I hate it when people park so close when there are plenty of carspaces
I hate it when people park next to my car when there heaps of carspaces....why? Is it a safety in numbers mentality....grrrrr
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I hate it when people park next to my car when there heaps of carspaces....why? Is it a safety in numbers mentality....grrrrr
I can't stand it when people park over the lines or take up two spaces! Do these people realise that if you did that in a driving test, you'd fail...? It's so selfish and inconsiderate. But then I'm learning that a lot of people are! Hmm : /
It's actually about considerate spacing. The single car acts as a reference. No point parking further away and accidentally taking up two spaces because you couldn't judge it properly. Best to park closer to the car and be more considerate for others that might need a space
I park further away as i dont want people hitting my car with thier doors, or in case of a runaway trolley....
If you can't judge where a parking bay starts and finishes, you shouldn't be driving.
I was once at a Wal Mart and I parked my van next to another car and I was close to the line, and another guy comes and parks so close to me that it was literally physically impossible for me to get out of my van and I rolled down my window and yelled at him and he told me that it was my fault that I parked so close to the line, but I wanted the guy next to me to be able to get out.
I used to deal with it at my last security job all of the time where people with their MASSIVE SUVs would park over the lines and extremely close to someone's car to the point in which they must squeeze in to their own vehicle to save their morbidly obese asses from having to walk a few extra yards.
It was always the massively fat or young entitlement-mentality assholes that always complained that there weren't enough spaces in the front to park. Those jackasses.
I park as far away from the entrance and other cars as possible but still at least one moron will sidle up next to my truck when there's a whole sea of spaces all over. I don't get it either.
I got a family member who doesn't like that either infact if someone parks to close to his vehicle he will just slam his door into there vehicle
My best friend Samuel and I really hate it when people park their cars near ours (we share each other's cars often), and we once even started a street fight over it!
I hate parking next to other people. I always try to park away from everybody expecially because I just can't fuckin park. Its just not my cup of tea lol I've tried and tried and after years still just don't park worth a shit. So I just park at the back to avoid looking like a moron trying to park between 2 cars. Lol
I parked somewhere and these two people were getting ready to leave nearby ahead of my car. There weren't any of those cart racks (whatever you call them) to put them in so she looks around (we were right in front of her) and she leaves it there. It rolled back and hit our car and they pretended not to see it happen. Haha. I wasn't mad but I mean who does that?
I like to park my black escalade next to a chevy tahoe, but preferably next to other fellow cadillacs, or 4 x 4's, semi or heavy duty trucks. Its a "stick with your kind" mentality. Once a little honda tried to park in front of me, that was adorable. Odd one out.
I also like to tailgate little civics and accords, altimas too. But its ok, my car is bigger than theirs, so I can do whatever I want to them on the road.