I hate it when people clap/cheer at the end of movies. iin?

I can understand it if you happen to be intoxicated by an excellent movie and forget lack of actors present, but it still kinda gets to me. Also, I've seen it happen in so many instances when the movie wasn't even that great. For example, when they just showed a video of tigers walking around pointlessly in middle school the assembly erupted into applause. Also a significant portion of my Biology lecture hall clapped after a video about bird behaviour. Also people going so far as to give the movie Twilight a standing ovation (smh). The most extreme example was people at Justin Bieber's Never Say Never movie and they were holding up banners screaming and cheering. It's almost like they think that the projector has emotions. Of course if it was a premiere where the actors were there it would most certainly be appropriate to clap/cheer.

To me, it's not something that infuriates me, but it's something that I dislike (I think it's totally unnecessary). It frequently makes me shake my head, and even facepalm in the Justin Bieber instance. I know I've seen many people online feel peeved about it, but I want to bring it to the is it normal community. Is this normal?

Voting Results
69% Normal
Based on 87 votes (60 yes)
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Comments ( 29 )
  • That's why I sit at the top sections. So I can dump my drink/popcorn onto them when they do something obnoxious.

    They think themselves safe; immune. Free to speak their foolishness. But my acidic Cola will be a stern teacher. The stickiness will long remind them of their fatal error.

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  • iinfinitron

    A friend of mine and I once applauded and cheered like crazy at the end of a movie, but that's because we were literally the only people in the theater besides one guy who was on his phone the whole time. It wasn't even a good movie.

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  • Sometimes I clap in movie theaters, but that's the only place where I will. I hate clapping anywhere else. In fact, I just posted a story about it.

    I clapped at the end of Ponyo, and somehow the whole theater joined in. I didn't even think it was that great.

    On the other hand, I tried to start some applause after Looper (a good movie) and no one cared.

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  • MaryPoppins04

    i can tell you one thing your british ;)

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    • No, I'm Canadian, living in a clap-happy area.

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      • When you say "clap-happy", thats just a euphemism for gonorrhea right?

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  • By the way, the Twilight standing ovation was what I heard from others, and the Justin Bieber banner one was what I saw online.

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  • GuessWho

    It makes me shake my head, and even facepalm that you watched Justin Bieber's movie and Twilight in the first place.

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    • I didn't watch the Justin Bieber movie. I saw a clip on YouTube of crowd reactions to the movie, and I watched Twilight on the plane for curiosity's sake. I didn't like it at all, but I later read online that it received standing ovations in different places.

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    • chewy

      Do you like me?

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      • GuessWho

        If you're OP, NO.
        If you're not OP, still NO.

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        • chewy

          Why do you have to be so harsh?

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          • GuessWho

            I'm not going to go into detail here and write you an essay, so I'll just say that the last comment pissed me off.

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  • Kie3PO

    I've never experienced it, but I definitely see your point.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I think it's funny because no one can actually hear them XD
    If it is a play or a film festive where there are people that really care about how the crowd reacts, I see it more than reasonable but it just confuses me at movie theaters. Who the hell are you clapping TO?

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  • tori

    When I was growing up, everyone clapped at the end of a great movie. It's almost unheard of now. Bad movies maybe?
    I've never experienced whistling or a standing ovation for a movie. Oh excuse me. I did once. A very long time ago. The movie was Norma Rae with Sally Field. Excellent movie.

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  • i like it so much better than booing

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  • Imposturously_yours

    Standing ovation for Twilight? Facepalm is not enough.
    And then people wonder why I'm hoping for a zombie apocalypse.

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  • MissB617

    Lmao that is hilarious. I've been in a theatre when people clapped after a movie. but holding up a banner & screaming is ridiculous lol

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  • KingOfNowhere

    Why would anyone clap or cheer? I can sorta see why you would at the end of a good movie like the Dark Knight but its not like Christian Bale is going to hear you and appreciate the fact that you thought his movie was good. This would piss me off so much if it happened when I went to the movies.

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  • cantheist

    Better than- naw man I ain't gonna go there, fuck that.

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  • dinz

    That is a first, I never experienced a situation where the audience in a movie theatre clapped after a movie.

    But here is another IIN question, is it normal people stay and watch the entire credits at the end of a movie?

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    • "That is a first, I never experienced a situation where the audience in a movie theatre clapped after a movie."


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    • Sometimes, if they have nothing better to do. Also, movies frequently have interesting things in the credits.

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  • dappled

    I used to come from a fairly non-demonstrative country and we used to just say, "Oh, that was good" to the person sitting next to us. We don't cheer at films yet but that little trait is probably in the post. My annoyance is with members of the general public who start weeping uncontrollably whenever a camera is on them.

    It's not even a "stiff upper lip" thing. Most of them don't have anything to cry about in the first place. I've seen someone cry because their grandmother had other plans and couldn't be there that day. We're making ourselves a laughing stock.

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    • I'd prefer the "that was good" attitude rather than the seal imitation.

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  • kr24

    Without a doubt you are American. Move out of your country and you won't witness that ever again.

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    • I'm not, I'm Canadian living in the Toronto-Hamilton area.

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      • redoctober

        Same shit, just a little less stupid.

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