I hate it when a person becomes lazy just because they're popular.

So, I have noticed that many artists who are very popular on websites that they become lazy with their art.
As an example, they can just doodle something that probably didn't take them 10 minutes, and BAM everyone loves it.

I don't think it fair, I know many artists who work hard on their art, but yet they are often ignored.

It really pisses me off.

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Comments ( 13 )
  • lemoncity

    It's like how some people let themselves go after they get married.

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  • Derpinism

    think of it as a really expensive autograph

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  • crygypsy

    I thought this post was going to be about people who become lazy friends when they are popular and always expect people to come see them or they make a cute post on Facebook and 100 people like it instantly and they miss you so much and want you to come visit them but when you invite them over they politely decline or flake out last minute.

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    • crygypsy

      Both types of people are WANKS though either way you look at it.

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  • Freedom_

    You're talking about Hirst aren't you?

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    • linchpin

      William Randolph Hearst?

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      • Freedom_

        Damien Hirst.

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  • st2013de

    It pisses me off too!

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  • Shrunk

    lol, do you play doodle or die? I've been getting really into it again, this post reminded me of it. I doubt that's what you're talking about, but yeah there are some popular artists there who can just draw stick figures and get tons of likes. Then again, my friend is one of those. he drew just scribbles literally saying "too lazy to draw" and got like 4 up-votes for it hehe (I was actually the first to give it a "like", out of irony). but he's a nice guy so it's not surprising everyone loves him, same with the other popular artist. But yeah, I do get a little jealous that my work doesn't have what it takes to get as much notice.

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  • remembernovember29

    HAHAHA i get your point... like for example my uncle paid 350k for a painting that looked like it was painted by a one year old....

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    • Was like a bunch of colors splattered onto a canvas?
      Or was it really like a drawing that looked like a one year old? ( House, happy people, a rainbow, etc.)

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      • Riddler

        You should know by now this is just how the art community works. Its more about celebrity status and politics not really the art itself.

        Most art is only sold because of the gimmick behind it not necessarily how good an artist is. Though this is nothing new. When people are popular after a certain amount of time people are going to jump at anything they have to put out.

        When things become easy is when people become lazy. Why do you think their is lazy smart people? Since their is no challenge for them they are too talented. So they do not have to try hard to upstage you they are thousands of steps ahead.

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    • Freedom_

      Give him my #

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