I hate my friend

Is it normal that I have a friend that I hate? I mean i really really can't stand her, especially after spending long periods of time with her. she lies and elaborates stories to try and make herself look better or more desirable but never anything major but it really gets under my skin. she will say something to one person then completely contradict herself the next day. And then its little things like the way she eats and the way she speaks. everything about her annoys me.
and yet i am still her friend and cant really ever see myself not being her friend or ever having a huge argument with her.
Is it normal to be friends with someone you hate??

Voting Results
85% Normal
Based on 1359 votes (1156 yes)
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Comments ( 23 )
  • thebestninja54

    I think almost everyone has at least one friend they hate

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  • No1isnormal

    I have a friend exactly like that! What is it that people are so friggin self absorbed and have the need to put others down - especially those who care about them the most.
    Im happy to say - I'm bought to dump this so called friend....freedom will soon be mine! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • orchidz20

    This IS normal! I had a friend that annoyed me..then we became roommates in college and I couldn't stand her. The mere sight of her pissed me off. BUT...at the end of the year I decided that it would be best for me not to associate myself with her anymore.

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  • Galaxy500

    Ever heard of free will? You don't have to be her friend. No one is holding a gun up to your head forcing you to be friends with her. Just, when you do quit hanging out with her, don't let her know the real reason.

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    • frogface

      yes, true, but the thing is (which i probably should have said before hand) is that i cant really stop hanging out with her because she is part of a big group of friends so in order to stop seeing her i would have to sacrifice hanging out with all my other friends as well.
      And also, although i really don't like her, i don't want to stop being her friend. i cant really explain why. is this weird??

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  • My guess: this is a relationship in which you don't tend to be honest. So there is a lot of phoniness, competitiveness, & irritations & annoyances build up.

    If that is so I wouldn't be too harsh about your friend. The fact that you harbour such ill feelings and still call her a friend doesn't make you a whole lot more genuine, does it?

    So try to make this relationship healthier, and create some better relationships, perhaps?

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  • kiki_93

    I dont think shes your 'friend'.I just think she is someone you hang out with because she is a part of your group and if you break friends people will talk.Try and get her to see a counselor.
    And dont hang out with her as much as possible.I know her type,and they drain you.

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  • JaneMusik

    you don't have to be her friend, i mean over time we all develop a list of things we don't like about the people closest to us. but if you're lists that long and you feel that strongly, maybe you should distance yourself from her. But yeah this is completely normal, i think in every group of friends there is always one like you described

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  • maya617

    i have a friend who constantly makes inapropriate comments.... and it annoys the hell out of me, but i still continue being her friend cause she's not a bad person, she just has to be more tactful.
    maybe what u can do is like when u're with your group of friends, talk with and laugh with the others but not with her.... don't stand next to her, stand elsewhere, if she calls tell her you're busy.... stuff like that.... she might take the hint.

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  • Galaxy500

    ok, well then, avoid her. If you don't like who she is about I bet your friends will come around as well. Granted, she might have to muck-up big time on her own, but it could happen. I don't know - people whom I don't like know I don't like them. I have a party crew that I see every now and then and there's been people in this crew who have driven me up the wall, but a certain look goes a long way. If your friends enjoy both of y'all then they'll be mature enough to not hold anything against either of you. Or, do what I do - be cooler than they are lol. Be the center of attention... that also seems to work. This is actually a mind game, but if you hold your friends' interests more than her she'll go nuts and start acting emotionally unstable and your friends will, in turn, be like "what's up with so 'n so?! She's acting weird." and will probably quit inviting her to your hangouts.

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  • Rico-Rico

    Yeah, it's normal. I too have a friend i dislike, not really hate.
    We all are different and we ain't perfect.

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  • brenrostumpy

    Same here. It's normal trust me....... Ohhhh trust me.

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  • iin

    it's normal, i hated one of my friends but shes not a friend anymore. she was so fake, ugly and stupid. eventually i just got mad at myself for being friends with someone like that. my advice? dump the friend and save yourself the annoying waste of time.

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  • DaWiifeyboo

    I think it is normal because i have a friend like that too , shes so annoying but i cant just not be her friend

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    • mimirui

      my HATE friend of 11yrs the only reason i still ACT like her friendis to know what shes up to. i dont know what happened we use to be so close but then she got boy crazy and is such a snob now!

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  • joliegems

    I think its weird that you dislike her so much but don't want to stop being her friend.

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  • errandboy

    I think it's fairly normal--while I pretty much can't stand a certain friend of mine, I don't want to stop being friends with her. We have a lot of good times together, and I still care about her. This has been my experience...I feel like all of the bad feelings I have are made up for with the good times that we have together.

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  • Troller

    No one told you to be her friend.
    If you hate her tell her don't be a fake prick about it, cause you'll end up looking worse. I can already hear the rumors
    "Hey, did you hear about that bitch (your name) ?"

    "Yeah, suck a fake bitch"

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  • karmasAbich

    It's probly normal

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  • Allegio

    who don't hate a hypocrite?

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  • curiouskiddo

    same here, I hate one of my friends, and yet I can't stop being her friend. We fight a lot, though.lol

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  • CrayolaCookies

    this is surprisingly normal :U

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  • dummarodum

    very normal and can feel very bad.

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