I hate mormons

If there is SOMETHING retarded on this Earth, it has got to be Mormonism. It's a racist, misogynistic, homophobic, ignorant, violent, deeply absurd (ever heard of a celestial body called "Kolob" for example?), injust, cruel, stupid, anti-intellectual, moronic religion which is even more fucked up than $cientology. The Book of Mormon has got "charlatan" written ALL over it. Joseph Smith was a fraud, and don't say everyone's religion should be respected. Why do I have to have respect for something that says I (and countless of others) deserve to be tortured forever in hell? Is this normal?

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65% Normal
Based on 98 votes (64 yes)
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Comments ( 36 )
  • KeddersPrincess

    *rolls eyes* I am so tired of people bashing on someone's religion on this site when, chances are, they probably don't understand anything about the religion or the people who believe in it. I am not Mormon, but I've known mormons and they are very peaceful, kind people. They have never mistreated anyone because of their sexualality, race, or different beliefs. I don't know what mormons you may be referring to, but to put them all into one group is idiotic. So what if they believe in something that you don't agree with? What's it to you? If it does not pertain to you then don't worry about it. As long as they are not hurting you or someone else then it should be none of your business what their beliefs and practices are.

    What ever the deal is with this "religion bashing" thing that's been going on lately with the internet, it needs to stop because the people who are doing it are so hypocritical, I can't even bare to think about it. You don't want anyone disrespecting you about your beliefs so don't do the same to them!

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    • happy123

      Im glad there is at least one person on this website who is not a total retard!

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      • 1000yrVampireKing


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    • BLAh81

      "I am so tired of people bashing on someone's religion on this site when, chances are, they probably don't understand anything about the religion or the people who believe in it."

      I couldn't care less what makes you tired. I don't know about the OP, but I know PLENTY about Mormonism and Mormons. I don't necesssarily hate Mormons THEMSELVES, but I do hate Mormonism ITSELF. I agree with the OP that it's a fucked up religion.

      "I am not Mormon, but I've known mormons and they are very peaceful, kind people."

      I know lots of Mormons are good people. Does that make their religion less fucked up? Apparently, it's a huge revelation that good people can follow fucked up things too.

      "They have never mistreated anyone because of their sexualality, race, or different beliefs."

      Sure you're not talking out of your ass? Because, for example, Mormons have a history of discriminating blacks. This is just one example though.


      "to put them all into one group is idiotic."

      Perhaps the OP should've handled that better, yes. However, the Mormons who ACTUALLY follow the teachings of Mormonism are just plain assholes, because those teachings are fucked up. The "Mormons" who don't may be nice and all, but they're hypocrites. That's a bit better I reckon, but hypocrisy sure isn't great either.

      "So what if they believe in something that you don't agree with?"

      Well, if it's DEMONSTRABLY false and immoral...

      "As long as they are not hurting you or someone else then it should be none of your business what their beliefs and practices are."

      But they ARE hurting people genius and even if they weren't, their faith would still be DEMONSTRABLY idiotic.

      "You don't want anyone disrespecting you about your beliefs so don't do the same to them!"

      Not all beliefs are equally valid, you simpleton.

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      • RandomNumbers

        So you are just a jackass

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    • 1000yrVampireKing

      Thank you kedders. I am too tired of idiots bashing on religion. I also notice the OP did a string of insults without presenting any facts or examples. Which means they are hating for the sake of hating religion.

      People who hate religion do not understand. Sure Loving your family and not believing in killing babies and staying committed to a partner might seem alien but its not bad.

      If god is real or not there is nothing wrong with most religious teachings. The bibles is simply a guide telling us how we should live. So no do not cheat, or commit adultery and do not mouth off to your parents because you did not get a goddamn XBOX since your parents cant afford it. Be a kind person and treat everyone with respect if you want it back.

      Yet again these concepts are forsaken are pure villainy! Not like they are worshiping Satan and saying sacrifice your babies you motherfucking assholes! Even if you think the following is stupid is teaches you to be a good person. Beside the fact that it says "Do not be gay" is there a lot of other reason to hate it?

      People also use the fact "They raped kids" and yeah maybe a few priests did but so did a a lot of fucking teachers but you still send children to school. Are you going to say that all teachers are pedophiles since I went to school and I was never raped by a teacher.

      So while you are cheating on your husband and not paying child support for your bastard children you had go ahead and say how fucked Christians are! Like teaching people to be fucked assholes is doing anything in this world?

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    • AlwaysDoneMyBest

      generally speaking i agree. Its good not to judge people on religion/beliefs. But I was mormon growing up. moved to Utah when i was 12. And if you experienced the guilt and discontent i did growing up mormon you would think twice. Mormons outside of Utah are usually nice people. But when you put that many devoutly religious people together someone suffers. You constantly feel guilty about little things. And you can never be good enough.

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  • Silentnight

    Each religion has their reasons of why they have the choices and sacrifices they have. You'd have to study up why that is before you judge them.

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    • BLAh81

      "Each religion has their reasons of why they have the choices and sacrifices they have."

      Yeah. Some reasons are better than others though.

      "You'd have to study up why that is before you judge them."

      I don't know about the OP, but I HAVE learned a great deal about Mormonism and reached the conclusion that it's as moronic as can be.

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  • Moonbow

    You think Mormons are fucked up? Read up on Islam!

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    • BLAh81

      The fact Islam is fucked up (which I fully acknowledge) doesn't mean Mormonism isn't of course.

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  • kelili

    I don't know much about mormons and I have googled it and read as much as I could. Like any religion it is based on faith and not on facts. I don't know what to think of Joseph Smith but someone can say the same for Jesus. I know that in Revelation it is said that no one should add to the Bible or delete. So I tend to think that he was an imposter.

    None of the reasons you have mentionned justify the hatred and I'm against any kind of hatred against religious groups.

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  • wigsplitz

    I don't see how anyone with an IQ above 'alive and breathing' can believe in it.

    But hate them for being Mormon? Nah.

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  • jitterbug66

    You're a fucking asshole. I hope you rot in hell, you goddamn dog fucking, seal-clubbing, motherfucker.
    Fucking stupid shit stain.
    I bet your parents sure are proud of you. Your birthday was the biggest shit your mom took to that day.
    Don't know shit and you insult Mormonism. All you do is repeat talking points from left-wing propaganda machines.
    Fucking cunts like you need to die.

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    • charli.m

      The OP doesn't make a very good argument, but your abuse doesn't make your point look very appealing either.

      I think the OP is miseducated, but your hate filled bile spew was pretty revolting and unnecessary. I'm baffled as to how it has three thumbs. Genuinely baffled.

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      • BLAh81

        "The OP doesn't make a very good argument"

        I agree the OP should've underpinned his conclusions about Mormonism better. However, those conclusions nonetheless ARE right. Mormonism is an immoral, battshit insane religion. I mean, just baptizing the DEAD, hello?

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        • charli.m

          I don't care enough to obsess over it.

          Let it go, dude. Live your own life instead of trying to control other people's beliefs.

          You rail against fanatics. Fair enough. But you also get shitty over people being religious yet peaceable, saying they're hypocrites. What business is it of yours? If they're not causing actual harm, let them be. Do you not have your own life to be concerned about?

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          • BLAh81

            "I don't care enough to obsess over it."

            I'm not really obsessing over it. But whether you do or don't, facts simply ARE facts. Mormonism just IS retarded. Not my fault.

            "Live your own life instead of trying to control other people's beliefs."

            Can't a person do both? Just kidding, LOL. I'm not trying to control other people's beliefs, I'm merely voicing my own. I thought that was allowed on IIN ;)

            "But you also get shitty over people being religious yet peaceable, saying they're hypocrites."

            Well, that's because they ARE you know (provided their religion is violent). It's better than if they really were genuine assholes, but hypocrisy sure isn't great either.

            "If they're not causing actual harm, let them be."

            Well, they might be peaceful (i.e. hypocritical) and all, but they provide cover for violent extremists. They are also just plain annoying.

            "Do you not have your own life to be concerned about?"

            Certainly. As I've told you, I'm NOT obsessed over it.

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    • BLAh81

      Haha, a little frustrated, are we?

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  • SeverusFan23

    Sadly, I used to be a Mormon back when i was younger.

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    • BLAh81

      I'm glad you came to your senses.

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  • green_boogers

    Dumb simple minded people like dumb simple minded religions. Dumb people will be dumb.How can you deny a stupid person his stupidity? Think about it.

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  • AnonJoe

    I am not mormon, but there is something super hot about mormon women.

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    Are you fucking kidding me?

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    • VioletTrees

      Just once, I'd like to see somebody answer this question with "YUP!" and dance off, grinning, into the sunset.

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  • americanhoney

    Mormons fascinate me, actually.

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    • BLAh81

      Fascination is not necessarily sympathy as you know. I'm fascinated by serial killers for example.

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  • yes but it must have something good otherwise so many wouldnt love it so

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    • BLAh81

      They're brainwashed.

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    • jucedaguy

      Yeah, that's right who wouldn't like polygamy, different poon every night. No waiting while the painters are in.... Just put that one on the kitchen for that week.

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      • painters? what does that mean ?

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        • Darkoil

          To speak bluntly, being on the blob.

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        • jucedaguy

          I think mommy needs to have a talk with you, little one lol.

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  • lashambe

    You are a hypocrite for being a fanatic accuse the other of the fanaticism.

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    • BLAh81

      The fanaticism of those who dislike Mormonism is justified.

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    • bristexai


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