I hate lesbians

Give me good reasons not to. I don't hate them for the fact that they are gay, I am fine with gay guys and I have a couple friends who are gay too, I'm a dude. But the fact is, nearly every lesbian I've ever met, be it in real life or online, has been a disgusting, rude hating bitch. Do their nipples get erect from insulting men?

I don't get it. Most of these retards have not had bad experiences with men. One of the women I knew divorced her fiance, because she cheated on him, and then started seeing women and promptly bashing men at every opportunity.

Now, my guess is that lesbians have an actual lower mental acuity and cognitive function than the rest of society. Otherwise, why would they all be so mind numbingly stupid?

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Comments ( 51 )
  • Puddingface

    Girls don't ''go lesbian'' out of spite, the ones you've met sound like fakes who are just trying to prove they can get off without guys. Not all lesbians feel a need to announce their sexuality either, so maybe you've met some ''normal girl'' lesbians without even knowing it. I am a girl who is attracted to girls but I love guys for their personality. The ones you are referring to are misandrist/feminist but not all lesbians are like that it's just a stereotype. I hate those ones too and it's normal try not to generalise but I understand why, from your experience

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    • taytayswiftfangurl

      I remember thinking as a kid why is this still a thing (feminism). Women are granted with many wishes and rights already. If you still suck, it's because you suck. Not because of patriarchy.

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    • taytayswiftfangurl

      Yup, now that the 3rd wave feminazi movement is relevant. Just bunch of females who blame men on their own shortcomings and are being jealous of men, trying to exterminate men for being better, richer, smarter, stronger than they are. It's fucking retarded…

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  • wannabeincomedy

    It is a well documented scientific fact that


    In laymans terms
    that feminist+lesbian = uber bitch squared

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  • whatthefuckisthis

    They just have a superiority complex and are always smug as fuck - "Oooooh look at me im breaking gender roles! Dont eat meat! Its murder! Im a lesbian, hey you over there - do you know im a lesbian? Because i am a lesbian! ME! ME! You're not!? Well, im going to tell you how AWESOME being a lesbian is! What, you dont care? Well, you are a facist! Lets fight our fascist oppressors, sisters! Viva la Revolucion!"

    God, i have never met a lesbian who wasn't like that. I have never met a normal girl who just happened to like chicks. Always smug and so self satisfied and have to turn everything into an argument - i dont really care if you like other women. That doesn't give you the excuse to go on and on and on and on. I dont even like heteros who go on about that stuff.

    Lesbians - get over yourselves.

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    • taytayswiftfangurl

      But if somebody asks me, I'll be like "Yeah, I'm gay." and compliment their gaydars.

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    • taytayswiftfangurl

      I just don't feel the need to go around and tell everybody. I don't feel like it's anything to be proud of. If "coming out of the closet" is your biggest accomplishment, you need to get a life. Yes, it does make you feel a bit powerful to put yourself on the spot that you might get hates. But, like, so what?

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    • taytayswiftfangurl

      Most men think I'm straight when they first met me. But, actually, I'm not.

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  • taytayswiftfangurl

    I, myself, am a lesbian. (I first thought I was bi. But I never like men the way I like women.) And for the longest of time, I hate my own kind. Most lesbians (90%) that I've met are chicks who try too hard to be macho and overcompensate because they don't have a dick. They also do really cringey stuff with girls they like which I don't know why they think it would work. It's just really fucking embarrassing. They will occasionally try to be white knights. Lots of self-victimizations and insecurities. I don't know, I just don't like them stereotypically. They tend to carry this badge of honor of their perverted sexual orientations and feel the needs to tell everyone and if someone has a problem with it, not liking it very much such as you, they will whine or try to fight you or some shit like that. I consider myself an individual and don't join their gay parades.

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  • peacefulone

    they are bunch of retards who wont leave straight girls alone

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  • ATrueAnswer

    A very Excellent Reason why many of us Straight Guys are still Single today.

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  • NYXX

    Not to mention how privileged lesbians are compared to gays. Gays are hated and beaten up so much more than lesbians are, while lesbians are even supported as girl-on-girl action is seen as sexy. Men don't often talk about their homosexuality for fear of being hated and judged, while this is often not the case with lesbians.
    It makes me syck.

    And yeah, I agree with what you're saying - most women act extremely condescending against men ,especially lesbians.

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    • Francesca

      Ignorant knob

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      • taytayswiftfangurl

        Lesbians need to be more like "You don't like me? Well, it's okay. I can live with that." Because not everyone is going to like you. And I'm saying to every single person on the planet because it's true or almost true. People are going to hate on you. Sometimes, for stupid reasons like being born to like people of the same sex or not obeying god or even, not being good-looking. You just gotta keep on living. Don't waste too much energy on justice or revenge all the time. You know, those two boys who kill people in Columbine high school. In their minds, it was justice. And I'm not saying that you're like them (cuz your situation is not as bad as theirs) but it's just better not to give too many fucks. You cannot force people to love you. Just be yourself.

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      • taytayswiftfangurl

        It is really is that way, Francesca. And I'm not trying to be a "cool dyke" or anything. I think that's fucking lame. You just gotta stop whining and realize gay men had it tougher and that you are a little luckier. At least, in schools. Though I don't agree with the whole men's liking lesbians that much either.

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      • taytayswiftfangurl

        And lesbians also have it easier with women than gay men do with men. Which is the most important thing. Because that's the reason you're gay in the first place.

        Oh, and by the way, some young boys get raped (The people who rape him may not even be gay. They're just psychos who love to make people feel like shit.) So, you know what… I think we should just let him hate on gays for a while instead getting all "How dare you hate gay people! You piece of shit!". And if actual gays are nice, aren't being all like "I'm a minority. I get bullied. You have to like me." his attitude about them will change. Many Jesus freaks change their attitudes after meeting actual gay guys and understanding that they do not choose to be gay, that they can't control who they like.

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  • lessbein

    i apologize for commenting on this almost 5 years late, but i've only just seen it and thought it should be addressed. anyway i ended up here by searching 'why does everyone hate lesbians' out of frustration after something really upsetting happened to me. i was amazed at the amount of people writing rude and hateful rants about lesbians, and even more so at how they were all justifying this hate as if there were some universal and indisputable truth about lesbians. 'i know a bunch of lesbians and none of them were nice to me so now i hate lesbians.' is not enough to backup the thesis that the millions of lesbians out there, all with different backgrounds and personalities can be reduced to 'rude man-hating bitches'.

    meanwhile, lesbians all over the world are getting literally harassed, abused, murdered. and you've got all these f*cking people on here commenting how much they hate lesbians even though they've probably known a total of 0 lesbians in their life or if they have, never even considered treating us as human beings, all while still patting themselves on the back for how progressive they actually are because they have like, one gay friend. if you're out here spewing ignorant sh*t about a minority that has been targeted against throughout history by clumping them all together (a vast group of people, most of whom you've never met) on the basis of their sexuality and claiming they have a 'lower mental acuity and cognitive function than the rest of society', then guess what? you are most definitely a bigot!

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    • taytayswiftfangurl

      Seriously, you have to stop trying to get acceptance and special treatment for being gay. Just be honest with yourself and surround yourself with people that you love and love you. Other people, they can think what they want. Apathy is key for both sides.

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    • Coenten

      LeZbians ARounD thE woRlD geTTing HaRrassed anD muRdeRed. Lmao.
      So what? THE SAME is happening with Men.
      Im tired of lesbians and feminists just pointing the shit that happens to women.

      If you are gonna point some shit, do it equally.

      Fuck lesbians and their stupid shit.

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      • Orphan

        Men aren't being harassed and murdered because they are cis and heterosexual.
        That's right, equality

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    • taytayswiftfangurl

      Just kidding. I don't know what went down between Bloom and Bieber. So I don't know why Bloom threw a punch at the hobbit. But trying to get into fights is a form of overcompensation. So, girls can be like "Oh, you're such a bad boeyyyy."

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    • taytayswiftfangurl

      So do gay guys. Actually, gay guys averagely get even more shits for being gay. But you don't see them woman-hating. Although, some of them can overcompensate. (Example of overcompensation, see Justin Bieber's having a fight with Orlando Bloom.) In general, they suck less than lesbians.

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  • Walterbasherdinger

    I can't say lesbians are horrible people, because the last three women I've dated were lesbians. Emphasis on were, as I am a male. I'm attracted to lesbians because girly girls are like pets to me. Annoying pets that must be taken care of. Lesbians tend to be strong women, which means I don't have to emotionally babysit them, and often times they'll join in on being 'one of the guys', which is more fun and attractive than it sounds at first. The secret to getting a lesbian to go bi---or even straight for you, is to be sincere and caring; be a good person. Not every lesbian's going to put down the flag and experiment with a guy, but a lot of them will for the right guy. Stereotypes exist because they're true, but like a rule, there are always exceptions. For example, not all straight women are meek and sheepish, as they are made to be by society, but a lot of them are. Not all lesbians are man-bashing crazypeople. But a lot of them are.

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    • Genedavidson

      Hey, don't get them pregnant! If they have a boy? They abuse and neglect them. A lot of cases of lesbians locking little boys in a closet, beating and starving them. Remember the lollypop baby?

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      • taytayswiftfangurl

        Dood, men aren't that cool either. Girls are known for being catty and arguing over retarded things sometimes, right? Well, I've met a lot of men who are jealous of other men too. And not in a good way. Some men despise other men for being better than them (kinda like the stupid lesbians except not as retarded). I know I may sound self-righteous like I never get jealous. But, fuck it. Though, I don't I ever get jealous cuz I know I'm fucking awesome.

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      • taytayswiftfangurl

        You're talking about feminists and feminist lesbians. I'm a lesbian and I love little boys. No, I'm not a pedophile.

        Biologically, lesbians are women whose brains are programmed to like women and are similar to men's. That's it. There're scientific proofs on this.

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      • Francesca

        Are you really that stupid, or just ignorant? I find that extremely offensive that you stereotype lesbians and say they abuse children in particular boys.

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  • 7789dur

    You've met some bad lesbians. There are good and bad ones, just as there are good and bad straight people. I have met both good and bad lesbians. Maybe stop trying to pick up outside the sheltered women's centre.

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  • Tisgranum

    lol, can't really say that I have known enough lesbenems to really notice. Sounds like you are more so talking about hardcore feminists attitude though; that is not exclusive to lesbians.

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  • randomjelly

    Aww someone got rejected by a lesbian. Tsk Tsk Tsk.

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  • dappled

    Umm... people are people regardless of sexual preference. Take them at face value rather than as a sexuality. If someone is mean and a lesbian it doesn't mean lesbians are mean, it just means they are.

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  • Yeah. They're just to ugly to get guys. So the go lesbian.
    Getting rejected by males caused I hatred towards them. Thus going lesbian.

    That's my theory

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    • taytayswiftfangurl

      No, dickface. Gay guys and lesbians are either born with the wrong brains or the wrong bodies / genitals. However, they put it.

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  • Dianamars

    Don't hate lesbians hate feminist they're the real bitches!

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  • Orphan

    Maybe because they know men wouldn't kill for them. Except for their fathers and maybe their brothers.

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  • Loopdeeloopa

    I had this bi-sexual freind in high school, she told me she liked me but I didn’t feel the same way so I just wanted to be friends. We had so much fun and good memories together until she started dating this girl and stopped talking to me entirely. I wanted to know what was wrong,so when I asked from her, she straight up just told me “Uhh I hate men, leave me alone”. It was kinda awkward honestly. I feel most women who act that way are not really lesbians just bi or straight women pretending to be one bc of rejection or past bad experiences with men or sumt.

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  • lordofopinions

    I am a guy and have met some butches that are real men haters so I see where you are coming from.

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  • chocochipfudgyyummy

    I don't mind lesbians, but so many of them are radical feminists, or SJWs.

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  • lonerforever

    Yes, this is absolutely normal. I used to have a lesbian friend twice in two different schools. I thought she's okay at first but she's a mean bitch who is a fan of a celebrity that I really dislike in my country! Most lesbians can be rude as well, just like those arrogant male classmates of mine on my past school years! Also, most lesbians that I've encountered in my life especially in my school and in the malls or any other public places can be rude and annoying as well. I hate it when people speak loud and most lesbians can be loud speakers! Ugh! I wish they are girls instead, but at least not too girly as well... They should be somewhere in the middle of being a girl and not being too male... Not everyone has the same opinions, so I'm really expressing why I don't like most lesbians / talkative or annoying bitchy gays as well... :|

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  • Tante

    I just can't be friends with lesbians seeing I was bullied and had my self esteem destroyed, was constantly told I'm ugly and made fun of for about a year, I can't even really talk to lesbians, but you see I'm not just some normal straight guy I'm bisexual, and I gotta say, not to be weird but I can't even be attracted to girls kissing eachother because of what had happened, I dont mind bisexual girls because I'd be a bit hypocritical,I just think if I found out someone I knew was lesbian I wouldn't ruin their reputation or publicly humiliate them I'd probably just cut all contact.

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  • otaku42

    i have been tormeted by lesbians since i was in grade school it got to the point were i turned to only loving anime girls you can call me a weardo but when you are bulled for your intier life then ask your self this why is my life fucked up one word lesbians.

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  • Truth35

    Most women unfortunately are Gay And Bi nowadays which makes them such Pathetic Losers anyway.

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  • taytayswiftfangurl

    They are the people who act like they don't give a shit and so badass when in reality, they give more shits than anybody ever could.

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  • srotoys

    I wonder if it is attitude on the part of the writer? I'm a guy that has known many of the LGBT community as a hetero and I have no problem with any of them. I don't know the writer but it makes no sense unless comments are made about the person or their sexuality that the response might be like that? My relationships never have that problem. I agree with lessbein and the harassment goes directly to almost everyone in the LGBT community that isn't in a major city. People are people and their sexuality is a side note on the flavor of a person that is not very relevant to meeting someone. I'm older and at some point as we age we realize that it's just sex, and that proves to be fairly mechanical, and love, if your with someone and like them a lot it just happens, and it just simply can be surprising but it really isn't that complicated. What's worse is the shocking reality that in truth everyone is probably bisexual and environment, custom, and society directs us to our personal identity.

    Beside anyone you meet on the internet that claims to be a lesbian just may be, "but", there is a very high probability you are talking to a man and maybe not a lesbian.

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    • taytayswiftfangurl

      And environment, custom and society definitely did not direct me.

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    • taytayswiftfangurl

      Yeah but I'm definitely not bi.

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  • RewindEve

    I think that girls who are not open and lesbian are horrible human beings. I knew a girl who disliked me for no reason, as an adult, and made me feel as if I was being overtly sexual or porous at a beach party because I was wearing bathing suit, at a beach party. I have recently seen in her photographs, and have realised from her lack of hair gel or pride in clothing in general, her behaviour is that, of a closeted lesbian. The circle is complete. But point ^ Lesbians scare me. Mean, Mean human bean.

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    • taytayswiftfangurl

      Why would a lesbian hate a woman, though? Except, they're also a lesbian or a feminist or both, I don't see why lesbians would hate a female.

      Just kidding. Yup, some of these bi's / lesbians are bitter bitches who can't get laid. Just saying that hating a woman is not really a lesbian's nature. Loving women is. Unless, they're total cunts, of course.

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    • Francesca

      Maybe she disliked you for a reason? I dislike you just from reading this post.You say ALL lesbians are horrible human beings, have you met them all so you can make an informed decision? Or someone disliked you and you assume they are a lesbian then decide to hate all lesbians because of one person that may or may not be a lesbian because you are ignorant? FYI being is spelt being not bean

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  • SeriouslySpeaking

    I agree with you 100 percent.

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  • What'sMyName?

    Dappled said it.

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