I hate people who leave gum under everything

I frequently see people who leave gum everywhere. On the pool floor, on the seats in lectures, under tables, on walls, on public phones, and practically everywhere else. Everytime I run into gum, I have the urge to hunt them down, chain them to a table, rip all their teeth out and pour salt in their wounds. These people do not deserve teeth.

OK I exaggerated it, but is it normal to be this annoyed by them?

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87% Normal
Based on 78 votes (68 yes)
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Comments ( 21 )
  • Isn't it time to forgive and forget?

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    • Well if people keep doing it, how can I forget?

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      • robbieforgotpw

        I only hate when I step in gum or even a dog dump for that matter.

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      • True. Isn't it time to forgive and ignore?

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        • Ignore and have the problem get worse.

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          • One must turn the other cheek.

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  • Jerid

    The question is - why would you NOT hate them? Or at least dislike the act of leaving the trash (that was in their mouths once) on public property. Especially when the property is not Public, but your own.

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  • blackalica

    Now when you say 'Everything' ._.

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  • Faceless

    Check out the Market Theater Gum Wall in Seattle. Youll love it I swear.

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  • Elf.

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  • What's worse is coming up out of the water and finding a used band-aid on your forehead.

    It didn't happen to me personally, but it was funny to watch.

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  • anna.ahsan

    i hate them too.

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  • Moonbow

    I hate people who chew gum, or even worse, bubble gum, and smack and pop bubbles. It's VERY irritating and very unprofessional if you're at work. There's nothing worse than calling some governmental agency and having the person you're talking to smacking gum in your ear. This doesn't happen as often with private companies, probably because they hire higher-class people (i.e., no minorities) and won't allow their employees to chew gum.

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  • notbnormal

    It's so disgusting, and the worse thing is when it's under a table or chair, and you go to move it and accidentally touch it, and it's still somewhat soft.

    I had women who leave their chewed gum on the ledge in the women's change rooms at work. And these are business "professionals" coming in to try on dress suits on their lunch break. Such pigs!

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  • PapzBSlim

    I understand and would like to make these people "pay" for their inconvenience. I have learned to just deal with people being inconsiderate and just watch every step that I take. The worst is when I step out of my car and the gum is right there for me to step on. My awareness is at an all-time high now.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Yes, this is one of the things I hate about public places. It's so inconsiderate and immature. I once took a art class at CC for a week and the undersides of the tables in the room were covered in gum. It was disgusting, especially if you absentmindedly put your hand on it. It's worrisome when you consider how unhygienic it is and the fact that you don't know if the original chewer had some sort of health condition that might have even been contagious. This pisses me off as much as people who litter, but I guess you could consider this a form of littering. Why can't people properly dispose of it? Haven't they heard of tissues or a trash can?

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  • dirtybirdy

    Its fuckin nasty. Spit and grossness from their mouth ewwwwww

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  • DarkBlue

    It's very disgusting..I would hunt them down with you too :D

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  • yesnomaybeso

    I agree, it's SO annoying. I really wish people would grow up and stopped doing this.

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