I hate people that talk too loud, too much, too often.

Cutting to the chase, I love people that agree with this quote.

“Talking is fantastically overrated. Too many people do too much of it. It stuns the hell out of me how so many people like to talk. Sharkey, for example. If talking is so good for you, what the hell is Sharkey doing here? The guy tears me up. Talking does not heal you. Talking just adds to the noise pollution in the world. If we were really serious about going green, then maybe we’d all just be quiet.”
― Benjamin Alire Sáenz, Last Night I Sang to the Monster

Is it normal to have an unusual liking for human silence? I like to converse online. I like texting, but don't tell me your entire day because I don't want to know. In person, humans talking too much annoys me. The noise of humans babbling is not enjoyable. Most animals in nature are quiet creatures. Idiot humans that talk too loud, too much, too often should be eaten by hungry lions, and chewed to bits by hawks and vultures.

Feel free to comment. Text away, it is noise-free.

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90% Normal
Based on 52 votes (47 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • VinnyB

    "Is it normal to have an unusual liking for human silence?"

    You kind of answered your own question there, if it is an unusual amount that you enjoy, than it isn't normal. But that doesn't mean that it is bad, or even that you are correct that the amount you enjoy is unusual. Generally speaking, pretty much everyone enjoys some degree of silence.

    I don't agree people should be killed for speaking.

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    • Your name is Vinny, like an Italian mobster assassin and you aren't pro-murder for the crime of excessive talking? That's broken all my stereotypes of people named Vinny. Italians named Vinny. Italians named Vinny, dressed like Goodfellas, talking about not talking about 'business'.

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  • joon98

    i agree. i can't stand people who talk 24/7 because most of the time they're just exchanging meaningless pleasantries. it's obnoxious. it's like they just like the sound of their own voices. i never speak unless spoken to, but then again most people assume i have some sort of social dysfunction.

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    • You would make the perfect room mate, or person to watch a movie with. :-) Social dysfunction? Let them think whatever! It confuses people and that scares the shit out of them because they can't figure you out. Makes talky talkers nervous, lol. That's my guess. Keep the mysteriousness. They can't handle silence which is the best tactic to use when bargaining and negotiating anything.

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  • fullhouse

    I hate people like you

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  • MasterOfWaffles

    Get some earplugs.

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    • Libraries have become my sanctuary. Starbucks is pretty nice too, I've found. There's talk, but its nice and normal, not annoying.

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  • Arm0se

    You could just tell them to stop yelling? It's not hard.

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    • True, but some people are so socially inept that asking is ineffective. I should request that they use what is known as an "inside voice" please for the love of God, and butterflies, and the rustling of trees from a zephyrus breeze.

      There's the symphonic orchestration of 'noise' heard in nature like in a forest, a jungle, or a beach. But, humans rattling their vocal cords with zero consideration of others is unnatural. Wrong on so many levels.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Wouldn't it be far easier for you to live far from people, than expect them to change to suit you?

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    • Lemme check out a few uninhabited islands out there for sale......

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      • thegypsysailor

        For someone who doesn't like talking, you seem pretty damn unimaginative.
        Beyond deserted islands there are often deserts and mountainous areas in most countries, where one could live far from others.
        But since you seem to have the budget for a deserted island, and you aren't the swiftest one around, then you can search for your deserted island in the magazine, now get this because it's really hard to believe they actually named it this, "Islands"!
        You are welcome for the help.
        ps. There is also a web site, unbelievably named, (are you ready?) "Islands.com".

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