I hate myself for being nervous
my boyfriend broke up with me because he likes "outgoing" girls.? i am one of the craziest people you will know, its just im all quiet and nervous around him. I HATE IT :"(
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my boyfriend broke up with me because he likes "outgoing" girls.? i am one of the craziest people you will know, its just im all quiet and nervous around him. I HATE IT :"(
He sounds like a real kike roach. Tell him to take a ride on a train. It's good to be a shy girl... Keeps you from opening your legs and becoming a... well... you know the word... to the whole world... Yeah he probably is gonna catch crabs... If we're lucky... The clap... I'd say herpes but he sounds like a selfish enough pric to spread it. Have a nice day :)
I have some stupid little flip out and it's dumb it'll be like if my hair not laying flat or something stupid like that
I use to be that way......... still am a lot but I no how to get past it. Ignore it and push forward anyways. I'm not nervous as much unless
Don't worry you'll find someone else. Not every boy loves outgoing girls.