I hate pets so can i be a good parent?

I used to like cats and hate dogs, but now I just find both utterly annoying. I hate having to deal with all their bullshit, listening to all their mewing, barking etc, and making sure they aren't constantly knocking multiple things over.

Does this mean I would make a bad father? Would I be callous and insensitive to the needs of my child? Or am I just normal?

Voting Results
63% Normal
Based on 57 votes (36 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • Mel

    Obviously you know that kids make noise, knock things over, make messes, get in trouble..etc so I understand you questioning that in comparison to animals. I think animals are much easier to take care of than kids...but its very different. You are much more emotionally invested with your children, & that can be a good thing OR a bad thing, if you have no patience. I say spend time with children aften, before making that decision...& remember other peoples kids, are also very different from your own. But you'll get some sort of idea. :)

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  • assdfghjkl

    I think calgarth has the right idea in this instance. Sometimes, I worry about this too. Because sometimes the puppy-dog can get to be a bit much for me and I feel really sick of dealing with it - but I want a human baby and I feel like I would do well with a human baby but I wonder if I would because I sometimes I suck at dealing with the animals. I think it comes down to valuing a person more than an animal? idk this turned out longer and more wordy than I intended but I hope I got my point across?

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  • Hating pets has nothing whatsoever to do with whether or not you will be a good parent. Some of the very best parents do not own pets and will not allow their children to own pets.

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  • dogs don't knock things over but well big dogs do.buy a little dogi have a maltipoo (mixed with a poodle and a malties)or a yorkie

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  • sherry

    My mother in law hated animals and she was an awful, selfish hateful mother. Sounds like you're low on patience. Kids are much worse. You never get a break from them.

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    • My mother-in-law loves animals, especially dogs, and she's the meanest, most hateful, F-ing bit*h who ever lived and all her kids hate her! Loving or hating animals has nothing whatsoever to do with whether or not a person will make a good parents.

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    • assdfghjkl

      yes you do! they go off to school and eventually they have to move out!

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  • It doesn't necessarily mean that, but it's very responsible of you to consider that option. I find dogs to be easier to look after than little kids, but that could be because I'm very passionate and educated about them. They are similar, but have their differences.

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