I hate listening to other people in public speaking different languages
I cant stand it. I know I sound terrible but it is so annoying listening to people speak when you cant understand them.
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I cant stand it. I know I sound terrible but it is so annoying listening to people speak when you cant understand them.
There's something wrong with you. Why on earth let it bother you?
When I lived in a remote Aboriginal community I never learnt more than a few words of the many languages spoken by locals and I actually found it quite relaxing to be in a group of people chatting away and I couldn't understand a word so didn't feel any pressure to participate. When they wanted me to understand what was going on they'd switch to english.
The only time I used to intervene was when I heard the word "kardiya" (their term for white people) spoken in a derogatory tone and I'd check if they meant me: they'd always laugh and tell me which arrogant whites they were talking about.
So you like to hang out with a bunch of racists who are probably talking shit about you while you sit there and smile.
How do you work out they were racist for not accepting white people treating them badly? The fact that they had a clear distinction between "hard" (cruel, sexually abusive, murderous, arrogant) white people and others means they weren't racist: in fact, I was amazed they weren't given how they'd been and still were being treated
I believe you are confused. It was the white people who actually slaughtered almost the entire race of the Aboriginals. Shall we go over what the word “racist” means?
I absolutely love hearing people speaking other languages, especially those who are fluent in them.
It puts me in this place of thinking how amazing language really is. It's one of the most important developments that brought us to where we are today, and as divergent as human cultures are, it's something that we all developed, in our own unique ways, regardless of contact with other parts of the world.
It's amazing to me, how we developed from needing words for "food" or "danger" to the point where we are now, where we can discuss abstract ideas and ephemeral concepts, how language has developed from a tool for survival into one for connection and growth.
Once when I went to the theatre to see Les Miserables we were all waiting to go inside and amongst the crowd of people there were two women speaking a language I thought I had never heard before. I went over this inventory of languages I felt I could recognize silently in my head and I came up with nothing. Finally after I gave up and relaxed I realized that the women were actually speaking English in heavy Cockney accents.
Actually, did you know that listening to different languages helps your brain concentrate? It's also equivelant to playing an instrument, or actually learning a language. This is because it triggers the same part of your brain that uses these things and in a result, strengthens it. So...what were you saying about languages in public...annoying?
No, because you don't know if they can speak English as well.
My grandparents were some of those people who spoke another language... but if you tried talking to them they could speak English, probably better than you can actually. If it's a private conversation among themselves though, I don't know why you'd give a fuck.
I understand why it's problematic if you've had someone who has clearly been living here for years, and they haven't bothered to learn it. I do scoff at that tbh.
It's really f-ing annoying when immigrants flee their countries to come to the United States and then continue to speak their language. They all need to speak English before they're allowed into this awesome country.
I think some sound beautiful and some sound like a tile saw on a slate chalkboard. It depends on sex, country and even region. Cockney Brits make the sounds of a large rodent being electrocuted while other, British accents are more soothing than a gentle rain on a tin roof.
I think I understand feeling annoyed. But I think it irritates you more than it should.
They might be saying the same thing about your language, especially when you're going to their country and you're the minority.
i grew up im many countries , it fucking get on your nerves . not much you can do about it. it was wrong to allow immigration into this nation , immigration should have been stopped over 100 years ago. when we became a country that could do for ourselves. all countries that can do it all themselves should ban immigrants,
Depends on where you are.
Out random in public, oh well.
At work, yea.
We all need to be on the same page.
My grandparents made sure you can understand every word I say.
We don't expect America to become bilingual to serve our lazy to learn ass.
UNITED WE STAND. divided ( bilingual - bisexual- not sure?)
We fall.
Well I hate it too ! But I hate most when they get angry because you don't understand their fucking language ! Like this is America ! We speak English ! Speak Spanish at home but don't speak it to me and expect me to respond !
Has it occurred to you that they might be annoyed by you for the exact same reason?