I hate it when people thank me for my service.

So, I served for six years in the Army as an Infantryman and went to Iraq back in '08. I REALLY hate it when people find out I was in the military and come up to me to "thank me for my service". I mean, how the hell do I even respond to that? "You're welcome?". I just want to buy a damn coke, not have some random dude shaking my hand and thanking me for doing a job 4 years ago. Another thing that pisses me off is my family brags about me having gone to Iraq to random ass people. Like seriously, do they think they really give a fuck? Very embarrassing...I don't think the cashier at the quick stop gives a damn about my service. I personally never tell anyone I was in the military unless it comes up somehow.

So, is it normal I feel this way?

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82% Normal
Based on 104 votes (85 yes)
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Comments ( 25 )
  • People want to thank you, I don't see what is wrong with that. I understand if randomer just came up to you that you may be irritated, but their intentions are pure.

    You done something that people are greatful for, which is the reason why.

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    • VioletTrees

      You write very strangely.

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      • I type even strangely...er.

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        • VioletTrees

          I basically use "write", "type", and "say" interchangeably when talking about online text communication.

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          • I was trying to be jokey.

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  • JuliusE

    I hate it too. Even more because I'm not proud I served an empire that invaded and occupies other sovereign nations, and takes their people's right to self-determination away. Plus most of the people "serving" the American Empire are...not that bright. Thankfully, I was around half-way intelligent people but basically we were nothing more than mercenaries paid to occupy another country and kill their patriots that dared defy us.

    So yeah, I lecture assholes when they thank me if I have the time, but mostly I just don't let it come up. Besides, more than half the people that say "thank you for serving" don't mean it, it's just what they think is the appropriate thing to say or to think they're making my day.

    We shouldn't be stationed over their occupying someone else's country. If they would have used me to protect out border with Mexico than I would still be in. But the American elite running their empire don't give a shit about the American people. I enjoyed the job but I refuse to serve an empire that takes other peoples freedom away and rapes its own people at home.

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    • My sentiments exactly. There should be a place for people like us.

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  • mistee

    you should visit other countries and see what their military have to go through -the public arnt happy about the situation in the middle east, and this is sometimes conveyed. You should maybe be greatful your countrymen stand by you and respect you.

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  • drumandpickchick

    Huh. I've always wondered if it annoyed you guys.

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    • Well, there is just no response for it. Kinda puts you on the spot...

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  • Seustewart

    Most people are truly grateful to soldiers , especially those who have served. Accept it. It's a good thing and your parents are just proud.

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  • kelili

    Yeah I completely agree with you. I have always find that the americans make too much fuss over everything.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I hate it too and I'm not even in the army.

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  • Darkoil

    I know quite a few people who have joined the military for various reasons. Some of them are real nice people who probably deserve thanks but most of them are just cunts who joined because they failed in school and had no where else to turn, they walk around as if their shit doesn't stink but in truth they are still the same person they were a couple of years ago. One of my closest friends is in the airforce and he is completely withdrawn from any sort of careing about what he is doing, he enjoys his job because of the pay and the amount of time he gets off, he is going back out to afghan for a third time pretty soon and he is actually looking forward to it because in his own words he had a blast the last two times even though he had to kill quite a few people one of whom was as young as 12 years old. As well one of my uncles was a corporal in the regular army, yeah people probably want to give him thanks but in reality they don't know he is a neo-nazi and in all probability a psychopath, he is very patriotic however he thinks that people without white skin are sub-human and deserve to be killed.

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    • Darkoil

      I completey omitted my point after I got ranting. I understand what you are saying, people like to thank military people because being in the military is seen as a noble thing to do but I only believe this is the case depending on the reason why a person joined in the first place. Risking your life for Queen and country is noble and takes a lot of guts and these people do deserve more praise than we can give but there are other people who join for completely selfish reasons and I'm not sure they deserve the same honour. 1 in 10 prison inmates in the UK are ex-servicemen, an arguement could be made that being sent to war changed them and once they left the military they entered a life of crime because they could not fit back into civilian life, I think this is bullshit and the majority would have ended up in prison regardless of whether they joined the armed forces or not because joining the armed forces has not automatically made them better people, they are still the same school drop-outs who used to bully people, take drugs and get into trouble with the police.

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    • Actually, I'm also a neo-nazi. And it go far beyond hating someone for their skin color.

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      • Darkoil

        Good for you, cunt.

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        • Whatever you say, fag.

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          • Darkoil

            As I pointed out on a different post, you're the biggest fag in town. Now fuck off.

            Comment Hidden ( show )
            • Actually, I'm anti-fag. Making you the King of fag island, it's a small Mediterranean island south of the equator. As the king and commander of fag island your duties include sucking every unwashed cock on the island and keeping your crown of cocks erect for all to see. It's the birthplace of Richard Simmons and the entire cast and crew of "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy".

              Go now King, your people need you!

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  • Ningelle

    That pisses me off too. It's true that we need a military, but there are many different professions required to make a Society work and many people never get thanked while others do constantly. You do deserve thanks but the next time you get thanked, just smile and thank them for whatever they do/did, too.

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  • UhhhOK

    Said it perty well
    However i can see how that would be annoying.

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