I hate religion.

I hate religion. I know some people reading this are already beginning to dislike me, but i just think that life would be a helluva lot simpler without it. All it does is cause arguments and terrorism, wars, etc. Think about it,things like the Gunpowder Plot, the Crusades, Al Qaeda, all of them caused by religion and the so -called 'peaceful' ways.

And also, the concept of a god creating everything is absolutely absurd as seen from a third-party perspective. Say you were an alien, from a distant planet that had never even heard of any sort of deity in your life, the entire concept is just ridiculous.

Imagine how much more scientifically advanced humans could be if only we hadnt had the burden of religion from unlocking the secrets of the universe. People have been brainwahed from day one. I reckon the entire religion of Catholicism was probably invented by some greedy, power-hungry, evil person who just wanted to exploit peoples' naivety for his own personal benefit.

Atheism FTW!

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Comments ( 29 )
  • BUGABOO-666-

    I also couldn't agree more. I was raised in a Christian household and my entire family is Christian, but I just can't associate myself with that shit. It's ridiculous and, in my opinion, valueless for my life. I have better things to worry about and life's too short to devote it to something that may or may not exist.

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  • jrphotographer

    I couldnt agree more. It creates more problems like wars, etc. Than it helps people.

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  • SpontaneousSteve

    Well I agree with religion... It's ridiculous! Its Money hungry, idk it's not my thing. But I do believe there is a God.. Once you encounter the love of God, he will guide you to all the right directions.. I must sound crazy and you guys would probably say it's all in my mind but the things I have experienced were so amazing... Speaking in tongue was 1. Never would have believed I would speak without me controlling it.. 2. My prayers have been answered continuously and that cannot be a coincidence because that just doesn't happen.

    There's soooo much I can write my friends and I'm not some hardcore believer yet but I'm on my way up there..

    Last thing I want to say.. If you had minutes to live, and you knew you were going to die, would you pray to God and ask him to forgive you for everything? Thank you brothers in sisters.

    God is alive, he is real. No joke people. We are nothing to decide if Gods real or not. Of course it's confusing, it is not here to be understood. Say what you want, think what you want. He stands over you like the micro bug you are. God bless

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    • majoraay

      So people feel free to believe in religion!
      Faith is in the human heart, not some god that looks down on us, the bible is a book written by a clever group of people to create control!
      How can we listen to religions?
      How many people were burned at the stake for witchcraft by religious partys?
      Where would science be if these people had not been burnt at the stake by religious groups?
      How can we listen to religious people that tell us to help the poor and sick when they pay more for a new roof than most of us earn in a life time.
      The church should be made to sell all its property and the money given to science, this would be justice for all the people burnt at the stake for witchcraft, because surely they were just old fashioned scientist dabbling with herbs and star charts.
      Can the church not be done for war crimes?
      They were at war with witchcraft, but they got it wrong as always and just killed herbalists, and people who were looking for answers!
      The church needs to be punished for this, I believe science would be alot more advanced if the church had never interfeared with what it believed as witchcraft!
      But who am I to say, a single person in a world of billions! The scary part is that most of these billions are religious!

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  • Jen118584

    I agree completely. If only more people would wake the fuck up.

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  • Uhm. Where is the is it normal ? Thing in this? Hmm?(:

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  • missladyc

    I was raised a christian but as soon as I moved out of my moms house I dropped religion. My bf is atheist and I now believe in science only.

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  • huBelial


    I also hate religion and the idea of God.

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  • Schythl

    Why aren't there more people in the world like the one who wrote this story? I like you, dude.

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  • @moonbeamc1458 : that was a ridiculous comment. I did not call Catholics greedy, i called the person who invented their religion greedy. Saying Catholics are greedy would be like saying that someone who got ripped off by a shady salesman is greedy because they let themself get ripped off. No. I was simply stating the only logical theory that came to mind in adherence to my beleifs. Lets just assume for this instance that there is no god. Why else would someone invent such a religion other than the purpose of gaining worldwide followers and money. There was once a time in history where the world was run by Creationists, and look where that got them. Greedy royalty, wars, systems where people were ranked as lower and higher class based (although not explicitly so) on there ancestry, and shitty education. Everyone was lacking proper education because it was common 'knowledge' that everything happens because 'god intended it to'. It took real bright sparks like Newton and Gallileo to actually make any contribution to the scientific world, unlike today anyone can go to uni and get a degree and work in Science. Proper scientists like Darwin and Gallileo were frowned upon because of their findings. Galileo, for example, was threatened to be burned alive by the Catholic church for his findings on heliocentrism. In my opinion the people have let this get WAY too out of hand. Religion is counterproductive to society and i think everyone should just embrace Evolution as the correct explanation for our existence.

    I am not an anti-christ, and i am not condemning any follower of any religion (except, of course, the extremists: suicide bombers, etc), i just dont accept your ignorant attitude

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  • I think most people take comfort in the thought that God created earth, and that by praising him, you're destined for greatness in the afterlife.

    Religion is difficult. Due to the fact that my entire family is Christian, I HAVE to be. Being an atheist is out of the question, and my kids will one day have to do the same.

    I do think that we'd all be better off without religion though.

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    • majoraay

      Seven is right, you are a hypocrite!
      How can you follow something you dont believe and force your children into it as well, that is truly wrong!
      Grow a spine and stand up for your beliefs!
      Or go on believing in a bunch of murdering religious fools who have no idea how to help the people who really need it!

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    • you don't have to do anything if you don't agree with it don't it? thats annoying to me, if your whole family were mass murders would you HAVE to be too? i feel bad for your children.

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  • jessica1617

    Religon is a cult. Ive been raised in a Christian fanatic home full of hypocrtical ppl. Lets go get wasted over the weekend its ok God will forgive you the next day. lets all have one big orgy but its ok God will forgive you. Pathetic.

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  • Your_Neighbor

    I believe in God, just like any living being who wants to believe there is some almighty deity who can do anything, something to turn towards to when there is no hope. But, religion, was made by man. I hate religion due to the fact that people so blindly follow it, and the people who let themselves go too far into forget that other people are humans as well. Most religions speak of acceptance, peace, and love, but yet the ones who follow it will gladly break those rules, and discriminate people who don't think the way they do. Another thing that Religion makes people do is forget logic, to forget the truth, on Youtube there is this little boy who posts videos of himself denying logic, saying, "That god made everything, there is no such thing as science, there is more proof that god is real than the Big Bang theory or that Charles Darwin crap". I truly believe in God, that there is an almighty being somewhere that we can turn to where there is no hope, but I hate Religion, because it is only creation of humanity that encourages more rancor than love and honestly, it all is a whole bunch of BS.

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    • god and religion are both stories told by man, you weren't there was god born or what ever, so some one had to tell you, so i don't see how you can believe in god but not like religion.

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      • Your_Neighbor

        I listed my reasons for wanting to believe in God in the very same comment you replied to...please re read it.

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  • geen555

    People are always questioning the existence & the meaning of religion. it's logic to do so so i am not condemning anybody who does the latter. However, to blame all of the world's troubles solely on religion seems doesn't quite fit this argument. Wars for eg, is not a product of religion. religion in a wide sense, never encouraged war. War is simply a product of man itself. In many cases, people USE religion as an excuse to discriminate and attack. In truth, there is a lot more that goes into this picture- social, economic & political concerns. Here, i can agree with 1 thing- mere human greed drives people to obtain intangible things such as power, status or tangible things for example oil, diamonds, etc.

    A SIDE the shit that goes on in the world, some of u may not agree, religion serves as moral guidelines for individuals. i guess it depends which religion you are, but Islam is a religion, which is always misinterpreted. It is a religion that does not make rules to make people's lives harder. In fact, it does the opposite. For eg, a muslim woman is actually not required to cover her face or mouth. This would make it hard to eat or even properly speak to someone. (anyways, i do not want to get into detail)

    hopefully this will give you some insight =)

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    • Uzzie101

      Most wars are directly related to religion, however. That's a historical fact! Even WW2 can be connected to religion.

      And praying to god before you die is out of fear, and when you're afraid you can't think logicly (biological fact) so yeah, you'd probably pray to some god if you find it comforting. That doesn't make it real though.

      There's simply no way I can write all I have to say about your comment in this, it would take too long, but you need to read some books on human nature, we believe in god just because we were clever enough to invent the idea, to explain why people have "speaking toungue" seizures, and other thing's we couldn't explain before. We can explain lots of them now, so, ya know...read up on them.

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      • geen555

        perhaps it is a historical fact. but there is a hidden truth. and like i said, religion solely cannot be the cause of wars. perhaps you can enlighten me about how WW2 maybe connected to religion. WW2 as i know arose due to humans themselves. not religion. Yes hitler was an anti-jew BUT it wasn't like christianity/judaism encouraged war.

        religion itself is a not sufficient reason for the cause of wars.

        what about war over ownership of land? war over women? war over resources? trust me ive done my reading and there are tonnes of reasons why people would even dare to start wars.

        and think logically, how is it that life even came to be? there must be some force that has created it all. including us. US humans? where and how did we even obtain the capacity to think and invent? don't you think that this might concern something bigger than us? truly you do not believe charles darwin's theory of evolution? The link that creates, interconnects and changes life is beyond us. Whether or not we believe in god, we are simply a minute part of a larger picture

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  • Mormodes

    Religion has some great positions on moral values. If each person could take but a few things from any religion, it should be to treat others as you would be, along with general tolerance.

    You are right though, most all wars have been either because of religion or resources. Religion plays a key factor in holding back scientific study as well as keeping the general majority uninformed and happy with poverty. The Bible teaches us poverty isn't a bad thing, yet when you look at who is making the money (CEO's making upwards of 30 million dollars a year) we can see this is clearly unfair. The best part is, most of those are former politicians, mostly republican, and mostly proclaim they are very religious.

    Atheism also has its problems though. Some say that Atheism is just as stubborn as religion. An Atheist will declare there is nothing "supernatural", and thus blocks out any ideas from that point of view just as readily as the religious blocks the view that there is nothing "supernatural".

    Agnosticism seems like a good alternative, stating that either way (supernatural or not) we cannot know if there is more. Religion's argument is nearly impossible to fight because it is purely based on faith. It is like trying to prove an invisible, undetectable creature exists. How can you know if you have no physical proof or detection? We cannot know that the supernatural exists, but saying that it just doesn't just proves you to be as close minded as the person who says it does.

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  • phillipphung94

    Perhaps Religon hates you. It's a reciprocating relationship. Everybody wins!

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    • ps. your just as bad hating religion as those who love it, your a hypocrite.

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  • ItsOnlyJustMe

    Religious fanatics ruin religion for everyone, I agree. But religion in and of itself doesn't have to be a bad thing. I like the concept of treating Jesus like people treat fairy tales, stories with characters that teach good morals, but don't necessarily have to have actually happened. Some of the basic teachings of any religion, really, are very good at heart. It's just that 99% of the world tends to lose sight of that.

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    It sounds perhaps like you dislike the PEOPLE in religions.

    yes it may occur to you to hate actual faiths but unless a religion specifically says, "start a war to spread me" ... it's PEOPLE doing it rather than the religion.

    After all, for all that you hate in religion, there are many people who don't use their faiths as a vehicle of hatred, people who can believe in their own faiths without attacking others for theirs.

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  • Powermad80

    I can't believe all of the intolerant dickbrains commenting on here. Poster, yes, I do hate you. Especially since you called the creator of Catholicism greedy and selfish. May I remind you that Jesus, who created Catholicism, is and was not the TINYEST bit selfish or greedy. Everything he did was for everyone's good. I believe in the not-imaginary actual real powerful but loving God that created you all even though you don't give a fuck about him. You hate religion, I hate Atheism. ATHEISM EPIC FAIL!

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    • My point, God ISN'T real! You are brainwashed.
      See, your comment just proves my point. Saying that Catholicismis not greedy because 'Jesus wasn't' is ridiculous and arbitrary.

      My point is, you have been taken in by a powerhungry attention whore that lived millenia ago. You dedicate your life to something that isn't even true. You only get ONE life, kid.

      Your argument lacks logic; your name says it all. Get off my page.

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  • Powermad80

    Your fucking brain lacks logic. Read the New Testament of the Bible, you called the creator of Catholicism greedy and a person who wanted to manipulate people, prepare to learn about the nicest and least-selfish and greedy person who ever lived-whether or not you think he was the Son of God. And I ask you, where is your proof that God isn't real? If you respond, "it makes no sense," or "It contradicts science," I'll assume you're senile living in a nursing home and stop arguing with a dickbrain who thinks were the result of the universe exploding by pure chance. We didn't happen by accident. Your theory of the life on another planet not knowing of such a deity makes no sense either. How are we so different from such other life? Why would that life not have formed Religions like humans have? Think about it.

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  • moonbeamc1458

    you had me until you called catholics greedy...
    I see it both ways, but in the end am still catholic. just like in the end you're an asshole.

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