I hate most people

I used to be a very loving person but somewhere along the lines of the last 2 years I just stopped caring. My life is going well, I am engaged and have an ok job, but I find myself hating everyone. I'm just so sick of every single person I know, and I find myself hating everyone I meet within the first 5 seconds of meeting them. Even people driving beside me in cars upset me because I'm just so tired of the human race as a whole. Is it normal to feel like this sometimes? Will it ever go away?

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Comments ( 31 )
  • Brittany666

    I hate most people, too. I just don't deal with peoples bullshit anymore. I don't care because, usually when people come around they only want something. Or they just want to bitch about their problems. And I just got to the point where I'm like, "You only come around when you want something. Or because you want to bitch about your problems. You ask for advice but you don't take it? And when I have problems, you don't want to hear it. Fuck off I don't care about your problems, if you don't want to listen to mine. Why should I listen to yours? Exactly."

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  • Brittany666

    Oh and also, alot of people act like their all superior to other people. Thinking they're better when all they want to do is start shit with other people. That doesn't make them better when they start shit. Its people like that make me want to become a serial killer.

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    • 3rdDegreeLividity

      Me too bud...me two.

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  • Rojizz

    Dude i signed up for this just to tell you I am the same way. I used to be so nice growing up got treated like shit my whole life and now im just angry all the time even get pissed off at the cars next to me... idk what it is but i need to get it fixed because the few ppl who i do like cant stand me complain all the time and getting so angry all the time... your not alone brotha

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  • jian1

    You are very intelligent and moral... and telling you that I feel the same shxt all the time.

    I grew up with a kind mother who taught me loads of moral rules that I thought was gold. My mom taught me to be respectful to everyone even those who ain't very nice, coz she believes that kindness will win heart over time. She disbelieve in revenge or "an eye for an eye".

    After 20 years struggling at schools, I finally realized that my mom was the one who lived her entire life in a delusion. She got bullied by her psychopathic sisters all the time due to her very high moral bar. At age 30, I reallized that being nice only means being taken advantages of and the moral delusion was actually created by these predator to fool us kind people. I stopped being nice 5 years ago, and tell you what, my life is now like a breeze.

    Now I fight back if anyone tries to take advantages of me, I revenge in a dirty manner when things get out of control, and despite my aging mother condeming myself of *became worse that I used to be*, actually I live a better life, people stopped taking advantages of me, and bag guys now pay loads of *respect* to me whenever I am around.

    95% percent of the entire population are nothing but crap loaded asstwats, at least they do it inadvertently all the time. Dont feel bad if you hate most of them, lots of people do, and those who don't are pretty much dim-witted.

    only about 1% I met are really good, kind loving people and fortunately, they became my friends, although very few, but I feel contented.

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    • 3rdDegreeLividity

      I like your mind-set...and sorry to say, I agree completely. It really wasn't so much the drug addicted scum I lent money too, and either got stung completely or mostly for, but the "THREE PILLARS OF THE COMMUNITY"...a cop, a doctor & a perverted shrink all lied about me causing me endless grief then, now and until I'm finally dead. Everyone and their dog in this one-horse town knows these outstanding people of the community lied about me, EVERYBODY...but not a one gives a rat's arsehole about it. NOT ONE CARES. You see, I've been branded LOSER by these assholes...even a "dangerous, sociopathic" loser. I've been denied my privilege to drive anything with a gas powered motor, like a car, been denied the right to work, for requiring a valid driver's license to be hired, can't get a date, pretty much everything that constitutes anything resembling a speck of happiness in this life is gone forever. To be honest, I'd feel better in prison where everybody is the same, rather than in society with all you fake cock-suckers. Not you jian1...just the 99% of the remaining homo saps on this planet. "EVOLUTION" they call it? They are sad & pathetic & extremely ignorant of the facts then. I really never planned on being a bad-ass, but evidentially, it's the in-thing to do and be...the accepted way of life. ...and JustUs for...US.

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  • carrottop80

    Honestly, I feel the same way. It's not really that I hate people but I HATE the way they act towards one another. I grew up learning to be nice and patient. If your nice enough, everything will work out! That was the biggest load of delusional junk I ever had the misfortune to follow OR to believe! Unfortunately, this generation is called the "ME" generation for a reason! I grew up learning to help people and to treat others as you would WANT to be treated and learned that a good 90% of people don't follow this rule! I was the exception! It's sad because I would like to say if you are kind you will receive kindness back, if you give you will receive, and if you don't do anything wrong people will not attack you but this is just not the case in the world we are now living in! I have had to put on a tough shell and learn to give back the way I get! It was a hard and upseting lesson to learn but I feel better about who I am as a person not living for what other people think and not letting others walk all over me! Most people are jerks but when you find a gem hold onto them!

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  • roadrunnerxo

    I am the EXACT same way, its crazy. People depress me with there long winded conversations. I'd be content with no one but my fiance.My dad used to say I was a nice person when I was younger, but I think its because I now see how pointless life really is, the only thing worthwhile is making yourself happy. I feel like dying all the time, but then want to live also just because of the fear of loosing the only person on the earth I actually care about.

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  • inuyasha0489

    u are normal u need a vacation away from ppl

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    • 3rdDegreeLividity

      WTF do they go? That quaint little island where Tom Hanks and his buddy Wilson the volleyball was? Fuk ya, I'll swim there if I could...right fukin' now. All my life I've "helped people out". Either with money, dope...both...I ALWAYS got fukt but never kissed. There's ONE human being and a 20 year old Siamese cat left in my life...once they're gone...you best prey to your God that I'd be dead too. "Nuff sed.

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  • No1isnormal

    I think it is totally normal to hate people once in awhile. With everyone being so self absorbed and not caring about their fellow human being it is pretty disheartening. People no longer do the simple things for one another - the slight gesture of letting someone in when traffic is heavy, or opening the door for someone with their hands full, or just a simple hi. So I completely understand where you are coming from. I continually look for the good things that happen and have learned to truly appreciate the times when people actually show a little common courtesy.

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  • I get that. I think it's mainly because I observe people and the way they are. I tried "merging" into conversation and being "one of them" once, if that makes sense... It made things a lot better. I know if makes you feel like "I would never want to be one of those cunts," but it really makes you feel better once you see halfway eye-to-eye.

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  • sansimage

    I think it's not really about them, it's about you. Sounds like you've gotten sick of your own life, or life in general.

    I think you need to shake things up. Are you in love with the person you're engaged to? If not, that might contribute. Do you love your job? Feeling a sense of purpose can have a profound impact on your life. Something is going on within you, you should examine and figure it out.

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    • styleofthelivingdead

      Yeah, I am in love with her but we fight a lot more often then we used to so maybe part of that is contributing to the depression, but I don't think its as simple as that. Also I don't really find a purpose in my job but it's not anything that terrible and I know it could be a lot worse but I still just hate everyone. :(

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    • 3rdDegreeLividity

      Dr. Phil? Is that you?

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  • Trekster37

    Some people are complete losers and there is nothing we can do to attempt to be nice or like them in some small way.

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  • i had the same problem so i know the answer.There are two ways for this problem to go away. Talk to your best friend about it.And start to hearing very loud strong music(Metal will be the best kind believe me) this will help you but it would not cure you.The way i was cured was after a very strong fealing(for me it was a fight)

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    • styleofthelivingdead

      Thanks, I will try listening to some metal. Any specific suggestions? I'm probably not that far from getting into a fight with a complete stranger actually, the next person to give me crap in public might get a punch in the face.

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  • MetalAnimerr

    Only a very strong feeling can cure you , and metal can help you

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    • 3rdDegreeLividity

      Lead? that's the metal that came into my mind immediately.

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  • hubjh

    there may have been some spelling errors in my last comment, as in this one, my apologies.

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  • hubjh

    YES!!!!! you said you used to be a loving person. that's why you hate everyone, you put your love and effort into the world and it doesn't love you back.that's because the world is just a fucking shithole of fucking judge mental fuckers and/or fuckery. people don't care about you. they don't care that you want to make the world a better place they just want something to make them feel better over the fact that they are fucking titty-sucking wener-faces. so they pick you. you're a loving person. you won't fight back, you will make them feel as if they are interesting if they find funny ways to make fun of you if only to forget that they have nothing else because they are vigana faces. and as all of you know, vigana's are nothing. they are empty space that's only good for providing us of the baby we don't want. thank you for your attention; I am so fucking drunk and pist

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  • maximuzzm

    yeah there are some nice people in this world.. dont get me wrong.. but they are pretty rare.. the city i live in has a high concentration of nice people... but even here it can be a struggle.. im just glad to see so many people feel the way i do

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  • Stacy1972

    I seem to hate most people i come in contact with, only if they hate me first, I am really easy to get along with but in New Jersey most people are assholes, sorry but it is true, all they do is judge each other.

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  • Warrior

    I hate because I don't believe in love any more

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  • Warrior

    We should all join together and reak havoc

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    • 3rdDegreeLividity

      Join ISIS arsewipe...they need a bitch like you.

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  • Warrior

    Hate Is good. We should all get together and unleash HELL

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  • GuessWho

    If you live in Africa, it would be a problem if you didn't.

    Most people here are just generally just horrible, arrogant, hateful, etc. (not to say they aren't wherever you are.)
    They deserve your hatred because they bring it upon themselves with their terrible attitude towards life and others

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    • 3rdDegreeLividity

      You're a spoiled rotten little child...you require a little discipline kid. Now asshole, YOU done brought THAT upon your own self. "Kay?

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  • Ispeakknowledge

    most people probibly hate you lol

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