I hate my grand mother

I know this may be wrong,

But she drives me absolutely mad! I cant stand her, everything about her, from her annoying voice, to her nagging ways. We have 2 dogs and she talks to them like there human beings. She's constantly talking to them in this high pitched voice which drives me up the f**king wall!!! I'm always nice to her and I show her all the respect in the world....well usually but its all an act. She is seriously the ony person in this world who can get under my skin. I'm a very easy person to get along with, but she brings out the worst in me. I really feel guilty about it, but sometimes I fantasize about killing her. I would never do such a thing, but it's a serious stress relief for me.

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Comments ( 33 )
  • geographically123

    OMG finally someone who feels the same! My paternal grandmother's been living with us for about half a year now, and she drive me NUTS! Yeah it's the high-pitched voice, everything she says has double meanings (and no not in a good way!), and the way she treats my mother - like some kind of enemy she must constantly go to war with!!!! WOW I have never in my entire life met someone so horrible as she is. It just blows my mind.

    Sometimes I do feel pity for the old lady and somewhat guilty, not because I treat her badly. In fact I give her all the respect in the world, because after all she is my grandmother, but sometimes I seriously wonder "how in the world do I have such an understanding, amazing father, but such a monstrous grandmother"????????

    Thanks you for being so honest and submitting that entry, for a while I felt so terrible and thought I was the only one in the whole world who felt like this!!

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    • Deadkid

      I hate my grandma too! I cant stand being close her! Talking to her is makes me feel terrible and seeing her ruins my day! Shes a total control freak and u cant argue with her coz she thinks shes rules everything! Like u i always pretend that i like her and that im happy being with her but in reality i wanna be anywhere but in a house with her! Its crazy! I know its not right to feel this way but it is something that i have no control of! May God forgive us. But its good to know that this feeling is normal and that there are others out there who feels the same. If theres anything i can do to stop this kind of feeling pls let me know. Tnx

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      • tortillagecko

        My grandma Is like that too. But I liv with her 24/7 everyone just LOVES her so much and she irritates me beyond belief!! She also hates me and plays favorites. She hates me and picks on me and nitpicks and and is always comparing me to other people and if I try to avoid her she thinks I am sick and is asks me the same questions over and over and over and over and over again. I have a 17 year old cousin and she treats him like a baby!! If I leave a dirty dish in the sink she makes me clean it but if it's him she says he has insomnia so it's okay??? And before she fixes dinner I can't have one cookie but he can have the whole box. And if he does something that I happen to do too she says stop following him!! And she is a control freak!!! She won't let me walk three blocks to my scool by myself. As I'm typing she is asking me if there is a psychiatrist at my schoil and when i said no she took my purse and hit me with it!!

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        • Randomone63

          I Live with mine 24/7 as well. She's so nasty that my mother and aunt (her children) can't stand her and are literally waiting for her to die. She meddled in my parents marriage; they eventually divorced; which their better apart but her reasoning in meddling is "Oh you don't know how to control a man." She's a horrible sexist and racist to top it off. She even started beating my older sister with a broom more than once when she was helping her; she has bruises from it. She has a favorite child and grandchild (my aunt and oldest sister).They still hate her. She treats everyone else like trash. When it's a birthday or holiday she either gives people her old broken garbage or something she wanted them to get her on the rare occasion she got something new. For example this Christmas she got my aunt and mother nail polish of hers that is literally more than 50 years old; two weeks prior she tried using it and said it was too old to work. She has tired to feed everyone mold and wouldn't listen to reason saying it was edible. One of my earlier memories of her is when I was 5 and student teacher conferences were happening and no one was around to watch me but her so my parents took me to her house to stay for a week. During that whole week she fed me 3 times. One "meal" was rock candy she bought me after being tired of hearing me whine about food. The other two were spicy foods she knew I hated. When my dad came and got after the week he yelled at her for it and felt so bad he took me to get ice cream. Her reasoning was I didn't need to eat. This is barely covering the stuff she does.

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      • Deadkid

        Talking to her makes me feel terrible - sorry bout the grammatical error above

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        • Deadkid

          And also ''she'' rules everything

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    • shruthiuhsiav

      what you said is true.but it is really notable that you're getting distracted by her.one thing i should say is you better stay with your parents.but dont stay with the one whom you hate.your mood may also be disturbed.join with some new people and get ideas from them.but if you keep fighting with her then it disturbs your mental health only and not hers.better avoid her advice or talks.dont give much importance to people who annoys you a lot.tell your feelings to your parents if they dont understand figt against her.but dont give them a way to advice you.show that you are independent in thinking.get a councelling or leave the place.

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  • firstorm17000

    This is very normal. I grew up adoring my grandmother. As I got older (grew out of my teens) I find out some horrible truths (from family members and myself alike) what a manipulative, bitchy, uncompassionate, abusive, insane, control-freak she really was. I was also surprised to find out many other people felt the same way about their own grandmothers.

    As for Joey-Anne's comment, ignore it. It's not just because you are a teenager. My aunt, my mother (in their late 30s/40s), and myself often feel hatred toward her. She wasn't a good lady. Then again, nobody truly is, because all people are capable of all kinds of evil.

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  • ZiShu

    it's normal, but not a good thing
    i feel the same way about my grandmother
    i hate her at times when she tries to nag on me about something small
    she has treated me wrong since ive been a child
    even now after 23 years she still cusses at me or calls me out when all i do is sit in my room and mind my own business
    she sometimes mess with my stuff
    sometimes i like her or i have no feelings for her as long as she does not bother with me
    i sometimes respect her, but all these feelings go away into anger when she opens her mouth to me again, its best when you live seperate and have a good long break away from her, my grandma believes everything she does is right, she's RARELY ever been told she's wrong

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  • this is totally normal

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  • teenage_dream

    Its TOTALLY normal. I don't like my paternal grandmother simply because she is narrow minded, and doesn't respect anyone else's opinion. Oh, and the fact that she despises my mother. But, killing her seems a little extreme, because she is related to you...

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  • LetsLeadNotFollow

    Completely normal. You don't have to like some one just because you are related.
    My grandmother is the fucking devil. I stopped talking to her a year ago - I will never ever speak to her ever again.
    It's not a matter of maturity either. Think is she makes you feel so negative and you were nit related you would have stopped the contact a long time ago. It only makes sense to evict the people that have such an effect on you.

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  • daveovthedead

    how is ti not normal? some people are jsut annoying. They don't ahve to do anyting direct to you. He didn't pick his grand mother, sort of grin and bare it. I do the smae thing. Not necessarily about grand parents, but certain people. Fantacising about murder can be a stress relief. And I know exaclty what you mean about everything about some one getting under you skin. Some people suck so fucking bad.

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  • TheSociopath102


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  • jamie18

    I have the exact same thing with my grandmother. Like, exactly. I stay at hers rarely, but when I do, I end up crying every single time. She winds me up in ways nobody else can. She talks to her cat like it understands her, and continues to do it even though it winds me up. I know that sounds pathetic but she knows how much it angers me and continues to do it. She gets angry about absolutely everything I do. If I breathe too loudly, it's an issue, if I breathe too quietly, I'm being a weirdo. Sometimes I just want to smash her head in? I love her so, so much, and she hates me and then I feel pure anger towards her. I know she hates me - she treats me like a I'm an inconvenience she can't stand. When I say 'love you' when we're parting, she just nods. If I hug her, she throws me off. So I stop trying, and then I'm hateful and spiteful, but I can't look at her without wanting to slice my wrists open. She constantly comments on my appearance - I'm not ugly. I feel like I am all the time, but when it comes down to it, I'm average looking. But she insults me constantly with back-handed comments and sometimes she can even say 'you've done your hair differently today' but the look on her face when she says it just makes me feel completely worthless. I love her so much, and she hates me so much, and it hurts to badly to know I must be so unlovable even my own grandmother hates me. I don't hate my grandmother, but I used to. Now it's simmered down to a painful dislike, but I love her and I need for this to stop. I love her so much. Why does she hate me? I sound like a whiny little twat but fucking hell, what the fuck.

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  • Hippiegirl98

    Oh. My. God!! I cannot stand my grandmother either. She has a voice like a tarradactel, and she has the 3 stupid wiener dogs who she treats better than her own kids/grand kids. She can dish out the rudeness, but can't handle it if someone is rude to her. She gave me(her granddaughter) a half used bottle of acne cream for my birthday- what 'sweet grandma' does that?? And she treats her husband likes doormat... Sometimes I can't wait for her to just croak...I know, it sounds awful,but it's true!!

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  • CillyMe

    My grandmothers are both so loving, and sweet, I can't imagine not getting along with them. But I do know people that are hard to be around. The easiest way to deal with them is to avoid them as much as possible. But if you have to be near them, be polite. It makes you the better person.

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  • localneighbourhoodsociopath

    I’ve been living with my the devil aka my grandmother for like forever (she literally raised me cause my dad was always working and my mother didn’t really give a shit) and when I was a kid, I literally used to worship her. Like I loved her so much and I would cry if she got mad at me (which was insane. What normal grandmother doesn’t talk to her 5 year old grand child for three days just cause she didn’t massage her feet, like jeez) through the years I’ve become more and more hostile towards her just cause she’s a crazy ass bitch, like duh. She ruined my parent’s marriage and always has always told shit about my dad and my other grandparents, now she also hates my mom (who now lives in another country with her current boyfriend, leaving me here alone with the old cow) and she just drives me insane. I have to go to school and study and take out the dog and cook, give her her pills, put up with all her shit despite always having fantasies about murdering her, like literally. Like I never thought I could hate a person as much as I hate her. She’s so dependent on me, calls for me every 5 minutes with some annoying ass request like bringing her ice cream, chips, putting face cream on her face etc) but whenever she talks to people about me she calls me ungrateful and lazy. According to her, all I do is lay on my bed with my phone all day and do nothing. I’ve come to a point where I just wish she was dead. But I have a feeling she has a long way ahead of her cause in my country we have this saying “a bad dog cannot die” so I put all my hopes in finishing school and moving out on my own. Cause if this continues, you guys might see this on the news : “grandchild stabs grandma 100 times with a unicorn butterfly knife” (cause you know, if you’re going to do it, at least do it with style. PEACE!

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  • dasanderin66

    completely normal. My Grandma has come to live with us for the Christmas season and I am counting down the days until she goes home. She always wants to go everywhere with you and doesn't understand that she can't. Whenever I need to go do Christmas shopping she will insist on coming and slow me down so I only get to one shop. Not only that she will never mind her own business, Whenever I'm trying to have a conversation she will always listen in and she always wants to talk to me. I don't mind talking to her its just whenever I have people over and do stuff she always is there.

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  • drippykurls

    UGHH!! I feel you! my grandmother tries to turn my mother against me and she always thinks she's right. 2+2=4? wrong.

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  • baller123

    yeah man ik how you feel

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  • baller123


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  • Ugh.Isthatdirt?

    I have been living with my grandma for 4 years, I hate her! She is selfish and nosey and thinks it's her house. She lives one of our spare rooms. When me and my parents were on holiday she invited my cousin and her friend who I have never met before to my house and they stayed the night in my room! I mean what the hell! I didn't even know about it! A total stranger slept in my bed. She hates me so much and she loves my cousin who is a fat lump.

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  • kawal

    when my grandmother dies i really hate her and she also hate me

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  • jamie18

    Excuse the last sentence, my temper won out.

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  • Perraman

    I believe everyone has a place in their lives, and whenever my grandmother comes over, it feels like she's overstepped that boundary. She's single-handedly breaking up my family with the control she has on my father, and the worst thing is that she's old (and sick)so you can't be real with her. You just have to suck it up, but honestly, I just can't wait to have her out of our lives, for good (no matter how much of a psycho that makes me sound like).

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  • tortillagecko


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  • Not everyone gets on, it's as simple as that, don't think you're a bad person because you're related, there's a two generation gap there for starters.

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  • BatZion

    I feel the same way about my paternal grandmother. Shes a homophobe, which is a problem because im lesbian. My maternal grandmother is always disrespecting the memory of my dead grandfather and shes also homophobic and obnoxious and loud.

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  • weshitude

    I fell the same about my grandmother's sister! she turns me into a whole different person! but never act on it just keep smiling and keep your killing fantaisies to yourself

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  • taylorlautner

    ummm... i guess on that last comment i kinda told my story rather than replied to yours, but...heheheheheheh

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  • zombiepinup

    While it is normal to dislike a family member because they do little things to annoy you (like nag or talk to pets), it is not normal to hate or fantasize about killing them over such small things.
    I have family members that have done absolutely horrible things to me ... my grandmother stole $18,000 from me. I think you need to learn how to grow up and quit being so whiny.
    I wonder if your grandmother fantisizes about killing her petty, whiny grandchild? You know, the one that can't stand her voice.

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  • JoeyAnne

    i know sociopath over here says its normal, but you should feel guilty. your grandmother and I should have a cup of tea.

    it doesnt sound like she does anything to directly annoy you. if you're a teenager, then it would make sense that you feel this way. you suddenly get sensitive to certain things, and they trigger you off like crazy. i would say that this is normal, but it does sound wrong.

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