I hate my birthday!

For as long as I can remember I have hated and dreaded my birthday. I think its because I make a big deal out of everyone else's by always trying to remember and call/send gift on that exact day, but it doesn't seem like I ever feel satisfied when my own birthday comes by. I could have 4 or 5 birthday messages but be sad because I have like a lot more friends that should have remembered! Or for example I will get a few emails, but will be hurt I didn't get more from people that know its my bday or that they just texted and didn't call! It makes me feel selfish and ungrateful but that's just how I feel. I am to the point where I try to pretend its not my birthday or make plans to be alone/go away. Weird or what? I hate to say it, but having my birthday just make me feel unpopular! At the same time I feel like if I go around reminding people that its my bday that it will just be fake responses or forcing people to say happy birthday. Its almost like I am testing people and then get sad every year it seems like not everyone remembered--even though I should be happy some people did!!! I can't stand that I am so selfish like this!

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Comments ( 137 )
  • seniregnat

    Ok my birthday is tommorrow, and I just wanted you to know that I feel the same way as you do. Honestly there is someone else out there who thinks the same way. I am trying to decide if I should fake being sick so that I can skim over my birthday and not have to deal with the dissapointment. I think one of the best presents I will get is knowing there is someone else who thinks like me.

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    • Mooky

      Yes... there's me. Mine was yesterday and I hate it cos some special people that I thought would, didn't and that feels so bad...

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    • walangkwentangtaoako

      For me birthdays are yearly reminders of how worthless you are,I've just had my birthday yesterday but after 41 years I've decided to delete my birthday. I can't stand it anymore ever since I was a child all I wish is to have a lovely cake with my name on it and a nice present to open but it never happened I thought when I get married it will get better but it's worsed my husband forget my birthday, the next year he is working then a year after a bit better I've got a kiss on my forehead no cards no flowers. The next year I've got same thing I've ask if I deserve a flower he said don't expect too much so you don't get disappointed. So make the story short on my 41st birthday I'm not expecting anything but just a nice meal with him and my two children but he got an excuse he is not feeling well but he's more excited to attend a friend's child party and postponed my one the next day. So that's why from now on I deleted my birthday, birthdays for me are for special girl or people only and unluckily I'm not one of them. he's a nice man probably he's not that kind of guy that shows off his love even any other important occasions I don't receive any. Perhaps I can't blame him coz I don't receive any greetings from my own parents who brought me into this world.. But the good thing is I've got two lovely daughters who never fails to make me smile.

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    • wizbanged

      you people are retarded you think you have it so bad wait until u have lived a while longer after one of your siblings has commited suicide on your bday or your stepkids's father has been killed come talk to me

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  • Szasza19890616

    I also HATE my birthday. People don't give a shit about what I feel. Today is my bday and nobody cares about it. There is always argument about everything. This day is about them as every other day is.

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  • Lovelyxtattered

    I agree... I hate my birthday a lot for the past 5 or 4 years my birthday has had me hating the day I was born. 2 years in a row my family has forgotten my birthday oh what makes it better one year they waited two weeks to realize they missed it. I didn't get a sorry or anything they just said oh why didn't you say anything. WHY THE HELL SHOULD I SAY ANYTHING. YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT WHEN THE FUCK I WAS BORN. YOU COULDN'T EVEN PUT A FUCKING REMINDER ON YOUR PHONE OR ON A CALENDER SO YOU CAN WISH ME A HAPPY BIRTHDAY. And it's not even the presents. I don't want anything on my birthday. I just want to spend time with people who are suppose to love me. Oh and my friends only give a shit about themselves. When it's their birthday they expect me to bend over fucking backwards so they can be happy on their day but when it comes to me I never get anything I want. all they do is bitch about where I want to go or they say lets do something else and we never can do what I want. Parents are the same they plan something they want to do not even asking me and just do it.On one of my birthday's they did it without me because I refused to go to something that I had no interest in and was left alone on my birthday like many other times. My birthday is on Monday and you know what I hope everyone forgets again because I've been crying the whole weekend from everyone's bull shit about how they are going to make me have a great birthday but they turn around and act like ass holes to me. SO what ever fuck my birthday and everything that comes along with it. I wasn't even planing on celebrating it but no people say things will be different. Yeah it just gets worst through out the years. So I totally understand what you are feeling.

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    • spongebob2011

      Well im sorry to hear all of this and the same thing has been happening to me for freaking ever! But any who HAPPY BIRTHDAY, hope that helps a little bit. :)

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    • Aries26

      I feel the same way! My family plans stuff and then they ask me what I want to do. I want to be left alone. I want to turn my phone off and the hell with everything. I feel like saying F everyone and everything. I thought I was the only one who feels like this. So annoyed.

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      • Tictactoe50

        I hear you. I turn 50 in a weeks time and I hate this time of the year. No family, friends go bush and I spend two weeks trying to do something nice, yet end up staring at walls. I hate that my supposed best friend had never once organized a birthday party for me, yet I've done nice stuff for her on her birthday. I hate that for once in my life I could have at least family do something nice - but no.

        I was sticky beaking at my birthday gift from the SIL and brother, who do have a bit of money behind them - she inherited a lot. What do I get - a bl***dy tea towel and a $30 voucher - for my 50th!!!!!! Flamin heck I spent more than that on their damn Christmas presents - each!!!!!!

        I'm just gutted that for once in my sodding life I wish people could give a damn. I guess not. I could just sleep these two weeks away and forget they exist. Yet I have to keep up the illusion that every thing is fine. NOT!!!!

        I'm just gutted and depressed - always am at this time of the year.

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    • RCB

      I know exactly what you mean. some people have to fight friends and family off to not make a big deal out of their birthday, but it seems for some of us..no one could care less. its like i get excited cos its my special day and i want to celebrate it and be happy for one day at least when i can be expected to,u but people just seem to put you down and remind you that its just an ordinary day. i sometimes have to remind myself not to get my hopes up cos i will be disappointed. its a day when you get to see how worthless you are to everyone. honestly, for the past 4 years, i spend my bday with a couple of sleeping pills and whatever alcohol i can find. i know it may seem childish,
      but being treated like you are nothing hurts, especially by the people you would do anything for.

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  • BOYracer88

    i agree its so much hassle, my last birthday i had to practicly beg my friends to come out, made me feel like i was annoying them when they should have just made an effort themselves. why do we celebrate them anyway whats good about getting older? lol

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  • Uzzie101

    I hate the way people want ME to care about MY birthday!
    I could've been born at any time!

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    • Joannamaria

      I agree with you.

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  • paperdaisy

    I hate birthdays too ! I don't even give a fuck if i am self centred. I fucking hate them. I am going out for mine today and can't stop crying it's shit. half of people already let me down. according to one of my friends (who i have known for approx twenty years) it's to much hassle!! I always make a big deal of other peoples b'days.well they can all fuck off from now on i am going to treat them how they treat me. I am gonna ignore them on the actual b'day and turn up four days late with a card and pressie (that i have got from the local garage) if i can be arsed !!

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  • Sparkles

    You aren't alone. I also hate mine. I pretend it isn't my birthday, act normal, and if someone remembers, I pretend like I forgot. I also don't want parties or presents or cake or anything. Just want it to be a normal day. :(

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    • pinkxchopsticks

      the exact same thing goes for me :(

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  • halboug

    is it normal that seeing that so many feel the same way as i do make be feel better ? lol

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  • triniprincess

    i know how you feel tomorrow is my birthday and i am sitting here feeling so angry inside already cuz i know i'm going to be dissapointed....... i just hate my birthday!!!!!!!!!!! i'm already having a bad day too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • RileyStavros

    All the comments above are proof that birthdays are total bullshit. Even the people who have successful birthdays spend a lot of time stressing about it weeks before. Why stress? Why put pressure on yourself? I try not to care.. but it's hard when other people keep asking 'so what did you do for your birthday?' saying "Nothing" sounds lame as hell so each year I dread the uneventful event.

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  • Zim

    Agreed, I always hate my birthday. Haven't had a party with friends since I was about 12, because since then I usually haven't had enough friends for one. I have a meal with the family in a restaurant instead, but last year, which was my freakin 18th, my brother was ill so we didn't do ANYTHING at all. We would have gone out later in the week after he felt better, but I didn't remind my family about it because was in the middle of revising for exams and felt extremely stressed out so was sure I couldn't relax. But none of this made me cry, until my BEST FRIEND completely forgot my birthday. She has loads of friends she is close to while I don't, which means I value our friendship much more than her, and she had an exam on that day so I know her mind was on other things, but it still made me feel like utter shite. I had reminded her about it not long before. I wasn't expecting a present or card or even a phone call, but to not get a text or email or facebook message saying just two words was horrible. And I remembered her birthday. Her forgetting made me cry for hours.

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  • tonilwest

    Today I am 55 years old. I hate this day Nothing from family or friends.This day will be just like yesterday and just like tomorrow.What a waste.

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    • wolfie01

      One month after you and I am in the same place! Sept 22

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  • alwaysoutnumbered

    Yep I hate mine too. Its my 21st in 2 days and I have NOTHING to do. I didn't used to hate my birthday but the last 3 have just been total non-events. Being in mid-January there's no-one around from uni and since we moved areas 3 years ago all my uni holidays have been depressing. I did actually plan to just have some metime and go off for a long bike ride but that simple pleasure has also been snatched away from me as my father has decreed that I have to go and spend the day with my grandmother who doesn't even like me. Does it get more depressing than that?

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  • reyrey

    Oh God. this is exactly how i feel today. some 18th birthday this was. what do i get for my fucking birthday? a card.. wooo i always wanted one. sorry dad? did you just say the book and movie i got two weeks ago was my present? lovely, what next? my text books and school fees will be next years present. fuck fuck fuck. and get this, my so called friend called and said she was just going to pop by and then she had to go uni to "stud", and even better after that she was going to go to the movies with her other friend. her other fucking friend on MY FUCKING BIRTHDAY! when she realised i wasn't happy about this she asked if she could come. well guess what? I FUCKING DON'T FUCKING WANT YOU, YOU IDIOT! i don't want anything, because i KNOW that's what you'll get me. Nothing. So i might aswell ask for nothing. for me birthdays are days where life tells me that no one gives a shit about me. so thanks for fucking me life birthdays.

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    • codhubiv

      Dang, what an ungrateful tart!

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  • xandy

    its depresses me cos its makes me think about death and my mortality
    lol i no that sounds wierd but i really f###ing hate my birthday
    your not alone!!!
    and the presents never live up 2 my expectations lol

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  • costantsin

    I always used to think I was alone in this! My 15th birthday is coming up next month and I am dreading it...My parents want me too do something for my birthday, as usual, but when I resist them and tell them I don't want to do anything, they start shouting at me, and going on that 'I HAVE to do something!' This is really annoying, considering my birthday should be my choice, and if I decide to shun it, so be it.
    So now I have to come up with a party idea, otherwise I'm dead meat. Great feeling so pressured like that, eh?
    The reason I don't like them in the first place is simple; on your birthday nothing is about you. You have to satisfy your guests otherwise they will complain about having a 'shit time' and make you feel like crap. The attention is cringy, and the gifts are over the top. Plus, we're all celebrating another year closer to death. Whoope-doo.

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    • Missrandom

      @ costantsin (80072)

      I argee....no one can ever just let you have a choice...

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  • mercedes2004

    I FUCKING HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE MY BIRTHDAY!!i know EXACTLY how you feel THANK YOU so much for sharing!!!!!!!I honestly fucking HATE my birthday!and sorry for ranting but its my FUCKING BIRTHDAY TODAY and I FUCKING HATE HATE HATE IT!sorry for sounding like a spoilt selfish dissapointed BITCH but I feel like SHIT and WISHED fucking birthdays DID NOT EXIST!THEY ARE THE FUCKING SHITEST DAYS IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE UNIVERSE!!PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT DAY AGHHHHHH I FUCKING HATE IT...im not really as much of a psycho as I sound but honestly what a fucking lame day ...piece of absolute shit - i fucking hate it, bent bent bent... all my freinds are doing exams, my sis incl, my mum took me out to drop SOME FUCKING WORK PAPERS no she couldnt have taken me shopping, for coffee, to the movies, for a walk NOPE, to drop FUCKING WORK PAPERS!!, i got mascara (loreal) and an umbrella thats actually a fucking PARASOL from my sisters!!and they ARE NOT BABIES!! NO FUCKING TEXT FROM my SUPPOSED BEST FREIND - HONESTLY I JUST HOPE SHE FORGETS BECAUSE I WOULDNT WANT IT AT THIS STAGE. My mum got me book tokens and she offered to pay for a flight id already booked - HOW FUN??? and its my FUCKING 21ST BIRTHDAY AND ITS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOOOOOOOOOOO LAME I HONESTLY JUST WANT TO CRY AND SCREEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM!!!!!ALSO she told me if it wasnt for the recession she would've gotten me a CAR!THANKS I DID NOT NEED TO KNOW THAT!YEAH THATS ALL I HATE MY BIRTHDAY I JUST FFFFUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKINGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHATTTTTTEEEEEEE IT AGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHH - OK IM DONE FREAKING YOU OUT...THANKS FOR THE VENTING SPACE, MUCH APPRECIATED.

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    • dsaman

      I fully agree with you my friend..I have a birthday March 1rst that ends in a ''0''...I am totally dreading this horrible day!

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    • c0ry5

      Wow this makes me feel much better about my birthday. I was dreading it and then i read some of these posts and realized i should be happy. I have never liked my birthday and never understood why. I also dread any time when people give me presents. my 21 b-day is in 2 days and my dad called me and said he found a car that he would buy for me if i liked. because i hate presents i said i didnt like it but now i realize how lucky i am to have parents that would do something like that. Because they have always given me more than i need i dread getting more stuff unless i buy it

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  • fuckmybdaybitches

    TODAY is my birthday and you know what I got? from my SISTER who i have been there for her whole life, and gone through hell and back for..whos birthday party i planned and spent thousands on...I GOT some cheap shity makeup from the drugstore..she didnt even say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" Or give me the makeup she just left them on my bed for me. Then went out partying with her friends, i havent even seen her today at all..FROM MY PARENTS i got a bottle of perfume that i asked for, but not the BIG bottle, because that would be too much!! even though for my sister they spent 2 grand.
    THATS IT NOTHING ELSE. I hate hate hate birthdays..SO DISAPPOINTING. Nobody even cares and i put so much effort into making other peoples days special and im thoughtfull of what they need and want and go to any expense to make sure they are happy. BUT for me NOBODY cares. I got ONE CARD, and a handfull of messages on FB...sometimes i feel like if i just disappeared off the face of the earth, nobody would even notice for weeks.

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    • geekchic82

      i totally feel you on this one! My birthday is coming up this next thursday...#30 and really...why give a fuck? all my friends have always made big events out of other friends but never mine...always like "we should do something for your b-day" yet...suprise parties for others but...what the hell...am i supposed to plan my own party? fuck that...this is the one day i get to have things all about me! yes, im saying that this day i get to be a selfish bitch 100%! the other 364 days a year i take care of everyone, plan their parties, work my ass off and even the other holidays im expected to be the best gift giver,shoulder to cry on, personal bank for the broke ass mother f=ers that call themselves my family (yet my bro and sis have never gone without and never had a shitty b-day but, the parents rationale is since im the oldest, i should understand?) what the F! i celebrate by myself with a bottle of wine that i buy the previous year for my b-day the next....so this next thursday...i will pop that cork on last years wine, listen to music like the f-n loser i apparently am and just say f-it...tomorrow will come and go and thats that....and in the midst of this rant,, get a call from my mom asking about $ for a cruise they are planning for my sisters graduation...what the hell!?!?! dont get me started on that one (they put her through school,i worked to put myself through...and on my graduation, they left right after to go to dinner and didnt even invite me!) FML!

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    • Aries26

      I know it's bullshit. I spent so much money on bdays for my family and got total shit for mine. I'm not breaking my bank anymore.

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  • zjenn4

    Wow. Finally people who understand. In reading all the comments, I can relate to them all: the wishing people close to me would remember my birthday, the bad things always happening to ruin everything, the feeling like I put in more effort to other ppl's birthdays than they've ever done for mine, the fakeness people give off, all the drama (my dad was mean and made me cry on my 16th, 8th, and almost my 21st birthdays). I'd also add, that my church does a 21 day fast at the end of January every year. Guess whose birthday falls in that time? Mine. So no point in having a party when no one will be eating any food. That and there are a few other people who also have birthdays around this time, and they've already sent invites out. I don't want to have to make people chose one party over another, and I don't want people to feel obligated to buy things, especially if they can't afford it (because then they usually end up not coming). So since birthdays seem to cause so much drama, I'm with most of you, I'd rather just pretend the day doesn't exist. I moved to a new state as well, and refuse to tell people when my birthday is. This usually makes them angry, but I don't care. Of course, at my work they have everyone's stupid birthday date posted on the stupid time card... lame! I told my co-workers I don't want to celebrate my birthday, and yet, they still harass me about it. Not because it's my birthday, but because they need something no bother me with. I just wish everyone could read some of the comments in here to see why people don't like their birthday. So cheers to all of us birthday hating people!!

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  • wolfie01

    I am so bummed out. Today is my birthday. I feel maybe I am self centered because I get so let down. Nobody remembers it or they don't care. I just want to go to sleep now to stop waiting fo my phone to ring and someone say happy birthday. My mother didn't even call. Funny thing, one man I see and nod hello to had to come to my office today. Neither of us knew the others name. He had a work question. We introduced ourselves, laughed that we say hi for 3 years but still don't know our names. Well, he sent an e-mail wishing me a happy birthday today. I said thank you but he wouldn't tell me how he knew. Of course I start thinking, everybody knows and they make sure nobody says anything but this guy slipped up. I need to go to bed and end this day. To all you others, I feel the same way too.

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  • mjaspe

    WUUT? OMG you are like my soul sister. My bday is this sunday. And I have been feeling that nobody knows it will be my bday on sunday, not even my two "best friends". Well, sooometimes one of them remembers but..it doesnt seem like she cares about it. The worst part is that, every year something happens, something really bad. 8 years ago there was a huge dissaster in the capital city and a lot of people were killed, -not my fault, but is very sad, everyone remembers that every April 11-; Two years ago my grandfather died, last year I had to move to another new appartament, and I was sad 'cause I lost a LOT of friends there. And this year, well, today, one of my best teachers died.
    PLUS, now my friends like.. forgot? my bday? or maybe i dont know. and PLUS, my best friends want me to go to join them on my bday to do a big homework in someone's house. HOMEWORK? omg, Im so sad. but I feel that if I say something I will just be selfish.
    Honestly, I want to cry. help

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  • mkaidd

    i feel the same way sometimes... when other people's birthdays come around, i find myself checking to see if they said anything to me on my birthday and reciprocating accordingly.

    maybe you could send out an announcement about some kind of birthday get-together... so you can do something fun the day of and maybe get some more messages too even if some people can't come. something casual like coffee maybe.

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  • buriedalive

    It doesn't make you selfish to feel put out when people forget your birthday, especially when you remember theirs. That said, you shouldn't feel bad about reminding people, most of your friends would probably be mortified to think that they'd forgotten, and would rather have you tell them than have the day ignored. It's nothing personal when someone forgets anyway. I love my friends, but I would forget all their birthdays if I didn't set reminders : )

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  • Dirtyboy666

    Happy birthday

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  • drin_ka

    Well, I hate my bday too. In a few days I'm gona be 22 and everybody is asking me what present do I want. It's awful. I can't stand it anymore. I feel like I'm 5 years old. :(

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  • nathyjubskiningbitch69

    Honestly, there were the best gift I could always gets on my life!
    Seriously, you are not crazy, I was thinking that I was some kind of freak, 'cause guess what?
    I'm doing 18, and I'm currently living in France, so all should be perfect right?
    But noooooo, I'm having a SHITTIIIING time, really, one of the worst, any one in this country knows how speak or even makes a effort, to try to speak a little of english, I doesn't understeand anything, and now I'm legally majeur, so I can't kill anyone anymore!!!LOL..
    But oh,I'm so miserable, that I was in google searching this: WHY I HATE MY BIRTHDAY?
    Normally, I'm always excited to do a new age, a new year, and all this fucking things, but normally and I don't know why,when the Bday, finnaly cames, I'm all sad, and depressive...
    Even, when I was doing 16, and had a huge party, I still hate my birthday!!!
    But this year, were my 18, you know...So, I was with a lot of hopes and dreams for this age, 'cause in europe you can drink with 18, and all, but here I'm in a forum, descovering that I AM NORMALLLLL!!!!
    Even, when I'm checking my facebook,my Msn, my Skype, my e-mail, my phone, and all the other technologies that exist in the world!
    And asking myself, why my father, my best friend, or the boy that I like (which by the way, had a bithday last week, and I'd send a texte to him!) didn't call...

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  • Extinction_after_me

    Well. It's my birthday today and noone even cared enough to say happy birthday. Even family. I'm always putting people first yet I don't even get any sort of gratitude in return. Honestly I can safely say... FML.

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  • speccystarfish

    I hate my birthday because I always feel sad. I don't think my Mum really enjoyed it, either. My Dad never spent my birthday with me. For my 13th, my Mum gave me a £1.00 coin. I need to remember that I hate my birthday.

    As the day approaches I forget how empty it makes me feel, perhaps in a vague hope that, this year, it will be better. That my friends will remember it and call. Not send me a present or anything.

    It's my birthday today and I'm alone in my house. I had some toast, went back to bed, couldn't sleep. I'm not working this week - my free time is really precious, but today I just feel so sad and empty. I've got nothing planned. I was too shy to ask the friends I could have spent the day with to do anything together. Too many disappointments in the past mean now I just tell anyone.

    I've been to so many other people's birthdays - weekends in country houses, pubs, restaurants. Dinner parties, drinks, outings, picnics. Those people must feel good about themselves or surely they wouldn't be able to plan these events or hope that people will turn up. All for their birthdays.

    Several years ago I had a party in my house and 4 people turned up. I had invited about 20. None of the ones who turned up were my girl-friends. I don't understand it. I make a big deal out of other people's birthdays.

    I just want today to be over with.

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  • hartley2

    my birthday is on new years eve, everyone forgets my birthday, they always have plans, obviously. my dad has always taken his vacation time for the last 20yrs on my birthday and on my 21st he told my mum to give me his old tape recording video camera, wtf, it was the year of digital. but on the up side in my adult years i will always have a party to go to.

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  • forgotten_04

    Im very glad that there are other people having the same issues as me. Last year, i was extremely ill on my birthday, but i do not think that would have changed the fact that everyone forgot and did not get me anything. This year one of my really good friends that i am really close with is throwing a surprise birthday for another one of our friends. on my birthday. It does not matter to me that i do not get anything for my birthday or nobody throw a huge party for me. But it would be nice for my close friends to think of me and realize maybe i do not want to be spending my birthday preparing and throwing someone else's surprise party that could be set on another day. I confronted her about it, and she said, oh well i guess it can be for both of you. Great, i love people trying to make it better even after they forgot, and not care about how i may feel about having someones surprise birthday on my birthday. Cool. It is just like i thought she was my friend and it really hurts.

    oh and about that school decorating thing. I had my best friend decorate it for me once by herself. I have decorated all of my friends lockers multiple years. So, i guess it just hurts when they do not think your worth enough to do the same.

    So my birthday is next friday, and i am planning on being alone and having it be just like any other day. hopefully i'll have cried myself out by then and act like i do not care.

    I also wish i never had a birthday, there would be no let-downs.
    Thanks for reading. I know i sound pitiful.

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  • CuntFace

    omfg i hate my birthday too, my mums always like "ohh you could have a sleepover n' shit" and i fucking hate all the attention i get, ¬¬'' i know exactly how ya feel tbh

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  • harryziegler52

    OK, so here's the deal. It's TOTALLY my birthday today but nobody has fucking said happy birthday to me. Birthdays used to be a day of rejoice.... but now it's like a day of CONDEMNATION. I'm just gonna go to McDonalds, eat a big mac, maybe some chips, then i'm going back to SLEEP. I was sexually harassed as a child on my 8th b-day, the clown............ so maybe that's why i hate birthdays. i hate birthdays so much, they should just call them crydays. All i wanna do is listen to 'Mad World' by Gary Jules and cry in my bed. I can totally relate to that song... it's like it's about my birthday. I'm 43 today and all i've got to show for it are a sticky note on my wall..... it says 'happy birthday harry.'......i wrote it myself. The past 10 years of birthdays i've spent in my garden, sitting on a rock wanking and crying. Have you ever had a crying wank? Maybe you should try it. It helps to relieve the pain.

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    • HalfHuman

      I feel the same way brother. Like I hate everything and don't know why. My birthday was yesterday and it was horrible. I felt so alone

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  • byzans

    I never used to HATE my birthday, but things have changed a lot over the past decade or so. First off I don't have a ton of friends so I never have a party or anything. I usually spend my birthday with my husband and kids. It seems though that as I have gotten older that even they don't really give a shit anymore. I don't often get a card anymore...I never get flowers. If I want a cake it's pretty much up to me to buy it or bake it myself. But even this pales in comparison to what my parents did to me to ruin my birthday. Seven years ago my baby brother died in an accident at the end of October. My birthday happens to fall on Nov. 3 and my father's is on Nov. 6th. It was sad enough that we had to plan and attend a funeral around that time anyway...but my parents actually planned the funeral for the 3rd...ON MY BIRTHDAY. They steered clear of Dad's though of course. Gee thanks...nothing like a not-so-subtle hint that you don't care for me at all. How sick is that shit? I took away the unspoken message that perhaps I should have been the one to die...after all I know my place in the family and it sure as hell ain't the "golden child". When I made a comment about why it couldn't have been the day before or day after and avoided both Dad's and my birthdays, I was told that my mother just forgot when my birthday was....WHAT MOTHER FORGETS WHEN A CHILD'S BIRTHDAY IS?? I guess I shouldn't have been too surprised because they never remember my kids (their grandchildren) on their birthdays either...silly me...I thought grandparents lived for that shit. Anyway I just hate when my birthday rolls around because I always feel upset and miserable thinking about being forgotten, having a funeral associated with the date, and getting older. I am 41 today and this morning all I got as I looked out at the incredible mess my husband and children left of the house for me to clean up was a "happy birthday, try not to be crabby today.", from my husband. Today sucks.

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  • hammerslammer

    something bad always happens on my birthday...plus why should it matter if you get presents or if the presents are good enough i mean ive never gotten a present on my birthday

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  • nathanisacrazybitch

    Well i think i hate my birthday too, it´s just every year something horrible happen to me, for example last year i got H1N1 flu and the year before that one i had a calculus exam that i didn't know i was going to have, i fucked up the whole semester because of that, the list sadly grows and grows every year. I think i don't mind if everybody forgets my birthday, I just told my mum that i am going to spend all the day in my room tomorrow just in case (my stupid birthday is tomorrow)and she asked me why, she didn't remember my birthday is tomorrow, but i found it kind of funny, i mean she was there and she can't remember, i don't have many friends and they probably won't realize when is my birthday until they see it on fb or any other social network, my parents are so poor and my only sister live so far away, so i don't think i will get any gift, but the only think i really want is that nothing bad happen this time.

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  • scatterlaughter11

    I understand what you mean completely! I hate whenever my birthday comes around because some people make a huge deal about it and are always asking me what I want for a present and what I want to do. This year I just took three days off and avoided all the falseness associated with it.

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  • cantwejustskipit

    I'm almost 46 years old, and I hate my birthday, too. But I seem to hate it for a different reason that most of you in this thread. My friends and family always remember, and I wish they wouldn't. It embarrasses me. I don't want recognition, I don't want gifts, and I REALLY don't want people asking me, "What do you want for your birthday?" I don't want anything! I just want to have a normal day. And if I ever actually SAY I'd rather just skip it, people get upset with me for "being a downer". Really. I just want to be invisible. I feel the same about Christmas, Mother's Day, anniversaries... the works. I don't feel special just because it's the anniversary of the day I was born (if I'm special, I should be special every day, right?). And I HATE the artificial feeling of everyone thinking they have to make a big deal out of it.

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    • srh

      I registered just to respond to your post. It made me realize why I felt the way I did. Why I don't want the attention or gifts. Such a superficial day. Where did we ever get the stupid idea of celebrating birthdays,etc. anyway? I guess card companies, etc. If someone is really special or meaningful to you then it should be everyday. You're right. Thanks for being real and for your post.

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  • jose45

    lol tomorrow is my b day and im turning 16 and i never look forward to it :( i dont like the attention i get from the moment i wake up to the moment i go to sleep. I dont know why but i just dont like it. And yes i know im ungrateful :(

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  • Scullymsw

    I want to thank you all for the comments. Many people say that once you turn a certain age, you should suck it up and deal with it. I think that many of us already have these feelings and certainly don't need to be told it over and over. We want people to listen and hear us! Sometimes it's a matter of communication. Sometimes people get busy. We all get that. But there really is no reason for people to be self centered and we just accept that.

    I tried to plan my birthday one year, which happened to be 3 months before my friend's wedding. She talked about her wedding and the argument she had planned with her mother later that day. That was a fun day trip and "party" afterward. I tried to take "control " of my day and it failed. I want to never try again, but I have to. That's the hard part.

    I have one wish that I cannot make happen. I want my supposed "BFF" to think of me and my day WITHOUT having to tell her. And I regularly have to remind myself that my expectations are sometimes unrealistic.

    My issue this year is what I can't get out of. Every month the family has "family birthdays". My mom puts these family dinners on each month as tradition, but it also means a lot to her. She feels she is keeping the family together with these parties. So I can't really get out of it. That's fine. But because my birthday is the only one in July, they like to wait until august and combine birthdays. This also saves money. But august birthdays involve children. They always get more presents than I do. I would like to think I am an adult, but it still hurts my feelings. My day ends up being about someone else. And to add to it, someone just had a baby. The mother's histrionic and so every conversation is about the baby or her or whatever.

    I'm gay and have to suffer through all sorts of wedding showers and baby showers at home and at work. So you add all that crap to this time of year and it gets complicated. I want to act like a child and throw a temper tantrum! But I have to keep myself in check.

    My question is: what are some ideas to try to cope? I tend to get stuck in a loop and can't think of new things to try.

    Thanks again, everyone, for adding comments!!

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    • HalfHuman

      I dont have a family, just a mom. I got nothing for my birthday. I'm sooo lost I dont know what to do anymore

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  • marquez51982

    so fuck u all. my husband and my whole family.

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  • Jennette

    Today is my 21st birthday. I have always hated my birthdays. I see them as a reminder that I have not done anything good with my life, but I also feel very uncomfortable when other people congratulate me...

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  • banfod

    I just wanted to say, to all those crying about their birthdays because they hate all the attention - boo fucking hoo.

    The worst birthdays are when noone gives a shit, when your day is ruined because hardly anyone wishes you happy birthday in person or even on Facebook. FML.

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  • Eddyjl86

    I feel EXACTLY the same way! Every year my birthday just seems to act as a reminder of how little friends I have, and how little people actually give a crap about me.
    I thought maybe it was just me being paranoid, and that the heightened emotional stress of a birthday was causing some sort of self fulfilling prophecy. But this year I decided to really make the effort; I made plans well in advance to have a big party; invited pretty much everyone I knew; I specifically made a point of contacting each person individually rather than generic messages and kept in contact with everyone I'd invited. Guess what..... Everyone of my friends either cancelled or couldn't make it. So was just going to go out with my partner and his friends.... And now my partner is ill..... So go figure.....it seems the harder I try, the harder I'm reminded that no one really cares about me. A part of me feels selfish that I should just look after my partner who's unwell, but I just wanna curl up and be alone...

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  • rachelelliott2009

    I'm sad to see that there are so many other people who feel the same as me about their birthdays. It shows how selfish human beings really are. I admit that there are some family members who have always given me money or a card year after year and sometimes ive been too broke to get anything for theirs but I always make sure I send birthday wishes etc (they are in another country btw)... the issues I have is with my boyfriends. I've had a few serious relationships over the years and I've always made sure my other half feels as special as possible on their birthday. But when it comes to mine I always get the same fucking lame excuses like 'I don't have any money to get you anything' etc etc. I make sure I plan ahead and save for theirs (I've even borrowed money in the past to make their day special.) last year I spent over £300 on my exs birthday (it was his first with me) and i spent the whole of my birthday in tears getting drunk on my own while my ex went and got me a cheap card from the supermarket (on the day!) its not like he had no money prior to that, 3 weeks before my birthday he was boasting about being overpaid at work which got my hopes up. I've never felt so alone and worthless. That relationship ended for lots of reasons including my shit birthday and shortly after I met someone else and we now live together. It was his birthday in feb and as it was a new relationship I spent quite a bit on his birthday... We went out with our friends and he had a great night. It's my birthday again in 2 weeks and I'm dreading it cos he has already said 'ohhh I need to find some money from somewhere for your birthday'! Romantic yeah? I'd rather he just didn't bother saying that to me cos it makes me feel like a burden. I put myself out for him constantly and I already know I'm going to be disappointed. I just want to hide away on that day. I'm always left feeling heartbroken year after year and wondering why I'm even alive. I have a child which is why I am still here. If it weren't for that then I probably wouldn't be here. Why the fuck can't men just think ahead and save their cash? We only get one day a year to be made to feel special- why is it so hard for people to be prepared? I'm not bothered about expensive gifts etc. I just want to feel special and appreciated for one fucking day. The only thing I've got to look forward to on my birthday is a meeting with a business mentor and going to my boyfriends aunts 60th weeklong birthday celebrations that coincide with my birthday week. I doubt anyone there will even know its my birthday and i don't think I should be the one to tell anyone. I wouldn't like to steal his aunts thunder. Overall, I hate birthdays. They are a complete waste of time. They only make the majority of us feel shit about ourselves. Thinking about it.... We should start a community where all the people who have shit birthdays should get together (even if we are strangers) and celebrate each others birthdays! Obviously our real family and friends don't give a shit!

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  • fakeflowers

    I totally agree with you. Today is my birthday, I didnt expect too much, just maybe a prezzie and card from 4 friends whom i am very close to, and my best friend. And even those who im friends with, but not really close to give me a card or just wish me happy birthday without telling them that today is my bday Even though its the exam period i really really hoped that they would remember my birthday, as last year, i got cards and prezzies from them. BUT NOO. i came into class, nobody said anything. i went to find smth of mine, i asked one of my close fren smth. i expected them to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY! and give me a card. BUT FUCKING NO. she replied normally to me. THEN MY FUCKING TEARS CAME OUT L8R IN CLASS. people comforted me. BUT NO FUCKING PRESENTS OR EVEN A CARD WRITTEN HASTLY IN CLASS. nothing. I always make an effort to give my supposedly besties a birthday present and make their day feel happy and special. Just a few days ago, there was a popular girl in my class, she juz got a few besties with her, & some frm other classes, and she got LOADS of bday prezzi and wishes and everybody wished her everywhere she went. And tmr is just great, its another popular persons bday in my class. JUST FUCKING GREAT. FMLFMLFML. Im so FUCKING PATETIC. BUT i love my family. Their FUCKING AWESOME. Oh, and facebook is some popularity contest. so far i only had like 10 "happy birthdays" while another fb fren younger than me got like fucking hundred

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  • Ihaveaniphone

    Wow i can so relate to this. I know exactly how u feel. Nobody really gives a shit about my birthday and idk why. I have a lot of friends who know exactly when my bday is but they never give a fuck. A lot of popular people have the same bday as i do and they get tons of FB posts and a lot of tweets on twitter. Since nobody else cares about my bday why the hell should i care? I have one real friend who remembers but i still feel like a loser. My birthday just reminds me of how much of a loser i am and how nobody really gives a shit about me at all. I hate my birthday. Don't get me wrong i really appreciate that God toolk the time to make me but in terms of celebrating my bday i just cant stand it.
    Those two people who posted negative comments are just ignorant and have no idea how it feels to be lonely every year on your bday.

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  • brookly_187

    I hate my birthday to! My brother married a girl with a daughter who's bday is on Jan.29 and my great grandmas is on the Jan.28 mine of Jan.3o last year my great grandmas party was thrown on my birthday at my house so in stead of being able to hang out with a couple of friends go to the movies like I had plan weeks ago I had to hang out with family who I didn't even say hi to me let alone wish me a happy birthday it was like the the year before to. My name wasn't even mention in happy birthday song and nobody offered me cake. when I left to go get myself a coffee they though it was rude that I didn't ask if anyone else want to come. This year I my mom is even do anything my birthday just seems to be forgotten after there partys Im lucky if i can a card from someone. The only way ill be get cake is if I go out it get it myself or wait 3 weeks like I had to last year and I only got that one because someone ask what kind I had and my sister in law overheard me saying I didn't get anything so she bought me one. I just feel like know cares.

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  • tulip2

    my birthday depresses me. i get so excited for it, but then the closer it gets the worse i feel. i'm always the one planning my birthday. for once i would like someone else to do it for me. i wish for that amazing feeling on my birthday that i have always hoped for. i just feel akward and weird with the attention... idk it's lame. I am also one of those people that go out of my way to make other peoples birthday feel special.

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  • malaa

    It's surprising and yet not, how many people seem to hate or dread their birthdays. I do too. For years my family made my birthdays miserable, and they still do. I wasn't allowed to celebrate with my friends for my 16th, 18th or 21st now, because my family 'wanted to make it special'. By arguing and forcing me to do things I have no interest in, go places I don't want to and eat food I don't want to. Yep, I can see how that's 'special'.
    They ruined all the birthdays I was most looking forward to, couldn't even remember my very first gallery showing (but could remember every shift my brother was working, and what the neighbours were doing) and now want to ruin (or in their words 'celebrate') my first graduation from university. And again, it'll be expected of me to be considerate and tolerate their horrible behaviour and mean attitude. I mean, they've just spent the past 3 years either belittling or ignoring my attempts at getting a decent education, but now want to 'celebrate' *my* achievments, as though they had something to do with it?

    I'd like to go to grad, but only if they don't.

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  • rachelbugg24

    Today is my 16th birthday.Supposedly the best birthday you should have during your teenage years.My mom didn't buy/bake me a cake,instead she gave me a left over gift perfume sample.Only my brother made me a card.I didn't get No card either from her either.I don't mean to complain but its just shitty I cant even throw a party.I have no family to come over and have dinner or whatever.It sucks..I wish I could have somehow make it better but it just went terrible and I could cry.I wish my birthday had gone much better..because honestly this isn't a 16th birthday ill remember:/

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  • Missrandom

    I argee...

    Today I turned 17 and all my mum cares about is getting me out of the house..and she's trying to plan my whole day

    But all I want to do it be alone and do what i want to do..But I can't

    Im sick of people trying to force my birthday upon me..

    It's my day..I'm just over having birthdays

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  • thebean

    Totally feel the exact same way. So much so that I had to Google "why do people hate their birthdays?" just to find out if there's some type of science to the matter. All this said, today is my birthday and I've been dreading it since it came to be May. No texts or calls or anything so far. I don't network socially, so there's no hope there. I don't have any plans, either, so...
    Just another year for me.

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  • superb

    Ok, its my birthday on Monday 3rd April. I have always hated my birthday and this one is no different. It gets no better the older you get, I am one year closer to 50 and it makes the birthday issue suck bigger time. So many people I know had massive 50th birthday parties organised for them but I wont. No-one could be bothered for me. Besides whats there to celebrate? I have no real friends anyway or are my standards for a real friendship too high?

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    • daisytrain

      It's ok. We all seem to have this problem on this wall.

      Don't expect anything from lousy friends. Ignore them

      Star tyour life over and be your own best friend first. Then be very discerning who you are frinds with.

      I don't have any..got rid of them all and even my family. Be nice to people but remember that people are selfish.

      I Hope you will have wonderful future birthdays and start planning your 55th. Go to a restaurant and celebrate with someone off the street. I'm going out on my next birthday and i will invite some homeless strangers and we'll celebrate ;)

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  • PinkStylist

    My birthday is tomorrow and this is the best gift! And I can guarantee the ONLY gift! I hate my birthday!! I truly realize every year that I don't have any REAL friends! One of my "friends" made a crappy comment like "oh I forgot it was all about you" Uh duh! It's MY birthday! A group of people want to take me out tomorrow but I feel like it's for their own selfish reasons not because the give a shit about my bday! I mean they are inviting people I don't even know so what does that tell you?! Case in point I just wanna stay home and feel sorry for myself not go and pretend to believe anyone actually gives a damn!

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  • stilettopower

    i hate my birthday. nobody REALLY cares about it. I say this because I have a lot of friends at school but I can tell my their stupid faces they feel forced to say happy birthday. I hate it! My boyfriend dumped me and I"m all alone and last year he gave me a beautiful ring that I threw away right after he broke up with me and told me i was a slut for no reason :/ I hate my birthday

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  • webster4

    So glad I stumbled upon your post. I'm going through kinda the same thing at the moment as it's my 21st in a few days. I put it off and off as I have friends all over the place and I knew there would be a backlash of excuses of not having money etc. But I eventually agreed to have one - my parents have been great through the whole thing sorted it so I have the best pressies and everythings sorted (which makes me feel worse as I have been a nightmare cos I wish they had just organised it from the start - i dnt rely want a fuss just evryone having a good time). Now it feels like noone is coming and these are friends that i've driven all over the country for to see them on there birthdays. It's not like I hate birthdays, believe me i've had some rely good ones it just feels like the milesstones... 16, 18, 21 seem to be such a let down. I'm feeling so crappy about the whole situation i just want to bury my head in the sand. I also feel really bad because I have know started to focus on the ones that aren't coming instead of the ones who are... I just feel like i'm going crazy...

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  • artface

    thankyou all;I have always dreaded my own birthday and ALWAYS forget other peoples especially loved ones.children's birthdays are ok if they are into it,but some folks make such a big deal it makes me sick...and all that sweet stuff...YUK.I used to stand outside the room as a child and wish they would all go away.One time I told everyone to go away and painted one of my best paintings ever. It should be a day when you do whatever you like by yourself without all the fake wishes. Just wish people would put more effort into all the other days of the year towards the humanity of mankind.A little kindness goes a long way.

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  • culchahvulchah

    quit doing things for people out of obligation. quit doing things for people because you expect something in return. do things for people only because you want to, only because it feels good.

    never lend. only give away. if you cannot "afford" to give away, you are in no position to lend. that goes for money, time and, yes, birthday observances.

    life -- the matter of our family and friends -- is not about tit for tat; business is. save your scorecard for that arena.

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    • kahlua

      Absolutely! You have the right mindset!!!

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  • i know how you feel
    it's my b-day tomoro and i dont even kno if my best friend that i have known all my life if she will rememeber
    we have'nt talked for weeks i dont know why??? she has new friends that are in her class
    i am not in her class thats why!!
    i know she wont remember because she has'ent even phoned me or said hi or asked me where i might go for my b-day
    it rely makes me sad
    we were best friends for life then weeks later she dont bother coming round to my house
    its like i have lost a sister

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  • adamxciii

    You did not come into being on your birthday..but when you were fertilized as an egg
    Birthdays are a scam

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  • onebadassbunny

    I haven't read all the comments but I'd be happy to let my birthday slide by. I don't want the pressure of "loving" what was planned -- especially when it appears the planning was done with everyone else in mind. Or having guilt tossed my way because I'm telling people I don't want a party and I'm the bad guy because they want to do something. Let me get this straight -- I don't want a party and it's my birthday but I'm obligated to make others feel good? is it wrong to ask my wishes be accepted on my birthday? The past two years we have been slammed around my birthday and I got the "we'll go out for a really great dinner in a few weeks". Still waiting. Birthdays are not worth it. I wish I could schedule a trip out of town on business for three days before and three days after.

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  • Chrissi

    Great!!! I thought I was being all weird and whatever!! Today is my bday and I literally almost threw up when the first happy birthday crap started to come in, then when i reply 'thanx' or whatever i get asked why im being so rude and what not, then once I say that I hate my bday people start fighting with me that im so ungrateful and I should be ashamed of myself and I should appreciate having a bday and the list goes on. Honestly, 26 January will always remain a normal day, nothing fancy, nothing spectacular, nothing special, it is just a day like 25 January and 27 January! I honestly don't know why people make such a big fuss about birthdays... Jeez!! No, I'm not negative and what not, there's just more important things than my stupid crummy birthday... Whooo! So I'm a year older... Let's get back to work okay?

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  • Chibigirl01

    It's the one day where I remember how lonely I am. My birthday leads me to depression rather than happiness....Birthdays suck.

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  • sanan22

    This is totally me. my birthday is in 3 days and I've been obsessively fearing it for the past 2 weeks.
    why fear? because it's so bad and depressing that I wish it's my death day every year, yet I manage to "survive" that day and nothing happens.
    I hate how it resembles a checkpoint or judgement day where you have to show all the progress you made in that year of your life, when you've been busting your @r$e all year trying to fix stuff and make a living. it's as if someone out there keeps telling you to do more and try harder and push for more because "you're getting old!!!".
    well, I am getting old. I'm almost 30, without a car, a job, a house or a prospect of a potential gf.

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  • VioletteViola

    My birthday was yesterday and I spent the evening crying in bed because I was so depressed. My depression every year stems from the fact that I've mostly seen my relatives fighting (badly) at my birthday party. Now this was years back, when I was a kid (I'm 27 now). So, I think it's those memories, plus my dad always makes it a point to spoil my birthday one way or another. He's insensitive to my feelings and doesn't give a fuck about my birthday or anything. I end up feeling angry and sad around my birthday. And the day is usually a day of living hell. It makes me want to wish I was never born!

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    • ukviewpoint

      well my birthday is next week (43 years) and I'm dreading it I think I may have some depression however whatever I ever get seems rubbish and I find myself just feeling ungrateful however when people don't bother it makes you feel rubbish - wanted to go to a concert but people are to busy maybe I am just a miserable bum who doesn't deserve anything anyway lol. I hope you are OK now your birthday is passed.

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  • n1a2v3

    i hate my birthday because i feel i get too much of a fake attention from the people. i feel they are sort of making fun of me. on my birthday i always look for something to hide behind from everyone even me. i tend to overreact to everything on that creepy day that doesn't seem to go away from me never leaves me alone. i always wish that everyone could just forget my birthday so that at least one of the never ending days of my life will disappear.

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  • LizzieMay

    It's my 21st birthday on wednesday, and my mum and grandma, the only close family I have (we live together) insist on us going out for a meal- they dont want a landmark Bday going un-celebrated. I get that, I do. And I know they mean well, but for the past five years, my mum has been with this man who is really horrible to her. I hate him. It's not that she has a partner, after being us since she divorced my dad (who is also a looser, tried to murder my granddad with a paving slab, she has the worst taste in men) its that he basically emotionally abuses her, only just 'getting over' his ex a month ago. Since she met him, Ive always felt that I'm not important to her any more, she always seems to brush me off in favor of him, and she can't understand why my grandma and I refuse to let him in the house. He made her suicidal while I was taking my GCSEs.
    Anyway, since she met him, my birthday has always seemed to be the day she wants to 'prove' that she still cares and is a good mother, trying too hard and being too... exaggerated with it. I wish she'd just leave me alone and just treat it like any other day, I dont WANT her false sense of care. I dont KNOW her anymore. If she isnt like that the rest of the time, why should she rub it in my face on my bday? It's all "Oh, I lovve my little girl, you'll always be my baby!" Do you live up to that at any other time?? NO.
    To be honest, the only thing that gets me through it without crying at what I lost when she met him, is my Grandma, who I, to be brutally honest, care for more than my mother.
    Now, dont get me wrong, I love my Mum- but the way she used to be, not this pale imitation who hangs on the bastard's every word. Think Harley Quinn and the Joker, that's basically their relationship, except he isnt that cool. He's a fat, short balding, looser plumber who barely stays in business and cant spell procrastination, which is ironic as thats all he does.

    He's allergic to bananas. Guess what type of cake I'm making for him for HIS birthday?

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    • LizzieMay


      Well, she's still with him.
      Nothing's changed.
      Didn't get to make the banana cake, un-fucking-fortunately.

      Don't get me wong, I NEVER swear, except when discusing Steve the looser.

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  • hallowithyou

    It is such a relieve that im not the only one that feels this way.. Kinda thought i was alone with this. My 17th birthday is tomorrow and im so scared!I know my story is nothing compared to some of the others (and i really feel for You gyus by the way), i just felt like sharing, hope thats okay...
    A couple of years ago, i had the worst birthday, only my close family remembered. I got like 5 birthday wishes on facebook. And i know how fake that stuff is, but it just means a lot to me for some reason. If i se that someone on facebook got like 10 happy birthdays on facebook, i feel so sorry for them. And i hate it when people feel sorry for me! Its the worst. And after that day (i think i was my 15th) i have been terrified of birthdays. I have bad anciety and suffer from depression, so this stuff is really hard on me. Im not that popular, and i like being alone. Especially on my birthday. And i have the 4 best friends i the world, and i know they will remember, but still, it reminds me of how unpopular i am. I just wonna sleep through the entire day. Or act like it isnt my b-day. But there is allways that one person that reminds everybody, and then its just sad... I hate the high expectations, and i HATE FACEBOOK. does anybody else feel that way (hating facebook). It sucks :'(I feel so selfish for writing this at all...

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  • Justanothergirlsss

    I cannot say how happy I am to have seen this... My good god I just turned 14 on August 6th and guess who cared about my birthday? Felt like zero... I know my situation doesn't even come close to some of these, but I'm quite sick of getting a bunch of cards and maybe $10 or $20, or a stupid gift card. I only have 4 years till adulthood... 4 YEARS!!!! I wanted to get meaningful stuff that's actually usable... People to appreciate me!!!! Yet no one actually does... Nope. I even email them a list when they ask for one. THEY ASK!!!! And then they get stupid, cheap decorations and cards and small amounts of money. I didn't get one thing that I asked for!!! And not only that, but I wasn't even allowed to do anything for my birthday... Aside from the fact that my closest friends didn't get me ANYTHING. When I make totally creative stuff that takes me forever for them. Or cards that take hours to make. Or shop for them for hours. And spend what feels like billions of dollars. And then they do nothing... For hell's sake, from my parents, all I got was the movie, a stupid book that's WAY under my reading level, and a card. DO THEY EVEN KNOW ME?!?!?!?! I don't even like the movie that much... What about those Prismacolors I asked for? Or that tablet (that does cost under $100)? Or that simple $5 horse toy that looks like the horse I ride?????? No. They don't pay attention. Ever. And usually, my grandparents get the best gifts EVER. ANd what do I get this year? Decorations for my dresser that I'm never going to use. They forgot about me on Christmas too, getting my cousin (who is older than me) something that I really wanted that he liked too. I probably sound extremely childish, and I guess I am not completely mature or anything like that yet, but I just want you to understand that I don't want to feel grown up yet! I want to squeeze the last precious moments of childhood out from wherever I can. I just hate this... My future birthdays are probably going to be worse.

    I'm just hoping that everyone can have a better birthday than the ones that you've had in the past. So...

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! YOU deserve the better one than everyone you know. :)

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  • Girlwithaccount

    I feel exactly the same way! My birthday is on Sunday, August 24th, but my friends is the 10th September and she's decided to have the party on Saturday. The day before my ACTUAL BIRTHDAY. So I was like 'well umm okay' and she's having this huge party and I was saying to my friends like do you want to come over to watch a movie or go out somewhere on my birthday. To which EVERYONE said no because my friends party IS TOO CLOSE TO MY BIRTHDAY so I AM THE ONE WHO HAS TO CHANGE WHEN I CELEBRATE MY BIRTHDAY. Is it just me or is it mean and selfish of her to shadow my birthday by taking all my friends and making them busy when it's that day? I've just given up all together. I've never had a nice birthday. Ever since I was six my brother has ruined everyone. On my sixth he made me cry for my entire party by kicking me into a wall, my seventh he kept on interrupting me everytmie I tried to say anything, eighth was when my parents went to Amsterdam for a weekend and left me in England with my cousin who is a Jesus freak and made me pray and confiscated my presents because they are sin or some other crazy stuff, my ninth was when I moved house so everyone was busy that day and I got no attention which is pretty heartbreaking for a nine year old, my tenth my father went to a rugby match the night before and got so hammered he went missing so we were in the police station trying to bail him out for smashing a car, my eleventh was when my friend kicked me down the stairs and I cracked my spine and couldn't move for a few hours, my twelfth I had an epileptic fit and was in hospital for two weeks because I had an asthma attack with it, my thirteenth was god awful, my mum bought me a story book aimed at six year olds called the 'bunny and the grown rabbit' when I explained that I wasn't a little baby I got branded as ungrateful and grounded for two months, my fourteenth was before I moved away and my so called best friend made out with my boyfriend everytime I went to go get drinks but then I caught them, my fifteenth my grandfather died, and now this is supposedly my 'sweet sixteen' which is being over shadowed by a fifteen year olds party. Fml.

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  • MDOG

    It's 33 minutes into my birthday.. I'm lying in tears in my bed. I thought I was so self-centred and all for feeling this bad but reading this put me at ease a small bit. All I wanted is to talk to my fella, he sent me a birthday text but I'm pretty sure he's drunk with his friends, I just want to speak with him.
    I hate birthdays because I know it's a day I'm going to be let down.. And I could make the effort to call my friends I don't really talk to anymore but they couldn't even send a stupid message..
    I always feel so alone.. And it's properly horrible. I hate celebrating birthdays because I know I'm going to be let down, usually by the people I care most about..

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  • Hung67

    can i say that i'm glad that thr are people, here, who feels the same like me? it was my birthday yesterday. i've received wishes in facebook, telling me to have fun, enjoy MY BIG DAY, all sort fakey stuffs, which only reminds me of how i'm gonna celebrate it, like celebrating it ALONE? the so called friends are only there to say stuffs bout how they are going to surprise me on my birthday bla blabla for the past week when all i wanted is a simple meal with close ones. it turned out that those close ones have their own business, just too busy to have a meal with me. it's fine really for those who cant make it for my birthday, it's fine for me to just let it pass like every other days. BUT they still want to have a belated birthday celebration for me. i see no point celebrating a birthday on a day which is not my birthday?? those ppl jz wanna make themselves FEEL better by giving me a belated celebration, I MEAN THEY REALLY DO NOT CARE HOW I FEEL. if yall din make an effort to even have a meal with me on the day itself then why bother making efforts to celebrate it on another day? maybe they expect me to be grateful for having a late celebration than not having one? oh i'm getting teary! pffft. ASSholes. it just pissed me off when one of them say 'maybe birthday doesnt mean a crap to u, but it means a lot to me'. YES YOU ARE RIGHT! IT MEANS A LOT TO U, NOT ME!

    i dun celebrate birthdays, it's just tooo awkward. well if a fren thinks birthday means a lot then i'll make an effort to celebrate his or her birthday, not the other way round! what's so big deal bout birthdays anyway, it's really just another day for me. and those 'frens' around would keep asking 'hey, anyone celebrating with u? or hey since noone make it with u, then i'll have a dinner or something with u' sorry, but i jz wanna tell u to fuck off! stop acting all nice, and constantly reminding me of how lonely i'm on my birthday. i really dont care, i just wanna at least do what i want on MY BIRTHDAY?

    i guess i'm just venting out all over the place. end of story, perhaps a rant is more appropriate. conclusion is, yes i hate my birthday!

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    • trendhead

      I am glad that there are other people out there in the world that also dread their birthday. Like you all, I absolutely hate my birthday. I am a June baby and my birthday has been around graduation, final examinations, and Father's Day. On my 18th birthday, I graduated From high school! Since then, my birthday has always been during finals week during college so I have never really gotten to celebrate or have anything special done for me.

      Like some of you, I always find myself going above and beyond for others on their birthdays. I have sent and given cards, posted birthday greetings on every social media platform for them, and for a handful of people, I actually get gifts as well. I have also made birthday signs, blown up balloons, and made decorations. It makes me happy to do it for others because at heart, I am a creative person who loves arts and crafts. I just love making people happy.

      However, I have never had these actions reciprocated. I don't care about material things like gifts because honestly, who can afford it? I don't care about receiving money, gift cards or anything of that sort either.

      I guess I would love to receive a card, something beyond a text, tweet, or Facebook comment because it seems more meaningful. That someone actually took the time out of their busy day to do something for you to make you feel good on your so called 'special day.' Since we live in such a technology driven era, people so get lazy and resort to birthday greetings via social media.

      But I digress. Someone posted (sorry I can't remember who here!) saying that on their birthday, they feel even more invisible. That's how I feel. It's so stressful, weeks before my birthday because I am not going to throw myself a party or some kind of celebratory event. I just don't even care at this point and I am in my early 20's. I do feel jealous towards others who always throw big extravaganzas come their birthday and have millions of people acknowledge them. I'm sure no one would remember except for a few super close friends, my parents, and my godmother.

      I hate this time of year. I know some posts are 5+ years and older but know that someone as young as 23 hates their birthday. I feel pathetic and like a loser when I respond with "nothing" when asked what I'm doing. It is just another other day to me. I have cried before in the past but honestly, I am done with birthdays. I'll take that money and effort and spend it on myself who is just as deserving as any one else...

      Happy birthday to everyone who doesn't celebrate. Know that you aren't alone and that you are an amazing and unique individual whos presence deserves to be acknowledged every day, not on your birth day.

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  • Smokingdragon

    Well It seems to me it's quite a common problem. I turned 40 three years ago, and there was no celebration what so ever. I've lived here for eight years, with family and friends in the area. They all make a huge deal when their birthday comes around. Big parties, lots of people. It's not like I want any gifts or anything. Maybe a case of beer. It's going to be my 43rd in a week, I would love to have a party, but I seriously doubt it will happen. Am I suppose to arrange my own party? If I express any concern to my wife, her response is usually, "Oh, poor muffin." I'm to the point now where I refuse to admit it's my birthday. If someone asks I'll usually tell them it's on June 31st. They don't even clue in that June 31st doesn't exist. Like the rest of you, I feel like I'm being selfish and I definitely do not want to be demanding. I have never or will never throw my own birthday party. Even my wife forgets my birthday and our anniversary.

    Fuck birthdays, who needs them. they're nothing but a stressful pain in the ass.

    What we need to start having is a big Fuck Birthdays Party. I will continue to celebrate my birthday on June 31st. No, I'm not feeling sorry for myself, I'm just disappointed in the friends and family around me.

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  • just─me

    Next friday is my 16rh birthday and i can not wait for it to be over. Something always goes wrong i havemt had a party since elementary and as soon as my mom says i can have one i staryed planning hooing this year things would go right. So months ive talked about a hotel party my oarents agreed on. 7 Days before oh we dont have enough money. Couldnt you have at least told me before i invited peopl???? I just dont want to deal with it. My dad tells me dont worry about the moeny well take care of it. So ididnt. And then my mom pulls it like she always does with anything. Looking for a reason to ruin something for me once again but god forbid thay haopend to my older or younger sister they get exactly what they want and ask for. Even though my older sister doesnt even live with us but would rather live with ny grandoarents?!?! Sorry fir my rant

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  • marquez51982

    i fucking hate my birthday, christmas too, tell me how i get my fuckin husband for the past 5 years birthday present give him birthday partys, get him christmas present and yet i get shit last year for christmas he spend it with his mistress and i was pregnant witg his child and i never even got a merry christmas call we were seperated and for 2013 i get him a present and he give me shit thats what i always get shit he and my engagement aniversay is in new years eve and i got what shit and for my birthday jan 5 what did i get shit again it fucking hurts me so bad that not one family member or my husband got me a cake i got one text the day before and one on my from my bestfriend maritza who was the only one who even said happy birthday. and the day before 1/4/2014 my birthday me and my husband went to the movies it ended at 1156pm we got home at like 12:01 am and he never even said happy birthday on the morning of my birthday yet again slept all fucking day and at like 1 in the afternoon thats when he remembered to say happy birthday no flower no cake nothing it fucking hurts me so bad inside that i kno now for fact that he had never loved me he dont give to fine shits about me i bet on his mistress birthday 11/27/2013 she probably got flowers from him and was the first peslrson he wisg happy birthday to i bet he even sent her a christmas present yet i got shit

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  • darknarrowpath666

    today is my 19th bday...and i hate it.

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  • R.ann

    It's nice to know that I'm not alone on this. I hate my birthday.. Actually I love it and look forward to it until the day of my birthday. I always try to make a big deal out of everyone's birthdays so perhaps someone will make a big deal out of mine. Of course no one ever does but if someone would bother trying it would make my day. I never know if I should tell anyone my birthday is coming up or not. If I do then maybe ill get a "happy birthday" but then again I face them asking what I'm doing for my birthday which is depressing. Last year I cried in my car all day trying to text people to see if anyone wanted to hang out. No one did. The only one who ever made a big deal of my birthday was my dad but he's dead now.

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  • bottosaurus

    I have a theory about why I hate my birthday. Firstly, I don't like attention and it makes me uncomfortable, but also I feel like birthdays are so fragile! I feel like I am walking on egg shells trying to keep positive thoughts. For example, if you drop your breakfast on a normal day you are like "Oh no! I dropped my breakfast, that stinks!" but if you drop your breakfast on your birthday you are like "Oh no! I dropped my breakfast!...on my birthdaaayyy!! This is the worst birthday ever!". I just feel more sensitive on my birthday, like I want to have a good day, I want it to go perfectly, I want people to remember, but not get too crazy, but definitely not forget. I prefer to countdown to when my birthday is over.

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  • LAgirl427

    I loved my birthday before my 17th birthday last year. Last year i had a cold and nobody remembered and this year (yesterday) i turned 18 and it was half and half. Most people were nice saying happy birthday but at home everybody was so cold! When people were singing happy birthday to me, nobody was paying attention only one person was singing..my mom. While my autistic sister who just turned 14 was laying on the floor covering her ears and screaming, my brother was playing video games and everybody else was just treating me like shit by not saying happy birthday. I got my birthday presents and im thankful for that! But i looked back to yesterday, and thought that my little sister got all the attention. Everybody came to her birthday party including her friends and cousins and everyone was saying "oh enjoy your 14th year" while i got nothing. As soon as i opened my cards, everybody started carrying on by acting like a bunch of shitholes. So i started a fight by calling my little sister a spoiled little shithole because she screams and does other random shit but yet she still gets people caring about her birthday while nobody cared about mine. 18 is more important age than 14!

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  • SimpleSimone

    I want to feel important on my birthday and often, I don't so I hate it. My parents try to be there, but every year my husband and I fight about money and spending it on my birthday. I feel selfish asking for anything or reminding people, but then I am in tears when people don't call, make time for me or even remember.

    Facebook is another cop out. People who used to call or spend time now just simply post "happy birthday" and that's that.

    Today is my birthday and I feel selfish, unimportant and like a bitch. Happy birthday, right?

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    • daisytrain

      Happy Birthday!

      We all make the same mistake by expecting others to make us happy. It;'s really normal to expect your family and friends to but when they don't oblige it's up to us to treat ourselves. ;)

      I had champagne, flowers, music, decorations for myself yesterday. To me, from Me

      Loving yourself on your day is what you sometimes have to do.

      It's hurtful, i know but you're not alone ;)

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  • opalulu

    when it was my 15 birthday years ago i was in hoilday and i havent seen my grandmother for over 5 years and i wanted to see her on my birthday but someone from my family passed away and i didnt know and no body told me and then my grandmother was ignoring me and my famiy didnt say hello but
    its very sad that i am here not happy my mum went to the garden with my sister to wish me a happy birthday and cut the cake my anty who was with my grandmother was turning the tv on and ignoreing me and my mum and i didnt care less about her i was doing it all by my self with my lovely mother and my sister i had a allright little party anyway then my grandmother came outside give me a top and money and i was like thanks and then my anty give me money to but u know then they both said sorry and i was like ok but then i was back to my hotel and done shopping never again coz its not fair for me

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  • liz3

    I would like to say on my 50th birthday that I feel shitty. I've held so many parties over the years, tried my best to keep kids in school, done whatever it takes to be a decent person and yet here I sit on my 50th birthday feeling like shit! I just don't get it it, my whole life I have tried to make other people happy and yet it seems like I am invisible.

    so bummed and so depressed. hopefully tomorrow is a brighter day!

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  • Mr.Water

    I know this feeling far to well, today's my birthday actually, I hadn't really told anybody about it, since they should already know ((They made a big deal about how we should do something even though we didn't last year)) I had a few friends mention it and say stuff like "Oh, are you having a party or something?" on my response of "No." they said "We should totally do something! I won't take no for an answer!" the only form of contact I've gotten from that person is asking about relationship advice. And my mum's sitting upstairs on her laptop, everybody else is out, and I'm sitting here on the internet, alone, on my birthday. And the ONE time I had a birthday party, I had to share it with my cousin, and I had to have it at a place that NONE of my friends knew how to get to, so I didn't have any friends there! And people always wonder why I don't like my birthday.

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    • daisytrain

      Happy Birthday!

      Have a lovely day, go out and make them look for you ;)

      Buy yourself something , smile at people, go for something to eat and just love your day.

      You're never alone..there are more angels around you than you can imagine. You just have to remember them ;)

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  • Iceheart37

    I do too, last year my mom and brother were in South Africa without me, and didn't even realise they were going to miss my birthday until they booked their flight. Then when I told them, she said she would call, but geuss what? She forgot. So I called her, and at first she was wondering why I was "bothering" her. When she finally came back, the few gifts I got cost less than what she had spent on my sister.

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    • daisytrain

      hmm..don't make a fuss on their birthdays either. Muy mosther chose my 11th birthday to threaten to leave my dad.

      She left me a present but she was gone. For MY birthday she did this. I was frightened and traumatised. I'm much older now but she turned out to be an abusive woman, who i looked after in her old age. Strange, but she was nice after she had a stroke.

      She's dead now but the memories are there.

      Try not to be so dependent on your mother's love...that's a ridiculous thing to say, i know, but some people just fail at parenting.

      Love yourself, go out and have fun on your day and make them wonder where you are ;)

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  • D-ROCK

    I postponed my birthday till Tom.....let me be....hate when they build it up....then it crashes.....so I just took my birthday party in my own hands, I plan it and throw the damn thing....but this year....sleeping breakfast sleep I'm 22 too but feel you.

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  • hatelife

    hey my birthday is today and my own father (divorced) forgot my own birthday my mum called my sisters phone to see if my dad had called me and wished me a happy birthday and that had just cut me up into pieces but my mum didnt know that she spoke to e to see if he had called and i have not got any pressies and right now im in my bed no one has messaged me a happy birthday called me or even said to me happy birthday yet again the attention isnt on me and im going through a very bad time right now in life i though that this year my life would get better and my best friends havent even messaged or called me and yet for them i bend over backwards to get what they want and this is my 18th birthday i hate it so much just like hate my life this world sucks in every way and i cant believe its 11:00 and so called dad hasnt called me and im pretty sure my mum would have called him by now and told him off and my mum is at work and she hasnt taken off work just for my birthday since i was 3 years old i guess she never cared oh and at the same time my brothers birthday was yesturday and we are 1 year and 1 day apart and we used to be so close until his girlfriend over took his mind and now his living with her and he is the only person i care about i know we are not twins but i feel very close to being his twin and i feel like he is my other half and he hasnt said happy birthday to me an hasnt given me a present and im so cut my heart cant take no more pain i do everything for everyone and i cant even get 2 little word happy birthday that sucks and my sis in laaw said to my brother happy birthday and she hasnt said it to me and they are fighting imagine how i feel and my mum hasnt even said happy birthday life sucks so bad that even my boyfriend hasnt even wished me a happy birthday there is no point if everyone doesnt remember or care and my brother in law just gave me 10 dollars like is that a fucken joke or what he might have as well not given me anything and had given my brother yesterday 100 dollars shows how much i mean to everyone this live sucks and im so low in life right now that if i was to get bashed in the streets right now i wouldnt even care noone will and what sucks most is that im a very soft hearted person and i do everything for everyone i guess that life really does suck maybe i have to change and become a bitch so people can like me but i will never do that because if they dont like me for the way i am than i dont care i say fuck life and everything in life because life does suck and whatever people say to me i cant o anything oh and top off that i got bashed today and every other day and every other birthday from my older brother and i have no idea why im starting to think that bashing me is the highlight off my life and tht its what i deserve for some reason and i can never go out oh and im always last to have a shower and i get no hot water

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    • daisytrain

      Happy Birthday!

      I wish you all the Best and i hope and pray your life changes for the better.

      Sometime swe have to make pretend friends, don't we?

      Pray and believe in miracles.

      Be specific in youar prayers and visualise the kind of life and Birhday you want ;)

      Don't let people upset you. Fight back with big dreams.

      HAppy Birthday ;)

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    • D-ROCK

      What is bashing? Suggestion: write out how you feel to each specific person in your family. Seal it and give it to them. Be respectful and honest and not cruel

      Stop giving give

      Throw your own damn birthday party

      What you want ask. And pick up a hobby to get your mind of things hiking or meditation or yoga. Put yourself around a different crowd. Work at a hotel you'll give be tired and then start to worry about you.

      When a problem in life occurs. !!!! Identify it a make a solution!!!!

      God loves YOU!!! I LOVE YOU!!!! Like my mom says, go put your big boy pants on when the words hits, hit right back dammit. Cry an keep moving.

      And read this, might help Kingdom Man by Tony Evans

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  • watalyf

    i too hate my birhday.....n i ENVY those whose birthday falls on 29TH FEB!! ;D

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  • the_soloist

    To lovelyxtattered, and anyone else here who hates birthdays for whatever reason: you are not alone.

    Personally, I don't mind sending a card or a gift to a friend who is celebrating a birthday. It's my own birthday that I struggle with. Of course, as a kid, I loved the presents and all that, but as a quiet and, dare I say it, reclusive child, I never liked parties or any kind of large gathering, especially if it was one given in my 'honour'.

    I'm not a violent or uncivil person in any way, but the mention of birthdays can get my blood boiling like nothing else. I stopped formally celebrating the cursed day in my early 'teens, after a dreadful experience at school. It seems that every bully and tormentor in the place got knowledge that it was my birthday, and, knowing that I was the quiet and easily targeted sort, set about embarrasing me in a way which I will never forget. And since then, I've realised that I dislike birthdays in a big way.

    Much to the initial shagrin of my family and a limited supply of loved ones, I said no to the usual business of party, cake etc etc. Any cards I received were quickly scanned for any offerings, then swiftly dumped in the bin or disposed of in fire. I have great sympathy with so many people on this topic who would prefer being left alone to being sung to by an army of guests. I despise the fact that people will organise a surprise party for someone and disguise it as an act of love. To me, it's not; it's one-upmanship.

    Now, things have quietened down considerably since moving away from home. My parents finally got the message and do not send me cards or gifts any more, nor do they say anything unbearable such as, 'we're going out for a meal tonight, not that anything special is happening'. I usually get only one card a year. I go off the grid for one day and switch off the computer and the phone.

    It makes me sad that, if you try not to draw attention to your birthday, it gets even more publicity than it normally would. A manager who I was working under a few years ago didn't get the point and kept making jokes at my expense. Eventually, I had him reported.

    Come on world, we live in an age now where more and more people do not want their birthday noted for whatever reason. I would much rather people donated their £3 or whatever to a charity than spend it at Moonpigeon or W H Clintons.

    Tomorrow will mark 27 years since the Lord put me on this troubled but remarkable planet. I thank God for the generally happy and sucessful life I've lived up until now, but if anybody wishes me a Happy Birthday, they'll regret it.

    I hope that everyone gets what they want on their birthday. If that's nothing at all, it's just as acceptable as any gift.

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  • kahlua

    Hi Everyone. Well, I am the person who put the very first post in here about hating my birthday. I can't believe how many people have responded! It is nice to feel I am not alone. That being said...

    Nothing has changed as far as my birthdays go. I have another coming up in a few weeks (a big one ending in an "0") and still feel the exact same way I did years ago when I posted that post. Here is what I have figured out though, and hope it can help all of you too:

    1--Most people are selfish, but not ALL. Try to really just focus on those people that ask about your birthday and truly seem to care. That means I had to let go of a lots of people "I thought" should care more. Just take the love where it comes from. I stopped asking people or dropping hints. If they don't remember, fuck em. Focus on those who DID remember.

    2--The people that blow off your birthday...feel perfectly free to blow off their bday too...but only if you want to. If I really like the person (and want to go out) I will go out when they make plans for their bday. But NOT pay their way/buy their drinks or bring more than a card. Your "Presence" is enough and they really should not complain as they seem to feel its okay to do the same to others. You will go home happy with yourself for not getting taken again and not angry for having bought a person a present who couldn't be bothered on your special day.

    3--DON'T COMPROMISE> I can't stress this enough. If you want to do something on your birthday, then do it. This year I planned a solo vacation overseas. I always meet people and have a great time traveling, so why stay home and be miserable ? If you compromise, you only end up being angry at them, and at you. It never works.

    I think some people are lucky to have a TON of family and friends that just go out of their way for them. For whatever reason, if you are not that person, then make the day special for yourself!

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  • tolerated

    This was the best thing I've done for myself in a week since my 50th birthday passed. I've been talking about my 50th birthday for 3 years. EVERYONE has parties thrown for them, but apparently not me. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MANY 50TH BIRTHDAYS I'VE THROWN FOR PEOPLE BECAUSE EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE A 50TH BIRTHDAY - IT'S A MILESTONE. My husband turned 60 yesterday - 6 days after I turned 50. I've been waiting for about 10 days for my party - and realized last night after everyone left the birthday party I had for him (just family) that no one ever intended on having a birtday party for me. Some of the his kids never even acknowledged my birthday, but he got cards and gifts. I was hoping that they would step up to plate and would celebrate both our birthdays together and include me in his party - but nope. I cried for hours last night, I'm still crying today, which just makes him mad. He's been busy you know....he's a busy guy is what he said. And in the midst of all his business, where in the hell was he to find the time to plan a 50th birthday party for me? He doesn't even like parties!!! We just moved into a new house so in his mind - that's my gift. For me it's not about gifts at all. It's about being loved and cherished enough that some time was actually spent doing something kind for me. And when I make a fuss about his lousy family just tolerating me - the fight is on. I'm tired. I'm old. All I wanted was someone more than the dog to acknowledge that I was having a milestone birthday and have a special day for me, like I've done for so many others. It hurts. It just hurts so much. And his anger at me for just wanting to be treated the same as everyone else is treated hurts worse. He actually forgot my birthday on the day of it, and phoned me later in the day to say sorry. He needed a haircut, and was insistent on having one. Silly me....I thought he wanted a haircut to look good for my party...or maybe even at the party we were having pictures done or something. Does anyone know anyone more foolish than me. You'd think that after having a mother that only tolerated me, a first husband that barely tolerated me, and now a 2nd husband who speaks an entirely different love language than I do, that I would get the drift of what a piece of shit human being I am. I never had a birthday party when I was a kid. My mother made it clear that by having me I had ruined her life. My first husband was farrr to narscistic to do anything for anyone. I was so sure I had done okay this time. That my life wasn't going to be about somebody else this time - and that sometimes his life would be about me. I'm not going to throw another party for myself, to celebrate myself, when the people who are supposed to love me cannot even begin to see my worth as a human, and my need to be treated equally. I swear that I will never get married again. I'm just going to get another dog, and the people in my life that have hurt me so bad, can go screw themselves. Thank you for listening and reading my story. It made a world of difference to know that I'm not the only one out there that this happens to and that I'm not the only one feels so much hurt like this.

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    • daisytrain

      Happy 50th Birthday!

      Remember that you are special and everyone of your birthdays count. Forget who says/ thinks what.

      Of course you're important, i read your story and understand that hurt very deeply.

      Christ had a life of pain and sorrow and those who have similar lives are chsen by Him to understand Him. That's an honour and a privelige. I hope you understand this and i hope it brtings you a different perspective to your pain.

      It says in the Bible..The first will come last and the last will come first.

      Instead of being unhappy, use the day to be closer to your Creator that gave you life, even if it's to see all the evil around you. Some people see nothing but themselves and those people don't have happy endings.
      One day they come face to face with theoir selfishness and evil.

      Hey, why not plan your next Birthday now ?;)

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    • leedy

      omgggg am soooooooooooooooooooo sorrry today is my birthday and i felt kind of sad too ,but your post really made me sad!!!! i think we are both october borns i know exactly how u feelll when u go all the way out for people and when its your birthday they treat u like crap PLEASE STOP CRYING N IF UR HUSBAND KIDS DIDNT ACKNOWLEDGE UR BIRTHDAY I AM!! HAPPPY 50TH BIRTHDAY AND MAY GOD GRANT U MANY MORE YEARS!!!!!! <3

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  • Alloe

    Today is my birthday and i feel the same as u guy. BECAUSE
    i had no friends ......
    There was my sis who care about me but she is not here right now and no friends . BECAUSE in this world to be a someone's friend he should be handsome and wealthy which i am not ...
    So nobody care about it !!! FUCKKKK wanna kill myself :(((

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  • pepelepew

    Wow I feel exactly the same way.
    When I remind my friends that my birthday is coming up and ask whether or not they would say happy birthday to me, it makes me feel that I'm selfish.
    I also feel jealous when I think of my other friends of mine being celebrated by many people, given surprise presents and birthday cakes..

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  • Avant-Garde

    My birthday is around a holiday, but that's not why I hate it. I hate it because it doesn't really get celebrated. I haven't had a proper party since I was six and every time I try to invite my friends over, my family tells me that I'm lying and that they don't exist!!!! They seem to think that taken me on trips is a good replacement for a actual party. Well it isn't!!!! I didn't even get a cake last year!!! I usually remember my friends birthdays, but they almost always forget mine! Even when I remind them do they rarely remember. It makes me feel so insignificant:/

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  • Fanzy89

    Hahaha. I ve always hated my birthday intill the age 19. Trust me. I was the guy who never celebrated my bday/Received gifts. The sad part is One of my family member had the same birthday as im and Everyone bought celebrated that persons birthday but not me. I always pretended so I could avoid ppl wishing me happy bday. Even my family they start my day with an argument like any other day. But till the end of it. They get me a cake. Just so they can eat it. No pics. Ohh and thx to facebook For birthday reminder.so at the age 19. I was like what the heck. Its my birthday. So I took off from school, and did anything i wanted to do. Waking up late. Play video games etc. And even today( my birthday) i took off from school and work and went mountain biking. Point is. Eff everyone else. Its your day. Do whatever your want to do. Make that day special for yourself and not anyone else. :) happy birthday.Deuces

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  • NoOneAtAll

    I haven't celebrated my birthday since I turned 16 years old, because that was the last time in my life I had friends. Now I'm thankful for having a birthdate that usually falls on a day when everyone is out of town for Thanksgiving - I have a chance to gracefully ignore it. But it doesn't stop the tears.

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    • daisytrain

      Well, Happy Birthday!

      You don't really need anyone. Enjoy your beautiful day with the World. Just enjoy the day by yourself and notice how th world looks a little different on your day. Enjoy it with the sun, moon, stars and grass and with pets if you have any. Put the radio on, hang decorations , buy yourself nice things and ignore the people that make you unhappy and don't forget the Champagne ;)..that's what i did for myself yesterday ;)

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    • tolerated

      I understand. My birthday is at Thanksgiving and my husband's is 6 days after mine. His kids always make a big deal out of his, but don't even acknowledge mine. I wish he'd stick up for me. I wish he'd have a party for me....just once. I've been crying since everyone left from his party last night. I keep hoping and hoping. But you are right, all the hope in the world sure doesn't stop the tears :(

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      • daisytrain

        don't make a big deal out of his or theirs. Put on a party for yourself, preferably without them arpound ;)

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  • ALEXA808

    I agree and I think it's normal.

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  • Tucker

    It's my 40'th tonight and being december 28th people couldn't give a fuck about anything other than getting rid of their Christmas hang over or what stupid presents they should return back for cash.Look no one gives a shit and you should get over it as I did.What ever doesnt kill you will make you stronger.Fuck everyones elses bday in june as well.

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    • 55&Better

      My Bday is December 28, too. I'll be 58 this year. As my SIL's Bday is 2 days after mine, I've typically spent my Bday wrapping brother's family's Christmas gifts (since we usually don't see them before Christmas in addition to wrapping SIL's Bday gift). I want them to love what I've bought them, so I spend hours presenting them in specialty gift boxes wrapped in cellophane and tied with beautiful bows with cinnamon sticks, etc. You get the idea! A few months ago, SIL said, 'Enough's enough,' and set limits on what our 2 families are going to give to one another. No more going over-the-top for the kids or each other and we've eliminated exchanging family gifts. Talking it out beforehand made it a lot more palatable when the gift reductions became a reality. At first it felt weird, but now I appreciate the new 'normal.' Perhaps if you spoke in general terms with the people in your life about birthdays/holidays in general at a neutral time of year when nothing is pending, you can come up with a plan that works best for everyone. If not, I'd recommend reaching out to someone you know who's truly needy or donating your time to a pet shelter, (whatever interests you) on your birthday. Making someone else happy will make YOU happier and God will bless you more than you can even imagine. Trust me, I'm not preaching as I've had plenty of depressing birthdays, but this strategy has truly worked for me. Take care and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :)

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  • HayleyGrl

    I hate my birthday too!!! I always have! It really doesn't matter if people wish me happy birthday or not, I hate my existence and my birthday just reminds me of the day I entered hell.

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    • daisytrain

      Cheer up and don't depend on others to make you happy, so much.

      I agree that people in your life definitely should honour your birthday but it just shows how they really are.

      Eliminate all these ghastly people out oif your life, heal your wounds, pray and ask God to heal your pain.

      In the meantim, why not goi into a beautiful , natural setting and celebrate your Birthday with God.

      He understands. ;)

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  • ilickpenis


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  • scarfface

    ur a self centered biatchee

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