I hate people
This is no joke I seriously HATE people. I have such a disgust for people, in general. I hate how shallow they are, I hate how mindless they are, how mentally retarded, literally, I hate how childish they can be, I hate how at work I have to deal with people who throw a tantrum over them demanding they want this petty thing or that. I hate how mean people can be, how inconsiderate. I just hate people in general. I hate people who do drugs. I hate people who are obsessed with superficial things, materialistic things. I hate porn stars. I hate tarts and bimbos.
I am very fond of those rare intellectual social outcasts..
you know the ones, that sit alone, because they have virtually no one to relate to the zombie pop culture we live in.
in conclusion,
I HATE PEOPLE. does anyone else share this hatred or is it just me?