I hate poor people

I hate poor people so much they disgust me.

They are so stupid, they live in the ghetto, they eat sh*tty food, and they always whine about how poor they are and talk about "getting out of the ghetto".

Here is what is funny. I live on social security and I get $700 a month. I rent a room in a huge new home in a super rich area. And the home is worth over 500K. Yet I make probably 1/3 of what most people do in the ghetto.

Also when I go out to eat in the ghetto the prices are always like 3 times as much for sh*t food. And they always charge for each drink. And then when you pay by credit card they always check your id.

I also hate poor cities. Like El Paso for instance. When I lived in the ghetto of El Paso everybody called a certain area of town the "rich" area. And the people who lived there acted like rich snobs. But what is funny is the "rich" area in that city would be considered poor in a rich city like las vegas. Our lower middle class is richer then their "high" class area but they don't go around acting like rich snobs. They are just poor people who think they are better than other poorer people.

That brings me to my second point. I HATE rich people. They usually go to country clubs and they think they are so great. They drive mercedes and lexus and they see everyones value in how rich they are. And they only care about money.

Here is my third point. I HATE middle class people. They are usually perfectly ok with being average their whole lives. Most of the time they have their heads up their assess and they think everyone in the world lives just like they do.

And when I say low/middle/high class I am talking about mentality.

I pretty much hate anyone that fits into their stereotype.

unless your emo then i like you

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35% Normal
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Comments ( 89 )
  • Judgeofbros

    so let me get this straight.

    you hate poor people
    you hate rich people
    you hate people in the middle class

    From an economic standpoint that accounts for roughly... 100%% of all families.

    You are one hateful little bastard aren't you?

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  • sushii

    So you hate low-middle-upper classes? Than what are you? Making $700/month, wow. Is that allowence from your parents? Or is that the money you earned by collecting empty bottles and garbage? Even a grocery worker makes more than you. You sound like a retard who obviously got some mental issues.

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    • delling

      The 700 is SSI. He is disabled.

      He's also kind of an asshole, but so are you now.

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  • JoeyAnne

    wow, you are one stupid fuck. thats probably why you're so emo huh? no body likes you so you dont like anyone?

    man i'd fucking b*tch slap you back into your mama. grow up a bit and then read what you wrote. tell me then how stupid you sound. what are you 14? 15? you've got some balls to be saying that.

    first of all, poor people, you think any of them were given the same opportunites as you? and you think ALL of them complain? my best friends mom was fucking homeless and moved her way up, she never did complain. so dont you dare be so judgemental.

    second of all, rich people, you think all of them were so lucky enough to not understand the meaning of hard work? how do you think they got there stupid.

    third of all, middle class, "being average their whole lives"? um, no! its the American Dream, they're after dumbass. you swear everyone thinks the way you do think they do.

    in case you havent noticed, this whole social class you're trying to present is nonsense. EVERYONE is in the working class. even YOU! the lower, the middle, and the high. we all work for something. we all gotta survive somehow. this mentality you think everyone thinks like is bull. just because you've been to, what 2 cities? you think you know everything?

    by the way dumbass, 'ghetto' is a space created for a specific ethnic group. you think they had the choice? no stupid, it was the city constructors, the land developmentors, it was pre-determined that they'd be there.

    learn a thing or two before you start thinking the way you think is fucking normal. get off this site.

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  • nobodysnormalanyway

    when you use the word "your" to describe someone, it is the contraction for "you are" so be sure and spell it you're.

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    • BrianPomona126

      Well I'm poor, I'm 21 and still can't afford my first car yet. I don't even have my license. My vehicle is a $150 mountain bike from Target. I'm not all ghetto and stupid. Just lacking of money.

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  • Juche1

    Comrades when the revolution comes I say we hang this bourgeoisie pig for his crime against the people.

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  • piglet117

    you hate poor people because you only hear from the whiney ones, you just dont know any normal poor people because they dont act retarded and talk about "getting out of the ghetto"

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  • tintedcouture

    Stop hating people! There's enough of that already. You need to try to develop a more positive view, I don't know maybe by seeing some suffering.

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  • i completely agree with all of you i have since realized what a pathetic hateful doushbag i am and am trying to work on being less of a bitter asshole

    thank you all for helping me realize this

    no i'm not being sarcastic either

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  • You are on welfare, full of hate and bitterness, and full of false confidence about how clever you are and how dumb everyone else is. The comments here put it another way: you are full of shit; everyone sees through you. I hope you are able to do something useful with it.

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  • buriedalive

    These stereotypes only exist because people like you perpetuate them. If society keeps saying 'this is how the middle class act' etc then that's how they'll act. Anyway, have you ever thought that maybe people who do fit a stereotype do so because it makes them happy? Who are you to say that they're wrong to do whatever the hell they like? Imho, there's nothing more pathetic than someone who's different for the sake of being different (ie, not because they want to be, but because they think it'll be 'cool' or just to please other people.) <- That wasn't a stab at emos btw (well, not all of them)

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    • Mersaphe

      preach brother!!!

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    • Nick8414

      I agree

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  • bruuno

    I hate emo kids so much! every time I see one, I just want to kick it in the face!

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    • Astinos

      I feel the same

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  • mineeskirtzox

    What a fucking idiot.
    Racist bitch.

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  • oskilover18

    I'm sorry ... I have to say that this post just made me laugh. Stupid self indulgent people are so amusing to me... at least at 2am when I'm too tired to be irritated.

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  • Shazam

    Forreal i agree with you. i know rich people and poor people, and anyone that classifies themselves into that category is stupid. Complaining is stupid, everybody has shit to go through. Bragging is stupid, get over yourself. The real people are the ones who are themselves, not the image or stereotype of a ghetto kid or a rich kid. Big up to you for writing this, people need to look a little closer at it and realize how real it is.

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  • JaydenB

    So you hate the rich, the poor, and the in-between, right? That'd mean you hate yourself.

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    • rachel027

      Ok, just a quick point- My family and I are very wealthy; a $500k house isn't anything and yeah we have a membership to all our state's country clubs and yeah I do drive a 2010 Range Rover, but guess what. My family has worked their ass' off to have what we have today, so get your f***ing ass off your ghetto house porch and find a job and stop complaining about what you don't have. I can also tell you that we don't just care about money, get your facts straight; just this year, I have given over $800k and spent over 500 hours of volunteer work for various charities. STOP SMOKING YOUR WEED AND GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT :)

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      • timisagodamongmen

        Not to boast but u need to step up your volunteering. Im a senior in high school, and i already have like 300 service hours. Imma gonna catch you.

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  • hotchickie81

    i hate welfare bums. not the ones who NEED it, but the idiots who stay on it for LIFE!

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  • activecatcow

    Wow. You're really shallow.
    You have a problem. You're really not as good as you think you are.
    And now that Obama is president everyone is going to be poor. So be ready to hate everyone around you.

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    • CoonCat15

      Now that Obama is president everyone is going to be poor? capitalism will never allow this in America and he already hates everyone

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  • ajayz

    Yes you are normal, most classes of people suck, In my area we have,
    drunk bums
    they are fuked they drink and stick and eat out of bins
    gay bitches
    they fuk each other constantly and lick shit
    rich snobs
    they kill themselves working to try and be better than you
    middle class losers
    they pride themselves on having to work hard for comparitivly nothing and pay $900pw rent so that they can complain about more things
    low class/travelrs/cheap basterds
    they pay $20 per night to live in hostels and drink wine until passing out
    and me
    im a combination of all of the above so actualy me is the class of people i hate the most

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    • brokenman

      what a bunch of stuck up spoiled ungrateful little shits. not everyone was born with a silver spoon in their mouth. I POOR and i resent you sob for all that you say against people less fortunate than you. we are all human beings. you make ME sick all of you

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  • Astinos

    You must be a stupid High-middle class kid thats trying to be Emo and fit in to much and pobably got beat up in prep-school for it.

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    • fuckallyalls


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  • st_jimmy88

    Sounds like you just hate (or just want people to think you hate) everyone. It also sounds like your thought process is trapped in a world of cliche Hollywood tropes. Have fun with that, you absurd, sad little person.

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  • Cheese123

    I can tell you come from a disadvantaged background by your diction. Self hating poor people are depressing.

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  • Kobe6969

    I triple dog dare you too put your name and state. If you do cause of your POOR comman sense. I wish you the best

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  • Joe64

    It looks like you are living beyond your means spending all your money on nice houses and stuff when you can't really afford. You are the people who mess up society you are a snob with no money I am a well thought of business man and a multy millionaire I wasn't born with a sliver spoon in my mouth and made all my money from scratch I have never lived beyond my means and have never been in det apart from my mortgage for my first house when i was 25 today I can pay up front for my house with a check and not mortgages and I don't have to worry about it trust me my life is the way to live

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  • slutzombie

    hahahah 700 a month is dirt poor bro

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  • CopperU2

    Ur a funnie

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  • 800imawesome

    You have doucheitis. This can be cured easily, but only through painful injections into the epidermis.

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  • NerdyChickFTW

    I'm poor. And I don't live in the ghetto. Or eat shitty food. And I still grew up to be a top student in my class. I've just had a hard life because of the economy where I live. Is that so wrong?

    ..Stupid bastard.

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  • dorayla

    grow up get a job you sound like a spoiled little brat =P

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  • TheLegitShit88

    you hate too much and how can you hate a snob YOUR A SNOB YOURSELF YOU ASSWIPE

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  • anarchy-is-glory

    Emo is a subgenera of hardcore. It's a kind of music. "Emos" does not exist.

    You are a poser and a troll. ..|.,

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  • theAnomilyGuy

    Dumb post. I hate emos more than any of the people you mentioned.

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  • howaminotmyself

    I am so glad to live no where near you. I feel sorry for you. You are so full of envy and hate that you fail to see how beautiful people can be. Just be happy with what you have and never take for granted the opportunities that are presented to you. And don't compare you life to the lives of others and judge them for it.

    Put your energy into something useful. If you hate it so much, do something about it. Support your local economy. Don't complain about ID checking, identity theft is a real problem and the worker is only doing their job.

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  • MercedesBenz

    I think the OP just needs to bite a bullet and do us all a favor. :)

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  • shortstuff=D

    I dont understand my family use to be poor but now im not i dont know about them cause when i turned 18 i moved out of the country. but i live in a 345,897 house i live in a rich neighbor hood but im not a stuck up snobby ass bitch.

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  • ladyluck31

    LMAO, so you hate yourself... i'am right, what a fucking idiot you are..lmao

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  • anya07

    and I hate you damn.poor or rich.what a difference.we all are humans.maybe they dont know how to eat in restaurants or such things its cause they hardly go there

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  • EqualOpportunityHater

    You come off very abrasive, but I think your intentions are in the right place. I mean you basically claim to hate EVERYBODY, but maybe it's just PHONY people that you don't like: People who pretend to be something that they're not, don't take the time to show care or respect to one another, and who act like their way of living is the only right way.

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  • afronaut


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  • CarolineZ

    I think this is brilliant! The smartest and funniest thing I've read in a long time. I wish I'd thought of it!

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  • you have no clue what people go thru everyday...
    i hate people like you, not poor people, rich people, or middle class people

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  • Gidget

    So u hate everyone

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  • KimmyKhaosXD

    I wouldnt call myself poor I mean I dont live in the ghetto but Im not quite rich. I dont complain though, I go out and do something about it. I wouldnt call myself emo, but lots of people say im a scene kidd lol.

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  • gnome

    your a freak man, you live in somewhere over 500k and your an emo? whatever u talk bull.

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  • rainmay

    i guess that some mentalities can get annoying at times, but u need to realize that no human being is perfect...

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  • dimple_27

    thats definitely not normal...um i come from a poor socioeconomic background might i add an extremely poor socioeconomic background and im living in the ghetto and go to one of the best universities in canada not only for a degree with no use but im pre med i feel like using the word bitch but i wont ... so i dont know were your coming from and your ridiculous

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  • FreeStyle786

    Poor people have no choice in their living. How could you hate someone who can barely live a decent life?

    Rich people are mostly in love with money and blinded by it. You may have a reason for hating on some of them.

    Middle class people are people just trying to survive in this world on what they can. Of coarse some of them are happy with mediocrity. But unless they become rich they must live with the "average". You have no reason for hating on them expect for that fact that your full of ignorance.

    You talk of everyone basically and how you hate them. Yet you collect social security. It better be for good reason and not just milking the system, now those are the people to hate.

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  • djG22

    ur ignorant piece of sh*t.
    grow up.

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    • _FreakInthebed_

      i agree wit the guy that said i hope he gets bankrupt not all poor people live in the ghetto how r u suppose to knoe they live there when u dont u need to stop not everyone has money not everyone can getr a job its not easy on life
      so u need to stop bitch cuz one day ur gonna get ur ass beat by pooor people AND U NEED A LIFE U BITCH GROW UPPPP

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  • omcjunkie1977

    Even though you are a stupid fuck I still will not use the word hate to describe my feelings toward people like you. Instead I will say I dislike stupid people that post stupid shit. I hope a poor person stuffs your ass in a garbage can and rolls it in front of a city bus you stupid fuckstain.

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  • esreverlogic

    Living off social security is a federal offense unless you actually cannot do work or support yourself. You are being monitored by the FBI, be careful, for these could be your last days out of a super maximum security federal prison.

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  • chunkybongo

    HATE is a killer - try to get away from it any way you can! It will kill you. It is a lie; it will weaken your spirit; it will bring you to your demise. Any time you hear yourself saying 'I HATE' something, shut up and think of what you're really saying. You're only hating yourself. I know it sounds cliche as hell, but it's still true: LOVE is the most powerful force in the world! LOVE will bring you happiness, not all this bullshit about hating different socioeconomic classes based on shallow stereotypes...

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  • lovemybetchez

    Who cares what you think? Your odviously retarded.

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  • joliegems

    You sound like you have anger issues. I get the whole poor thing, I have noticed how everything is more expensive in the ghetto, its because they steal so much business have to raise their prices.

    Anyway, try concentrating on yourself and what good your are doing in the world instead of everyone else.

    Also, I hate emos,they are always sad and complaining.

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  • lawlawl

    I hope you go bankrupt YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE.

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  • Fleabitten

    You're pathetic. Why don't you actually learn about how people live instead of buying into false stereotypes?

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  • chickenfoot

    I take it you're a 12 year kid who doesn't know his arse from his elbow. Go read some books fuckface.

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  • annonymous332


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  • SpillZone

    congragulations, your a socialist. :)

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  • sansimage

    yeah stereotypical emo airhead

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  • HawkEye1211

    Your a douchebag

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  • ConsequenceOfSounds

    So you hate EVERYONE... but emos? That's interesting.

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  • pick somethin u like and stick wit it cuz this here is ridiculous, i know rich, poor and middle class people, a lot of people i know that live in the slums of new orleans & surrounding areas do not whine and complain about it, we party!! lol, u need friends no scratch that, u need Jesus.

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  • anabolic19

    your just a spoilt brat
    i'd love for you to have to spend a week with nothing
    you wont survive in life i guarantee it

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  • M0J00

    skrew you! poor people arent intentionaly poor you dumbass

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  • Rustin

    If i knew you, i would shoot you, without a feeling through my body.

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  • RoadRunner

    See how capitalism structures not only society and economy but also the mind?

    If you don't want to be like the things you dislike, then restructure your mind. Get into meditation or something. Just the fact that you acknowledge those people and "know the way they are" means that you need to also change you mindset because you fit into one of those categories like it or not lol.

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  • abnormalfreak

    im not poor, but im also not wealthy. but i think you are abnormally retarded and have no feelings for anyone. you'll never get a gf or bf with this shit-talking! go piss of!

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  • Eye_of_the_beholder

    i never knew how someone could hate so many people..
    You have a very immature outlook on the people around you - if you met a person that you didn't know their class, befriended that person then discovered they were poor would you just suddenly hate them?
    If the answer is yes, you obviously do get out much and for that i feel sorry for you.
    What would you define as poor, rich or middle class? You may have met bad people from each class which has tainted your view on other people - this is common with a lot of prejudiced cases.
    Just wondering, have you any friends that you can confide in? that you can actually talk to? If you do you will find that they are either rich,middle class or poor. Just saying.
    Actually, i can understand why you hate so much - you're bitter about things and you haven't had much luck so far - i can relate, honest to God i can. But hating people will get you no-where.
    A lot of poor people cannot help being poor - i completely agree with Candid on that side of things.
    Sorry, but you need to really think about what you have just written and grow up. Go meet people and stop moping around drowning in your hate - it isn't healthy.
    Take care

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  • candid

    At first when I began reading your story I thought it was well thought out and intelligent as it sounded as if you were saying that poor people had as much income as you have or more, yet they don't manage it well so have to live a bad way of life.

    Then you went on to say that you also hate 'middle class' and 'high class' people, so that sounded a bit ignorant.

    I personally believe that we come into this world in better or worse circumstances with more or less opportunities than others, but later on a lot of it depends on choices and priorities. A lot of people always manage to keep themselves poor no matter what.

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  • dnnirx

    wow man, thats not cool...here is one confession from me...i hate ignorant ppl like u, how bout that one?

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  • chelster127

    i actually agree with you. i wouldn't exactly say that i live in the "ghetto" but i do live in a area the isn't exactly on the right side of the tracks. but what i don't understand is how someone can constantly make excuses for themself and wake up each morning telling themself what a failure they are instead of actually attempting to do better grow the fuck up! cry to your mother because everyone else doesn't give a rat's ass!!

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    • thanks i dont know what i think anymore i wrote this when i was in a bad mood

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  • Caramelz

    Wow boy do you have issues!!!
    As if all those poor people had a choice between eating a nice rich meal instead of trash food! I bet youre either jsut tyring to fill this website with your made-up trash or you REALLY need some help from a shrink pal..You shouldnt even be working around people , with the amount of hate you have youre a menace to society...

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  • tintedcouture

    Stop hating yourself!

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  • cavemanc

    thanks for sharing the love...i'm sure everyone feels better having heard that. :(

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  • mrbob

    i bet you're poor

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  • StrawberryBlossoms87

    Okay, I had to comment on this lol.
    First of all, I guess if I had to stereotype myself, I'd be in the middle class spectrum, YET I do WORK for a living, as opposed to someone like you, who whines about everything and everyone unless they're a dude, wearing eyeliner, too tight a pants and a plaid skirt, AND you're also living off of me, if you think about it, I pay taxes, and you live off the state (How ambitious) so um, if you have no respect for people who pay your bills, then you must be Bananas!!

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    • i_am_cornholio


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  • I am so happy your daddy pampers you. I on the other hand, have no choice as my parents are addicts and have to struggle. Being poor isn't an option for me, I am most annoyed that your outlook upon life is extremely shallow and full of ignorance.

    Poorer people, not the "ghetto whores" like you stated, tend to live an honest life and work HARDER than Middle Class fucks like yourself. What pisses me off the most is that no matter how hard I try or how well I do in college, you will probably make more money than myself and this is truly not fair, YOU DO NOT DESERVE WHAT YOU GET FOR FREE!

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