I hate it when...

i hate it when people try to tell you what something subjective means. Art isn't interpreted in a right or wrong manner, that is the point. I find people who try to tell you what art means have missed the point entirely. They want to sound all smart and clever because they analysed something as if their opinion is rule. Chances are, you aren't that insightful.

you know what else I hate? I hate stubborn opinions. Just because you can shout your opinion louder, it doesn't make you righter. that just reminded me of a friend who thinks he is an electronics expert and critisises every piece of technology I own that isn't what he would prefer. God, that's annoying. I know a lot of people like that and I just want to punch them. I dont fucking care if my device can't remotely access all of my other devices. just because i can, doesnt mean i want to

is it normal

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80% Normal
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Comments ( 6 )
  • Shelbs

    There's a lyric in a song that goes like this: "And if I claim to be a wise man, it surely means that I don't know".

    I've always believed that the most intelligent people are the ones who are humble about what they know. I believe this because when someone doesn't think they know it all, then they know there is still much more to learn. They are more open to possibilities and to the possibility that they might be wrong.

    Some people just feel like they need to be right, even when there is no right or wrong answer.

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    • ifonlyuknew247

      Kansas "Carry On." A classic filled with wisdom.

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  • Anime7

    I'm right there with you. I mean I really, really, hate it when I'm in an English class and we only go with how these invisible Scholars interpreted the novel we're reading. If I have sufficient enough evidence to back up what I'm saying, using quotes from the book, then my opinion is valid. It defeats the entire purpose of reading something if from the start my opinion does not matter and I'm pretty much forced to go by a certain interpretation. I had an English teacher last year who was exactly like this and it bothered me a lot.

    As for your second paragraph; I can somewhat agree with you on this. I dislike know-it-alls or people who look down on things simply because they don't comply to their standard of living. It's kind of like how people who look down on fast food chains. I get that you may not like it, but it's cheap and good. Yes, the ingredients may not be natural and they're probably not good for you, but it's cheap and convenient. Cooking your own food takes time and it doesn't always come out tasting great. I think some people just need to get off their high horse and realize that not everyone has the same luxuries or lifestyles.

    Anyways, back to your question. Sorry to go on my own little tangent but I don't know, I guess this post also got me a little riled up. It's normal to dislike and even hate a lot things. But I guess you shouldn't sweat the small stuff.

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  • Canttel

    That happens alot with parents. Even with young people, but the most frustating is adults.
    I hate it when they always think just because theyve lived longer, they are right all the time even were there logic (AND IQ) is bellow zero. Like, they always have something to say!
    When ever i know im right and i prove my evidence,and i have waaaaay more than one reason, they will always start having a big fit like a 3 yr old and then they will try to stetch there reasons and then thats when their logic just gets horrible.. There are great minds out there, who are younger than them, and their IQ serpases mine, and them and their partners altogether and they still would knock them down, and tell them the same bullcrap run-on sentence's evry adult does when there having an argument with some one who is younger: "IM OLDER SO I KNOW WHAT IM DOING" or something very similar to that. It irks my verves when they do that because there riding on an assumption that is so DAMNED false, even a blind person can see it.

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  • dom180

    Of course interpretation is subjective, but that doesn't mean that anything you see is a worthwhile meaning. There is such a thing as good analysis and bad analysis. If you believe the Mona Lisa is a critique of the treatment of astrological POWs under Martian Space Law during the First Intergalactic War (3914-3918 A.D.), your analysis is bad because it isn't based on evidence. An analysis which is based on evidence within piece itself, the historical context of the piece and biographical context of the artist is worth much more than an analysis based on gut feeling.

    I don't care how dedicated you are to an opinion, that alone does not make it worth considering. I agree with you that interpretation is subjective, but that doesn't mean all interpretation is equal.

    I agree that people who are snobs are annoying.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    its an amoeba havin sex with a horse.
    keep sayin that at the museum. thatll shut em up

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