N3SSA

    Umm I had to say this there not lazy if there were lazy they would never be working in a field wat I bet u don't know what putaa is just hating on Mexicans cuz they can do it better shitt I bet ur white dayumm racist people theses days yea we have different skin tones but shitt ya don't have to hate BROWN PRIDE #keeping Shitt real
    ya da disgusting talking about Mexicans we keep shit real fuk wat ya have to say

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    • Notalone1

      yup. I wonder why they go tanning.

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  • big-country

    You are the dumbest bologna eating white trash mother fucker I have ever come across may you chock on the next hot dog you stuff down your lazy ass throat

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  • Livilashai

    I hope you get your ass kicked!! Your a piece of shit. Mexicans arent lazy, they probably work harder thanyou!! Your a fuckin bitch.mI a fucking high schooler and I understand that you shouldnt talk,about people that way.one day mexicans are goimg to start getting better jobs than you, they will be the majority and u will see how it is to get treated like complete shit!
    karmas a bitch sweetie, id watch my mouth if I were you
    <3 Livi

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    • Notalone1

      Right? That's why I see mexicans hard as hell while the white people are sitting down in their jobs and watching t.v.
      That's why they see a mexican working in landscape while the person is eating a donut.

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      • manfred78

        i love landscape and outdoor work and i am damn good at it and guess what i'm not hispanic

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        • manfred78

          thats because $7/hr tax free goes alot further in the third world so its more worth it i suppose

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          • manfred78

            it is worth it more for folks who will be sending the tax free $7/hr to a country where it is more like 28$/hr. I promise those jobs would be filled in a heartbeat if it became necessary.... i promise

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    • N3SSA

      VERYY TRuee!! agree with you@livilashai

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    • Mexihater

      You should try to hide your IP address.....

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      • manfred78


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        • manfred78

          not a big hider really

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  • Jeshua

    In the words of the south park rednecks " THEEAY TYOOKERJIIOOBS" lol I couldn't help it. ILLEGAL immigrants do effect the economy negatively but they aren't the only problem. I have no problems with Mexicans in general though. I've met many cool mexicans.

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    • Onebadassmexican

      We don't effect anything.if u guys got off your ass and worked hard,u might find or have a job.u have no one to blame but yourself.

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      • manfred78

        uh oh somebody mad at white man

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        • manfred78

          so in your mind which just seems so vast with knowledge let me tell ya you say white people in general are lazy and just sit on their asses and dont work hard? Is that what im gathering there brain?

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          • manfred78

            well you know what they say "fiction can be fun"😋

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  • ya-lyublyu-tebya

    You are full of hate, my friend. You will never be truly happy.

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    • iagree666

      I agree

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  • thisisnotcassandra

    Well I am half Mexican and Half cracker. First of all this isn't your country,it was the Native Americans. Second of all,yes some are rude but there's bad people in every race.

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    • fkmxcns

      Native Americans country, really? thats the argument u are going to make? Just because Mexicans already fucked up their own country doesn't mean they need to fuck up ours.

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      • Mexihater

        Tell em bro!

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        • Jessss

          Shut the fuck up ya American make me feel no pride of being American seriously , I'm as white as can be but what is good with many of you being so close minded judging a whole country

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        • Onebadassmexican

          Tell em bro.another ignorant fool

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          • topher20

            you just need to shut up...your like that coward bully who picks on people then hidebehind "muscle"to back you up u donkey raping shit eater

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      • Onebadassmexican

        People like your stupid ass,r ruining this country

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    • Mexihater

      Learn your facts stupido! NA's were not Native, they immigrated from Mongolia and it is a proven Fact that white europeans were here long before any Mongoloid so shut the fuck up you little peon!

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    • iagree666

      well its our country now!!! White power!!

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      • Onebadassmexican

        Brown Pride bitch.

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        • Merican

          Your proud your turd colored.

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          • Jessss

            Turd hmm seems like you have hate for that color...yet our president black ? Hmm good to know you hate it but clearly the president stills black

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      • Jessss

        White power...with a black president ? Hmm

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    • Trueamerican65

      Just way more illegals in the mexican population.

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    • Onebadassmexican

      Perfectly said

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    • dirtyrottenfaggot

      What you meant to say is half wetback and half white, beaner.

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    • dirtyrottenfaggot

      It would be nice to rape the shit out of you in prison.

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      • Onebadassmexican

        He would love that.in prison he'd b someone's bitch for sure

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  • we have the same trouble here with asians and they dont even know how to use a toilet the dirty fukers.

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    • slikshit50

      lol very true, some americans are so fucking blind they blame the mexcians, open your eyes honkers, its the chinks that are over populating, reproducing like rabits, they keep having babies till they get a boy, and give the rest for adoption, why do you think there are so many adopted chinks?

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      • Trueamerican67

        Lol this guy is mentally fucking retarded .No no that's not it , that's offensive to the mentally handicapped . This person is misinformed and has no basis in reality or any sources or stats to back up his wild claims that Asians are overpopulating and giving away there girls until they get boys . You are thinking of the 1 child policy , which exists in china only . Also, the Chinese reproducing in America has literally nothing to do with the topic at hand because they are reproducing perfectly legally . If they illegally immigrated here and then reproduced like "rabbits" as you said in your racist rant than I could see your point/comparison between the Asians and Mexicans , but most Asians immigrate here legally. A large portion of the Mexicans do not immigrate here legally - this is the topic at hand . Open your eyes ,or better yet research your facts before typing stupid things like that . 13 million illegal Mexicans at minimum are here in the us. Not even close to the Asians illegally coming here. Lol

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  • as a An AMERICAN i COMPLETELY have no idea what the fuk your problem is, i mean how do u feel know ing that americans are becoming a second world country because of fuk-tards like you ,,, DAMN you :) nice living when your forced to learn another language

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    • Trueamerican67

      "Our country is becoming a second world nation because fuck Tards like you"- You are blaming the countries troubles on people who want illegal mexicans out of our country ? What I conclude from that is that that you feel America's largest problem is that we have a border . Maybe we should just let anyone in the us and do away with our borders . It can just be mexi-Mercia where anything goes and there are no rules. Chaos would ensue. Think about it literally everyone would come to the us and use our great system . The country is going to hell because we lost our morals to stand up for what is right. I believe this happened because of political correctness, and making sure everything is always "fair". Get this buddy - life isn't fair, you don't just get whatever you want . There has to be rules - and every country in the world has borders and the right to enforce them. If you want to make it out to seem that people who support having a border are racist than I suggest you go to a country that has no borders ... Which doesn't exist

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  • sinocensio

    Everybody has a story, and a right to live their lives without all this hate….By the way, my family has been in California since it was a territory of Spain, (Zorro days to you ignatz people) Before that we belong to the Yaqui tribe of native people. So hey you get off of my cloud, and go back, to your European country, I was here first…
    p.s. the native American reference showed your ignorance and bigotness, like they still have bows and arrows, spears, and go on warpaths, one writer even states that was long ago, they are still here, vato!!! what a joke all of you haters are…that’s my United States of America,
    Another thing…all other nations subscribe to learning the languages and cultures of others, not us, we only want English, which is a language like all languages, in constant change. If you all would go back to the days of our founding fathers, you wouldn’t recognize the English language spoken. Besides that the English are constantly making fun of us for not speaking correct English. Especially coming from an American, ignorant of what it takes to make a true democracywork. An American ignorant of U.S. and World history, An American, with an opinion full of hot air and demonstrating how weak minded, uneducated, blaming others for who you are, abroke American with no job, very little skills, education and short minded, living day to day before you got fired.
    Hey I am proud of being a Mexican, proud to be an American, but am sad to see this once proud nation, splintered by haters, so much for united we stand divided we fall. How many are you are veterans? How many of you do your best to read, learn educated yourselves? How many of you hold jobs and are law abiding citizens – I mean never break laws including traffic laws? We are no better off when it comes to race relations, than in the 1950’s.
    I know because I have lived with this kind of hate all my life, coming out of the mouths of Anglos or white Americans like yourselves. Guess what I like myself, I love my family, and they are all brown like me.I don't want to look or live like you, nor do I want to live in your type of lifestyle. I want to live like I want to, always remembering where we came from, as you do.
    I am of Mexican descent, I am American, I fly one flag, the stars and stripes. I am not proud of the haters here that don’t want to bring this country back to what it once was. They just complain, watch tv, play video games, live for themselves without giving back to society, no educational, or professional goals, and don’t even vote.

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    • Yence

      Nice speech brother American ! But it sure sounds like you would vote for Pedro and all the politicians that would! Sounds like you would rather have a trespasser to have your fellow Americans job then anything too me? So if you are ashamed of your colors you had better seek another flag! And stop suckin ass with trespassers !

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      • fkmxcns

        i totally agree. If you want to be on their dicks then go to mexico and try to fix it

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    • Mexihater

      Go to hell you moron sympathist!

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  • sinocensio

    If you are a true American,then your character is of benevolence, love for all people, fair play, know your fellow citizens, judge by actions, not from your empty opinions full of hate, discord and separation of Americans. Polarizing ourselves,divisions of the races, cultures or other groups, which will weaken our defenses against our common enemies.
    Surely you know our history, our beliefs, our constitution, our reasons for being here, something unchangable from this point on. Spanish is the name of the language spoken by many Latin American countries, which are intelligent enough to speak American, Russian, Italian, or Chinese. Their schools require a foreign language. More people on earth speak Chinese than Americanized English, more people on earth speak Spanish, than American English, with its diversity and morphic makeup,incorporating new words, and foreign words as needed. from another country.

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  • em0kity808909

    yes 1st.native americans still care because this is there land technally 2nd.there now teaching kids in preschool spanish AND english i mean wtf3rd.if ur ganna be here speak our language 4th.i mean u dont see ppl at the store everytime speaking german japanesse or something its spanish

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    • lol@you!!!

      Ever been to a nail salon or a 99¢ store?hahaha you didn't even speak your language you learned it...I wish you really understood people and stopped talking out of your ass...how do you know they don't try to learn english ???hahahaa lol@you xP

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  • sinocensio

    Being Mexican is cultural,so what you hate is a culture of a nation, friendly at that…corrupt government, U.S. has stopped a lot of tyrants and governments that steal the peoples freedoms, but not Mexico. Why? All political, the Mexicans are sitting on oil reserves so large, but do not want U.S. companies squandering all the profits..So U.S policies currently are stepping lightly in stopping all the corruptness. The drug trade is fed by the American’s never ending hunger and demand for weed, meth, cocaine, and it’s not the average Mexican buying up the billion dollar drug trade. I can’t afford it nor do I want to…but the Americans keep their addictions, blaming others for their actions. The hate comes from your heart.

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  • OZKB

    Ok, your dumb. First of all Mexicans don't climb anywhere because there isn't really a fence to climb, stupid. Second they don't float anywhere either because we're connected to the US retard. Also, I know perfect English and have a great vocabulary and I'm Mexican, and effort means the same thing in both languages so I am pretty sure they know what it means, but you know what the funniest thing of all?

    "NO right to bee in out country" <--This is what you wrote and it seems like you need help with the English language yourself because I am pretty sure "bee" is an insect, and I think you ment "our" not "out" so before you start saying anything about us Mexicans not putting effort trying to learn English, you should put some effort into it too.

    Just don't run your mouth if you haven't done your research, Thank you.

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  • tintedcouture

    All of you are so ill informed. They cannot help escaping poverty and death in their own countries. If you were suffering, and smart enough, you would try to find a way out too.And BTW, only 50%% of the illegal immigrants are mexican.

    By the way, the US economy needs 750,000 new workers a year now to sustain itself. The US population is at a standstill. Less babies are being born. If it weren't for the Mexicans you hate so much, our country would collapse and cease to function as it does now.

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    • PokerRick

      Are you fucking serious? We have LOST millions of jobs in the last year. Hard working Americans who have played by the rules all their lives are out of work and will continue to be. You're fucking delusional if you think we need 750k new illegals a year just to "keep the country running." Oh and the birth rate is fine too and most of them being born are MEXICAN. Fuck you, and fuck the mexicans. We don't fucking need them, and in fact our system will implode under the stress of all the illegals. I swear the first politician to suggest that all poor and good for nothing mexicans be sterilized will get my vote.

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      • angievee

        if mexicans were so lazy, then why do they have all the jobs?
        MAYBE because they work harder then any american. but whutever, obviously some people need to do their research b*tches!!!


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        • Mexihater

          I would love to meet you....

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      • Jessss

        Life's not fair

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      • ymeyme

        Oh, Poker Rick.. I was not arguing your comments. I agree with them. When I said "you" I meant defenders of illegals.

        I've heard so many people use the argument that our country are just about of immigrants. So? So, are TONS of other countries! We are still a country and immigrants must obey the rules in place just like everyone else.

        Obama will accomidate them. Rich CEO will get to keep their cheap nannies. Day laborers will still work there.

        And you know what is also going to happen???

        Now, that they will become legal, the ones that learn English will spread out and into the positions that TONS of American citizens are ALREADY fighting for! Companies will accomidate so they can get rewarded for "diversifying" their staff. They will be desirable because they know Spanish and will get hired to help speak to the now-legal Hispanics who haven't learned English.

        All these supporters of letting the illegals stay are not going to see the strain and issues it'll cause because they will deny being wrong. They'll distracts the rest of the country from accepting responsiblity in allowing MILLIONS of people to be added to the already strained population. They will not see it because there has not been drastic, immediate results. They only see cheap labor that keeps the rich, rich. We only have ourselves to blame; the greedy, self-absorbed biz owners have the most influence.

        It makes my heart sore.

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      • ymeyme

        You know what I hate most about all this? That millions of Hispanics came here illegally because they know that the country CAN'T do anything about it. Why do people go on about poverty in their own country and how America is founded on immigrants that they should be able to come and go as they please? And why is it that when citizens or legal immigrants complain the complete lack of respect for the country's rules, we are automatically labeled racist, xenophobic, or ignorant rednecks? Hypocritical. If your argument was correct then all races who have treated America the same way the illegal Hispanics have: that they do NOT care about anything about making the US Dollar.

        They do not care about rules and requirements. Then they go on about "God Bless America" and "American Dream," ANYTHING to appeal to the sympathy of people who could vote them in for FREE. What about all the immigrants who worked hard and saved up and learned English to come here according to the country's rules. As a citizen, I find it offensive that so many people don't consider us a REAL country because European immigrants came here against the Native American population. The only people who don't care about the illegals are those who benefit for the extremely cheap labor, who are Hispanic, & those who the illegals do not directly affected by them. And now they are telling us that we can not call them illegals-- the nerve that they demand me to accomidate THEM any more then I've HAD to because rich CEOs etc want their 10k/year Nanny/Housekeeper/Landscaper/Assistants.

        I don't have an issue with immigrants. I have an issue with the millions of people who said they do not have to do what it TAKES to become a citizen and they don't need to learn Engish and they can demand citizens to accomidate them despite that fact. They ARE taking jobs and once President Obama approves the illegal immigrants citizenship or makes it really easy to become a citizen we will see more of a strain on our economy. We will see that they are not going to learn English. We will watch the thousands of American college grads having a harder time finding work. We will see legal immigrants who want to come here that they can't because there are NO JOBS to support them. We will see Americans suffer; we will most likely experience a depression.

        That is why I am upset at the illegals.

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        • Jessss

          Go to sleep

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        • ymeyme

          I am not going to apologize for being an American.

          I'm not going to apologize for not wanting to allow any race to come here illegally.

          I'm not going to apologize how our country is founded.

          I'm not going to apologize for being patrotic in any degree.

          If we cared to delve into every other country's founding we will find a lot of WRONGING others! Does that make their country NOT a real country??? No.

          If I moved to Germany, I will have to learn the language. They won't be required to accomidate my laziness and disregard for their rules/regulations by allowing me work/citizenship/housing/medical care. And I don't expect them to apologize for it and I'm not going to call them racist or xenophobic for it.

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          • ymeyme

            A hard working person respects and abides by the rules in place. <BR><BR>Overwhelming a country ILLEGALLY, not learning English just to MAKE MONEY is not working hard.. it's: overwhelming a country illegally, not learning Engish just to make money. <BR><BR>An immigrant who is hard working and wants to come to America WORKS HARD to become a citizen or applies for a Visa the way that the country has it set up!<BR><BR>If it was too hard or too complicated, then how do you expain how SO MANY LEGAL IMMIGRANTS were able to do it?!

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            • Jessss

              Or wow many do try, seen it with my own eyes quite being close minded just because they don't learn it quite dont mean nothing , you trying going some where else and learn the language fast without knowing nobody

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  • joker47

    you know what u fucktards, give the land back to the natives!

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  • Aedion

    Did you just say they're lazy, and in the same breath say they're taking all our jobs?

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    • iagree666

      I agree

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    • fkmxcns

      and tortillas, and fat greasy chicks

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  • yeahright

    i wonder what the native americans think about us being in their country and not learning navajo or whatever it is they speak? at least the mexicans havent committed genocide!

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    • chris66

      please stop with all the native american crap...............that was like 200 years ago! THIS IS NOW!

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      • PokerRick

        For sure. They sold their fucking land for some beads and blankets. Whose fucking fault is that? The shits going to hit the fan with the immigration debate. The whites are pissed, but they're in the minority. The thing is, that even spanish descendants who have lived here for over 10 generations are beginning to DESPISE these fucking invaders. My family is one of them. I think the blacks can be persuaded to side with us. When that happens we mow down the mexicans like they mow the lawn.

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        • slikshit50

          beads and blankets? your ignorance just makes me laugh, typical honker like you, this is about it, the education you rednecks and whitetrash faggots get. You Americans are so hypocritical, just wait till the day all of latin america and other countries declare war at the same time on the U.S. this day i will savor.

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          • Mexihater

            I will savor choking the life out of you!

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        • Jessss

          Woah your the dumbest person by far first of all judging a whole race and second sounding like how the whites hated the black back in the day, get it together wasting your time writing a paragraph of you sound like a dumb ass, just go to sleep so Ignorent I'm American myself and I disagree

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        • Notalone1

          Actually the president sold it for WHITE prostitudes!

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        • Mexihater

          Hell yeah brother, I am aware that Most Americans are getting really tired of these filthy parasites, the news does not show it and it is not apparent in cites where the parasites live, but White America is going to rise up and destroy you all!

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      • slikshit50

        we could say the same thing about jesus christ and the jews "killed" him. fyi jesus was jewish so suck a cock

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      • Mexihater

        Absolutely! Also, NA were not even Native, it is a proven fact that WHITE Europeans were discovered here first, "Natives" were from Mongolia not the US!

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      • iagree666

        I agree...

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  • your dumb, they r purposely let over here by rich people as a way of cheap labor. you jus dnt like them cuz u dnt think they deserve to be in a country that u didnt even do anything to help, they have done more than you have, quit tryna make yourself feel better by getting down on mexicans, yes, this makes you a racist. accept it

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  • chuy

    Yo Trump go fuck up Twitter with all your stupid shit and leave IIN alone.

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  • Aztecaymaya

    If you buy, steal, invade or take the half of China, it is going to be a high possibility to have 500 to 700 millions of Chinese people, don't try to find blonde people speaking English.

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  • Mexicano9255

    If us Mexicans were not here your economy would be at 17% proble
    Btw I've never seen a Mexican throw trash on the road I've seen a lot ok white people throw trash on the roads and you Guys don't now the meaning of filthy

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    • chuy

      So true

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  • Mexicano9255

    Btw You rednecks are all wrong about Mexicans I'm a Mexican and I'm not raciest and you are and btw when I am bigger I wanna join the military see all Mexicans are not bad

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  • ~may~

    Okay I'm not gonna critizize you for having an opinion or thoughts. I am Mexican/American, my parents are illegal. My parents work at a farm and they took this job because in Mexico they didn't offer as many jobs as they do in America they simply came here for a better life. They came here to give their children a better life. My parents didn't want to choose this job, they actually hate this job. They didn't have a choice. They work for what they have my parents worked very hard to get their 2015 escalade, Cadillac. They worked hard to give us a home. Racism is no joke we take it very seriously we are quite peaceful people I think your thoughts have actually been making these people act the way they act. I think you just fell into meeting the wrong people. It's not bad but just keep it to yourself you don't need to be there friend just be nice.

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  • heretohelpyounow

    The best thing a Mexican can do is be honest about their giant shortcomings and then integrate into the United States and get as far away from the Mexican failure that already destroyed his own country. The Mexicans need to realize that they destroyed their country and that's all they can do and to seek spiritual redemption. Sure they will always hurt other countries like the U.S.A., but at least they can learn to act better. It will required a system of lifelong learning for Mexicans to suck less than they currently do. Of course, they will always suck, but Godspeed for a solution. Perhaps genetic altering the the upcoming centuries can help them to be more like someone else and less like themselves:)

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    • heretohelpyounow

      There is hope for Mexicans. Of course they can never be cured of the illness and shortcomings but they can learn to hurt others "less". As of right now, the best and brightest Mexicans minds of the male gender are locked up in Prisons throughout the state and lost their minds years and years ago which they gave to street drugs, shooting kids playing, and on and on...

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  • heretohelpyounow

    Mexicans and Muslims are ruining the World...
    They can't do anything else. They can't fix anything. They can't do anything good. And they can't even talk to people in a good way.
    There really is no hope for them and they have ruined California and many other places.
    Mexicans are the one who ruin paradise,

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  • heretohelpyounow

    The Mexican people are so ugly because the popular male in their culture is always the fat chollo who dates and marries the prettiest available girls. In the mexican culture the fat chollo is the most popular by far. What the pretty girl doesn't realize is that she will have ugly babies and this is the reason why 85% of the Mexican population is always ugly.

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  • heretohelpyounow

    The Mexican culture is a bully and coward system that does not recognize the police, government, or military as its authority. The fat chollo "bully" is the hero of the community despite being poor, stupid, and selling drugs. The coward who cowers to the chollo or bully is the communities "good person" who is exercising faith in the fat chollo "bully" to protect their neighborhood which does not recognize and outside authority although they are quick to inform the police of anything that is not a protected area. The chollo's can commit any crime they want and it is not reportable. The crimes that are reportable by mexicans are for example a white american vagrant who simply passes out.

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  • heretohelpyounow

    Mexicans are dominating people who will always dominate Americans because that is how they are by nature. Even though Mexicans are far smaller, less intelligent, and ugly, they will still dominate Americans because they know no other way.

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  • Blancoandbrown

    I just don't get why people hate Mexicans so much.
    My mom is Mexican and my dad is white so I can really comment on this crap.
    Bye y'all losers I'm gonna go jerk off

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  • _alex.r34

    How about you first take the time to learn your own fucking language by learning how to fucking spell, then come talk shit you fucking white redneck piece of shit.

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  • mickrussom

    Mexicans are scum and we have let too many in. These scum are stupid, they are violent, druggies unenlightened and don’t value education or getting out of the scum slime low level station in life. They are ignorant idiots that cant speak proper Spanish correctly nor English, wave their stupid flags and drink their garbage beer and cook their disgusting food which is dirty and stinks. Also Soccer pretty much sucks in general and the Mexicans suck at it. They refuse to play baseball or American football or anything we do here. Their music is pure dog crap as well. Horrible. Mexico is garbage and has done nothing in their history but debase the USA.

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  • mel899

    More white people are on welfare than any other group. Base your arguments on real facts instead of stereotypes you uneducated fucktards

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  • a23

    fuck! how many fucking baby's can you fucking have all you Mexican girls are fucking sluts fucking close your legs bitches or buy a condom that actually works, oh wait you cant because you guys crossed the border and have no jobs so you count on food stamps and fucking Obama care. Fuck you MEXICANS! and fuck Obama care, piece out niggas! I'm so pissed I'm gonna go look for a beaner and punch that fucking animal in the face.

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    • chuy

      Exuse you but I seen a white girl hauling a train of 7 or 8 kids. I just inagine a sow and her pigglets lol.

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  • nornor

    What the hell is this fucking fool talking about? I know I joined the conversation late, but darn this fool is crazy. First of all, this person does NOT know how to spell and second of all, he is fucking racist. Does he not know that Mexicans are more hard working than Americans? There are willing to do the jobs Americans aren't. While you sit in the air conditioner these people are working, busting their asses in the heat. Think about them when you're driving, because thanks to them you have paved streets.

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  • justdealwithit

    People say Mexicans are lazy. They aren't lazy. They are hardworking diligent and motivated. The will lie, cheat, steal and work the system do get whatever they want and need for their family. That's it. They have no respect for anything that is not Latino. They have no respect for America at all. I need some work done? I look on CraigsList and all I see are illegal Mexicans doing work illegally. They don't pay taxes, they don't follow proper immigration procedures. Because they don't care. They want what they want and they will do whatever it takes to get it. Its that simple. It really is. Sure, there are some exceptions. Those that were raised here and actually care about this country. But their parents or grandparents were probably illegal. They don't want to learn english. They don't want to work for a contractor's license. They operate at a level of desperation that gives them permission to do anything at all that they need to do to get what they need done done. Period. And its funny. Because Asians come here legally. And they are dirt cheap so they happily hire illegal Mexicans to do sub-par work that is not up to code because they don't want to pay someone who has gotten the education, done the journeyman work, and studied to get a license. Licensed contractors cost more money for a reason. They have to pay insurance. They have to pay taxes. Do illegal Mexicans. No. Of course not. Are you kidding? Why should they? They get away without doing it the *right* way.

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  • optimistprime6

    You guys are so ignorant generalizing a whole nationality for something some Mexicans do. Those who hate are really pussies who blame others for their misery. Get your facts straight, Mexicans can't get welfare, health care, pension, insurance, food stamps, driver licenses, educational funding and they STILL manage to get jobs over you (if this is your true complain). They got their shit together. Americans have more opportunities but they take them for granted. Even in the south west, I only see White Hobos NEVER a Mexican hobo. Tell me why if Americans have an SS# and government help this is possible? If you REALLY need money then settle for minimum wage. Build yourself up. Do what you have to do. Life isn't given to you on a silver plate, get off your ass and stop blaming others. Im a DACA resident meaning I was brought here at a young age against my will. I don't get the rights a citizen gets so I cant apply for FASFA or anything for college. Then last week I applied for a private State University and in less than a week I was accepted and given the Provost Scholarship just because of my grades (school starts in a month). So now I have 1/3 of my whole tuition paid for me just like that and I'm not a citizen. So tell me again how I 1-upped Americans? lol its funny how you guys have more of an advantage yet some of y'all fail. I'm also a moderately successful local model so that's a plus ^-^

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  • stupidmexicansandspics

    Fuck it there's to many of these spictards now. When they ran their countries into the ground they were/are able to come here. When these spictards get active in politics which will come this country will go to shit. Problem is where the fuck do we go when the succeed. For you spictards and hippie speakers hate me for my opinion but answer this how long can we sustain with these shidiots coming here? 10 20 30 million?

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  • fuckbeaners

    I live in south western state where bearers are the majority of population. My next door neighbor is Fucking filthy uneducated midget brown Mexican mestizo squatters and they are a typical wetback bearer spic taco eating dirtbag mexicans. They are fucking everywhere. Schools, banks, malls, grocery stores, at work, hospitals, all you hear is little brown wetbacks running around and speaking that disgusting bearer language. They are far worse than blacks. They are bankrupting the country and we should have never permitted these parasites immigrated into this beautiful country. I fucking hate them all.

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  • aspenn

    I've worked for Social Services in Colorado for 17 years. People who are saying negative things about Hispanics are right. Some stated their opnions with a lot of anger and name calling which I don't like, but basicly what they are saying is correct. Hispanics are in fact a serious problem and if the government does not wake up and do something about it soon, the western states of the USA will be destroyed, then this destruction will begin moving east.

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  • Ihatewetbacks

    Mexicans have DESTROYED California and other states are following suit! California is bankrupt because you lazy dumb non English speaking beans can't get off your fat lazy asses and do something! You make me fucking sick! You spray paint your stupid shit all over the place and turn nice areas into little Mexico's! I don't hate so don't take this as a hateful reply or a racist one because I know that is your natural response! I am just sick of all the fucking BS that Mexicans bring! They do nothing to help the economy they bring there bullshit culture and stupid ways and try to force them down Americans throats! They suck off the welfare system and us tax payers! They have bankrupt our health care system also! You can't even fucking speak ENGLISH nor do you even try and just to let you know YOU ARE IN AMERICA YOU DUMB SHIT!!!! You guys bring disease and your fucking roaches like there is no tomorrow!! Basically this is EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE!

    MEXICANS move to an area and suck every single natural resource that there is until all is drained and exhausted!! And when there is NOTHING left and every thing is fucking dead what do they do??? They MOVE TO ANOTHER AREA and start all over!!! The ONLY other organism in the world that does this exact same thing is a VIRUS!!!!!! That is what you Mexicans are!!!, A FUCKING VIRUS!!!!!! California, Arizona, Texas and many more states no thanks to you Mexicans are almost dead! Everything is being sucked dry and consumed by you and your filth! It makes me sick and I wish something could be done!!! I pray one day that a revolution arises and your fucking filth is removed from our once great fucking nation!!!!!!!!!!! I can guarantee you this one thing Mexican! If you and your trash family was removed and sent back to your bullshit piece of shit country over night this country would get out of debt, close down half the prisons because they now would be empty and welfare could again help those that really need it! Also crime would drop by THOUSANDS OF PERCENTS!!!!!!!!!! Our healthcare would not be taxed and crippled any longer and our neighborhoods would once again be clean and disease free and safe! You see, you Mexicans do way more damage then you think (understandable because you are dumb as fuck) and I pray to GOD one day the great people of this nation will see this (starting too ) and finally say ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Send these fucking beaners back to Mexico where they belong!!!!! We should then build a wall that trumps the wall of china and have high tech missiles and automatic weapons pointed over to Mexico and when any fucking beaner is seen getting close to the wall we would kill on site!! Then maybe our country could start repairing itself and become healthy again. I'll stop now but I can go on and on and on about this issue! Makes me sick to see what is going on and there is nothing I can do to fix it! The people of this great nation need to band together and say ENOUGH!!!!!! And do something about this massive epidemic!

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    • Jessss

      Woah your the dumbest person by far first of all judging a whole race and second sounding like how the whites hated the black back in the day, get it together wasting your time writing a paragraph of you sound like a dumb ass, just go to sleep so Ignorent I'm American myself and I disagree

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  • Osiris156

    First of all America is a melting pot and Mexicans are not the only illegal and legal immigrants also because of immigrants legal and non legal is how The United States became about. you think that the Asians didn't take part in building America in the gilded age. America was build from people from every country why do you think English is based of off other languages if u think k being American is being white your stupid that's why our president isint white or Miss America is of Indian decent. so stay prejudice racist who think whites are real Americans get an education idiots and call Mexico a horrible place is that why so many white people go there for vacation? dumb asses it's not like U. S is at its best with a debt to China and and bad economy.

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  • miguelone

    World, ya milkface fuckas

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  • miguelone

    Just so you all know ,the u.s is a country if immigrants,and the whites and blacks were the original immigrants,unwanted and greedy ,and the si called 'great nation' they built ,was a greedy murderous one, because my ancestors(80 % tepehuano indian)lived on this land that knew no borders, just tribes, theylived off te land and loved it ...but with the arrival of the infectuous greedy spaniards an d the disease ridden louse covered anglos , yoy have turned this country into a sorry ass country that has never been yours to begin with, the way i see it, is since us mexicans are just about the closest youll ever come to witnessing a real indegenous american, since u wiped the weak ones out, ee are reclaiming what is ours...lifes a bitch ,and so is payback,..the atrocities ur ancestors commited will no go overlooked, we are here to stay so, live with it, its a brown word :-)

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  • Jfdp

    Ok, now im not even American, but heres a question concerning the whole "This land belongs to the native americans" thing, consider this, if it wasn't for the European immigrants and their revolution against the british, the USA as we know it (And the whole modern concept of democracy) wouldn't exist- you can atleast give the "Crackers credit for the fact that say, florida is florida and not the "Seminole Republic"

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  • jerrybrock

    you have to look at history. if it was not for white people Mexicans would be speaking French.

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  • IamAmericaYOUareNOT

    Fucking native americans got fucked over not because of us but because they were unwilling to accept change and adapt. I mean we show up with horses and fucking guns and technology son, theyre still smokin peace pipes in a house made out of mud or cowskins.

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    • Jessss

      Right? So American should adapt to illegal people, life's not fair

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  • freespin66

    Fuck the illegal gibberish speaking brown fucks. Mexican, Salvadorian, Guatemalan, it doesn't matter they are all fucking stupid fucks. Roaming in packs drinking beer behind gas stations at 330 in the afternoon. Fucking eyesores all of you fucking brown fucks are the asshole of america I fucking cannot stand hearing that bullshit spick music with the same bassline over and over as you dream about a new lawn mower and a 6 pack of tall boys. The fucking immigrants are the only one living the Ame(r)xican dream. Americans are suffering and having to put up with this infestation of cocksucking sweatbuckets everywhere we look. Take pride in our country Americans need to stand up and do something about this shit they are raping our country. Think of America as a sweet little girl. you dont want this sweet little girl to be raped do you. # FuckBeaners Take a stand Send them Back!
    Question for beaners-
    If you fucking spicks are so good at cleaning and landscaping why the fuck does your country suck goat dick? Honestly everywhere in Mexico that isnt a resort is fucking gross like a fucking rest area bath room. Take pride in your home country go back to mexico you fucking cunts!

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    • Jessss

      Woah your the dumbest person by far first of all judging a whole race and second sounding like how the whites hated the black back in the day, get it together wasting your time writing a paragraph of you sound like a dumb ass, just go to sleep so Ignorent I'm American myself and I disagree

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  • Trueamerican65

    I am a hard working consrvstive minded American originally from the north. I moved to the southern US at a rather early age and have grown up there - so i know how the white "red necks " think.Many of them are lazy, your correct. Many of them are on welfare and do not contribute. But you know what they are? True Americans. No matter how hard mexicans that come here and illegally work they still are illegal criminals who will be taking more from the US than they are putting in. Maybe if an illegal mexican came here and cured cancer or developed a new biofuel they could be considered worthy of staying, but honestly we do not need an influx of immigrants, legal or illegal, coming to the US to do meisely lawn and paint jobs. We dont need any more fence painters, we need qualified professionals in new industrys to promote the vertical movement of the american economy. The truth is that you can pick out a few lazy americans who arnt putting anything into society and bitch at other races because they cant get jobs, but i can pick out 11 million illegal immigrants, all of which do not contribute because they are undocumented and get paid under the table thus paying no federal income taxes but somehow these people get access our medical attention, police, fire fighters, education system and almost all other ammenities that americans are so lucky to afford. I mean how can you really think that having 11 million more people in a country illegally competing for jobs wont hurt the people in that countrys chance of obtaining a good job. Its so plainly obvious . Its an economial principal of supply and demand. The more people in the workforce , the less supply of jobs. Especially when one party is willing to work for pennies on the dollar.

    Oh by the way i love when people from mexico try to poke fun at our educational system. Your people cross rivers and jump fences to have a shot at our public schools , which you are right, they arnt that great! But guess what, theyre great compared to 2nd world nations like mexico! Plus who gives a shit about our public educational system . Its colleges that really matter, and oh ya i almost forgot, ours are some of the worlds BEST . I went to one, a major university that i choose not to name , but lets just say it costs more to attend 1 semester than your average countryman makes in a year . But guess what, it doesnt matter because ill be making 100k by the time im 25, practically your countrymans life expectancy. Ha

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    • Advenger

      You are doing well not to mention the the university you went (in your dreams) because you don't know how to write "arnt" ha ha ,poor idiot, "Some of the Worlds Best", you need to study more

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      • Trueamerican65

        Whats wrong with my grammar this time professor beaner lover. Some of the world's best is proper english and so is aren't. I dont know what your criticizing me about . I guess i misspelled aren't the first time, ohhh that must mean im dumb. Haha i just laugh at you and how you think i am poor and uneducated because of my viewpoint. I guess you just cant get it through your head that many successful people share my viewpoints and just cannot express them openly because of fear of being fired/look upon as racist in this severely liberal politically correct society we live in . Now again , for the last time, do not criticize my writing skills , especially when you are incorrect. Please go back, read what i posted, and try to come up with some counter argument other than telling me my grammar is off( especially when its not ) haha.

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        • Advenger

          No, poor homosexual lover, you must be fucking with a "beaner", poor idiot, yes, animal you went to college and you write like an animal, you can even read about your education, ha, ha, poor stupid gay.

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          • Trueamerican66

            What are you even saying? That was just one long run on sentence that conveyed absolutley nothing to me other than the fact that you are extremley unintelligent and need to shut up. Either that, or you need learn how to actually post something with substance that makes sense. How about you answer the question this thread is about, "is it wrong to hate illegal immigrants", we can also get into other questions like" are illegal immigrants hurting america , and what should america do about it". How about you answer my question -why my country should accept your 11 million illegal immigrants?

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        • Advenger

          Yes imbecil, but you didn't write it correctly, poor stupid, animal. Yes you don't know why I am criticizing because you are really stupid to understand, you wrote arn't do you remember poor, idiot stupid. No fucking idiot, you are incorrect. I am not ask you to read your idiocy again, it is too much for you stupid.

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          • Trueamerican66

            Its trueamerican65 , just changed my name . I find it unbelieveable you are still critizing my ability to spell. You spelled "imbecile" inncorrectly . The rest of your posts made no sense gramatically . I dont know why you are critizing my spelling / grammer when you can barely communicate with me. It is obvious that you have nothing of substance to add to our convorsation. Why dont you go look at some of the things i have written about you and your people and lets have a meaningful debate rather than you merely calling me an animal and an idiot. I know why you keep stalling and stonewalling. Its because you have no reasonable response to the issues i have raised and questions i have asked.

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      • Trueamerican65

        Hahaha i went to the university of ga. Ranked in top 300 universities in world. Dumbass

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        • Jessss

          Ranked top 300? Who gives a shit

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  • jolie4u


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    • Jessss

      Woah your the dumbest person by far first of all judging a whole race and second sounding like how the whites hated the black back in the day, get it together wasting your time writing a paragraph of you sound like a dumb ass, just go to sleep so Ignorent I'm American myself and I disagree

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  • Onebadassmexican

    I can't believe u lazy ass whiteboys r talkin shit about Mexicans.we don't take jobs from no one.we take jobs no one wants.we r workers not crybabies.let me see u guys in the fields at 110degrees picking strawberries,etc so your lazy asses can buy them for your families.in the construction field a lot of us r laborers digging trenches,picking up dirt,doing the stuff that u lazy asses don't want to do.so now u want to bitch and complain about us getting yourjobs.get your lazy asses up and go apply for them jobs that we so call Mexicans take from u.were proud strong,hard working mexican people that had to work for everything we have.we know how it is not to have,so we work doing whatever it takes to provide for our family,not like u guys on this site complaining crying about how u can't find a job.u guys r pathetic and if I was white i'd b ashamed.so stop complaining and finding excuses why u dont have a job and do something about it.VIVA LA RAZA,BROWN PRIDE forever.where here forever so get used to it bitches.also there a lot of us that do speak great English.try learning a second language little kid and then talk


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  • pdavbnhs

    @ CyrusTG you are so right... and then to be a white republican... i respect that sir.

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  • we are all immigrants.mexicans are indians they originated from the aztecs.some idget just made an imaginary line between mexico and a few states,they have a right to be here.BY the way english is the hardest language to learn in the world.do yourself a favor & get educated.

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    • fkmxcns

      better look that one up again retard. English is not even close to the hardest language to learn. maybe you are the one needing education

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      • Jessss


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  • kitty_purrr

    actually, yeahright is right. although, I'm shocked by the ignorance of everyone else.

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  • slikshit50

    i dont recall a cracker honker ever having a better education or manners, your all the same, go watch some nascar and drink some of your shit tasting beer. faggot ass americans

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    • iagree666

      go back to mexico

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      • Youarestupid

        GIVE US OUR STATES BACK! And than we will all
        go back to Mexico .

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      • Mexihater


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    • Trueamerican65

      The majority of the american population is better educated than the majority of the mexican nation. Its not disputable. Mexico isnt even a first world nation .

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  • sinocensio

    Hey Haters; Are you really from America? Are you really white, if you think so stand by a white painted wall, or put your arm against this white background? Are you one of those lazy ignorant wannabe skaters, can't get educated enough to hold a depression proof career? Or are you so lazy to pick up a book and study, asking for handouts not from the gov. but from mama and daddy or your girlfriend with AFDC funds for your kids? A true American, would not speak with such ignorance, check it out please.

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  • CyrusTG

    Hispanic illegal aliens are the hardest working and most respectful people I've ever met. You fat lazy rednecks and union members that hate them are pathetic. You ate cheeseburgers, drank beer, and played video games while our country borrowed trillions of dollars to pay for your unsustainable, glutinous lifestyle. You losers have zero justification to pass judgment on humble people that are simply trying to feed their families. It's your fault. Man up for ONCE in your life and deal with it. Or shove another hostess cupcake in your mouth and tune into to Limbaugh. He'll tell you exactly what you WANT to hear.

    Disclaimer: I'm a white registered Republican who is tired of watching my weak-minded, lazy countrymen demonize immigrants.

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    • fkmxcns

      Thats because you are not actually exposed to them. I've worked with 33 of them for 6 years, all of them have changed their names like 8 times. They are lazy pieces of shit. Disrespectful, racist, rude pieces of shit. So don't give me that crap if you don't know what your talking about.

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    • Trueamerican67

      i bet there are a lot of hard working thieves and drug dealers too. Does that mean we should look past the crimes they have commited, because after all they are "hard working". i dont give a fucking shit if an illegal works 24 hours a day 7 days a week, he is still here illegally and should be sent the fuck home! period. We are not "demonizing immigrants". I love immigrants who come here legally, after all we are all immigrants. I am talking about the 12 million illegal immigrants, so stop making it seem that people who support border securtiy are racists and dont like immigrants. Playing the race card is the easiest way to make someones point not valid. Just simply say that what they are doing is racist, no one will look into it further. Protecting the border is not racist- all countries do it.

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  • stephanierawrsyou

    First of all stop hating on Mexican's it's not our fault we want to do something with our lives so get off the sac. Mexican's work harder then almost any race would. It's true they probally fired your ass because you were to lazy to work harder then we would. &we don't care how much we get paid, if it's minimum wage or not because when we get our pay check we're proud, we worked hard for it, unlike some people. &this is coming from a 16. yr old. so kiss our mother,fucking asses and idgaf if i spelled anything wrong you're no better then me or anyone else.

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    • Mexihater

      Go back home you stupid little anchor baby!

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      • Onebadassmexican

        Go back.wow your more stupider than I thought.read your history foo.we r home

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        • Trueamerican65

          Read your history "foo". We won that little war over a hundred years ago that disputed the borders between the us and mexico. Your side lost horribly. In fact we could have at any point in our countrys history absolutly annihilated your nation. I personally am not against turning mexico into a giant wasteland barrier that seperates us from the rest of latin america by force but seeing as your cockroaches of human beings have created this forementioned wasteland by themselves it seems pointless. however seeing as your human trash keeps spilling over our border i hope we do some serious cleaning up by sending you alll back home. Oh ya and go look at An atlas right now and you will see that the ameican/mexican border currently lies at the rio grande. You know that river your back got a little wet from backstroking it to your new homeland you claim to be mexico. Maybe arizona and texas and california and new mexico are still part of mexico in some old textbook you read at your mexican school! Ha

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          • Advenger

            Yes idiot you won that little war over a hunder years ago, right stupid? Guess what, animal, you weren't born over a hundred years ago. Since you have no accomplishment you think you fought that war poor fucking animal. "in our countrys history", poor idiot, are you sure you went to college, fucking looser. Keep waiting for the serious cleaning you want idiot, maybe you will be very old when that happens stupid

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            • Trueamerican65

              What does me not being born have to do with it. Your seriously going to argue that because my ass wasnt at the alamo i have no claim to my land? is that what your trying to babble about? Non point. You loose. Try again. You called me an idiot so many times, its probably the only english word he knows to talk trash with. Trust me i am no "idot". My iq is 130. I am above average . I also probably have a better education and certainly a greater outlook of the world than you. You need to tell me exactly how i am an "idiot" because so far i just see evidence that points to you being the idiot.

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        • Merican

          No your not home pussy your just to stupid to know how to read a map. Pretty much like the rest of your dumbass dirty beaner race.

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          • Advenger

            "your not home pussy" In any case would be "you're not home, pussy", learn to write and then ask some to read a map....

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            • Trueamerican65

              Actually there is no comma. It is you're not home pussy. Again though, we are not here to debate grammer, although you probably need a lesson or two. We are here to debate why you think you are entitled to be an american without going through our immigration process. I want to know why you believe mexicans should have every american priveledge when they are in american held lands illegally? I want to know why we shouldnt just round up all 11 million of the crimenelos and castrate them before we send them back to the shithole mexico so they cant reproduce more little border jumpers

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  • what_surrounds_me


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    • Trueamerican66

      "Your just spending your time hating on some other race to make up for personal problems."-

      Ya? I actually dont have many personal problems and i sure dont have a problem with mexicans. This issue does not have to do with race, every single issue liberals have to make the situation about race. No, it is not race, it is about breaking laws. Actually, since 9/11 and el chapo and other gangs taking over mexico, it is more about national security than anything. We dont have a problem with the canadian border, and it isnt because the canadians are mostly white, it is because there is not 11 million illegal canadians running amok in america like there is with the mexicans. So for the last time you ignorant "progressive" idiot, enforcing our border is not racist Get it? Got it? Good?

      "You probably didnt know you cant get all the welfare, scholarships, benefits that legal citizens recieve."

      Yes i did know that. But did you know that not all americans get those benefits either. Poor them- they are actively commiting a crime with every breath they inhale of my countries air and your rationalizing them being here by saying they cant get on the taxpayers back and collecting welfare. Plus you missed the point completely. How about this DID YOU KNOW that we cannot turn away illegal immigrants under our healthcare system. So lets say pablo wants a million dollar surgery. All he has to do is come here illegally and go to a doctor and they cannot turn him away . The bill is paid by me and all the other ACTUAL hard workers. How about this DID YOU KNOW that mexican kids can come and use our schools and even public colleges - all paid for by you probably already guessed.. We the people who pay federal income taxes-not illegal immigrants. So no you dont have to be on welfare or have a scholarship to be taking advantage of our great system . Get it? Got it? Good!

      "Mexicans work for a living that other legal americans wont work for."

      No no no! They will undercut even the minimum wage, remember they dont report the income to uncle sam, so it isnt like they care about a "minimum wage". Plus who is to say that just because they work for dirt means they can come here illegally. Its all a bunch of bullshit . Plenty of 16 yo kids and uneducated people who are legal residents, regardless of the persons race, need these jobs and they are getting screwed over by the competition of illegal labor.

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  • kallm3crzyitzme

    omfg uu aree juss aa haterr on mexicans wtf have they dont to uu i bet ur just a person who is full of trash and actually other people are the lasy ones cus we are actually tryin too help yaa out soo damnn iiff uu havee a probelm uu jusss need somee damn therapy wenn mexicans are nto concidered imagrentss ii bet uu willl regret it soo dan g much !!!!! cus ther is both good and bad mexaicans as well as whites black asians etcc...soo yeaa but u really have a problem like seriously dont say that especaiily online thatss just horrible i think god would not llike ur descrimanitation we are all borhters and sister like marthin luther king sed wee shoudl not b judged by the color of our skin but by the conetent of our character!

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    • Trueamerican65

      So mexicans should be disregarded when it comes to our immigration rules because they have harsh lives in mexico. TOUGH SHIT. Deal with it. Im not racist for wanting people to immigrate here legally and god wont look down on me for making sure people follow the just laws that are put on this planet. We cant just have people crossing international borders as they please and living in any country they choose. The country absolutely has a say in whether or not that person can get in. It is not discriminating or racist to ask people to go through a process that we set up for immigration. It is however cowardly to immigrate to a country and leave your homeland simply because your country has hardships. Your country has hardships because your people have no dignity and are lazy. Our country is prosperous because we have the best and brightest -aka- white men. If we keep letting low class idiots with no skillsets into the us we will become just that. A country with no skills. Thd machine is only as good as its components. So i say we only let in the best and brightest, most of which do not come from mexico. The best and brightest come from america, so in my honest oppion we need very little if any immigrants

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      • Advenger

        You only left the brightest, but you don't even know how to writhe, right stupid?

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        • Trueamerican65

          How do you figure i dont know how to write. I have written thousands of words on this forum all of which articulate my point very well. And yes that is how you spell brightest.. Why are you giving me shit about that

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          • Advenger

            Look at your comments, poor stupid animal.

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            • Trueamerican66

              Look at your comments" advenger". You cant even spell the name you were trying to use for the forum and your going to give me shit. I owned you in every post . You have not yet , not one time conveyed any relevant point to the topic at hand. You are a fucking troll. Answer some of my questions so i can see just how dumb you are. Do you believe in international boundaries? Do you believe in amnesty for the 11 million illegals currently in the usa? If you were in charge of immigration, what would you do mr genius? Or would you merely Attempt to correct people's grammar and spelling?

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        • Trueamerican65

          How about you have some sort of counter point besides how i am not a great speller. I have some knowledge i would like to convey to you, you dont have to be able to win a spelling bee to be an american. You do however have to be born here , and not hop a fence and claim you are suddenly a part of this country. This forum is about illegal mexicans, not how well i spell. I am very intelligent, i manage millions of dollars over dozens of accounts and make well over 6 figures. I also so happen to be a proud american who doesnt like what i see my land turning into. Please try to actually read what i wrote in my previous posts and come up with some counterpoint so we can have a meaningful conversation rather than you simply being childish pointing out how i mispelled a word doesnt make up for the fact that a good percentage of the mexicans are here illegally and are raping us raw

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  • pdavbnhs

    hey you useless peace of shit. you're saying mexicans should learn the language and you can't even spell "be". Hey, try reading sometime, you'll find that mexicans do the work that whites won't do. No offense to the anti-'mexican haters'. so what now bitch. i bet you don't even know a mexican so fuck you

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    • penisthrottle69

      And you can't even spell "piece" right. Fucking beaner. Everyone knows a mexican, shit, it's hard NOT to know a mexican because they are fucking everywhere. Yeah they take the shitty jobs no one wants, but then they take the money back to mexico to the lazy fuckheads who won't work, fucking our economy up for taking money out of circulation, and to top it off they can't even thank us by even TRYING to learn English. Fuck the Native dick suckers, none of this shit is about them, its about the mexicans so shut the fuck up about shit that happened so long ago.

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      • Onebadassmexican

        Sounds like theirs alittle jealousy u red neck.dont worry about what us Mexicans do with our money,we could care less what u do with yours.watch out foo worry about when we start taking your ladies from u.oops it's already happening.:)

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        • Merican

          You really live in a dreamworld ,dont you wetbackpussy but I cant blame you for wanting a white women .Those mexican sweathogs are some of the ugliest damn things crawling.

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      • Mexihater


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      • pdavbnhs

        ooh that hurts. but you are still wrong. we do learn english. we send money back because there is less money in mexico. we don't ruin the economy. learn to read, we make it better.

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        • Cheezfoot

          How is making money and sending it to another country to be spent their a help to the economy?

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          • Onebadassmexican

            So what do u suggest genuis.how bout when people travel around the world,or buy things that r made oversees,does that help the economy.what u do with your money is your own business genuis.were not sending our whole check their.we do buy groceries,pay rent,fuel up our cars,pay taxes at least some of us,buy clothes,eat out,

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            • Trueamerican67

              "what you do with your money is your own business"- try telling that to the IRS when tax season comes around(if you pay taxes, seeing as half of america does not) . You will have IRS agents with guns at your doors. As an american citizen you cannot just do what ever you want with your money, there are rules and procedures...taxes and certain insurances are mandatory and necessary in order to run a government. if you are an undocumented person, it is impossible for you to be contributing to the federal tax base, it is only possible to take away money from the taxpayers, not give back.
              "when people buy things oversees it doesnt help the economy"- you are comparing two unlike things. The mexicans sending there money that was earned in the united states back to mexico before it is ever taxed by the us govt is illegal, immoral, and unethical(remember, undocumented aliens cannot pay taxes). Me going to some foreign country and buying a product does not help the us economy, but it does not hurt it like mexicans sending money back to mexico, which was the comparison you were making. DUMB.
              "We dont send it all back"- you logic is like ,, but i didnt rob the WHOLE store.. see what i mean.

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        • Mexihater

          You are ruining my country and you and all your fellow lice need to get the hell out!!

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          • Onebadassmexican

            Typical crybaby.ignorant people like u r ruining this country

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        • ANP333

          If 1 out of however many mexicans learns English it doesn't change the overall picture amigo!

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  • sinocensio

    Immigration issues have historically always been about hating a culture, race, nationality, of a person. Out cries full of stereotypical blame for the country’s bad economic times. Put your hate back in your bloomers, and accept all that want in, made in, or are here with legal immigration papers.
    The cries of taking jobs from Americans: I have never seen any Anglo, white, or whatever you want to call yourself, picking grapes, garlic, berries, stone fruit, chopping or thinning cotton, in the 100 degree weather. I know that the farmers are worried the last couple of years because they could not harvest in the short window that nature gives them, because they had no workers.

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  • sinocensio

    But here is the real truth about all you haters, you simply hate. Got someone to hate, that won’t kick your ass, Mexican Nationals that are here illegally, crossing over, risking their lives in response to “bring me poor, etc, as written on the tablets of the Statue of Liberty (French created), men women, and children….all of which are just in a long line of illegal immigrants that have come to this nation, that invites the world to settle within it’s borders. A lot of them became legal once they got here.

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    • Trueamerican65

      Ya except they didnt immigrate illegally from france . They did it the legal way, you know(maybe), ellis island. Where you get DOCUMENTED - a big word for you.. May want to look it up. We are not all "children of illegal immigrants",think how dumb that is. The slaves aren't illegal immigrants. The pilgrims werent illegal immigrants, the indians thought they were gods at first and welcomed them ! The truth is and simply analyzing statistics shows that the majority of the illegal immigrants here in the us are from ... Ill Give u a hint.. Its not france. MEXICO is the answer. Now we just have to ask ourselves . Is the reason you mexicans love coming to the us that your people live such in horrible conditions or is it that you are too cowardly to stay and fix your own problems so you have to come here and bring all your troubles.

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      • Advenger

        The indians thought you were god, but you weren´t even born then poor fucking animal. Well, there are from Mexico, but you can keep crying, you aren't going to do anything more.

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        • Trueamerican66

          Learn to read "advenger"-misspelled. I said theindians thought "they" were gods. Obviously i was refering to the pilgrims, not me . I obviously do not think i was around for that or the alamo or any of the other stupid events you have made me seem i think i have personally accomplished. Anyone who can read on a 4th grade level can determine i was not talking about myself personally but rather my anscestors and forefathers .

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        • Trueamerican65

          Im not poor, and unlike you i can articulate my point rather than just calling people animals and saying they are not going to do anything but cry ( even though you do not know me and do not know how successful i am) . Now how about you go back and read what i wrote in my previous posts and try to come up with some sort of counter argument that actually adds to the conversation at hand.

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          • Advenger

            What arguments stupid? That you believe you fought mexican american war, and the indians believe you were god....

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            • Trueamerican66

              No you ignorant little dickhole, the argument of what this thread is about. Im not arguing whether or not i was at the mexican american war, that is stupid. If you couldnt see that i was referring to my country when i said " we won the war" and not referring to myself than you are just plain out retarded. The argument is about illegal immigrants. I want to know your take on this seeing you're a 148 iq genius i bet you could solve our border problems. What would you do with the 11 million illegals? Do you believe in international boundaries? Do you really think the mexicans are entitled to the southwestern us because the mexican american war apparently is irrelevant since it was fought generations ago? Im just trying to get into your 148 iq brain. You must be oh so intelligent so go ahead and answer my questions. I bet you don't answer them because you cannot articulate a point whatsoever

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